The Affordable Care Act is here to stay!!!!! I might go get my blood pressure checked

today in celebration.

Victory for the American people, the people.

You do know that every single poll taken the American ppl reject this POS law. If it is such a good thing, why was it passed with a procedural vote without a single republican vote in the middle of the night? Why is it FORCED on ppl if its so great? Could we keep our plan? Could we keep our doctor? Did our premiums go down? Did it only cost 900b?

See stupid ppl like you are nothing but useful idiots. You can't answer a single question above because it was all lies. But that doesn't matter to liberals. The ends justify the means. You ppl are nothing buy liars, and corrupt Tyrants. You destroy lives, wealth and morals. You are the bottom of the heap. You only care about what you can take from others. If something doesn't change soon we should all follow Jefferson's advise.
It was not passed in the middle of the night. Months went by with bipartisan meetings. Many of them. That night time vote on Christmas Eve meant nothing. It wasn't voted on in its entirety till March after reconcilliation (which included over 180 amendments by Repubs) of both houses.

You are right about polls however, it's narrowed and it's hard to judge by polls when you're only polling a couple of thousand out of 300 million. As for me, it works. Kept my doc, got pre existing condition and can't be thrown off and neither can my 30 yr old niece, a cancer survivor. She's the one I really worry about after seeing bills from my father's chemo treatments. I am not saying it's for everybody or that it's perfect. Far from it. Just with my situation, it works.
It was not passed in the middle of the night. Months went by with bipartisan meetings. Many of them. That night time vote on Christmas Eve meant nothing. It wasn't voted on in its entirety till March after reconcilliation (which included over 180 amendments by Repubs) of both houses.

You are right about polls however, it's narrowed and it's hard to judge by polls when you're only polling a couple of thousand out of 300 million. As for me, it works. Kept my doc, got pre existing condition and can't be thrown off and neither can my 30 yr old niece, a cancer survivor. She's the one I really worry about after seeing bills from my father's chemo treatments. I am not saying it's for everybody or that it's perfect. Far from it. Just with my situation, it works.

So the answer is to destroy the best HC system in the world for the sake of a few. All those things could have been handled without this utterly failed poorly written and implemented "plan" And it was intentionally written to be a disaster, they want this thing to colaspe so they can come in and get single payer. Capitalism works. If you have a fire in the back yard, you don't flood the house with water.
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today in celebration.

Victory for the American people, the people.

we'll see how lucky we are when everything is installed in 2016 . don't forget what Gruber said about how and why it passed.....".stupid American voter " . he also said it could " not be transparent " , therefore the back room deals . don't forget the deals they had to make within the democrat party to get it passed . oh, those legislators are gone now .
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America's healthcare system prior to ACA was far far from the best in the world. I don't know where you're making this wild claims Rolo but it's pretty much been an accepted fact for the last 20 years that our healthcare system is amongst the worst in the top tier developed nations. Forbes ranked us 11 amongst developed nations behind Canada and France!
America's healthcare system prior to ACA was far far from the best in the world. I don't know where you're making this wild claims Rolo but it's pretty much been an accepted fact for the last 20 years that our healthcare system is amongst the worst in the top tier developed nations. Forbes ranked us 11 amongst developed nations behind Canada and France!
You people get what you deserve, You want government to cradle you from crib to grave, well just wait for the real taxes to kick in.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace.
We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May tour chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." SAMUEL ADAMS
America's healthcare system prior to ACA was far far from the best in the world. I don't know where you're making this wild claims Rolo but it's pretty much been an accepted fact for the last 20 years that our healthcare system is amongst the worst in the top tier developed nations. Forbes ranked us 11 amongst developed nations behind Canada and France!
It certainly took a dive with this big POS excuse of a law that will break the best healthcare system in the world. I would rather die than accept this government cheese. I just may do that due to the decrease in good medical care.
It certainly took a dive with this big POS excuse of a law that will break the best healthcare system in the world. I would rather die than accept this government cheese. I just may do that due to the decrease in good medical care.

