Pass the border bill

Congress HAD the will but then Trump sabotaged it...this is now on the GOP and their "Do Nothing" Congress
That’s a media talking point

Does Trump want it done….no of course not but that isn’t the main reason. That’s commons sense when it comes to an election

as I stated before…bring a stand alone bill with enough concessions that it makes it impossible to refuse and see what Trump says.

If he is still against it then it’s a huge blow to him and election fuel for Biden

If it gets passed then great it helps the country and the Dems can use it as Election fuel

It’s a win/win for them and the country

But blaming Trump is regurgitated media rhetoric.

I don’t blame my side of the aisle for saying no to this bill one single ounce….Trump endorsed or not.

It doesn’t matter what anyone or any media outlet on either side says

Whether short term or long term the border CAN BE CLOSED with an EO until a firm agreed upon bill is passed…that is 100% factual and can’t be debated.
That’s a media talking point

Does Trump want it done….no of course not but that isn’t the main reason. That’s commons sense when it comes to an election

as I stated before…bring a stand alone bill with enough concessions that it makes it impossible to refuse and see what Trump says.

If he is still against it then it’s a huge blow to him and election fuel for Biden

If it gets passed then great it helps the country and the Dems can use it as Election fuel

It’s a win/win for them and the country

But blaming Trump is regurgitated media rhetoric.

I don’t blame my side of the aisle for saying no to this bill one single ounce….Trump endorsed or not.

It doesn’t matter what anyone or any media outlet on either side says

Whether short term or long term the border CAN BE CLOSED with an EO until a firm agreed upon bill is passed…that is 100% factual and can’t be debated.
Don't even need an EO just the will to enforce the law.

This is a manufactured crisis by the regime which is funneling billions to NGOs to actively bring millions across the border.
That’s a media talking point

Does Trump want it done….no of course not but that isn’t the main reason. That’s commons sense when it comes to an election

as I stated before…bring a stand alone bill with enough concessions that it makes it impossible to refuse and see what Trump says.

If he is still against it then it’s a huge blow to him and election fuel for Biden

If it gets passed then great it helps the country and the Dems can use it as Election fuel

It’s a win/win for them and the country

But blaming Trump is regurgitated media rhetoric.

I don’t blame my side of the aisle for saying no to this bill one single ounce….Trump endorsed or not.

It doesn’t matter what anyone or any media outlet on either side says

Whether short term or long term the border CAN BE CLOSED with an EO until a firm agreed upon bill is passed…that is 100% factual and can’t be debated.
Republicans just tried to pass a stand-alone Israel aid package in the House and couldn’t even do that.
Republicans just tried to pass a stand-alone Israel aid package in the House and couldn’t even do that.
Doesn’t seem like my team has their stuff together hahahah

Doesn’t change my stance on this border bill and preferring that to be a stand alone.

As a citizen that doesn’t understand political games but prefers our elected officials to do their job in the best interest of this country that’s my stance on it.

All the media rhetoric is for the masses to gobble up
Because everything Trump was doing was by EO and subject to a lawsuit or when that POTUS leaves office the EO can and should be overturned. Isn't that why we have 3 co-equal branches of government. EOs aren't supposed to be long term answers. I seem to remember the GOP all up in arms the way Obama was issuing out EOs, what changed? Oh what neverminded I know what changed.
That's not true. There are 4 sections of the Constitution that give POTUS authority and the obligation to secure the border.

Quit watching those imbeciles on MSNBC.
Again EOs are supposed to be temporary or a Band-Aid. I thought the border was important...why no codified asylum reform into law? Sounds like the experts at CBP think this is a great bill.
Wtf are you talking about? Asylum laws already exist. If you want to change them, fine. Have a debate in Congress, but quit taking out of your arse.
So you're saying there's no longer an issues?

What could Biden have done to fix the asylum program on his own?
He has the ability as President to use executive orders to close the border today if he wanted to... and stop the invasion... Trump used executive orders, and working with Mexico to control the influx of illegals....

Senile Joe, on his first day in the Oval Office, removed all the executive orders Trump had successfully used. Biden and his left wing democrat agenda proves he does NOT want the border closed and that they do not care about America or American citizens....

One million illegals have entered since the fiscal year began... By the way, the fastest growing group entering are from CHINA.... Enough already... Please vote these democrats out of office before we have no country left.... Too many other failures to list here....

