Special council did Biden No favors….


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
No way in hell he could charge a sitting President and he shouldn’t but he specifically said it was willful and Biden was an elderly person who couldn’t remember. Wow - those 2 stammers are MUCH damming than I expected. Trump and his team will blast that on the loud speakers as they should. Yes Trump did the same thing and perhaps worth but jury should hear how Biden was treated.
No way in hell he could charge a sitting President and he shouldn’t but he specifically said it was willful and Biden was an elderly person who couldn’t remember. Wow - those 2 stammers are MUCH damming than I expected. Trump and his team will blast that on the loud speakers as they should. Yes Trump did the same thing and perhaps worth but jury should hear how Biden was treated.
"Well intentioned elderly person" is not generally what you are looking for in a president.
And that My Georgia dawg friend are our 2 choices for President, let’s step back and do a Newsom VS DeSantis or something comparable so we can talk Policy and budgets instead of dementia Joe VS Felon Trump….
I don’t know how that doesn’t bury him. He isn’t fit to stand trial like a normal human being. lol. But fit to be president. When does his personal doctor get fired. Jees. Not charging him is embarrassing. But this is absolutely awful. Not even secured in the slightest. They don’t charge him for this reason. No way a jury convicts him because he is an elderly man who can’t remember anything. Holy Christmas.

I have a serious question that I have stated several times. Which is worse? Not having a clue what you have. Where you have it. Or knowing exactly what you are taking and keeping longer than you should for yourself. Just damn.
I don’t know how that doesn’t bury him. He isn’t fit to stand trial like a normal human being. lol. But fit to be president. When does his personal doctor get fired. Jees. Not charging him is embarrassing. But this is absolutely awful. Not even secured in the slightest. They don’t charge him for this reason. No way a jury convicts him because he is an elderly man who can’t remember anything. Holy Christmas.

I have a serious question that I have stated several times. Which is worse? Not having a clue what you have. Where you have it. Or knowing exactly what you are taking and keeping longer than you should for yourself. Just damn.
Option A: Well intentioned elderly person
Option B: Very much not well-intentioned, slightly less-elderly person

I know some of you guys don't see it this way, but I think as the court cases proceed a lot of moderates will see it this way.

BTW, I think the SCOTUS shoots down the Colorado disqualification case but chooses not to hear the immunity case. The J6 trial should happen by June.
Option A: Well intentioned elderly person
Option B: Very much not well-intentioned, slightly less-elderly person

I know some of you guys don't see it this way, but I think as the court cases proceed a lot of moderates will see it this way.

BTW, I think the SCOTUS shoots down the Colorado disqualification case but chooses not to hear the immunity case. The J6 trial should happen by June.
I know the way moderates see it. I understand it. But a president needs to have his faculties. We have already seen a trump presidency. There is no election coming after this one.

Being honest. Totally honest. We need a scary leader right now. A wild card. The rest of the world needs to be put on notice. I will get push back on that, but having the old man shuffle coming at you has done nothing but embolden the rest of the planet. People are laughing at Biden now daily. It is getting worse. Either reset the candidates. Run them both off the ticket. Or there really is no choice. You can’t want Kamala either. That will be worse than Trump or Biden. Which is a mouthful.
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No way in hell he could charge a sitting President and he shouldn’t but he specifically said it was willful and Biden was an elderly person who couldn’t remember. Wow - those 2 stammers are MUCH damming than I expected. Trump and his team will blast that on the loud speakers as they should. Yes Trump did the same thing and perhaps worth but jury should hear how Biden was treated.
to coin a phrase: it was a real müllering
I am surprised that he didn’t just step down. Dude lost his train of thought in his speech. Then he tells a media member that he let him speak. Wtf. That was a frenzy. They had not asked him a question forever. lol. You would have thought they would kill each other to get one question in.

This will go down as the biggest coverup ever when his actual health report comes to light.

He says he can’t remember to the investigators. Then he all of the sudden can remember shit on the podium. Wow.
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This!! How could you not see this back in 2020 and still vote for him. Those folks are special! Just can’t make it up!
Been talking about this for four years on this board. Even today before it seemed to take the special council saying it, for any on the left to believe it. This will end up being one of the biggest scandals in American history.
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Biden proves how pathetic people in this country have become. And there are some Republican examples too but Biden just takes the cake.

Most people now don’t want freedom. They want to be told what to do. They gladly give up their freedoms for a small sense of security. They don’t want to think critically or independently…….. they don’t want the responsibility. They want to be spoon fed their news, voting decisions, health decisions and info (think COVID). If they can just be told how to vote, think, eat and raise their kids, then life becomes easy and they really don’t have to be responsible for anything.

My God, we just had a senile old FOOL, who has never accomplished anything in his life, never run a business, failed his family and KILL Americans, deceive 81,xxx,xxx into voting for him, despite being corrupt to his soul, with all evidence of deception and fraudulence in full view.

