Let’s take God and religion out of the LGBT and trans issue for a moment and discuss…

The percentage of the population that is broadly speaking LGBTQ has likely remained fairly consistent over time and there is no supporting evidence that I’ve seen that shows that permissiveness has increased that population. Yes, they are far more visible now because we as a society have decided that the repressive views of a shrinking minority will not determine how people in a free country are allowed to live and celebrate their lives.

Humans do not have any issues reproducing, and with modern medicine that is more true now than ever. 5%-10% of the population opting out of reproduction for whatever reason has zero impact on our viability as a species.

I truly try to be respectful of other people’s beliefs and I defend the ability of people to live the life they have chosen. Personally, I find religious extremism, which almost always includes some degree of “I’m right and you are evil” (see this thread) to represent a larger threat to a civil and productive society than the sexual preferences of consenting adults

The threat is people like you that don't understand the concept of do your own thing in private and don't try to force it on everyone else. Dims cannot abide by this rule. Dim's must force every evil they embrace on society. Dims have even stooped to pushing their evil on very young children in public schools. You can spin and deny all you want but its a lie to say they don't.
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I was just teasing you-

one could "argue" that Biden is far worse, but one would not win that argument.

One would likely be using mostly RW propaganda, not facts as a basis for that case, and likely ignoring the fact that in the world, most people who know him or have had business with him dislike and (rightly) do not trust Donald Trump. Even those who are his political enemies like and many admire Joe Biden.

just sayin.
Bull skate. Only left wing propagandist and brain dead idiots admire J brandon.
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My personal experience is that many of my most accomplished friends and family are gay. A CEO at a young age, several successful doctors, a nationally known interior decorator and a cousin who founded a well known museum and was an accomplished artist in his own right.

These are all amazingly productive, creative people. Perhaps gay people make society stronger by adding a unique combination of perspectives and capabilities?
See you leftist can't get through your thick heads, there is no argument from those of us on the right that people that choose to be gay are not otherwise fine, productive people. The problem is, first and mostly, they are lost in sin due to their life choice, but a big second is, the government and dims like you pushing to normalize their sinful behavior, pushing it into the mainstream and forcing it on children. You cannot honestly deny that a goal of the dim party is to make being gay an admirable trait that all should accept as normal behavior. I honestly think it would be a badge of honor for you to convince some small child they should be gay. That is the twisted view of the left. Being a drunkard is sin. Do you libs push excessive drinking on children? Why not? That is another abnormal behavior. SMH its not hard. I don't know how supposedly smarter than everyone else libs can't understand. STOP trying to push your perversions on someone ELSE.
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See you leftist can't get through your thick heads, there is no argument from those of us on the right that people that choose to be gay are not otherwise fine, productive people. The problem is, first and mostly, they are lost in sin due to their life choice, but a big second is, the government and dims like you pushing to normalize their sinful behavior, pushing it into the mainstream and forcing it on children. You cannot honestly deny that a goal of the dim party is to make being gay an admirable trait that all should accept as normal behavior. I honestly think it would be a badge of honor for you to convince some small child they should be gay. That is the twisted view of the left. Being a drunkard is sin. Do you libs push excessive drinking on children? Why not? That is another abnormal behavior. SMH its not hard. I don't know how supposedly smarter than everyone else libs can't understand. STOP trying to push your perversions on someone ELSE.
Let's take Cherry's words and see how they sound through a different lens and why us leftists have an issue here:

See you rightist can't get through your thick heads, there is no argument from those of us on the left that people that choose to be Christian are not otherwise fine, productive people. The problem is, first and mostly, they are telling us how to act based on their life choice, but a big second is, the government and republicans like you pushing to normalize their morals and values, pushing it into the mainstream and forcing it on children. You cannot honestly deny that a goal of the republican party is to make being Christian an admirable trait that all should accept as normal behavior. I honestly think it would be a badge of honor for you to convince some small child they should be Christian. That is the twisted view of the right. Being a gun owner is dangerous. Do you righties push shooting guns on children? Why not? That is another abnormal behavior. SMH its not hard. I don't know how supposedly smarter than everyone else righties can't understand. STOP trying to push your perversions on someone ELSE.
Let's take Cherry's words and see how they sound through a different lens and why us leftists have an issue here:

See you rightist can't get through your thick heads, there is no argument from those of us on the left that people that choose to be Christian are not otherwise fine, productive people. The problem is, first and mostly, they are telling us how to act based on their life choice, but a big second is, the government and republicans like you pushing to normalize their morals and values, pushing it into the mainstream and forcing it on children. You cannot honestly deny that a goal of the republican party is to make being Christian an admirable trait that all should accept as normal behavior. I honestly think it would be a badge of honor for you to convince some small child they should be Christian. That is the twisted view of the right. Being a gun owner is dangerous. Do you righties push shooting guns on children? Why not? That is another abnormal behavior. SMH its not hard. I don't know how supposedly smarter than everyone else righties can't understand. STOP trying to push your perversions on someone ELSE.
another super stretch by a desperate dishonest leftist trying to argue something he can't win. You leftist have already succeeded in taking the Bible and prayer out of schools, so the only group capable of indoctrinating children are you woke leftist atheist.
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wrong you should shield your kids until it is appropriate for them to understand what they are witnessing
So simple questions no right or wrong but when is the appropriate age to take to them about sex?
Let's take Cherry's words and see how they sound through a different lens and why us leftists have an issue here:

See you rightist can't get through your thick heads, there is no argument from those of us on the left that people that choose to be Christian are not otherwise fine, productive people. The problem is, first and mostly, they are telling us how to act based on their life choice, but a big second is, the government and republicans like you pushing to normalize their morals and values, pushing it into the mainstream and forcing it on children. You cannot honestly deny that a goal of the republican party is to make being Christian an admirable trait that all should accept as normal behavior. I honestly think it would be a badge of honor for you to convince some small child they should be Christian. That is the twisted view of the right. Being a gun owner is dangerous. Do you righties push shooting guns on children? Why not? That is another abnormal behavior. SMH its not hard. I don't know how supposedly smarter than everyone else righties can't understand. STOP trying to push your perversions on someone ELSE.
Wrong again, libtard, because GOD! Checkmate.
is this disingenuous post inferring that only conservative/christian/clergy are committing these crimes?

