The standing Wednesday Impeachment press conference and a GOP update

Can't you make your point in fewer words? All you ever say is we already knew this as if that absolves the Bidens. It doesn't. Joe isn't running and with RFK running as an indie and perhaps Manchin too, it's over for the wild spending and America-hating Dems.

We need moderate Dems to step up for America.
Well you can dislike the fact that Hunter is a sleazy drug addict who monetized his last name all you want. It doesn’t mean that he is guilty of breaking any laws and it certainly doesn’t mean that Joe is.

I’d like to see some alternative candidates on both sides. That includes any Republican willing to call out Trump, which is a very short list. Haley, Christie and perhaps one or two others seem willing to fully separate themselves from Trump. DeSantis remains one of the most personally, physically awkward politicians to run for president in years and he is trying and failing to thread the needle with the MAGA crowd.

As said above, Youngkin may enter the race, and I think he would make some noise. If Joe bows out for whatever reason, Newsome is sure to jump in. That would certainly make for a much more compelling choice than Biden-Trump redux.
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Well you can dislike the fact that Hunter is a sleazy drug addict who monetized his last name all you want. It doesn’t mean that he is guilty of breaking any laws and it certainly doesn’t mean that Joe is.

I’d like to see some alternative candidates on both sides. That includes any Republican willing to call out Trump, which is a very short list. Haley, Christie and perhaps one or two others seem willing to fully separate themselves from Trump. DeSantis remains one of the most personally, physically awkward politicians to run for president in years and he is trying and failing to thread the needle with the MAGA crowd.

As said above, Youngkin may enter the race, and I think he would make some noise. If Joe bows out for whatever reason, Newsome is sure to jump in. That would certainly make for a much more compelling choice than Biden-Trump redux.
Hunter is a bum. But his father and uncle are in on it too. Joe did exactly as your side claims Trump did. He sold out the country for his personal gain. Y'all need to drop that claim. Y'all have zero cred.
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Rep. Jason Smith, a leading impeachment investigator, is confused about when Biden was in office, a candidate for office or an unelected citizen and what any of that has to do with the evidence he just presented.

In the mean time, McCarthy is held hostage by a handful of QAnon pro-sedition nuts who will shut down defense spending and the rest of the government over demands they will never get.

Our old rival Tommy Tubberville continues to kneecap military leadership and claims the military is not an equal opportunity organization.

Oh, and after years of using fraudulent financials to prop up his crappy business, the leading GOP candidate for president is about to watch his organization be dissolved by the courts, with criminal referrals to the IRS and Southern District of NY, and that’s likely fourth or fifth on his list of most pressing legal issues.

Other than that, the GOP seems to be doing great.

lighten up, Francis...
I agree most everything in Congress Is an absolute SShow.
...for show...
nothing will be done.?

good for you,
got ya a reply from someone that doesn't GAS in the least.

I'm set;
like several other chat brethren!

I don't mind playing the fool;
many might say that it is not play.!?
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First domino falls in GA case: Scott Jones pleads guilty, will testify.
7 felonies pled down to 5 misdemeanors. Paid a fine. Didn't dispute facts, but denied ill intent. Agreed to testify, but won't testify to Trump's intent which means he won't be called. That's the problem with these charges. Fani won't be able to prove intent. It's why she agreed to this deal and will agree to others.
7 felonies pled down to 5 misdemeanors. Paid a fine. Didn't dispute facts, but denied ill intent. Agreed to testify, but won't testify to Trump's intent which means he won't be called. That's the problem with these charges. Fani won't be able to prove intent. It's why she agreed to this deal and will agree to others.
It's speculated that his testimony will nail Powell. Bye bye you crazy bitch.
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It's speculated that his testimony will nail Powell. Bye bye you crazy bitch.
She is definitely being thrown under the bus, which will motivate her to try and strike a deal. This is exactly how the process is designed to work by prosecutors in a case like this. Start with the minor players and work up the ladder to the actual leadership.

Remember, there are already a number of unindicted, co-conspirator who agreed to cooperate before the initial indictments dropped.

She is definitely being thrown under the bus, which will motivate her to try and strike a deal. This is exactly how the process is designed to work by prosecutors in a case like this. Start with the minor players and work up the ladder to the actual leadership.

Remember, there are already a number of unindicted, co-conspirator who agreed to cooperate before the initial indictments dropped.

Her, Bannon, Manafort - only the best people.
It's speculated that his testimony will nail Powell. Bye bye you crazy bitch.
Who has speculated that? The guy's lawyer already said it's likely he will not be called as a witness bc he knows nothing more than is already in the pleadings.

I'm unsure you understand what it takes to prove intent. It's impossible when there's no evidence or witnesses. Trump is dumb as a fox, and Sadow will whip Fani's fanny. He does it all the time.