I can’t even imagine the disgrace I would feel if I had voted for him, knowing then and now impaired cognitive state. Not to mention the blood they have on their hands……Afghanistan, middle eastern deaths and others that don’t make the corrupt MSM headlines.

The legacy media backed this man all the way, concealing and withholding from view the lack of mental facility this man exhibited. They are implicit in the deaths, loss of projected global power, economy, loss of inherent civil rights and all the bad bestowed upon the American people over the last 3 years.

The name Biden should forever more be cast out of the annals of American history, and be spoken of in the same company of Benedict Arnold. Hell, Arnold was at least brave and a brilliant tactician. I can’t think of one positive trait to place upon the name of Biden or those that would place a vote for a mental degenerate just because they disliked the personality of his opponent.

It’s a sad day when so many of our American brethren have been proven to be so light on intelligence, self reliance and industry to fall for the con that was Joe Biden
Been talking about this for four years on this board. Even today before it seemed to take the special council saying it, for any on the left to believe it. This will end up being one of the biggest scandals in American history.
Why the Dems will just say there’s nothing to see here and nothing will be done to save our country.
And that My Georgia dawg friend are our 2 choices for President, let’s step back and do a Newsom VS DeSantis or something comparable so we can talk Policy and budgets instead of dementia Joe VS Felon Trump….
Was Trump convicted today?
Been talking about this for four years on this board. Even today before it seemed to take the special council saying it, for any on the left to believe it. This will end up being one of the biggest scandals in American history.
Something like this happens nearly every day now with Trump. I think my two options outlined above are relevant because Trump is not showing himself to be all that sharp these days either.

The State of the Union will be very important for Biden.

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Something like this happens nearly every day now with Trump. I think my two options outlined above are relevant because Trump is not showing himself to be all that sharp these days either.

The State of the Union will be very important for Biden.

Haha. Just stop. It isn’t even comparable. Yet. He is certainly making more mistakes than he did in the past. But one of those isn’t really a mistake. It is a reach. I told you prior to last election Biden is compromised. Well. It took someone finally getting to ask him some questions who isn’t biased to get there. This is a coverup will. Trump goes in front of the camera for long stretches daily. There will be mistakes. Biden is hidden from the world other than the brief moments he has to be president. Every time out he has a gaffe. Every single speech. You guys have been pretending. Just own it.

These mistakes are not like Biden where he just loses all train of thought. Abstract thinking. My own father has the same issues after a stroke. Especially with numbers. They stopped even letting Biden quote numbers now. Have you noticed. No chance he gets it right. He went out last night to show he wasn’t compromised. And acted more compromised than ever. You can’t what about this one. This is one of the worst coverups in American history.

Jobs report comes out. It is great and likely a big fat lie, but They don’t put him in front of the camera. Why will? Because dealing with numbers is impossible for someone in his mental state. My father has a masters degree in finance. I had to help him figure out how to leave a 20 percent tip. Till he realized he can use his phone calculator. And he would run circles around Biden at the same age.

I feel bad for him in some ways. It is evil what is being done to him. He was going to recite when he son’s death was to prove he knew it last night. And forgot again. The lefty politicians behind all this are evil to the core.
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Haha. Just stop. It isn’t even comparable. Yet. He is certainly making more mistakes than he did in the past. But one of those isn’t really a mistake. It is a reach. I told you prior to last election Biden is compromised. Well. It took someone finally getting to ask him some questions who isn’t biased to get there. This is a coverup will. Trump goes in front of the camera for long stretches daily. There will be mistakes. Biden is hidden from the world other than the brief moments he has to be president. Every time out he has a gaffe. Every single speech. You guys have been pretending. Just own it.

These mistakes are not like Biden where he just loses all train of thought. Abstract thinking. My own father has the same issues after a stroke. Especially with numbers. They stopped even letting Biden quote numbers now. Have you noticed. No chance he gets it right. He went out last night to show he wasn’t compromised. And acted more compromised than ever. You can’t what about this one. This is one of the worst coverups in American history.

Jobs report comes out. It is great and likely a big fat lie, but They don’t put him in front of the camera. Why will? Because dealing with numbers is impossible for someone in his mental state. My father has a masters degree in finance. I had to help him figure out how to leave a 20 percent tip. Till he realized he can use his phone calculator. And he would run circles around Biden at the same age.

I feel bad for him in some ways. It is evil what is being done to him. He was going to recite when he son’s death was to prove he knew it last night. And forgot again. The lefty politicians behind all this are evil to the core.
Of course any mistake that Trump makes will be minimized. Trump repeatedly confused Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley, which is a really bad mistake. Yesterday, he actually referred to J6 as an insurrection while suggesting that Pelosi should be charged as the cause of it, which is both stupid and very unhelpful for his court cases. That’s not a sharp guy commenting.

