Do you think Tucker is embarrassed?


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
He’s an unapologetic pro-Russia propagandist, but even he might be feeling a little uncomfortable with developments after his trip to Moscow.

Can we please stop taking anything he says seriously?

So Russians don’t make as much as we do. Surprise, surprise. I don’t care for tucker, but that argument makes no sense.
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Tucker vs you lib/dims...............🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

He don't believe anything he broadcasts. We learned that from his text messages around 1/6.
He is just like many playing to MAGA.
It's all about ratings and money.
That would be true Mitchell. I will say mostly true. It is about ratings and money. But more democrats watch him than they do cnn and msnbc combined. He had the same ratings with pubs as Hannity and the others. The difference with tucker was how incredibly well he performed with democrats. You notice will knows exactly what he has been up to lately, but forgot Rachel Madcow was still on the air. He is Tucker’s bitch without knowing he is his bitch. It is magic.

You can go look up the ratings. I have posted it before. Dems have been what made tucker different in viewership. Isn’t that a hoot.
So Russians don’t make as much as we do. Surprise, surprise. I don’t care for tucker, but that argument makes no sense.
It doesn't make any sense to talk about food prices either. I guess Tucker would be extremely impressed with the Presidents of African and S. American countries as well. The poorer the country, the cheaper the prices in the grocery store. It's the reason a lot of retirees end up in countries like Thailand, Costa Rica etc. They can live like kings on a fairly modest retirement.
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It doesn't make any sense to talk about food prices either. I guess Tucker would be extremely impressed with the Presidents of African and S. American countries as well. The poorer the country, the cheaper the prices in the grocery store. It's the reason a lot of retirees end up in countries like Thailand, Costa Rica etc. They can live like kings on a fairly modest retirement.
Prices arent relative in either direction. In countries that have socialized med and all kinds of subsidies, they may have fewer take home dollars and more diposable income. That's why attacking Carlson on the income/price angle is absurd.

Conversely, Carlson's praise of the conditions in and around Moscow were somewhat meaningless as well. If you live in a prison, nobody GAF if it's cleaner than the streets of San Fran. I get his point but it wasnt apples to apples.
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He’s an unapologetic pro-Russia propagandist, but even he might be feeling a little uncomfortable with developments after his trip to Moscow.

Can we please stop taking anything he says seriously?

He’s certainly not embarrassed. He’s an absolute traitor. You don’t go to Russia and stump for the effing communists.

Like, what is going on in the world?

This is so crazy.
Many journalists over the years have interviewed the likes of Putin, Brezhnev and Castro. What's your point? An interview is not an endorsement.
An interview is not an endorsement, but an endorsement is an endorsement.

I assume you watched the segment? He is literally on Russian ground talking about how awesome things in Russia are while they blow up hospitals and apartment buildings and kill people.

Similarly, it wasn’t even an “interview”. It was Putin spouting propaganda almost completely unchecked.
An interview is not an endorsement, but an endorsement is an endorsement.

I assume you watched the segment? He is literally on Russian ground talking about how awesome things in Russia are while they blow up hospitals and apartment buildings and kill people.

Similarly, it wasn’t even an “interview”. It was Putin spouting propaganda almost completely unchecked.
No, I didn't watch. Was it any different than the deference the MSM pays to Obama and Biden?
No, I didn't watch. Was it any different than the deference the MSM pays to Obama and Biden?
I get it. You don’t like the democrats. Nor do I. But the answer is to run better candidates so we can win elections, not cozy up to the freaking Russian communists.

Our country is so polarized that when Biden sends money for Ukraine to defend itself we literally have Republicans therefore supporting the communist invaders.
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I get it. You don’t like the democrats. Nor do I. But the answer is to run better candidates so we can win elections, not cozy up to the freaking Russian communists.

Our country is so polarized that when Biden sends money for Ukraine to defend itself we literally have Republicans therefore supporting the communist invaders.
I’m being argumentative I know but the Republicans ran better candidates for Senate in Nevada, Washington and Pennsylvania and went 0-3. Perhaps it would have mattered in Georgia, but not in those 3 states. Some folks like myself can’t stand Russia but when 25% of our Ukrain aid is being siffened off (I heard that estimate on a radio show recently) by their leadership it certainly makes you pause or be more cautious
I get it. You don’t like the democrats. Nor do I. But the answer is to run better candidates so we can win elections, not cozy up to the freaking Russian communists.

Our country is so polarized that when Biden sends money for Ukraine to defend itself we literally have Republicans therefore supporting the communist invaders.
I don't disagree on the part about running better candidates. But I don't dislike Dems. I strongly disagree with the far left of the party.

