Gator recruiting meltdown, the longer version....


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Aug 8, 2001
Trivia Gator: When was the last time we had more 5 stars on our basketball team than football team?

"We've got half-ass coaches" Gator: If Mike White could teach Mullen how to recruit and Mullen could teach White how to coach, we'd be in business.

"We need to go Game of Thrones on this staff" Gator: Bumper crop of DTs this cycle even just within the rivals 250. If we don’t pull a couple, heads will have to roll. Same at OT.

What is the story with DTs Rivers and Smith? Any hope for us?

And why aren’t we trending for any Florida OTs? Shameful. Again, if Mullen really values bring here, he’ll have to get ruthless with the staff in order to get kids here at these positions of need.

Last, are we in on any safeties yet? Doesn’t look like it.

Obviously doesn't follow UGA football Gator: There are no OL linemen who are ready until at least a RS and really three years. If you are playing a FR on your OL, your OL is trash.

"I overthink things" Gator: I wrote Braun off when his brother didn’t transfer to UF. Kinda surprised by him being interested in USCe tho. I thought he was leaning towards Ugly.

"The Mullen mirage" Gator:
It will cost him his job sooner or later. I don't care how good you are as a coach your not going to win a championship with the level of talent that were pulling. I don't care if you finish too 10 in recruiting every single year, if your pulling most players outside of the top 150 and only getting 3-4 players inside the top 150 your not going to pull together the wins in a row (3) against elite teams pulling 8 players in the topbl 100 and 15+ in the top 200. I mean let's be real in order to win a title we will have to beat a minimum of 4 teams with more talent a year to win it all. 3 games against more talent in a row. It's just not happening. We've got to start recruiting our state better.

Everyone kept saying beat FSU and we will take the state back from the Fl teams yet as it stands right now FSU is CB for 11 of the top 50, Miami has 9, UF only has 8 and most are towards the bottom of the 50.

I'm hopeful Mullen realizes after the season that it's not working and makes some more changes.

20/20 vision Gator: Only people that are oblivious or were trying to convince themselves said that. Recruiters recruit. We got some of the people that we had more proof on than anybody that they weren't great recruiters.

Thinking Mullen will change is about as likely as hevesy suddenly becoming an elite recruiter. We have 10 years of evidence that he just thinks everything else is the problem and just getting to UF will make him meyer.

Set up Gator: seeing where the teams ahead of us are, I think somewhere between 6th and 8th is our best finishing spot this cycle.

Punchline Gator: In the nation or The SEC?

Optimistic Gator: We’ve been floating back and forth between those two rankings nationally for a bit and we’re still a long way out.

4th in the SEC looks like our ceiling recruit wise this year.

Realistic Gator: Someone that knows more can correct me, but that seems very improbable. Uga, bama, tamu and lsu will all recruit better. Tamu is behind right now, bc they're simply not taking the reaches we are this early. Unless they take a very small class, they'll pass us. Uk will be close with the start they've had. Auburn could struggle if gus's seat warms. So let's be optimistic and say 5th in the SEC.

Nationally...Clemson obviously beats us. 6th nationally. Then osu. 7th. Ou. 8th. Guessing Texas. 9th. Oregon has money and a recruiter. Miami is taking back the state so prob behind them. Meatchiken. Fsu has a legit * avg after a sh!t year, but how they look on the field prob plays a big role. ND and Stanford both have the advantage of being allowed to sign 5*, but think we can beat those dorks. Regardless, 6-8 nationally is a pipe dream with what we are.

Catch 22 Gator: I was told Mullinz didnt need talent to win.

I was also told his bad SEC record was because he didnt have enough talent.

"We got a staff of comedians" Gator: Unfortunately, most of the laughing is just coming from the rest of the SEC that isnt worried about us and um/fsu as we let them recruit way better than they should be.

"I feel like I got ponzied" Gator: I was told if we beat FSU then kids would finally start jumping on board yet on rivals FSU and Miami have a better average than us. Heck UK while only having 7 players committed have a better average than us. Everyone just look at where we stand instead of the quality of talent. So far we are behind last years talent level so how has recruiting gotten worse. Isn't it supposed to get better? Taggert went from a 3.45 to this year 3.75. Mullen had a 3.64 last year but is down to 3.57 this year. Mind boggling FSU and Miami could be out recruiting us after our season compared to both of theirs but here we are.

"It's not Cousin Eddie's fault that he's living in a trailer park where everyone wears jorts" Gator:
I was told nobody can recruit without facilities.

Then was told Mullen cant recruit.

