Pass the border bill

By EO not through Congress which is how the government should operate. Didn't you guys hate it when Obama issued EOs and didn't go through Congress? This "Do Nothing" GOP Congress won't protect the borders but if it's about looking at Hunter Biden D-pics it's priority number 1...why is that.
Ideally our congress would do their job but I have long given up on that. EO is an easy way to stop this disaster but Biden doesn't want to. He wants to look like he is doing something to slow the flow while keeping the border open. It's all about the poles.

We can do more than one thing at a time. We can have Hunter arrested for having sex with minors why investigating all the money he and his dad received from foreign governments. While doing that we can close the border at the same time.
Have you read it? A great bill if you want to keep the flow of cheap workers, drugs and terrorist coming into this country? Who cares if 60-70% of the women trying to get here are raped. Who cares about the kids being trafficked or killed. This is what is happening to these poor people who only want a better life. My guess is what I find as a great bill and what these "experts" find as great are far apart. Anything McConnel, Schumer and Biden are involved in are likely not good for the average American.
If we had a secure border, with more funding, and better way to adjudicate asylum seekers they wouldn't have to go the black market route of hiring Coyotes.

Do you have a background in border security? What makes you think you know better that the Customs and Border Protection Agency?
If we had a secure border, with more funding, and better way to adjudicate asylum seekers they wouldn't have to go the black market route of hiring Coyotes.

Do you have a background in border security? What makes you think you know better that the Customs and Border Protection Agency?
A 5th grader would tell you that allowing up to 5000 people per day is not a good plan. Fixing the asylum rules would be a good start but not while leaving the border open. Again, if you can magically shut the border down once 5000 have come through you can shut it down with 0 coming through. Asylum seekers can wait in Mexico and we can work to speed up the process. Also, this shutting down after 5000 is really up to Biden. Who's to say after getting this deal he will actually close it down. He doesn't have a good history of enforcing the current laws.
I love a "do nothing"Congress. We're all better off for it. I just wish the executive branch wood fulfill its duties under the law. Protect the border.
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Ideally our congress would do their job but I have long given up on that. EO is an easy way to stop this disaster but Biden doesn't want to. He wants to look like he is doing something to slow the flow while keeping the border open. It's all about the poles.

We can do more than one thing at a time. We can have Hunter arrested for having sex with minors why investigating all the money he and his dad received from foreign governments. While doing that we can close the border at the same time.
So when Biden is reelected you're ok with him unilaterally doing EOs to side step Congress?
So when Biden is reelected you're ok with him unilaterally doing EOs to side step Congress?
He will do it whether I like it or not. What we are talking about in this situation is a stop gap plan to shut the border down. Both sides say they want this but in truth, they do not. Biden has undone Trumps EOs and signed plenty of his own. Not sure what your hang-up is here. If you want the border mostly shut down EOs are the only answer. Congress does not have the will to do it.
If only we had a president that would use the existing laws to secure the border instead of punting. That is his number one job.

He inherited a much more secure border than we have now. All he had to do was not screw it up. Instead, we have to start from scratch. How do people still support him?
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He will do it whether I like it or not. What we are talking about in this situation is a stop gap plan to shut the border down. Both sides say they want this but in truth, they do not. Biden has undone Trumps EOs and signed plenty of his own. Not sure what your hang-up is here. If you want the border mostly shut down EOs are the only answer. Congress does not have the will to do it.
Congress HAD the will but then Trump sabotaged it...this is now on the GOP and their "Do Nothing" Congress
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Congress HAD the will but then Trump sabotaged it...this is now on the GOP and their "Do Nothing" Congres

Congress HAD the will but then Trump sabotaged it...this is now on the GOP and their "Do Nothing" Congress
I am done arguing this point. The deal was a POS. Biden opened the border day 1 and as poles start to look bad for him he works out a deal with all of the anti Trump republicans to save his arse. It was a crap deal and anyone on the right that voted for it should be primaried!
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I am done arguing this point. The deal was a POS. Biden opened the border day 1 and as poles start to look bad for him he works out a deal with all of the anti Trump republicans to save his arse. It was a crap deal and anyone on the right that voted for it should be primaried!
Don't argue with me, argue with the Boarder Patrol Union Chief:

"And I fully support what he’s going to do on the border. But this bill transcends administrations. This will go beyond Biden. It will go beyond Trump. It will go beyond the next president. So I’m looking at this from the standpoint of we need something that is going to continue to go past and not just executive orders. What he’s going to do is going to be amazing. What he did was amazing. But we need bills that are going to last past President Trump."

My reading comprehension is just fine as is my common sense, something many on here lack. It doesn't take a genius to know that the current adminstration wouldn't enforce the new law just as they haven't enforced the current laws on the books. jbpayne32, don't be naïve, your smart enough to know this is true. The republicans don't need to pass this horrible bill & help bail out that sorry POS inhabiting The White House! On another note, Biden want even properly protect our troops in the Middle East because he's afraid oil prices will spike & ruin his election chances. He is a spineless creature as are many on this board!
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That's not what the bill says.