What are you talking about "best healthcare in the world"? I wasn't. We were amongst the worst prior to the law than other developed countries. You can keep saying that it was all you want but facts are fact, it wasn't
America's healthcare system prior to ACA was far far from the best in the world. I don't know where you're making this wild claims Rolo but it's pretty much been an accepted fact for the last 20 years that our healthcare system is amongst the worst in the top tier developed nations. Forbes ranked us 11 amongst developed nations behind Canada and France!
With so many doctors opting out do you honestly think healthcare has improved. The system, while not perfect was "blown up" in another Obama redistribution of wealth. Did it really make sense to do this to cover 8 million at the expense and sacrifice of 300 million?
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America's healthcare system prior to ACA was far far from the best in the world. I don't know where you're making this wild claims Rolo but it's pretty much been an accepted fact for the last 20 years that our healthcare system is amongst the worst in the top tier developed nations. Forbes ranked us 11 amongst developed nations behind Canada and France!

shonuff, if it was not the best health care system why would canadians pour over the border and pay cash for treatment . I know of a Canadian politician that had to come here to get a life saving procedure that their system didn't even offer . my doctor told me he treats " snow birds " from Canada and they gladly pay cash , because they can see a doctor on a timely basis . we have friends in England and she had to wait 18 months for a procedure my wife only waited a month here . patients come from all over the world for treatment here , or they did
It was not passed in the middle of the night. Months went by with bipartisan meetings. Many of them. That night time vote on Christmas Eve meant nothing. It wasn't voted on in its entirety till March after reconcilliation (which included over 180 amendments by Repubs) of both houses.

You are right about polls however, it's narrowed and it's hard to judge by polls when you're only polling a couple of thousand out of 300 million. As for me, it works. Kept my doc, got pre existing condition and can't be thrown off and neither can my 30 yr old niece, a cancer survivor. She's the one I really worry about after seeing bills from my father's chemo treatments. I am not saying it's for everybody or that it's perfect. Far from it. Just with my situation, it works.

You're kidding right? Bipartisan meetings? Really? They couldn't get a single vote in the Senate. Never has a more important law passed along purely partisan lines. Glad it works for you. It's just higher cost for everyone else with millions having higher premiums and astronomical co-pays. This has only benefited a small minority and the health ins. companies. Since young folks aren't signing up (no surprise) and those with health issues are, premiums will continue to rise. Those with their own insurance and taxpayers footing the bill because nothing to control cost was put in the bill. The public was sold a lie and now the country will pay the consequences.
America's healthcare system prior to ACA was far far from the best in the world. I don't know where you're making this wild claims Rolo but it's pretty much been an accepted fact for the last 20 years that our healthcare system is amongst the worst in the top tier developed nations. Forbes ranked us 11 amongst developed nations behind Canada and France!

Yea, sure thing, thats why everyone in the world with the ability came here when they got sick. Its typical lefty BS. Do you know Doctors in England live in dorms? Do you know that many great doctors here are now leaving practice because of this mess. You may not like what we had, but the problems with it had nothing to do with private care, it was the Gov programs, It was also because the GOV forced Doctors into taking insurance.

If find it amusing that ppl keep siting these false studies. Canada? Do you know the wait for an MRI in Canada? Well you'll be dead before you get one.
What are you talking about "best healthcare in the world"? I wasn't. We were amongst the worst prior to the law than other developed countries. You can keep saying that it was all you want but facts are fact, it wasn't

Pal you look foolish with that BS. Like I said, everyone in the world comes or came HERE for their care if they could afford it. Stop buying this leftist BS. If you haven't figured out by now, leftist lie, its what they do, and they do it without shame. Hell man, you probably believe you can keep your doctor or that Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary...and she had to escape snipers, or you could keep your current plan, or you would save $2500 a year on your premiums, or that Hillary turned in all he emails, or that Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman.....Holy hell LOL
Pal you look foolish with that BS. Like I said, everyone in the world comes or came HERE for their care if they could afford it. Stop buying this leftist BS. If you haven't figured out by now, leftist lie, its what they do, and they do it without shame. Hell man, you probably believe you can keep your doctor or that Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary...and she had to escape snipers, or you could keep your current plan, or you would save $2500 a year on your premiums, or that Hillary turned in all he emails, or that Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman.....Holy hell LOL