The special prosecutor in the case is a lifelong Republican who was appointed by Trump. You can claim he is unbiased, but he managed to score some political points against Biden at the same time he reached the conclusion that charges were not warranted. The report documents in great detail the stark difference in how Biden handled this issue versus Trump’s handling of his documents issue. One shows a respect for the rule of law and the other one doesn’t. Does that matter? It should.

A well intentioned elderly guy, or a malicious, bad-natured three years younger elderly guy. That’s our choice. Sad that as a country we can’t do better than that.
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Of course any mistake that Trump makes will be minimized. Trump repeatedly confused Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley, which is a really bad mistake. Yesterday, he actually referred to J6 as an insurrection while suggesting that Pelosi should be charged as the cause of it, which is both stupid and very unhelpful for his court cases. That’s not a sharp guy commenting.

The special prosecutor in the case is a lifelong Republican who was appointed by Trump. You can claim he is unbiased, but he managed to score some political points against Biden at the same time he reached the conclusion that charges were not warranted. The report documents in great detail the stark difference in how Biden handled this issue versus Trump’s handling of his documents issue. One shows a respect for the rule of law and the other one doesn’t. Does that matter? It should.

A well intentioned elderly guy, or a malicious, bad-natured three years younger elderly guy. That’s our choice. Sad that as a country we can’t do better than that.
Won’t disagree that Trump’s vocal obstruction is the single biggest legal issue he has amongst the 91 or whatever charges. Legit. And a key difference in the docs case between the two.

However - it is difficult to draw a distinction between the willful acts of both to keep the docs in the first place.

Furthermore - not only is the fact that Joe has a bad memory a factor in whether or not he would be convicted, it is the key relevant factor in a case that boils down to willful intent. Not being able to remember things is the single best defense against the accusation of willful intent versus honest mistake.

The fact that the docs were there illegally is not in debate. It is all about intent to keep. JB’s memory of his thought process at the time is the key defense. And the fact that he really needed to draw distinctions between the trump charge and the Biden no-charge made it that more important that he discuss JBs terrible recollection.

Saying he his memory is shit is highly relevant and needed to justify not charging the guy. Furthermore Merrick Garland could have redacted that. It wasn’t redacted. Dude did his job.
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Won’t disagree that Trump’s vocal obstruction is the single biggest legal issue he has amongst the 91 or whatever charges. Legit. And a key difference in the docs case between the two.

However - it is difficult to draw a distinction between the willful acts of both to keep the docs in the first place.

Furthermore - not only is the fact that Joe has a bad memory a factor in whether or not he would be convicted, it is the key relevant factor in a case that boils down to willful intent. Not being able to remember things is the single best defense against the accusation of willful intent versus honest mistake.

The fact that the docs were there illegally is not in debate. It is all about intent to keep. JB’s memory of his thought process at the time is the key defense. And the fact that he really needed to draw distinctions between the trump charge and the Biden no-charge made it that more important that he discuss JBs terrible recollection.

Saying he his memory is shit is highly relevant and needed to justify not charging the guy. Furthermore Merrick Garland could have redacted that. It wasn’t redacted. Dude did his job.
If memory serves (pun intended), both Trump and his family have been known to say “I do not recall” hundreds of times in their various depositions over the years.

The primary reason the Special Prosecutor was able to determine intent was based on Biden’s actions and level of cooperation, which has nothing to do with his mental state and is a stark difference from Trump.

One of the times Trump was forced to actually answer questions, he confirmed that, historically, stars have been able to assault women and get away with it and then, after saying that he couldn’t have possibly assaulted Carroll because she was a dog, he mistook Carroll for his second wife. That played a direct role in why the jury found him liable for a $83m judgment.

So we can compare and contrast performance when testifying under oath. I still don’t think that reflects well on Trump, for a lot of reason.

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If memory serves (pun intended), both Trump and his family have been known to say “I do not recall” hundreds of times in their various depositions over the years.

The primary reason the Special Prosecutor was able to determine intent was based on Biden’s actions and level of cooperation, which has nothing to do with his mental state and is a stark difference from Trump.

One of the times Trump was forced to actually answer questions, he confirmed that historically stars have been able to assault women and get away with it and then, after saying that he couldn’t have possibly assaulted Carroll because she was a dog, he mistook Carroll for his second wife. That played a direct role in why the jury found him liable for an $83m judgment.

So we can compare and contrast performance when testifying under oath. I still don’t think that reflects well on Trump, for a lot of reason.

Biden is done.

Lost in all this mess is the likely attack on Taiwan. China will quickly move up its timeline.
I am surprised that he didn’t just step down. Dude lost his train of thought in his speech. Then he tells a media member that he let him speak. Wtf. That was a frenzy. They had not asked him a question forever. lol. You would have thought they would kill each other to get one question in.