While I am all for spirited debate, let's be careful here. This tweet is disingenuous.

Aliens described in a(2)(c) are unaccompanied minors, and (2) outlines exceptions to border emergency authority activation.

This verbiage highlighted by the tweet speaks to calculation that would trigger activation; it would not allow adults from noncontiguous countries (china, Russia, etc.) to not be counted as implied by the tweet.

When meshed together, it would read "unaccompanied minors from noncontiguous countries will not count towards calculating the sum of aliens encountered".

It's actually consistent with the text of the bill regarding children from contiguous and noncontiguous countries. Now....why the difference in treatment? I have no idea and admit ignorance there.

But sometimes I really hate Twitter...the author of the tweet didn't read the proposed legislation either...or he did and he is cherry picking on purpose.
Don't argue with me, argue with the Boarder Patrol Union Chief:

"And I fully support what he’s going to do on the border. But this bill transcends administrations. This will go beyond Biden. It will go beyond Trump. It will go beyond the next president. So I’m looking at this from the standpoint of we need something that is going to continue to go past and not just executive orders. What he’s going to do is going to be amazing. What he did was amazing. But we need bills that are going to last past President Trump."

His first line is "we just need the president to enforce the law, but absent that... Basically he thinks this will force Biden to enforce the laws but there is nothing forcing now so how will that change? It is still pure crap.
So you hate Biden more than you want to border closed and our country in the hopes it helps Trump? The asylum program has been a mess for decades with COVID and the decline of Central and South America making it worse.

tell it to someone who may swallow your tripe.
Was it bipartisan?
That doesnt make the point you think it does, imo. It certainly could have been, in the process between the Senate & House. The Senate took no action...which was a Democrat decision. But, it clearly wasn't an election-year issue in May & it only dealt with border security, instead if including unrelated things like Ukraine, Israel, or Taiwan funding.

You said "do nothing". That was disingenuous.
Day 1 Biden got rid of "Stay in Mexico" and stopped construction of the wall. He has done nothing but add people to expedite entry into the US and interfere with Texas trying to slow the flow. He has the power to shut it down but throws out this ridiculous plan that does very little knowing it will be rejected and blamed on Republicans. He can reinstate stay in Mexico which will slow down the flow below the 5000. Demand Mexico start doing their part as well.

This do nothing Congress needs to put up a bill that the majority of Americans want.
I'm pretty sure the majority wants this bill. That's why do-nothing Mike Johnson won't let it come to the floor of the house.
That doesnt make the point you think it does, imo. It certainly could have been, in the process between the Senate & House. The Senate took no action...which was a Democrat decision. But, it clearly wasn't an election-year issue in May & it only dealt with border security, instead if including unrelated things like Ukraine, Israel, or Taiwan funding.

You said "do nothing". That was disingenuous.
Did the GOP bill have any Dem support or input? I'm confused are you making the point that a bill crafted by only one party is better than a bipartisan bill? You know as well as I do that legislation crafted only by one side never has a chance of passing. I think it's a bit cynical to think otherwise.
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Did they GOP bill have any Dem support or input? I'm confused are you making the point that a bill crafted by only one party is better than a bipartisan bill? You know as well as I do that legislation crafted only by one side never has a chance of passing. I think it's a bit cynical to think otherwise.
It takes two to tango, as they say. There was zero D interest in working this issue last May. There is certainly bipartisan support in the Senate from at least Fetterman & Senema to address this issue from the House Bill.

Regardless, the Senate could have had bipartisan changes & sent it back to the house. That's the way the process works.
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Did they GOP bill have any Dem support or input? I'm confused are you making the point that a bill crafted by only one party is better than a bipartisan bill? You know as well as I do that legislation crafted only by one side never has a chance of passing. I think it's a bit cynical to think otherwise.
Furthermore, you slamming Republicans for trying to work with Democrats on a bill (even if it fails) hardly relieves House Democrats of criticism for refusing to work, at all, on this issue.

Again, I don't think you make the point you believe you do.
It takes two to tango, as they say. There was zero D interest in working this issue last May. There is certainly bipartisan support in the Senate from at least Fetterman & Senema to address this issue from the House Bill.

Regardless, the Senate could have had bipartisan changes & sent it back to the House. That's the way the process works.
Yes had it come from the House as a bipartisan bill and then gone over to the Senate I agree. But an extreme bill crafted by one side has no chance of the necessary changes being made to make the legislation more palatable or bipartisan to both parties. The House could have invited the Dems to the table like the Senate but they didn't. This just adds more evidence that only one party is actually serious about governance.
Furthermore, your slamming Republicans for trying to work with Democrats on a bill (even if it fails) hardly relieves House Democrats of criticism for refusing to work, at all, on this issue.