But as for Russia, it is disingenuous and suppressive to claim anyone who questions or opposes sending billions to Ukraine is automatically supporting the communists. Ukraine is full of Nazis and corruption. We don't always have to knee-jerk support the enemy of our enemy. Sometimes we should let them fight it out and weaken each other. I don't like Putin, and I don't really like Ukraine either.
He don't believe anything he broadcasts. We learned that from his text messages around 1/6.
He is just like many playing to MAGA.
It's all about ratings and money.
It would appear this is a new version of TDS for you and others. Tucker Derangement Syndrome.
Why not just ignore him like we ignore CNN? Because he is in all of your heads.
That would be true Mitchell. I will say mostly true. It is about ratings and money. But more democrats watch him than they do cnn and msnbc combined. He had the same ratings with pubs as Hannity and the others. The difference with tucker was how incredibly well he performed with democrats. You notice will knows exactly what he has been up to lately, but forgot Rachel Madcow was still on the air. He is Tucker’s bitch without knowing he is his bitch. It is magic.

You can go look up the ratings. I have posted it before. Dems have been what made tucker different in viewership. Isn’t that a hoot.
cnn and msnbc combined usually have more viewers than Fox. Fox is still#1 as Democrats are split.
I get it. You don’t like the democrats. Nor do I. But the answer is to run better candidates so we can win elections, not cozy up to the freaking Russian communists.

Our country is so polarized that when Biden sends money for Ukraine to defend itself we literally have Republicans therefore supporting the communist invaders.
Appears you have it all figured out except for not realizing that the media is shaping your opinions for you. The corporate media is trashing the interview as “cozying up” and stumping for him. LOL. And you take it all in at face value.

Funny, that I don’t recall the media saying this when their approved “media messengers” interviewed Putin. (Ie Charlie Rose and Rachel Scott). The hypocrisy is blatant and laughable.
I get it. You don’t like the democrats. Nor do I. But the answer is to run better candidates so we can win elections, not cozy up to the freaking Russian communists.

Our country is so polarized that when Biden sends money for Ukraine to defend itself we literally have Republicans therefore supporting the communist invaders.
Ever heard of the Maiden Revolution? Guessing no, but I bet you have your flag up for a country that you couldn’t find on a map in 2019.

And calling Russia the commies but supporting Ukraine who just cancelled elections? The mental gymnastics required to support the approved narrative is mind boggling.
It would appear this is a new version of TDS for you and others. Tucker Derangement Syndrome.
Why not just ignore him like we ignore CNN? Because he is in all of your heads.
Hey, how are you!
Thanks for chiming in with this groundbreaking analysis!!
We are for sure the more wiser for it.
Bless you.
Hey, how are you!
Thanks for chiming in with this groundbreaking analysis!!
We are for sure the more wiser for it.
Bless you.
As we are all enlightened by you and your commentary. I take your derision as a badge of honor and your retort was as thoughtful as I expected.
I’m being argumentative I know but the Republicans ran better candidates for Senate in Nevada, Washington and Pennsylvania and went 0-3. Perhaps it would have mattered in Georgia, but not in those 3 states. Some folks like myself can’t stand Russia but when 25% of our Ukrain aid is being siffened off (I heard that estimate on a radio show recently) by their leadership it certainly makes you pause or be more cautious
I don’t doubt you heard that on a radio show. But there is there any credible source that will support that figure? I’m genuinely curious. So many in this thread have linked to wacky websites that are not reputable.

America is really becoming a country of affirmation over information.

Also, assuming that it’s true that 25% is siphoned off, does that mean we don’t arm Ukraine to kill the communists Russians? We absolutely still should.

Maybe not you, but we have people in this thread actively rooting for the communist Russians to win. Just because Donald Trump says something doesn’t mean a person has to believe it.
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cnn and msnbc combined usually have more viewers than Fox. Fox is still#1 as Democrats are split.

During the day they are about the same combined as fox is by itself. Big difference at night. My point was what made Tucker number one. His ratings were the same as the angle and Hannity among pubs. Dems watched Tucker in greater numbers than they did cnn or msnbc. He is literally the most popular watch for Dems. Which to me is amazing. Considering how much they hate him. All I was saying.