The exact same ppl who creamed their pants over the walls closing in for 3 years have formed a circle jerk over the indictments. Hope you guys survive. Trump cannot get a fair trial in ATL, DC or NYC, but that's what appellate courts are for. I read the usual suspects laughing over the fact there's no jury in NYC. But that's a set up for appeal if the judge gets crazy, and he likely will. The DC judge, who is undeniably biased, rejected recusal. Another set up for appeal bc her bias is on record.

They should have suggested a transfer of venue themselves. But they're not really interested in fairness or justice. They want their 15 minutes to catapult them to their next gig at MSNBC.
Who has speculated that? The guy's lawyer already said it's likely he will not be called as a witness bc he knows nothing more than is already in the pleadings.

I'm unsure you understand what it takes to prove intent. It's impossible when there's no evidence or witnesses. Trump is dumb as a fox, and Sadow will whip Fani's fanny. He does it all the time.

The exact same ppl who creamed their pants over the walls closing in for 3 years have formed a circle jerk over the indictments. Hope you guys survive. Trump cannot get a fair trial in ATL, DC or NYC, but that's what appellate courts are for. I read the usual suspects laughing over the fact there's no jury in NYC. But that's a set up for appeal if the judge gets crazy, and he likely will. The DC judge, who is undeniably biased, rejected recusal. Another set up for appeal bc her bias is on record.

They should have suggested a transfer of venue themselves. But they're not really interested in fairness or justice. They want their 15 minutes to catapult them to their next gig at MSNBC.
This times 1 million. As much as I want two new candidates, this is 100 percent true. They ran their races on getting him. Now it is nothing more than stacking the deck to get the ruling that they want. No true justice. None of this shit will stand up. Lawyers that aren’t lefty numnuts continually say how crazy this is. The eval of maro largo is at the tip of the spear. They are doing all they can to get him thrown out of New York. Every one has said, this will get junked on appeal. But the media will not cover the appeal. So they don’t care. The left is dragging our country into the abyss daily. The shoe will be on the other foot. Don’t want to hear the whining and crying when it is.

They have one case that may have some merit. And I say may. The other cases are just part of the kangaroo court. A stupid far left progressive judge threw out 80 percent of the case based on statutes of limitations yesterday. Even he was shaking his head. They guy will eventually fall in line, but give me a break.
Who has speculated that? The guy's lawyer already said it's likely he will not be called as a witness bc he knows nothing more than is already in the pleadings.

I'm unsure you understand what it takes to prove intent. It's impossible when there's no evidence or witnesses. Trump is dumb as a fox, and Sadow will whip Fani's fanny. He does it all the time.

The exact same ppl who creamed their pants over the walls closing in for 3 years have formed a circle jerk over the indictments. Hope you guys survive. Trump cannot get a fair trial in ATL, DC or NYC, but that's what appellate courts are for. I read the usual suspects laughing over the fact there's no jury in NYC. But that's a set up for appeal if the judge gets crazy, and he likely will. The DC judge, who is undeniably biased, rejected recusal. Another set up for appeal bc her bias is on record.

They should have suggested a transfer of venue themselves. But they're not really interested in fairness or justice. They want their 15 minutes to catapult them to their next gig at MSNBC.
So I’m having trouble keeping up. Are you talking about the NY fraud case, Jack Smith Documents case, Jack Smith J6 case or the Georgia J6 case? It difficult to keep track.

Tough day for Trump in NY and republicans in DC.

I said at the time that the republicans winning the house by such a narrow margin would turn out to be a gift for the Dems. So far that’s proving to be the case.
So I’m having trouble keeping up. Are you talking about the NY fraud case, Jack Smith Documents case, Jack Smith J6 case or the Georgia J6 case? It difficult to keep track.

Tough day for Trump in NY and republicans in DC.

I said at the time that the republicans winning the house by such a narrow margin would turn out to be a gift for the Dems. So far that’s proving to be the case.
Not really that bad.

Taking about the current NY case, the DC case and Fani's case.
Who has speculated that? The guy's lawyer already said it's likely he will not be called as a witness bc he knows nothing more than is already in the pleadings.

I'm unsure you understand what it takes to prove intent. It's impossible when there's no evidence or witnesses. Trump is dumb as a fox, and Sadow will whip Fani's fanny. He does it all the time.

The exact same ppl who creamed their pants over the walls closing in for 3 years have formed a circle jerk over the indictments. Hope you guys survive. Trump cannot get a fair trial in ATL, DC or NYC, but that's what appellate courts are for. I read the usual suspects laughing over the fact there's no jury in NYC. But that's a set up for appeal if the judge gets crazy, and he likely will. The DC judge, who is undeniably biased, rejected recusal. Another set up for appeal bc her bias is on record.

They should have suggested a transfer of venue themselves. But they're not really interested in fairness or justice. They want their 15 minutes to catapult them to their next gig at MSNBC.
Then why'd he do so much crime in those places?

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