Let’s take God and religion out of the LGBT and trans issue for a moment and discuss…

I have friends that are gay but they keep their shit to themselves and I respect that.
I see a lot of people say they don't want the LGBTQ+ community shoved down their throat, but what does that mean exactly. Does that include seeing gay character's on TV, social media, movies or.............a beer can? Where are members of the LGBTQ+ community allowed?
I see a lot of people say they don't want the LGBTQ+ community shoved down their throat, but what does that mean exactly. Does that include seeing gay character's on TV, social media, movies or.............a beer can? Where are members of the LGBTQ+ community allowed?
How can you tell if someone is heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual?
I see a lot of people say they don't want the LGBTQ+ community shoved down their throat, but what does that mean exactly. Does that include seeing gay character's on TV, social media, movies or.............a beer can? Where are members of the LGBTQ+ community allowed?
To start I'd say there shouldn't be a teenaged boy in the girls bathroom when my 6 year old daughter needs to use it.

There shouldn't be men competing in women's sports.

I shouldn't have to explain to my 6 year old daughter why two boys are kissing.
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I see a lot of people say they don't want the LGBTQ+ community shoved down their throat, but what does that mean exactly. Does that include seeing gay character's on TV, social media, movies or.............a beer can? Where are members of the LGBTQ+ community allowed?
Don’t want to go into the men’s public bathroom, locker room, dressing room etc and be surprised… seeing it get “shoved” down your throat (or anyone else’s).

The other stuff you mentioned ….tv, social media, movies etc……I have a choice.

Do what you want in your own bedroom/privacy.
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Isn't explaining the world to your kid part of being a parent?
I'm having to explain something to a six year old that's being forced on me. Two boys kissing isn't normal. I'm well aware of how to parent. I don't need any advice.
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I see a lot of people say they don't want the LGBTQ+ community shoved down their throat, but what does that mean exactly. Does that include seeing gay character's on TV, social media, movies or.............a beer can? Where are members of the LGBTQ+ community allowed?
their word choice is really something isn't it?
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their word choice is really something isn't it?
If you’re speaking of me, I used the phrase literally and figuratively…..sorta metaphorically speaking (fig).

But you already knew that, right??… were just “kidding” again, right??

I noticed you like to pick out certain phrases or sentences to make an argument/distract or to “keep the ball moving” (see, another one)….don’t think any of it is working for U.

Context is your friend….
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Tolerance for something does not require acceptance of it and certainly not an embrace of “anything goes” anywhere & anytime. And wishing it so is not a realistic fix. Never will be.

If “Blue Man Group” was a political party, who depended on political success to fund 100% of their cumulative family & household expenses, and they lost every election in every cycle at every level everywhere, I would not feel any obligation to fund ANY of their living expenses.
I see a lot of people say they don't want the LGBTQ+ community shoved down their throat, but what does that mean exactly. Does that include seeing gay character's on TV, social media, movies or.............a beer can? Where are members of the LGBTQ+ community allowed?
Any where they want to go. You libs are the people trying to ram their agenda down people’s throats. If you progressives would quit trying to separate the races and the sexies and try to bring people together to help this country instead of trying to destroy it things would be a lot better.
If you’re speaking of me, I used the phrase literally and figuratively…..sorta metaphorically speaking (fig).
Context is your friend….
it wasn't directed at you in any way. it was an observation addressed to a different poster - you used the phrase as it long has and continues to be used - routinely - and in this context: to describe the mere existence of LGBTQ+

nb. recurred again in the thread... which I happen to find amusing
I agree that most are intelligent, productive and creative. I'm not saying they don't contribute to society but I can't accept that their life choice is "normal".
A penis wasn't designed to fit in to an anus and vice versa. Sorry if that's over the top but I look at things simplistically.
Depending on the definition of normal, I agree. You don’t have to like anyone in this life, but I would hope you would support them having the same rights and freedoms that you enjoy.
Depending on the definition of normal, I agree. You don’t have to like anyone in this life, but I would hope you would support them having the same rights and freedoms that you enjoy.
I do other than being told that I have to accept the lifestyle as normal or else I’m the one with a problem.
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I was just teasing you-

one could "argue" that Biden is far worse, but one would not win that argument.