This article says cnn had its lowest rated year of all time. Pretty amazing and an indictment of left wing dominant msm outlets. When you spout the same spin over and over again, it becomes nothing new. Jan 6th and Trump. It drove ratings for a minute. But that minute is long gone.
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I think you are missing Tucker’s point(s). Tucker is not a pro Russian propagandist. He is an anti US Elitist. Not many people in the US are informed that the US push, ever since Clinton, to move the Ukraine into NATO, caused the Russian war on Ukraine. It was totally unnecessary. The Obama admin oversaw the coup of the neutral Ukraine president to put a west leaning puppet in as president in 2014. This lead to Russian annexing Crimea where their Black Sea military port was and started the civil war in Donbas. Thanks to US meddling. Not opinion, fact. Russia’s red line was NATO on its border. Unlike the US redlines Russia acted. Tucker is trying to expose the implementation of the New World order on unsuspecting US citizens. What sounds like conspiracy theories are slowly being exposed as realities. I went to Russia for 2 weeks on a photo shoot in 2 different cities, Yekaterinburg and Moscow. I was blown away with the people and how beautiful the cities were. That said Russia has its problems too and they are pointed out in our media. But you never hear about the good things in Russia. Only Putin. This Tucker video is an excellent example of the difference in NY and Moscow. I know because I went to the same place. It was fascinating. Don’t buy the propaganda that things in Russia suck beyond belief and everything is great in the US. The media slant is extreme and one can say this without being a Putin puppet, even Tucker.
I think you are missing Tucker’s point(s). Tucker is not a pro Russian propagandist. He is an anti US Elitist. Not many people in the US are informed that the US push, ever since Clinton, to move the Ukraine into NATO, caused the Russian war on Ukraine. It was totally unnecessary. The Obama admin oversaw the coup of the neutral Ukraine president to put a west leaning puppet in as president in 2014. This lead to Russian annexing Crimea where their Black Sea military port was and started the civil war in Donbas. Thanks to US meddling. Not opinion, fact. Russia’s red line was NATO on its border. Unlike the US redlines Russia acted. Tucker is trying to expose the implementation of the New World order on unsuspecting US citizens. What sounds like conspiracy theories are slowly being exposed as realities. I went to Russia for 2 weeks on a photo shoot in 2 different cities, Yekaterinburg and Moscow. I was blown away with the people and how beautiful the cities were. That said Russia has its problems too and they are pointed out in our media. But you never hear about the good things in Russia. Only Putin. This Tucker video is an excellent example of the difference in NY and Moscow. I know because I went to the same place. It was fascinating. Don’t buy the propaganda that things in Russia suck beyond belief and everything is great in the US. The media slant is extreme and one can say this without being a Putin puppet, even Tucker.
You really nailed all the Russian propaganda points.

Blaming the invasion entirely on any Western efforts to welcome Ukraine to NATO is total bunk. How do I know this? Because in the recent Putin/Tucker interview, Putin spent the first thirty minutes explaining the historical justification for the invasion, a review that started with regional history in 900 AD. Putin has stated repeatedly that he wants to reconstitute the Russo/Soviet empire. His aims are clear.

Putin also managed to blame Poland's lack of compliance with Nazi demands for Germany's invasion in 1939. That tells us a lot about how Putin views the world and what his expectations are regarding smaller, less powerful countries.

This article is a helpful source on the topic.

Stop blaming the victim and western powers for an entirely unjustified invasion. It's bullshit propaganda, which is exactly what Tucker's "tour" of Moscow was.

Food costs as a percentage of monthly take home is relevant, prices compared to far wealthier western economies is not, and touting the affordable groceries as some point of superiority for Russia is dumb or duplicitous. Tucker is not dumb, even if many of his viewers are, so safe to say he knew exactly what he was doing.

Tucker said twice (for emphasis) that his trip to the Moscow grocery store radicalized him against US leaders? Really? I'm sorry, that's inflammatory propaganda of the worst kind.

The Moscow subway was a crown jewel of Stalin's efforts to demonstrate how socialism was superior to capitalism and he spent massive amounts of money on it. By the way, interesting and relevant historical footnote that while the grand Moscow subway was being built, Stalin was intentionally starving the people of Ukraine in an effort to quell any sense of Ukrainian nationalism. 3.9m Ukrainians died. Funny coincidence for Tucker to focus on the subway as Russia is murdering Ukrainians again.

Putin jails, poisons and murders the press, his political opposition and anyone else who stands against him. At least 400 people were arrested, and many beaten, for coming out in a non-violent show of support for Navalny.

Ukraine surrendered their nukes back to Russia as part of the trade to become a free and sovereign country and has done nothing to justify a massive invasion by Russia.
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Well said and thanks for adding your own personal observations as well.

I go back and forth between being sad about how our country is being destroyed with the help of the media/elites and being sad that the majority of the citizens cannot see the truth of what is really happening. The dumbing down of the education system has been very successful.