God Bless America.
By EO not through Congress which is how the government should operate. Didn't you guys hate it when Obama issued EOs and didn't go through Congress? This "Do Nothing" GOP Congress won't protect the borders but if it's about looking at Hunter Biden D-pics it's priority number 1...why is that.
The EOs that Obama used were NOT to the benefit of America.... He was feeding the liberal agenda..... There is a difference.
I thought you referring to the border. So....not wrong :p

Also, this seems a bit harsh? Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. I think I hold my own. But, maybe not.
You absolutely hold your on and one of the only people on this board I find worth debating.

And here is the thing both parties for years have been do nothing on the border for one reason or another. That is the reason why I'm for this bill because it's bipartisan that actually has some meat to address the border issue. Dems aren't going to agree to these types of changes again without getting something in return that they see as a priority, that's politics. Is it a perfect bill no but it's the first bill I've seen ever that has support from both sides and that's a good thing in it's self.

Also I have no idea what that "right on point" line meant, I was freezing last night at my son's football practice and think I was dealing with some acute form of hypothermia. 😆
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He has the ability as President to use executive orders to close the border today if he wanted to... and stop the invasion... Trump used executive orders, and working with Mexico to control the influx of illegals....

Senile Joe, on his first day in the Oval Office, removed all the executive orders Trump had successfully used. Biden and his left wing democrat agenda proves he does NOT want the border closed and that they do not care about America or American citizens....

One million illegals have entered since the fiscal year began... By the way, the fastest growing group entering are from CHINA.... Enough already... Please vote these democrats out of office before we have no country left.... Too many other failures to list here....

God Bless America.
Again EO's aren't permanent and the GOP under Obama railed against what they thought was his excessive use of them.
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For all those who say Biden doesn't need new legislation to fix the border I didn't think about this until debating @Moosefish last night...and my boy Dan Crenshaw says the samething...

If there's no need for additional legislation to fix the border as many say then why did the GOP House pass HR2 last year? If new legislation was needed then what was the point of HR2?🤔

If new legislation was needed then what was the point of HR2?🤔
In part, to force additional measures to secure the border, as POTUS was not enforcing laws already on the books.

Given that, why would POTUS suddenly start enforcing border law in the Senate Bill, when he has shown he has no problem ignoring current law? In part, to change the narrative. As I said yesterday, 5k/day is 5x what Obama's DHS said was a "crisis"...and that Bill would normalize that rate. That alone is reason to not want this bill.
In part, to force additional measures to secure the border, as POTUS was not enforcing laws already on the books.

Given that, why would POTUS suddenly start enforcing border law in the Senate Bill, when he has shown he has no problem ignoring current law? In part, to change the narrative. As I said yesterday, 5k/day is 5x what Obama's DHS said was a "crisis"...and that Bill would normalize that rate. That alone is reason to not want this bill.
And that was also pre-COVID and one of the reason why Dems want to address the root cause of the influx of asylum seekers from Central and South America. The Senate bill from what I can tell does nothing to address the root cause so of course Dems would stipulate the 5K number. If aid was in the bill then I'd agree that number needs to be lower. But what this bill does do is provide more money for process asylum seekers quicker as well as make it tougher for those to claim asylum.

You got to remember this bill has nothing in it for Dreamers which has many Dems upset and no way they agree to some the powers given to the POTUS next time if there isn't something for Dreamers. It's politics so there should be give and take, both sides should realistically get and not-get something they want.
And that was also pre-COVID and one of the reason why Dems want to address the root cause of the influx of asylum seekers from Central and South America. The Senate bill from what I can tell does nothing to address the root cause so of course Dems would stipulate the 5K number. If aid was in the bill then I'd agree that number needs to be lower. But what this bill does do is provide more money for process asylum seekers quicker as well as make it tougher for those to claim asylum.

You got to remember this bill has nothing in it for Dreamers which has many Dems upset and no way they agree to some the powers given to the POTUS next time if there isn't something for Dreamers. It's politics so there should be give and take, both sides should realistically get and not-get something they want.
Pre-Covid or not, that's still a really high number before "emergency" powers kick in, gives Cartels a threshokd to avoud, and still doesn't guarantee actual enforcement.

I get the asylum seekers, but too many know (or are coached) the magic words to say to get in and start the process. One of Trump's policies that I think was good was working with other countries to have legit seekers to stay in countries to start that screened out many of those without legit claims.