One would likely be using mostly RW propaganda, not facts as a basis for that case, and likely ignoring the fact that in the world, most people who know him or have had business with him dislike and (rightly) do not trust Donald Trump. Even those who are his political enemies like and many admire Joe Biden.

just sayin.
Think those liking or admiring Joe are dwindling. This is t your fathers Joe Biden.
I do other than being told that I have to accept the lifestyle as normal or else I’m the one with a problem.
Some people think praying to an imaginary god is abnormal, but I’m perfectly accepting if that is what you want to do, including you praying in the middle of Times Square on Good Morning America, if the mood so strikes you.
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I agree that most are intelligent, productive and creative. I'm not saying they don't contribute to society but I can't accept that their life choice is "normal".
A penis wasn't designed to fit in to an anus and vice versa. Sorry if that's over the top but I look at things simplistically.
Vice Versa ? Yeah. No way they gonna get an anus to fit in a penis
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Some people think praying to an imaginary god is abnormal, but I’m perfectly accepting if that is what you want to do, including you praying in the middle of Times Square on Good Morning America, if the mood so strikes you.
Well that sux…..there’s no God??
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Should I be called a hater and vilified for being “uncomfortable” with it?

Not by me. No one can help how they feel, it’s about the choices that you make in how you treat others that matters.
I agree with the no, but we shouldn't know you (applies to anyone) are uncomfortable.

If you are expressing your discomfort in public, then you might be demonstrating your feelings towards someone who might be offended. I'm not going to call you anything in those circumstances.
I agree with the no, but we shouldn't know you (applies to anyone) are uncomfortable.

If you are expressing your discomfort in public, then you might be demonstrating your feelings towards someone who might be offended. I'm not going to call you anything in those circumstances.
Agreed. Not going to give you a dirty look or judgement if you decide to pray nor think anything in my head to the effect. Likely just ignore you as has nothing to do with me. Same with two guys kissing in public.
Some people think praying to an imaginary god is abnormal, but I’m perfectly accepting if that is what you want to do, including you praying in the middle of Times Square on Good Morning America, if the mood so strikes you.
You are correct: SOME people do. According to Psychology Today, bout 7% of the world‘s adult population is atheist. Expanded further, to the superset of “non-religious”, the percentage is roughly 16.5% of the worlds adult population.

Statistically speaking , if you are one of those, then you are abnormal. Which is freely your choice.
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Drag shows aren't an inalienable right.

I only scanned the article, but it seems drag shows are being treated like "traditional" forms of adult entertainment. I know different governments have different rules for managing anything pertaining to adult entertainment which is why some areas oppose Starship stores.

Drag isn't being banned outright. These governments are declaring safe spaces for families and specifically children the same as they do trying to shield them from adult novelty stores and clubs. Seems fair to me.

I don't care if adults want to participate or spectate drag. I also don't see a problem with government assigning or restricting where these shows can be publicly accessible.

Did I miss an actual right or freedom being denied mentioned in the article?
Depending on the definition of normal, I agree. You don’t have to like anyone in this life, but I would hope you would support them having the same rights and freedoms that you enjoy.

"same rights and freedoms"??

such as "same rights and freedoms" as standing side by side at the urinal and peeing together in the men's room........or maybe squatting & squatting or squatting/standing in the women's (whatever the choice)??

same question goes for the access to locker rooms, dressing rooms etc......or the " same rights and freedoms" to take away playing time and a scholarship on the women's college soccer team.

when a man becomes a woman or a woman a man.......they gain the "same rights and freedoms" for all things, is that what you are saying??
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Drag shows aren't an inalienable right.

I only scanned the article, but it seems drag shows are being treated like "traditional" forms of adult entertainment. I know different governments have different rules for managing anything pertaining to adult entertainment which is why some areas oppose Starship stores.

Drag isn't being banned outright. These governments are declaring safe spaces for families and specifically children the same as they do trying to shield them from adult novelty stores and clubs. Seems fair to me.

I don't care if adults want to participate or spectate drag. I also don't see a problem with government assigning or restricting where these shows can be publicly accessible.

Did I miss an actual right or freedom being denied mentioned in the article?
The SCOTUS has found clothing choices to be protected free speech under the first amendment. If drag performers are getting naked, fine, but most of these bans are not about nudity.

And to clarify on this thread, I was responding to OP and the discussion of his personal discomfort with homosexuals and whether it’s ok for him to be shamed for that discomfort. My point was that there is no shame in feeling discomfort, but in my opinion there is shame is actualizing that shame via descriminatory behavior or through support of discriminatory legislation.