This will go down as the biggest coverup ever when his actual health report comes to light.

He says he can’t remember to the investigators. Then he all of the sudden can remember shit on the podium. Wow.
Biden gave a press conference to say that he was not losing his mind. Was walking away. Came back to answer a question about Israel. And proceeded to say that he got Mexico to open the border to allow medical supplies into Gaza. Only he could have a press conference to say he was not a feeble minded old man and then confuse Mexico and Egypt.
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We forget joe was called “Joey Isuzu” in the 80s and 90s for a reason. He usually messes up when he goes off-script and ad-libs and makes up a not true anecdote. He fails to realize the stories he told back in the day, like best student in law school, and the plagiarism, don’t come to him like they used to.
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We forget joe was called “Joey Isuzu” in the 80s and 90s for a reason. He usually messes up when he goes off-script and ad-libs and makes up a not true anecdote.
It used to be because he had such a hard time telling the truth. Copying speeches. Lying about his grades. Or marching with mlk. He would just lie.

Now he doesn’t just lie, he still does that on top of forgetting where he is at times. He is a cartoon. The rest of the world laughs at him all the time.

He just got back from a summit. He couldn’t last five hours answering questions. How long did he last over there.
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Of course any mistake that Trump makes will be minimized. Trump repeatedly confused Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley, which is a really bad mistake. Yesterday, he actually referred to J6 as an insurrection while suggesting that Pelosi should be charged as the cause of it, which is both stupid and very unhelpful for his court cases. That’s not a sharp guy commenting.

The special prosecutor in the case is a lifelong Republican who was appointed by Trump. You can claim he is unbiased, but he managed to score some political points against Biden at the same time he reached the conclusion that charges were not warranted. The report documents in great detail the stark difference in how Biden handled this issue versus Trump’s handling of his documents issue. One shows a respect for the rule of law and the other one doesn’t. Does that matter? It should.

A well intentioned elderly guy, or a malicious, bad-natured three years younger elderly guy. That’s our choice. Sad that as a country we can’t do better than that.
I really find it hard to believe you are trying to spin this. You are copable. I said he is making more mistakes than he used to. Did you admit once that smooth brain was compromised. No. So get out of here with that crap.
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I really find it hard to believe you are trying to spin this. You are copable. I said he is making more mistakes than he used to. Did you admit once that smooth brain was compromised. No. So get out of here with that crap.
You do realize that complaining about honesty issues while getting ready to vote for Trump a third time is high irony, right?

You won’t ever honestly engage on the issue of Trump’s character because you know it’s a losing argument.

Biden is old as dirt, and I wish we had two better options to choose from. I stand by my characterization of the two options above.

This guy is not exactly killing it right now.

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You do realize that complaining about honesty issues while getting ready to vote for Trump a third time is high irony, right?

You won’t ever honestly engage on the issue of Trump’s character because you know it’s a losing argument.

Biden is old as dirt, and I wish we had two better options to choose from. I stand by my characterization of the two options above.

This guy is not exactly killing it right now.

It wasn’t a lie like Biden’s “anecdotes”
Have Biden debate Trump. see how screwed we all are. Then delay the election for one year, and select two new candidates
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You do realize that complaining about honesty issues while getting ready to vote for Trump a third time is high irony, right?

You won’t ever honestly engage on the issue of Trump’s character because you know it’s a losing argument.

Biden is old as dirt, and I wish we had two better options to choose from. I stand by my characterization of the two options above.

This guy is not exactly killing it right now.

I am glad you are all of the sudden so worried about each candidates mental faculties. It shows you have grown as a voter from the last election. No doubt trump lies. The irony is your boy has done it so much trump has become the honest candidate to the public. It doesn’t get better than that. Maybe neither makes it to November. Would be fine by me. Unless big Mike runs. Then we are all screwed.
I am glad you are all of the sudden so worried about each candidates mental faculties. It shows you have grown as a voter from the last election. No doubt trump lies. The irony is your boy has done it so much trump has become the honest candidate to the public. It doesn’t get better than that. Maybe neither makes it to November. Would be fine by me. Unless big Mike runs. Then we are all screwed.
Biden is old and I’d prefer we have an age cap on the most important job in the world. Unfortunately we don’t.

Trump was still lying about Covid while you were laid up in the hospital trying to recover from the “just like the flu” virus you were dealing with. He staged mass rallies which almost certainly killed more people than just Herman Cain.

He lied about having returned highly classified documents. He lied about Russia’s efforts to help get him elected.

There is zero equivalency between Biden’s lies and Trump’s lies and if you think Trump is the more honest candidate you are so partisan that reality is simply an inconvenience to be reasoned around to get to your vote.