Whomever it is backing Tucker seems to be supporting what is left of our country and starting the push back against this globalist blob. The fact that so many Dem's listen to Tucker is probably scaring the hell out of the insanity in DC, because they are afraid too many will start paying attention to the unapproved narrative instead of swallowing the constant BS they spew out.

if they could "Russell Brand" Tucker, they would have already done so. I suspect the pressure on Google to get his videos off of youtube is immense.
Putin threw Tucker under bus too like he did Trump. Said Tucker asked softball questions and no hard hitting questions that he was prepared to answer. Tucker n Trump, two Putin puppets.
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I think you are missing Tucker’s point(s). Tucker is not a pro Russian propagandist. He is an anti US Elitist. Not many people in the US are informed that the US push, ever since Clinton, to move the Ukraine into NATO, caused the Russian war on Ukraine. It was totally unnecessary. The Obama admin oversaw the coup of the neutral Ukraine president to put a west leaning puppet in as president in 2014. This lead to Russian annexing Crimea where their Black Sea military port was and started the civil war in Donbas. Thanks to US meddling. Not opinion, fact. Russia’s red line was NATO on its border. Unlike the US redlines Russia acted. Tucker is trying to expose the implementation of the New World order on unsuspecting US citizens. What sounds like conspiracy theories are slowly being exposed as realities. I went to Russia for 2 weeks on a photo shoot in 2 different cities, Yekaterinburg and Moscow. I was blown away with the people and how beautiful the cities were. That said Russia has its problems too and they are pointed out in our media. But you never hear about the good things in Russia. Only Putin. This Tucker video is an excellent example of the difference in NY and Moscow. I know because I went to the same place. It was fascinating. Don’t buy the propaganda that things in Russia suck beyond belief and everything is great in the US. The media slant is extreme and one can say this without being a Putin puppet, even Tucker.
This has already been debunked. The funny thing is, those subways were built like that in the height of communism. That's when they took all of the money from the "elite" and spent it on the "people". I assume you are probably a capitalist.

In his interview, Putin tells him that Poland was at fault for the German invasion and starting WWII. Tucker responded "Sure". I guess we've been lied to about history for awhile now.

Tucker goes into a grocery store and tells you how their food is so much cheaper. What he doesn't tell you is that even at those prices, the average Russian spends almost half of his salary per week on the food that Tucker bought in there at a "discount" price. I've been to Russia. It's not the US. And if you listen to Russia talk and actually just go by what he says, you should be trying to move to Russia and leave the US. Of course, most of us know that he's FOS. Even the ones that love him.
You really nailed all the Russian propaganda points.

Blaming the invasion entirely on any Western efforts to welcome Ukraine to NATO is total bunk. How do I know this? Because in the recent Putin/Tucker interview, Putin spent the first thirty minutes explaining the historical justification for the invasion, a review that started with regional history in 900 AD. Putin has stated repeatedly that he wants to reconstitute the Russo/Soviet empire. His aims are clear.

Putin also managed to blame Poland's lack of compliance with Nazi demands for Germany's invasion in 1939. That tells us a lot about how Putin views the world and what his expectations are regarding smaller, less powerful countries.

This article is a helpful source on the topic.

Stop blaming the victim and western powers for an entirely unjustified invasion. It's bullshit propaganda, which is exactly what Tucker's "tour" of Moscow was.

Food costs as a percentage of monthly take home is relevant, prices compared to far wealthier western economies is not, and touting the affordable groceries as some point of superiority for Russia is dumb or duplicitous. Tucker is not dumb, even if many of his viewers are, so safe to say he knew exactly what he was doing.

Tucker said twice (for emphasis) that his trip to the Moscow grocery store radicalized him against US leaders? Really? I'm sorry, that's inflammatory propaganda of the worst kind.

The Moscow subway was a crown jewel of Stalin's efforts to demonstrate how socialism was superior to capitalism and he spent massive amounts of money on it. By the way, interesting and relevant historical footnote that while the grand Moscow subway was being built, Stalin was intentionally starving the people of Ukraine in an effort to quell any sense of Ukrainian nationalism. 3.9m Ukrainians died. Funny coincidence for Tucker to focus on the subway as Russia is murdering Ukrainians again.

Putin jails, poisons and murders the press, his political opposition and anyone else who stands against him. At least 400 people were arrested, and many beaten, for coming out in a non-violent show of support for Navalny.

