So peaceful protestors get tear gassed...

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I get it. And when they are officially out past curfew, that’s when they get arrested. Not before. Get it? They had not broken any laws. Get it? Say someone is staying 5 minutes away, so they need to be forcibly moved 30 minutes beforehand? Nope. They would be home in time, but weren’t given the chance. It’s crazy that you don’t understand that.
they were not arrested so you lost the argument right there
You’re mixing up 2 different things. I am talking about the peaceful protestors and you keep trying to turn it around and talk about the rioters agenda. These are not the same people.

With that said, I’m glad that you do things to help your community.

I stated earlier that I have no problem with the peaceful protesters. The majority of the actions we are witnessing are antifa creating havoc to loot, burn and destroy what they can. I am a human being like them, I bleed when cut and feel pain, remorse, etc. I do not condone violence for either side of the argument. I just want us all to have the opportunity to live the American dream and the pursuit of happiness. We are definitely in a time where people are not willing to leave others alone if they do not agree with their views.
I never said they were arrested. I said that when they break the curfew, to arrest them. Your lack of reading has lost you this argument.
you lost the argument when refused to realize that you have to leave in time to get home before the curfew, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get home in time for a curfew if you decide to leave at curfew. You are making a huge assumption to think any protesters live within a few miles from the WH to be able to get home in time. It is completely within reason to disperse a crowd of protesters that was, according to Park Police, becoming unruly and trying to come through the barricade. Once again they didn't use tear gas even though with the climate of protests lately I would not care if they gassed them. Doesn't last long anyway yet serves a purpose
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you lost the argument when refused to realize that you have to leave in time to get home before the curfew, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get home in time for a curfew if you decide to leave at curfew. You are making a huge assumption to think any protesters live within a few miles from the WH to be able to get home in time. It is completely within reason to disperse a crowd of protesters that was, according to Park Police, becoming unruly and trying to come through the barricade. Once again they didn't use tear gas even though with the climate of protests lately I would not care if they gassed them. Doesn't last long anyway yet serves a purpose
You lost the argument when you assume that it takes everyone 30+ minutes to get home. I never said they would leave AT curfew. But, it’s very possible that the protestors STILL had time to stick around AND get home when they were forced out. They were never given the chance. The clearing of the protestors was planned before a couple of bottles were supposedly thrown. Also, there WAS tear gas used, as first hand accounts confirm.
Your last comment shows you are oblivious. He showed no support for the church or anyone else but himself.
Just being there shows support.

The self righteousness of those who likely aren’t religious at all has been interesting to see.

Did you see the speech right before it? He basically said all the right things there, funny how that is basically ignored to focus on this.
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Can we stop saying peaceful protests? They are no longer peaceful. Everyone is well aware at this point of the situation so that aren’t really serving any purpose. If you stay out past the curfew now, you are simply providing cover for those throwing items, attacking police, looting and setting businesses (and now churches) aflame.

You certainly aren’t supporting justice for George (the guy was already arrested and charged but someone that doesn’t matter).

This has gotten way out of hand and needs to end.
Can we stop saying peaceful protests? They are no longer peaceful. Everyone is well aware at this point of the situation so that aren’t really serving any purpose. If you stay out past the curfew now, you are simply providing cover for those throwing items, attacking police, looting and setting businesses (and now churches) aflame.

You certainly aren’t supporting justice for George (the guy was already arrested and charged but someone that doesn’t matter).

This has gotten way out of hand and needs to end.
Many protests are still peaceful. In Milwaukee, peaceful protestors marched for 11 hours yesterday without looting or rioting. Don’t get the different groups confused.
These peaceful protests are about more than just George Floyd. He was the catalyst and the face of the protests. But, If you listen, it’s about way more than just his death.
Just being there shows support.

The self righteousness of those who likely aren’t religious at all has been interesting to see.

Did you see the speech right before it? He basically said all the right things there, funny how that is basically ignored to focus on this.