Good Lord, maybe if you weren't so poorly informed on every issue, you wouldn't complain so much!
Pal you look foolish with that BS. Like I said, everyone in the world comes or came HERE for their care if they could afford it. Stop buying this leftist BS. If you haven't figured out by now, leftist lie, its what they do, and they do it without shame. Hell man, you probably believe you can keep your doctor or that Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary...and she had to escape snipers, or you could keep your current plan, or you would save $2500 a year on your premiums, or that Hillary turned in all he emails, or that Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman.....Holy hell LOL

I'm 56, non smoker, non drinker, in good health. My private insurance policy went from $250.00 per month to $600.00 with a $4000.00 deductible. Did I mention that my policy is no good after this year because it does not have prenatal care for my 57 year old wife who had her tubes tied 27 years ago. Thanks Obama.
I think Obama is a POS and I think his law sucks.

Well, somebody like you WOULD say that, wouldn't you? Luckily for you and your ilk, the Affordable Care Act has plenty of insurance for post-natal care...

Good Lord, maybe if you weren't so poorly informed on every issue, you wouldn't complain so much!
Mr. Big Talk. You've never run a business in your life I'd bet. Spent your whole life in the academic world if youre to be believed , so you don't have a f--kin clue how things work in the real world where folks actually have to make money instead of being a government employee leach. GFY.
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You do know that every single poll taken the American ppl reject this POS law. If it is such a good thing, why was it passed with a procedural vote without a single republican vote in the middle of the night? Why is it FORCED on ppl if its so great? Could we keep our plan? Could we keep our doctor? Did our premiums go down? Did it only cost 900b?

See stupid ppl like you are nothing but useful idiots. You can't answer a single question above because it was all lies. But that doesn't matter to liberals. The ends justify the means. You ppl are nothing buy liars, and corrupt Tyrants. You destroy lives, wealth and morals. You are the bottom of the heap. You only care about what you can take from others. If something doesn't change soon we should all follow Jefferson's advise.
You do know that every single poll taken the American ppl reject this POS law. If it is such a good thing, why was it passed with a procedural vote without a single republican vote in the middle of the night? Why is it FORCED on ppl if its so great? Could we keep our plan? Could we keep our doctor? Did our premiums go down? Did it only cost 900b?

See stupid ppl like you are nothing but useful idiots. You can't answer a single question above because it was all lies. But that doesn't matter to liberals. The ends justify the means. You ppl are nothing buy liars, and corrupt Tyrants. You destroy lives, wealth and morals. You are the bottom of the heap. You only care about what you can take from others. If something doesn't change soon we should all follow Jefferson's advise.[/QUOTE

Fag Engineering just likes to throw out crap, then run a d hide. Instead of his blood pressure being checked, he'd be better off finding a proctologist who could remove his head from his ass.
Mr. Big Talk. You've never run a business in your life I'd bet. Spent your whole life in the academic world if youre to be believed , so you don't have a f--kin clue how things work in the real world where folks actually have to make money instead of being a government employee leach. GFY.

Classy response. True, I haven't run a business...but I have led an infantry platoon, commanded an infantry company and battalion, served as a staff officer, successfully completed graduate school, and have taught college students. Sorry if my twenty-four year military career and my eight year teaching career has been a burden on you.
Good Lord, maybe if you weren't so poorly informed on every issue, you wouldn't complain so much!
It's been established that you're a goofy dipshit. I deal with this everyday. I see what ppl have to go through, how business owners are cutting hours and employees. Do you ever wonder why 80% of all new jobs are part time? No, because you're just a useful idiot.....your overseers words not mine.......I prefer goofy dipshit
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FWIW I spent 8 yrs in the military. It's a noble profession but it's NOT the real world. Until you've run multiple businesses, made payroll, and dealt with actually having to make money you don't understand. Same with the academic world. It's providing a needed service but it doesn't involve the bottom line. You're probably a smart guy but you don't know what you don't know. I've you haven't experienced it you can only assume you know. That's an issue for most politicians. They've either forgotten what's it like or never ran a business. Obama hasn't even run a lemonade stand and it shows.
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FWIW I spent 8 yrs in the military. It's a noble profession but it's NOT the real world. Until you've run multiple businesses, made payroll, and dealt with actually having to make money you don't understand. Same with the academic world. It's providing a needed service but it doesn't involve the bottom line. You're probably a smart guy but you don't know what you don't know. I've you haven't experienced it you can only assume you know. That's an issue for most politicians. They've either forgotten what's it like or never ran a business. Obama hasn't even run a lemonade stand and it shows.