"Does not understand what is going on" Gator: I don’t know how much it will help, but I hope we curb stomp miamuh and f$u this year. Would love to see several blue chip flips as a result.

"It's like Ray Kinsella gave up his crop for that field and Shoeless Joe said "F___ it. I'm staying in the corn." Gator: this is ridiculous getting close in recruiting if we “take back the state” what’s that say about us if we’re still mediocre at recruiting being the best school on the field in Florida?
(If you don't get this one, the cry on the Gator boards has been "If you win, the recruits will come.")

"Ray Liotta just wants us to take out more corn" Gator: AL GA n Clemson do what they want in Florida and it’s not gonna change until we completely retool our staff or do something actually worth anything on the field it’s gonna start w beating UGA FSU and UM I’d day if we can do that this season were in for something more than what we’ve got at the moment

"We need an MIT think tank to solve this problem" Gator: I see the issues in recruiting and I while we desperately need facility upgrades I don't think that sells recruits. It may help but doesn't make their final decision. I heard winning cures all as well. Obviously that didn't do it either. Maybe it takes more time? We have problems in all areas and at this point I don't see an immediate answer. We need to at least start with staff upgrades but will that be a cure all? I doubt that too. We have suffered 10 years of mediocracy and I just don't know how we recover.

"Cousin Eddie needs to look inside that polyester button up shirt and stop shifting the blame" Gator: Definitely not a cure all. It's just the only variable we could control today. That's why, to me, it's far more frustrating than stuff like facilities. We can't even know exactly how urgent the facility upgrades are until we acknowledge and address the staff situation, but stricklin/Mullen seem to want to be shifting the blame entirely to the other stuff. Unfortunately, that's not surprising given the history so not sure any big changes should be expected until seats get really warm.

"How many damn times does JR have to cheat on Sue Ellen before she realizes he ain't gonna change" Gator: So now its beat UGA, FSU, and Miami and recruiting will turn around. I'm sick of hearing the same bs from people on this board. Beat this team and that one and everything will change. Let me tell everyone something, recruiting wouldn't change if we beat everyone on the schedule. We could light the world on fire this season and our staff will still be the same guys recruiting kids to come and getting turned down.

Perfect example is look at all the buzz Mullen has had since taking the job. We've had countless elite 5* prospects on campus since he took over and how many walk away and choose different schools. I don't even remember the last time we've had this kind of talent taking visits almost weekly. But none ever commit. If you think it's because we didn't beat UGA last year your crazy its the staff, kids just dont relate to them. Their not drinking the koolaid were serving because none are relatable.

Its not all doom and gloom though I like what Mullen did last year by bring back Grey but he needs to go out and make 3 more hires like that to be able to compete but that would require him to trim the fat from the staff.

I've never understood why coaches don't try and pouch elite recruiters. If I was Mullen I'd look at the last 3 recruiting cycles and see was the best recruiters and try and bring them in by offering more money. You gotta play dirty in this league to survive. Worse thing that happens is the other school has to pay more to keep him.

"I forgot about our 10-3 season where we finished ranked ahead of UGA" Gator: Honestly I’m tired of ppl being so negative and obtuse that they think only their opinion is what matters...everyone has an opinion and honestly if we can’t sell kids on film flam and magic tricks we gotta put a good product on the field...if you think about it the higher ranked kids don’t care the coaches have a vision it doesn’t matter they want to be wooed and have their asses kissed...but if you win it’s a big difference maker...ppl that think one season of beating FSU and getting taken to the woodshed by Mizzou is gonna fix anything are completely myopic...I’m talking success over what we had last year, but then again I guess my opinion means as much as anyone else’s and I’m just gonna take the “I’m sick of” this and that talk with a grain of salt...y’all are so impassioned with having to be right about the “fix” you don’t care what anyone else has to say or thinks for that matter...but then again I thought that was the point of a discussion board...maybe I’m wrong about that too...but either way I really don’t care that’s just my two cents

"Kids are smart" Gator: Kids are treating us like a directional school that isn’t special to be at. It’s beyond embarrassing to see every last commit take visits and eye other programs like we are lesser than.

"We're the guy the 15 and 16 year old girls go out with just so the rest of the guys know their parents are letting them date. And just like him, we ain't getting any" Gator: Yeah we’re the springboard to better offers or bigger stakes...everyone that wants the other SEC offers just commit to us or flirt with committing like Beck and then use it to get the offers they’d be comical if we didn’t look like a horses ass in the process.

"Those last two UGA ass kickings felt great" Gator: Yeah it sucks losing recruits to Clemson bama and Georgia but its not like we are hurting. don't have to be a pumper to not ***** incessantly about "great recruiters" . yeah saban is so magnetic. Kirby too. Players are probably being bought anyway.