Can we stop saying peaceful protests? They are no longer peaceful. Everyone is well aware at this point of the situation so that aren’t really serving any purpose. If you stay out past the curfew now, you are simply providing cover for those throwing items, attacking police, looting and setting businesses (and now churches) aflame.

You certainly aren’t supporting justice for George (the guy was already arrested and charged but someone that doesn’t matter).

This has gotten way out of hand and needs to end.

Just being there shows support - for whom does it show support. He didn't tell the Bishop or anyone else at the Church that he was coming and didn't speak to them. The Bishop obviously did not feel the support so it was a poor job. Actually, he was just there for himself so who am I trying to kid.

Glad you can make judgments about people that it would seem you never met because I can't tell who you are referring to in your 2nd paragraph.

If you didn't notice the topic, it's about interrupting the peaceful protesters to get to the Church. I think his speech has been talked about in other threads. In any event, it's typical for the Chat for people to interject other discussions, but I'll try and stick to the topic.

Maybe we should use McConnell's comment.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday sidestepped a question about President Trump's response to protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd, and didn't directly weigh in on the treatment of protesters outside the White House on Monday night.

"I'm not going to critique other people's performances. I can speak for myself, and I just have," McConnell said when asked if Trump was providing the "right kind of leadership" after Floyd's death in police custody.

Asked separately if he was "comfortable" with the "scene" outside the White House, McConnell demurred.

"I've already told you what I think about last night. I'm relieved that apparently there were few to no injuries last night, apparently little or no looting," McConnell said.

It's not the first time McConnell has declined to weigh in on actions taken by Trump or the White House.

So, is McConnell one of those people on the other side?

Along with everyone else that I have seen comment, the looting and riots are terrible and serve no positive purpose. The people behind them (which has been discussed) are the problem. We can't just say they need to stop, something has to be done and declaring them terrorist groups will help.

But there are still peaceful protests. If you say they serve no purpose, you are more of the problem than the solution by not seeing what is behind them. It is obvious that little has been done in the past about the problems they are protesting. It's more than what happened to Floyd. Tonight's protest in Orlando is the largest crowd they have had so far. I haven't seen who organized it, but it has been peaceful and these people want to finally be heard. I would think the timing of being in the middle of a pandemic has affected what is happening. But the history with protests is that promises get made, but nothing changes.

You said "This has gotten way out of hand and needs to end." I believe the protesters might agree with you, but for a different reason than you meant.
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Many protests are still peaceful. In Milwaukee, peaceful protestors marched for 11 hours yesterday without looting or rioting. Don’t get the different groups confused.
These peaceful protests are about more than just George Floyd. He was the catalyst and the face of the protests. But, If you listen, it’s about way more than just his death.