You're assuming that making money and the bottom line is the most important thing in the world, or at least, it should be. I've gotten to do everything I've wanted to do in life, and making money has never been a priority for me.
I'm 56, non smoker, non drinker, in good health. My private insurance policy went from $250.00 per month to $600.00 with a $4000.00 deductible. Did I mention that my policy is no good after this year because it does not have prenatal care for my 57 year old wife who had her tubes tied 27 years ago. Thanks Obama.

Saidog, good post and not trying to start an arguement, it's been one around here (home) with changes for many with insurance. But have a question. Are you buying insurance on your own or through your employer? I ask, because for us, Blue Cross didn't go up on premiums, but employer decided to pay less for their part and not sure why since companies under 50 employees don't have to participate and if they do, get a tax break. Our office visits went from 20 to 25 and our deductible went from 100 to 250. We went HMO so everything is pretty much paid for after that deductible. Every year, I look to make sure our doc is still HMO because of the savings if hospitalized. After a 34 day visit with 2 major surgeries, we learned the hard way.

Also, the insurance wont be good part of your post..... This is a problem I had for years. Having to pay for everybody else to have babies and doctor their kids. This didn't change till about 8 or 9 years ago when there was an option of employee and spouse. Used to be, before that, the ONLY option was employee, employee/ family. I always resented that since we couldn't have kids and I was paying for others through my premiums. Like the ones who go to an ER instead of getting insurance.

But I noticed next year for us (isn't settled yet) I think we're reverting back to spouse/family as the only option. So again, back to paying for everyone. That said, getting to the age, where the younger ones working and with insurance will probably be paying for our chemo, heart, etc. treatments that most likely will happen. So I suppose (in writing this out and thinking about it) it balances out somewhat.
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You're assuming that making money and the bottom line is the most important thing in the world, or at least, it should be. I've gotten to do everything I've wanted to do in life, and making money has never been a priority for me.
Since the people that make money pay all the bills, they are of paramount importance. Without them, you would starve.
Saidog, good post and not trying to start an arguement, it's been one around here (home) with changes for many with insurance. But have a question. Are you buying insurance on your own or through your employer? I ask, because for us, Blue Cross didn't go up on premiums, but employer decided to pay less for their part and not sure why since companies under 50 employees don't have to participate and if they do, get a tax break. Our office visits went from 20 to 25 and our deductible went from 100 to 250. We went HMO so everything is pretty much paid for after that deductible. Every year, I look to make sure our doc is still HMO because of the savings if hospitalized. After a 34 day visit with 2 major surgeries, we learned the hard way.

Also, the insurance wont be good part of your post..... This is a problem I had for years. Having to pay for everybody else to have babies and doctor their kids. This didn't change till about 8 or 9 years ago when there was an option of employee and spouse. Used to be, before that, the ONLY option was spouse, spouse/ family. I always resented that since we couldn't have kids and I was paying for others through my premiums. Like the ones who go to an ER instead of getting insurance.

But I noticed next year for us (isn't settled yet) I think we're reverting back to spouse/family as the only option. So again, back to paying for everyone. That said, getting to the age, where the younger ones working and with insurance will probably be paying for our chemo, heart, etc. treatments that most likely will happen. So I suppose (in writing this out and thinking about it) it balances out somewhat.

Lump, buying it on my own through BCBS of GA. I run a small business (16 employees) under an S-Corp., but we do not offer health insurance. My wife worked for the local school district for years and we had insurance through them. She left a couple of years ago to become a fulltime grandmother / babysitter. Any suggestions on a good policy at a decent rate would be appreciated. We're not looking for a Cadillac plan, just something to cover a catastrophic illness.
Classy response. True, I haven't run a business...but I have led an infantry platoon, commanded an infantry company and battalion, served as a staff officer, successfully completed graduate school, and have taught college students. Sorry if my twenty-four year military career and my eight year teaching career has been a burden on you.
Bet that was one fubar outfit...wonder how many of them would have gladly fraged your stupid arse
Lump, buying it on my own through BCBS of GA. I run a small business (16 employees) under an S-Corp., but we do not offer health insurance. My wife worked for the local school district for years and we had insurance through them. She left a couple of years ago to become a fulltime grandmother / babysitter. Any suggestions on a good policy at a decent rate would be appreciated. We're not looking for a Cadillac plan, just something to cover a catastrophic illness.