Ukraine surrendered their nukes back to Russia as part of the trade to become a free and sovereign country and has done nothing to justify a massive invasion by Russia.
Sounds to me like you have been listening to Bill Clinton, one of the architects of the Budapest Memorandum, when Ukraine was talked into giving up it's nukes. Clinton has since pushed the idea that the US pushing the idea of Ukraine to Nato was didn't result in Russia going into Ukraine. After the US supported overthrow of the neutral Ukrainian president the Azov battalian formed You lost me at "Ukraine to NATO is total bunk". It isn't worth the time to explain the history of Putin's multiple efforts over the years to make it clear NATO presence on the western border of Russia, within 400 miles of Moscow, was a very red line. I have already laid out the facts leading up to the war.

And you are re-stating the US main stream media's words that Putin has said repeatedly that he wants to reconstitute the Russo/Soviet empire. I would like for you to show where he said that. Because he hasn't.
This has already been debunked. The funny thing is, those subways were built like that in the height of communism. That's when they took all of the money from the "elite" and spent it on the "people". I assume you are probably a capitalist.

In his interview, Putin tells him that Poland was at fault for the German invasion and starting WWII. Tucker responded "Sure". I guess we've been lied to about history for awhile now.

Tucker goes into a grocery store and tells you how their food is so much cheaper. What he doesn't tell you is that even at those prices, the average Russian spends almost half of his salary per week on the food that Tucker bought in there at a "discount" price. I've been to Russia. It's not the US. And if you listen to Russia talk and actually just go by what he says, you should be trying to move to Russia and leave the US. Of course, most of us know that he's FOS. Even the ones that love him.
Doesnt matter when the subways were built or why. That wasn’t the point. The point was a comparison to the US subways. Especially in regards to safety. Never mind how orderly and beautiful they are. I spent a couple of weeks in two cities in Russia as well. Still in touch with several over there. Tucker’s job was to let Putin speak so we could learn more about him. Putin was expecting Tucker to get in to a back and forth blame game and was surprised he didn’t. It wasn’t the goal waste time on obvious denial answers. He did make him uncomfortable on four journalist.

When you say Russia is not the US I am curious what you mean? Certainly New York has nothing on Moscow when it comes to high end fashion shops in Moscows city center. Both Moscow and Yekaterinburg were beautiful , clean, cities. The people were great to me and seemed like happy folks. They had law and order there tho.They seemed very much like normal corporate working folks like Americans. Like most of us they don’t spend their days thinking about their government.
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Sounds to me like you have been listening to Bill Clinton, one of the architects of the Budapest Memorandum, when Ukraine was talked into giving up it's nukes. Clinton has since pushed the idea that the US pushing the idea of Ukraine to Nato was didn't result in Russia going into Ukraine. After the US supported overthrow of the neutral Ukrainian president the Azov battalian formed You lost me at "Ukraine to NATO is total bunk". It isn't worth the time to explain the history of Putin's multiple efforts over the years to make it clear NATO presence on the western border of Russia, within 400 miles of Moscow, was a very red line. I have already laid out the facts leading up to the war.

And you are re-stating the US main stream media's words that Putin has said repeatedly that he wants to reconstitute the Russo/Soviet empire. I would like for you to show where he said that. Because he hasn't.

Doesnt matter when the subways were built or why. That wasn’t the point. The point was a comparison to the US subways. Especially in regards to safety. Never mind how orderly and beautiful they are. I spent a couple of weeks in two cities in Russia as well. Still in touch with several over there. Tucker’s job was to let Putin speak so we could learn more about him. Putin was expecting Tucker to get in to a back and forth blame game and was surprised he didn’t. It wasn’t the goal waste time on obvious denial answers. He did make him uncomfortable on four journalist.

When you say Russia is not the US I am curious what you mean? Certainly New York has nothing on Moscow when it comes to high end fashion shops in Moscows city center. Both Moscow and Yekaterinburg were beautiful , clean, cities. The people were great to me and seemed like happy folks. They had law and order there tho.They seemed very much like normal corporate working folks like Americans. Like most of us they don’t spend their days thinking about their government.
I think you should go visit Pyoungyang next. You'll be blown away.
Many journalists over the years have interviewed the likes of Putin, Brezhnev and Castro. What's your point? An interview is not an endorsement.
It’s good to have some insight into the mind of Putin. He’s evil and our enemy but better to hear from the evil one directly than our corrupt media who can’t be believed. He did what real journalists do. Hard for the MSNBC lovers to see investigative journalism when all the MSM does is parrot the Democrats talking points.
Good to know Putin hopes Biden wins the election. Especially since the Dems are playing the Russia card 2.0 again cause they have nothing else!