Of course not. I was responding to Cherry’s assertion below that all Dems and only Dems could be groomers, what with us all being Satanists.

another super stretch by a desperate dishonest leftist trying to argue something he can't win. You leftist have already succeeded in taking the Bible and prayer out of schools, so the only group capable of indoctrinating children are you woke leftist atheist satan followers.
ITS THE DEM PLATFORM TO PUSH ABORTION, HOMOSEXUALITY, LGBTXYZ, AND INDOCTIRANTE SCHOOL CHILDREN. Pub platform does not include these things. Why do you hide from what your party pushes and try to use a handful of evildoers that claim to be pubs to cover for what your WHOLE PARTY STANDS FOR?

I have never said there aren't evil people on both sides of the isle. The thing you won't see is the pub party promoting all the evil perverted things your side promotes. See that is just how you all handle any situation. YOUR party is the one PUSHING the woke agenda on all of us. Not the pubs. But if it makes you feel better, you just keep pushing all the bull skate you do trying to cover up all the stuff you stand for.

You pull our a hand full of bad folks and try to make it equivalent to the whole Dem party. Same with your covering for hillary when she did way worse in the 2016 campaign than trump. But you go on. You the other libs and the few so called independents that don't stand for anything and are swayed by stuff you say because honestly that just aren't bright or are just totally uninformed.
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Wrong again, libtard, because GOD! Checkmate.
Good for you but nothing like that said by me. I, in the distant past have used the word libtard but I apologized for that because I would never want to compare a mentally challenged person to a liberal. That is unfair to the mentally challenged. Further, I do not just say because of God. I have given you book chapter and verse. You are the one that slams God and his word. I have said and I will stand by it. I am not trying to convince you. You are beyond help. I am only pointing out what the Bible has to say at this point to make sure you don't convince someone that doesn't know for sure what the Bible says. They need to know they are dealing with someone that does not care. Which you just proved with this post.
I think it's fine to be uncomfortable with it, so long as you don't restrict their rights.
Here is an example of what comes next when perversity is publicly tolerated or as in this case, given political position. As posted earlier perverse individuals, by their very nature, will continue to push for more and more sick and disgusting perversity. They cannot stop. They are what they are ... perverse. I post the definition again to reiterate that there is no "reasoning" with a perverse individual because they are not of sound mind.

1. (of a person or their actions) showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.
Wrong again, libtard, because GOD! Checkmate.
The fact cherry can’t even comprehend that he’s in the majority as a Christian male and what I wrote used his words as if he were in the minority and to try put himself in the shoes of an LBTQ+ person just confirms there’s no hope for someone like him. He’s such a dogmatic that it is impossible for him to see anyone else’s perspective and be empathetic and understanding. Thankfully there are those of us that try to understand people who don’t hold our ideals and celebrate and embrace the unique things about those people.
Here is an example of what comes next when perversity is publicly tolerated or as in this case, given political position. As posted earlier perverse individuals, by their very nature, will continue to push for more and more sick and disgusting perversity. They cannot stop. They are what they are ... perverse. I post the definition again to reiterate that there is no "reasoning" with a perverse individual because they are not of sound mind.

1. (of a person or their actions) showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.
Of the opinion you are what you are, let people be who they want to be….it’s not like U have a choice if someone wants to be “perverse”. I am certainly not going to worry about it or tell them no…none of it affects me. Just do it in privacy and don’t get into my space.

All of this stuff has been around forever. I know who and what I am and I’m comfortable in my own skin.

I don’t concern myself with others or what they do that I have no control over……life is WAY too short, want to enjoy it.
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another super stretch by a desperate dishonest leftist trying to argue something he can't win. You leftist have already succeeded in taking the Bible and prayer out of schools, so the only group capable of indoctrinating children are you woke leftist atheist.
Yeah, when I was negative 18, the Supreme Court took prayer out of schools. My bad…
Of the opinion you are what you are, let people be who they want to be….it’s not like U have a choice if someone wants to be “perverse”. I am certainly not going to worry about it or tell them no…none of it affects me. Just do it in privacy and don’t get into my space.

All of this stuff has been around forever. I know who and what I am and I’m comfortable in my own skin.

I don’t concern myself with others or what they do that I have no control over……life is WAY too short, want to enjoy it.
That's the problem Eastman. The dims won't leave it in private. They have to force it on everyone as normal. Juat look at all the commercials with gay couples. Look at what they are doing in schools. Nope they can't leave it in private and if we don't fight, they may make it where you have to acknowledge on your tax form or some other bull crap that homos are better than hetros. Thats just how crazy dims are. No one wants gays hunted down and burnt at the stake. But just look at all the issues for Christian businesses, with Gov backing. They have put people or tried to put people out of business for declining service. A PRIVATE BUSINESS.

Just ignoring it will not work at this point.