I asked someone versed in this for you. He gave me this site for you to check. However, a question I have is if your state didn't open market exchanges, can you get it. I didn't really read all of of this. I have one brother, self employed with zero employees and their insurance is outrageous. My sister works for a doctor. Another BIL has around 20 employees and swears "we're doing alright, even better than before when it comes to insurance." So all is not created equal apparently. I am SURE the 1st one would NEVER shop on an exchange out of principle. The other one is out for saving the most $$ and would have zero problems with it.
I asked someone versed in this for you. He gave me this site for you to check. However, a question I have is if your state didn't open market exchanges, can you get it. I didn't really read all of of this. I have one brother, self employed with zero employees and their insurance is outrageous. My sister works for a doctor. Another BIL has around 20 employees and swears "we're doing alright, even better than before when it comes to insurance." So all is not created equal apparently. I am SURE the 1st one would NEVER shop on an exchange out of principle. The other one is out for saving the most $$ and would have zero problems with it.

Yep, shopping on the state exchange is out based on principle, just like I won't purchase a GM product. You've got to take a stand somewhere.
Mr. Big Talk. You've never run a business in your life I'd bet. Spent your whole life in the academic world if youre to be believed , so you don't have a f--kin clue how things work in the real world where folks actually have to make money instead of being a government employee leach. GFY.
While we're on the subject of government leeches, add in the lion's share of civilian government employees. It has truly become another form of welfare. It's almost impossible to get fired, you get an extraordinary amount of vacation and personal time, and an over-the-top fiscally unsound pension plan, all paid for by the American taxpayer. As private citizens, what do we get for our money? Hmmmmm..........the terms rude and incompetent come to mind.
Yep, shopping on the state exchange is out based on principle, just like I won't purchase a GM product. You've got to take a stand somewhere.
Unfortunately, principle may leave you high and dry now. I'm in the process of retiring, and when my COBRA ends, I'll be forced onto the exchange. So I'm going to pay almost double the premium my company was paying for me, and I'll get an inferior product. I asked a friend who's in the health insurance field about it, and he said and I quote, "That's why they want to force everybody onto the exchange. Only about 40% of the premium is for insurance. The rest of it is a pass through straight to the government to pay subsidies for those who can't or won't pay". So for every 100 dollars in premium, 60 of it is a TAX.
All I am gonna say on this topic is congrats whitepug. You just got something else for free paid for by me and some of my hard working colleagues on here. Tip of the hat my man. Do you need a new a cell phn or some groceries? Oh wait. We pay for that shit already too. The only people who benefit from this law are those that get to pass another burden on to someone else. Period! The end. I am an economist working in the medical field and the whole law is crap except for those I mentioned above. Congrats for falling in that category. You must be proud!
Unfortunately, principle may leave you high and dry now. I'm in the process of retiring, and when my COBRA ends, I'll be forced onto the exchange. So I'm going to pay almost double the premium my company was paying for me, and I'll get an inferior product. I asked a friend who's in the health insurance field about it, and he said and I quote, "That's why they want to force everybody onto the exchange. Only about 40% of the premium is for insurance. The rest of it is a pass through straight to the government to pay subsidies for those who can't or won't pay". So for every 100 dollars in premium, 60 of it is a TAX.
It is a sad day in the US. The leeches have more votes than the producers and they have no problem with the free Crap. Which is what it is crap, an inferior product foisted upon the producers of the US, to subsidize the leeches and procure more votes for the left. This is what brought about the fall of Rome. A democracy historically last around 200-250 years, until the politicians realize they can pander to the voters by giving them free stuff. As Margret Thatcher quoted-- "The problem with socialism is at some point you run out of other peoples money."
We are at the threshold of that now.