Was it because the National Guard was there ?
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If anyone has ever been in a protest gone unruly you would know that some peaceful protesters will get pepper-sprayed inadvertently. Most of the time there is a faction that gets aggressive toward police and crosses that line.
How many protests you been in?
Many protests are still peaceful. In Milwaukee, peaceful protestors marched for 11 hours yesterday without looting or rioting. Don’t get the different groups confused.
These peaceful protests are about more than just George Floyd. He was the catalyst and the face of the protests. But, If you listen, it’s about way more than just his death.
You think the black lives matter group will turn around and protest their own community when they are finished. Peacefully? David dorn deserves this. The retired African American police chief lost his life protecting someone else’s store. He was selfless and lost his life needlessly. They have protested Floyd being needlessly killed after passing a counterfeit twenty for 8 days. Dorn should be the face of the black community right now. He died doing what we all should be doing right now and helping our fellow man. His video is also just as bad as Floyd’s. He should qualify, but he won’t.
Was it because the National Guard was there ?
No. The National Guard was not a part of this protest. They were here Saturday and Sunday. They were not around for the protest on Monday night, which is when the 11 hour peaceful march happened. Even when the National Guard was here, they were only set up around firehouses, churches, and daycares. They didn’t patrol the streets.
You think the black lives matter group will turn around and protest their own community when they are finished. Peacefully? David dorn deserves this. The retired African American police chief lost his life protecting someone else’s store. He was selfless and lost his life needlessly. They have protested Floyd being needlessly killed after passing a counterfeit twenty for 8 days. Dorn should be the face of the black community right now. He died doing what we all should be doing right now and helping our fellow man. His video is also just as bad as Floyd’s. He should qualify, but he won’t.
Many African American and BLM protestors have condemned the violence and looting that has happened. MANY. Again, there are 2 different groups here. Don’t lump them into 1 group. Counterfeit money (allegedly), does not condone the killing of a man. And Dorn’s death is tragic. And it should have never ever happened. There is no excuse for his death either. And he should be honored. This protest isn’t just about one man’s death. This is about the injustice that many in the African American community experience every day. George Floyd’s unwarranted and inexcusable death was the catalyst for these protests. It is not the ONLY reason for the protests.
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Many African American and BLM protestors have condemned the violence and looting that has happened. MANY. Again, there are 2 different groups here. Don’t lump them into 1 group. Counterfeit money (allegedly), does not condone the killing of a man. And Dorn’s death is tragic. And it should have never ever happened. There is no excuse for his death either. And he should be honored. This protest isn’t just about one man’s death. This is about the injustice that many in the African American community experience every day. George Floyd’s unwarranted and inexcusable death was the catalyst for these protests. It is not the ONLY reason for the protests.
Read my post. I said Floyd’s death was needless. But obviously the circumstances are different. The reason for the protest is for one reason only. Far too many times, white policemen have been released after senseless killings. That is from a protestors mouth and friend. There is no confidence in the justice system. There are two different factions. No doubt. But if they care about the senseless killings of black citizens, they should care just as much about one snuffed out that didn’t do anything but serve the public. And they don’t. Only because this has been sensationalized. They should turn the same lens of justice for one of their own in dorn’s case as well. But they won’t. The black lives matter group are being manipulated just like you. I hear no outrage. Other than folks condemning trump for tweeting about it. This whole movement is about equal treatment, but only when that bad treatment serves an interest. Both sides are guilty of this right now. You can certainly point it out when it doesn’t fit your narrative. Haven’t seen one person mention dorn’s death other than me. It isn’t like his video isn’t just as heartless and disgusting as Floyd’s was.

What both sides are doing right now is ignorant. Next thing you guys will do is blame trump for global warming after he is caught pissing in the wind. The same way it is crazy for the other side to blame Obama for racial unrest that has been happening forever. Until we classify everyone as Americans and start taking care of each other, this will keep happening. Or find a common sense button that recognizes there are bad people in every race. Blaming people never solved anything. Yet we have a four page thread doing nothing but that.
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Read my post. I said Floyd’s death was needless. But obviously the circumstances are different. The reason for the protest is for one reason only. Far too many times, white policemen have been released after senseless killings. That is from a protestors mouth and friend. There is no confidence in the justice system. There are two different factions. No doubt. But if they care about the senseless killings of black citizens, they should care just as much about one snuffed out that didn’t do anything but serve the public. And they don’t. Only because this has been sensationalized. They should turn the same lens of justice for one of their own in dorn’s case as well. But they won’t. The black lives matter group are being manipulated just like you. I hear no outrage. Other than folks condemning trump for tweeting about it. This whole movement is about equal treatment, but only when that bad treatment serves an interest. Both sides are guilty of this right now. You can certainly point it out when it doesn’t fit your narrative. Haven’t seen one person mention dorn’s death other than me. It isn’t like his video isn’t just as heartless and disgusting as Floyd’s was.