To what I think your question is, there is clearly a trend across the country to legislate Christian morality, in many cases on subjects where the majority opinion is not in support of these new measures. Unpopular abortion laws in general and specifically no-exception bans are being rolled out just as predicted when Roe was overturned. Look for more to come regarding contraception, gay marriage, and any number of other issues where God’s will or the Bible will be cited as the primary driver of new restrictive legislation
The SCOTUS has found clothing choices to be protected free speech under the first amendment. If drag performers are getting naked, fine, but most of these bans are not about nudity.

And to clarify on this thread, I was responding to OP and the discussion of his personal discomfort with homosexuals and whether it’s ok for him to be shamed for that discomfort. My point was that there is no shame in feeling discomfort, but in my opinion there is shame is actualizing that shame via descriminatory behavior or through support of discriminatory legislation.

To what I think your question is, there is clearly a trend across the country to legislate Christian morality, in many cases on subjects where the majority opinion is not in support of these new measures. Unpopular abortion laws in general and specifically no-exception bans are being rolled out just as predicted when Roe was overturned. Look for more to come regarding contraception, gay marriage, and any number of other issues where God’s will or the Bible will be cited as the primary driver of new restrictive legislation
You keep going off the rails introducing new irrelevance that doesn't support the issue.

This is not about clothing choices like deciding what color pants to wear. This is a decency topic which is why there's laws over the entire country regardless of political party addressing such.

Clothing alone doesn't define the entirety of drag, transgender, or sexuality. All 3 of those are distinct by the way so the tactic of rolling it all into 1 thing then trying to drive home a point is why the point fails.

But since you want to talk about clothing and freedom of speech, why are public schools allowed to have dress codes?
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"same rights and freedoms"??

such as "same rights and freedoms" as standing side by side at the urinal and peeing together in the men's room........or maybe squatting & squatting or squatting/standing in the women's (whatever the choice)??

same question goes for the access to locker rooms, dressing rooms etc......or the " same rights and freedoms" to take away playing time and a scholarship on the women's college soccer team.

when a man becomes a woman or a woman a man.......they gain the "same rights and freedoms" for all things, is that what you are saying??
I’m with you regarding sports. Anyone refusing the acknowledge the biological advantages of someone with male hormones competing against women is ignoring reality and undercuts the rest of their arguments defending trans people.

Bathroom use is a tougher issue. It would be extremely uncomfortable If my trans coworker were to use the woman’s room. I worked with him for months before I even knew he was trans. I’m not sure what the best answer is but demanding that everyone use the bathroom appropriate for their birth sex only is not good for anyone.
You keep going off the rails introducing new irrelevance that doesn't support the issue.

This is not about clothing choices like deciding what color pants to wear. This is a decency topic which is why there's laws over the entire country regardless of political party addressing such.

Clothing alone doesn't define the entirety of drag, transgender, or sexuality. All 3 of those are distinct by the way so the tactic of rolling it all into 1 thing then trying to drive home a point is why the point fails.

But since you want to talk about clothing and freedom of speech, why are public schools allowed to have dress codes?
Under federal laws protecting against discrimination in education – including Title IX, Title VI, and the U.S. Constitution's equal protection guarantee, public schools cannot enforce a dress code based on gender- or race-based stereotypes about appropriate dress or appearance.

I’m with you regarding sports. Anyone refusing the acknowledge the biological advantages of someone with male hormones competing against women is ignoring reality and undercuts the rest of their arguments defending trans people.

Bathroom use is a tougher issue. It would be extremely uncomfortable If my trans coworker were to use the woman’s room. I worked with him for months before I even knew he was trans. I’m not sure what the best answer is but demanding that everyone use the bathroom appropriate for their birth sex only is not good for anyone.
I’m not sure what the best answer is but demanding that everyone use the bathroom appropriate for their birth sex only is not good for anyone.”

I can understand, a third bathroom (locker rooms, dressing rooms etc. inc.) would be the best answer….but you are then putting an expense burden on the ones giving that option.

Maybe you could make them pay to use it to recoup the expense…..

In no way do I feel that a biological male should be allowed in a women’s room……and if as some have suggested on here you allow a biological female to enter the men’s room, you open the door for the women’s room.
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Under federal laws protecting against discrimination in education – including Title IX, Title VI, and the U.S. Constitution's equal protection guarantee, public schools cannot enforce a dress code based on gender- or race-based stereotypes about appropriate dress or appearance.

So what clothing is causing a problem here? Nothing in the original article you linked said anything about specific clothing being banned. It mentioned drag shows.
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isn’t part of being a parent shielding your kids from what you think they shouldn’t see
Being a parent isnt hiding the world from them but explaining the world to them so they know how to navigate it based on the values you've taught them.

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