"Does UT have any of them "getting the trash out" barrels left" Gator: There’s nothing really left to say. This staff is trash. Here’s to hoping there’s major whole sale changes before the 2021 class gets the wheels rolling.

"The list keeps getting shorter" Gator: Here are some names off the Gator prospects for 2020 on 247 that we are at least even with the competition on at the moment, if not close or ahead. I’m sure there’ll be misses, additions, reaches, and surprises but this group seems like the focus and the ones we still have some sort of shot with:

Chantz Williams 4 star WDE
Myles Murphy 4 star SDE
Xzavier Henderson 4 star WR
Tim Smith. 4 star DT
Kedrick Bingley-Jones 4 star DT
Ja’Khi Douglas 4 star WR
Jalen Lee 4 star DT
Brandon Williams. 4 star OLB
Fenley Graham 3 star CB
Marc Britt. 4 star ATH
Branard Wright 4 star DT

Alex Lemon 3 star SDE
Trenton Yowe. 3 star S

Joshua Braun 4 star OT

"Maybe it's possible to recruit in Starkville" Gator: It’s early and what not but this is pathetic. Guess we need to be happy we landed 2 3 star OL and hope they can be developed.

Mullen still recruiting like he’s at Miss State

Blunt Gator: It's pretty clear. This staff blows at recruiting.

Andrew Dice Clay Gator: It just boils down to this, recruiting is not a priority. If it was a priority and it sucked balls this hard, then we should just cut the entire staff and start over.

You can say wait until we kick some ass this year, but it won't matter. Mullen is just confused because these are better classes than he got at MSU, well so f****** what. It's not cutting it.

As for Joel Williams, f*** that kid. We've seen it too many times. A kid commits from an area where it's a pipeline to a different school and they change their mind. Remember what Dante Fowler said? He wanted to go public, but didn't want to deal with the fallout and the pressure until NSD. Mon Williams out of Texas was a signing day surprise, because he wanted to go here, but there was a lot of pressure to stay home. These kids have to stay silent if they're serious. So going public this early, it was over before it began.

And yes facilities matter, and we suck there, but since there is, again, no f******* priority for recruiting this gets pushed back as well.

You all can have all the f******* opinions you want, but the fact is that Mullen and Strickland aren't making recruiting a priority. You're more than free to argue whether it's by design or incompetence, but it's a f***** failure either way.

"Bring back the Boom" Gator: The data says its no longer a priority. We had 7 top 5 classes from 2002 - 2013. That's seven in twelve years, or more often than not. Since 2013, we've had six straight classes out of the top 5 and its looking like 2020 will make it seven straight. Pathetic.

"Just like Steele, gotta keep them parents out of it" Gator: So Josh Braun commits to the Dawgs but it's his Dad announcing it at 10:20 pm.'s weird.

"Kirby can beat us until the nineties are completely wiped out, but I'll still say he can't coach" Gator: Mullen and his guys are head and shoulders above MacInsane and his circus in that department, but if we keep losing talent to particularly UGA and they do their own share of developing players and improving on the field despite Kirby, we fall drastically behind in what becomes an unwinnable race that leaves us getting stomped by them and others for ten years.

I can see a scenario where Mullen owns FSU for years but never beats UGA and has 2 or 3 losses in the SEC year in and out. Won’t put up any banners that way.

"kckd hopes this man is bonafide Old Testament prophet" Gator: In two years, regardless of whether or not 2018 was Mullinz best year at UF as I expect, and even if there is some young elite coach out there, he isn't coming to UF. Why would he. Everyone in the industry knows what it's like to work for our AD's office and that they will handicap you in almost every way.

Are we going to land better than Mullinz, Butterteeth or Chimp next time? I seriously doubt it.

Vandy is the goal. That isn't overstated.

"That elephant is almost standing on top of you" Gator: So your basically saying the same thing that got said last year. Beat FSU and everything changes. Some people around coach football think FSU is more broken than we were yet like I've said Taggert is out recruiting Mullen right now and he looked way in over his head last year. And before someone points out we are above them in the ranking it's only because we have more committed. They have a better average than we do and right now are trending for more players in our own state. It makes no since to me.

"This list is the makings of a great recruiting class" Gator:
Carson Beck
Warren Brinson
Josh Braun
Demarcus Bowman
Chris Steele
Jalon Jones

...been a rough summer for the Gators. A bunch of L’s in a row. Mullen has got to get a grip and figure out why we keep losing these battles.
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