What both sides are doing right now is ignorant. Next thing you guys will do is blame trump for global warming after he is caught pissing in the wind. The same way it is crazy for the other side to blame Obama for racial unrest that has been happening forever. Until we classify everyone as Americans and start taking care of each other, this will keep happening. Or find a common sense button that recognizes there are bad people in every race. Blaming people never solved anything. Yet we have a four page thread doing nothing but that.
You haven’t seen one person mention Dorn’s death other than you? You mean in this conversation or all over? Not sure if you also read the post where I responded to you, talking about Dorn. And the peaceful protestors DO care about Dorn’s life. Guess what, they also care about the lives of white people and white officers. There are tons and tons of stories and of peaceful protestors protecting policemen during all of this. Why aren’t you recognizing that? Tons of stories of peaceful protestors condemning the violence, looting, and rioting. Why aren’t you recognizing that? If you don’t hear outrage, you’re not listening.
You haven’t seen one person mention Dorn’s death other than you? You mean in this conversation or all over? Not sure if you also read the post where I responded to you, talking about Dorn. And the peaceful protestors DO care about Dorn’s life. Guess what, they also care about the lives of white people and white officers. There are tons and tons of stories and of peaceful protestors protecting policemen during all of this. Why aren’t you recognizing that? Tons of stories of peaceful protestors condemning the violence, looting, and rioting. Why aren’t you recognizing that? If you don’t hear outrage, you’re not listening.
Haven’t seen it on this board. Barely seen it anywhere. CNN just acknowledged it, but didn’t post the video. Shocker. They run Floyd’s video on a continuous loop. Glad you focused on that part of my post and no where else.
Haven’t seen it on this board. Barely seen it anywhere. CNN just acknowledged it, but didn’t post the video. Shocker. They run Floyd’s video on a continuous loop. Glad you focused on that part of my post and no where else.
USA Today, ABC News, AP, CNN, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News. All of these places have stories about Dorn’s death. If you haven’t seen anything about his death, you’re not looking.
I respond to the messages sent to me. If you wanted to ask about Dorn earlier, you could have. Not sure why you’re pinning the lack of conversation about Dorn on me when I’m literally the only person talking to you about it.
You haven’t seen one person mention Dorn’s death other than you? You mean in this conversation or all over? Not sure if you also read the post where I responded to you, talking about Dorn. And the peaceful protestors DO care about Dorn’s life. Guess what, they also care about the lives of white people and white officers. There are tons and tons of stories and of peaceful protestors protecting policemen during all of this. Why aren’t you recognizing that? Tons of stories of peaceful protestors condemning the violence, looting, and rioting. Why aren’t you recognizing that? If you don’t hear outrage, you’re not listening.
It took 6 days of protesting to start hearing stories of peaceful protestors protecting cops. They have been invaluable in getting info to the cops in instigators. But they are still protesting and have become the cover for a war. How can you not recognize this. We are on day 9. You would think a leader of this group may recognize this and call a halt to the protests way before now. I have to give Atlanta credit. They recognized this almost immediately. This should be very, very easy to understand. If you are a peaceful protestor, but the whole group you are in that day isn’t peacefully protesting, then you aren’t a peaceful protestor. Go home, so the bad apples will be exposed. This shouldn’t be difficult. Common sense. This happened in Minnesota and there are protests all over the country yelling and throwing stuff at police. The police departments in those states had nothing to do with it. I work for an insurance company. Damn glad when one of us f’s up, people don’t go around throwing rocks at all of us. Wake up
USA Today, ABC News, AP, CNN, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News. All of these places have stories about Dorn’s death. If you haven’t seen anything about his death, you’re not looking.
I respond to the messages sent to me. If you wanted to ask about Dorn earlier, you could have. Not sure why you’re pinning the lack of conversation about Dorn on me when I’m literally the only person talking to you about it.
Not till today. Certainly not last night that I saw. Hopefully tonight I will see some of this outrage
You speak of. Maybe it will cool things down some. Something has to
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Again, there are 2 different groups here. Don’t lump them into 1 group. Counterfeit money (allegedly), does not condone the killing of a man.

This is intellectually dishonesty. Floyd wasn't killed because he had a counterfeit 20. He was killed because he chose to fight the cops and didn't even surrender after being cuffed. I think almost everyone agrees the cops in this situation screwed up bigly for whatever reason. They should and are being investigated and should face justice but you'll never solve a problem by misdefining the circumstances.