Again, I don't think you make the point you believe you do.
Why did the House GOP not bring Dems into the negotiations like the Senate? If the negotiations are one-sided why would the Dems participate? You have the GOP bending the knee to Trump for political reasons...which he fully admits to and others. That's not the flex you and others think it is
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Yes had it come from the House as a bipartisan bill and then gone over to the Senate I agree. But an extreme bill crafted by one side has no chance of the necessary changes being made to make the legislation more palatable or bipartisan to both parties. The House could have invited the Dems to the table like the Senate but they didn't. This just adds more evidence that only one party is actually serious about governance.
"Extreme"? Have you read any non-talking points about it?
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Why did the House GOP not bring Dems into the negotiations like the Senate? If the negotiations are one-sided why would the Dems participate? You have the GOP bending the knee to Trump for political reasons...which he fully admits to and others. That's not the flex you and others think it is
You said "do nothing". I don't know why D's weren't interested it in May? I can be cynical, but there is a big difference between "do nothing" and another party refusing to work AT ALL, unless they hold the power.

It's the height of hypocrisy to slam R's when they are attempting to find a solution, but the D's are in lock step of resistance. But sure, let's just label attempts in May to help fix a problem as "extreme", with no evidence.

Oh, also...let's point out that POTUS has full authority to enforce laws on the books and/or undo his removal of policies that were already working. But, I guess an attempted bipartisan solution makes the R's "do nothing", as the D's hold POTUS & the Senate. Give me a break.
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You said "do nothing". I don't know why D's weren't interested it in May? I can be cynical, but there is a big difference between "do nothing" and another party refusing to work AT ALL, unless they hold the power.
I'm sorry were you talking about the 2023 GOP led House here? Ok, Maybe not "do nothing" but how about "do nothing to make American lives better". It's a bit wordy but more accurate and catchy I think.

"In 2023, the Republican-led House has passed only 27 bills that became law, despite holding a total of 724 votes.

That is more voting and less lawmaking than at any other time in the last decade, according to an analysis by the Bipartisan Policy Center, and a far less productive record than that of last year, when Democrats had unified control of Congress. The House held 549 votes in 2022, according to the House clerk, and passed 248 bills that were signed into law"

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So the GOP choose not to do the politically right thing for America then right🤔
I reject your premise. There were major issues w/ a number of things. Example: Obama's DHS said 1k a day was a "crisis", but we're now normalizing under 5k? That's ridiculous.

I could ask why the D's didn't do the "right thing" 9 months ago. Again: POTUS could take actions now...bill or no bill. But, chooses not to. Everything you throw at the R's can be said about about POTUS and the D's refusal to even try to address this until it became an election issue. So save me the histrionics.
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I'm sorry were you talking about the 2023 GOP led House here? Ok, Maybe not "do nothing" but how about "do nothing to make American lives better". It's a bit wordy but more accurate and catchy I think.

"In 2023, the Republican-led House has passed only 27 bills that became law, despite holding a total of 724 votes.

That is more voting and less lawmaking than at any other time in the last decade, according to an analysis by the Bipartisan Policy Center, and a far less productive record than that of last year, when Democrats had unified control of Congress. The House held 549 votes in 2022, according to the House clerk, and passed 248 bills that were signed into law"

Stay on subject. But also, less legislation isn't always a bad thing.
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I'm sorry were you talking about the 2023 GOP led House here? Ok, Maybe not "do nothing" but how about "do nothing to make American lives better". It's a bit wordy but more accurate and catchy I think.

"In 2023, the Republican-led House has passed only 27 bills that became law, despite holding a total of 724 votes.

That is more voting and less lawmaking than at any other time in the last decade, according to an analysis by the Bipartisan Policy Center, and a far less productive record than that of last year, when Democrats had unified control of Congress. The House held 549 votes in 2022, according to the House clerk, and passed 248 bills that were signed into law"

I'll also say/agree that much if that was self-inflicted, between the new Speaker votes. Also, the shutdown discussions (which happen way too much) don't help.
Stay on subject. But also, less legislation isn't always a bad thing.
I'm sorry I thought you rejected my premise earlier in this thread that the GOP-led House was "do nothing" I was just pointing out how you were wrong...right on point
I'm sorry I thought you rejected my premise earlier in this thread that the GOP-led House was "do nothing" I was just pointing out how you were wrong

I thought you referring to the border. So....not wrong :p

...right on point

Also, this seems a bit harsh? Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. I think I hold my own. But, maybe not.
So you hate Biden more than you want to border closed and our country in the hopes it helps Trump? The asylum program has been a mess for decades with COVID and the decline of Central and South America making it worse.
So you have been screaming to close the border The last 3-1/2 years? I know better, your lord and savior is in trouble and now you are reacting , just as the media tells you to do!