Regardless, the organized criminal element is what needs to be addressed and this bill didn't adequately do so. There are better ways to address that and other areas where we have agreement.
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So says the Wall Street Journal

Why? The border was secure with zero additional legislation required under the previous president. Why would we continue to allow 5,000 illegals in our country every day from this point forward? Shut down the border. Then we can talk about who legally gets in.
Again EOs are supposed to be temporary or a Band-Aid. I thought the border was important...why no codified asylum reform into law? Sounds like the experts at CBP think this is a great bill.
None of it matters because it was written and designed to NOT get passed. The Dems write this because they know Biden is sinking in the polls and needed to offer him some cover for his biggest flop. The put in poisoned pills to prevent anyone from being able to support it and then Biden can claim the Pubs are preventing him from fixing the border.

Of course, he needs none of this to protect the US border. In addition, they did absolutely nothing for 2 years while everything was Dem controlled. Now that there is an election looming they have to manufacturer some outrage. Many Americans do not pay much attention to politics and they will be fooled, per usual. But not as many as before...people are waking up to the scam.
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Yes had it come from the House as a bipartisan bill and then gone over to the Senate I agree. But an extreme bill crafted by one side has no chance of the necessary changes being made to make the legislation more palatable or bipartisan to both parties. The House could have invited the Dems to the table like the Senate but they didn't. This just adds more evidence that only one party is actually serious about governance.

Again EO's aren't permanent and the GOP under Obama railed against what they thought was his excessive use of them.
I may be remembering wrong so forgive me if so. Wasn't Obama's "Dreamers" deal an EO and if so when will it end?
I may be remembering wrong so forgive me if so. Wasn't Obama's "Dreamers" deal an EO and if so when will it end?
The Dreamers Act of 2017 failed. The Trump administration rescinded expansion of DACA and was only reenacted via EO by Biden. There is and has never been a mechanism to make illegal immigrants legal or those bought here when they were minors.

The Senate bill doesn't give illegal immigrants legal status only resources to expediate the asylum process. That's a good thing right?
I may be remembering wrong so forgive me if so. Wasn't Obama's "Dreamers" deal an EO and if so when will it end?
It was and Trump tried to rescind, but the Supreme Court ruled against ending the program. Biden reinstated and then it was ruled unlawful by the courts and ended.

So the EO was temporary and ultimately not allowed by law, so we should pass laws to assist the border and not rely on one party to make the rules while in office, which will be changed by the other party.
It was and Trump tried to rescind, but the Supreme Court ruled against ending the program. Biden reinstated and then it was ruled unlawful by the courts and ended.

So the EO was temporary and ultimately not allowed by law, so we should pass laws to assist the border and not rely on one party to make the rules while in office, which will be changed by the other party.
I am not doubting you on this but that makes no sense. The SCOTUS wouldn't allow Trump to stop it but wouldn't let Biden reinstate it? What is your understanding of this? Also, even if EOs are temporary there was no reason to end them on Biden's 1st day and no reason he couldn't use them to shut down the border while getting whatever he needs through congress. This disaster was intentional.
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It was and Trump tried to rescind, but the Supreme Court ruled against ending the program. Biden reinstated and then it was ruled unlawful by the courts and ended.

So the EO was temporary and ultimately not allowed by law, so we should pass laws to assist the border and not rely on one party to make the rules while in office, which will be changed by the other party.
this whole cul-de-sac was made necessary in 2013/2014 when Congress (once again) couldn't get it together to address this obvious loophole and other issues with our antiquated immigration laws.

basically, as part of the reform package the Ds wanted to give a path to citizenship to dreamers (already in the country and having grown up here) which was too bitter a pill for House Republicans to swallow (eerie)

At the time Democrats said that Republicans weren't negotiating in good faith because immigration was too convenient a political cudgel for them. I don't think things have changed, and it is still true that our immigration laws are antiquated, given that they have not been updated in any real sense since 1986, except for getting an edit in 1996 and some post 9/11 rouging.

The latest Senate bill represented a legitimate swipe at comprehensive reform. I guess It will get another hearing at some point, likely in December or January with (I'm guessing) an R senate and probably a D house and president.
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I am not doubting you on this but that makes no sense. The SCOTUS wouldn't allow Trump to stop it but wouldn't let Biden reinstate it? What is your understanding of this? Also, even if EOs are temporary there was no reason to end them on Biden's 1st day and no reason he couldn't use them to shut down the border while getting whatever he needs through congress. This disaster was intentional.
I am not doubting you on this but that makes no sense. The SCOTUS wouldn't allow Trump to stop it but wouldn't let Biden reinstate it? What is your understanding of this? Also, even if EOs are temporary there was no reason to end them on Biden's 1st day and no reason he couldn't use them to shut down the border while getting whatever he needs through congress. This disaster was intentional.
Different courts and judges
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