Yes. AAs are sometimes targeted unfairly. Yes, some of that could be racism and some of because even members of their own race have developed prejudices based on age, attitude and dress and yes, there are and will always be bad cops and arrests gone bad. Having said that, if Mr. Floyd was being wrongfully targeted but submitted to the arrest, he'd be alive today and had the opportunity to address and violations of his rights.
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No. The National Guard was not a part of this protest. They were here Saturday and Sunday. They were not around for the protest on Monday night, which is when the 11 hour peaceful march happened. Even when the National Guard was here, they were only set up around firehouses, churches, and daycares. They didn’t patrol the streets.
It’s funny how the cowards stand down in the face of overwhelming force ( used the correct way). I am calling out the rioters (not the “Peaceful” protesters) as cowards.
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Not till today. Certainly not last night that I saw. Hopefully tonight I will see some of the outrage. Maybe it will cool things down some. Something has to
Well that’s just not true.
AP had it Late Monday night/Tuesday morning, updated it on Tuesday, and updated it today.
ABC News has it yesterday
USA Today has the story yesterday and updated it today
It took 6 days of protesting to start hearing stories of peaceful protestors protecting cops. They have been invaluable in getting info to the cops in instigators. But they are still protesting and have become the cover for a war. How can you not recognize this. We are on day 9. You would think a leader of this group may recognize this and call a halt to the protests way before now. I have to give Atlanta credit. They recognized this almost immediately. This should be very, very easy to understand. If you are a peaceful protestor, but the whole group you are in that day isn’t peacefully protesting, then you aren’t a peaceful protestor. Go home, so the bad apples will be exposed. This shouldn’t be difficult. Common sense. This happened in Minnesota and there are protests all over the country yelling and throwing stuff at police. The police departments in those states had nothing to do with it. I work for an insurance company. Damn glad when one of us f’s up, people don’t go around throwing rocks at all of us. Wake up
It did not take 6 days of protesting to start hearing of peaceful protesters protecting cops. These stories have been there this whole time. You just weren’t looking for them. Just do a search. You, again, are lumping in peaceful protestors with rioters. What you literally just said is that if you are peacefully protesting and someone else riots, then you’re no longer a peaceful protestor. That’s crazy that you think that.
This is intellectually dishonesty. Floyd wasn't killed because he had a counterfeit 20. He was killed because he chose to fight the cops and didn't even surrender after being cuffed. I think almost everyone agrees the cops in this situation screwed up bigly for whatever reason. They should and are being investigated and should face justice but you'll never solve a problem by misdefining the circumstances.

Yes. AAs are sometimes targeted unfairly. Yes, some of that could be racism and some of because even members of their own race have developed prejudices based on age, attitude and dress and yes, there are and will always be bad cops and arrests gone bad. Having said that, if Mr. Floyd was being wrongfully targeted but submitted to the arrest, he'd be alive today and had the opportunity to address and violations of his rights.
It’s not intellectually dishonest. My point about the alleged counterfeit money was in direct response to the person who wrote to me: “They have protested Floyd being needlessly killed after passing a counterfeit twenty for 8 days.” You’re not following the conversation. You have a problem with not reading the flow of the conversation and wanting to pick and choose things out of context.
If George Floyd’s arresting officers would have handled the situation correctly, he would still be alive today and have the opportunity to address the situation.
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It’s not intellectually dishonest. My point about the alleged counterfeit money was in direct response to the person who wrote to me: “They have protested Floyd being needlessly killed after passing a counterfeit twenty for 8 days.” You’re not following the conversation. You have a problem with not reading the flow of the conversation and wanting to pick and choose things out of context.
If George Floyd’s arresting officers would have handled the situation correctly, he would still be alive today and have the opportunity to address the situation.
Where you responded to me and forgot that I said he was needlessly killed.
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I can’t watch all seven sources at once. I flipped back and forth to get every side of the story, no matter how much it is shaded. Didn’t catch it. Did see the Floyd video on a loop.
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I can’t watch all seven sources at once. I flipped back and forth to get every side of the story, no matter how much it is shaded. Didn’t catch it. Did see the other video on a loop.
What are you even talking about? These are written stories. You don’t have to flip through them all at once. You can read them one at a time. They are still there for you to read. And will continue to be there for you to read. Are you being serious right now??
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You said allegedly counterfeit. That is technically still true. However I did catch the two store owners on cnn last night confirming it was a counterfeit. One guy hoping the community wouldn’t come after them for saying it is true, while the certain news outlet’s anchor was rolling his eyes. Literally saying, don’t worry guys no one thinks your at fault after an audible sniker under his breath. Pretty comedic. One of the owners was begging ice cube on camera to notice that it was counterfeit, but he appreciated him bringing it to everyone’s attention. Appointment tv
What are you even talking about? These are written stories. You don’t have to flip through them all at once. You can read them one at a time. They are still there for you to read. And will continue to be there for you to read. Are you being serious right now??
When I am home I would rather watch. I read them at work. One source was called out. I showed it to you. Also gave you some bonus info, since it seemed like you weren’t sure on the counterfeit charge. I am here to be of service.
You said allegedly counterfeit. That is technically still true. However I did catch the two store owners on cnn last night confirming it was a counterfeit. One guy hoping the community wouldn’t come after them for saying it is true, while the certain news outlet’s anchor was rolling his eyes. Literally saying, don’t worry guys no one thinks your at fault after an audible sniker under his breath. Pretty comedic. One of the owners was begging ice cube on camera to notice that it was counterfeit, but he appreciated him bringing it to everyone’s attention. Appointment tv
So, allegedly. Like I said. It very may have been. But it still is alleged at this point. Still no reason for what happened.
When I am home I would rather watch. I read them at work. One source was called out. I showed it to you. Also gave you some bonus info, since it seemed like you weren’t sure on the counterfeit charge. I am here to be of service.
Well that’s the problem. You’re saying that these things are being talked about or reported, yet the outlets you are using are very limited. I gave you 7 sources, many of which reported this stuff yesterday. And you give me Fox News calling out CNN, their rivals. Lol. Be better. There is an entire world of information out there for you, and you are using limited sources. That’s YOUR fault for not looking and researching before speaking.
Also, the counterfeit charge is still alleged.
Glad to help you out.
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So, allegedly. Like I said. It very may have been. But it still is alleged at this point. Still no reason for what happened.
I agree. No reason. It is an awful video and it hurts to watch. I hope you can see the double standard however. Defend all you want. It is a double standard. I hope to god one of the looters bailed out by celebrities doesn’t turn out to be the shooter of dorn.
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Well that’s the problem. You’re saying that these things are being talked about or reported, yet the outlets you are using are very limited. I gave you 7 sources, many of which reported this stuff yesterday. And you give me Fox News calling out CNN, their rivals. Lol. Be better. There is an entire world of information out there for you, and you are using limited sources. That’s YOUR fault for not looking and researching before speaking.
Also, the counterfeit charge is still alleged.
Glad to help you out.
And that is all you have focused on in the post I made, because everything else you have said other than Floyd didn’t deserve to die is nothing but a bunch of crap. Do you believe the story has been covered properly or even equally? I will hang up and listen to your silence.
And that is all you have focused on in the post I made, because everything else you have said other than Floyd didn’t deserve to die is nothing but a bunch of crap. Do you believe the story has been covered properly or even equally? I will hang up and listen to your silence.
What? You’ve literally lost your mind. You said that no one reported on Dorn. I showed you that’s wrong. You said that they only did it today. I showed you that is wrong. So you show me a video of Fox News calling out CNN. How is any of what I said crap? I literally showed you how what you were saying is incorrect. Please, show me where what I said is crap.
Now I will hang up and listen to YOUR silence.
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