
Yes, that's exactly what the leftists believe. They love redefining and bastardizing terms to fit their agenda.

It's no surprise that the only people here who are dumb enough to fall for it are the same half-dozen chat libs who fall for literally every other Democrat trick in the book.
If you don’t think like them you’re excluded from the party and too them society.
a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.”

So if I’m white and I am a nationalist as per the definition above……does this mean I am a racist??

asking 4 a friend…
It does mean that. And if you defend a citizens right of opinion, even if you don’t agree with that opinion, it means you are in agreement with their opinion.

Funny thing, the Constitution doesn’t guarantee we will all agree. It only guarantees bee have a right to disagree and live within the laws of the land.

Being a racist isn’t illegal, it’s an opinion. When the gov defines opinion as unlawful, we are no longer free.

Rhetoric fuels racial discord. When we use the gov to silence opinion, the gov owns us.

That is a very socialist thing to do. But of course the government loves to buy the vote from the citizen after teaching the citizen to be reliant.

My opinion you understand.

Nationalism should be applauded, but it is played down by socialist movements AND our government. A neutered citizen that has no pride in country is less likely to fight for its sovereignty and is more easily controlled. We are being told our nations flag is racist, a symbol of white supremacy. How ridiculous is that?

My opinion you understand.
a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.”

So if I’m white and I am a nationalist as per the definition above……does this mean I am a racist??

asking 4 a friend…
It does mean that. And if you defend a citizens right of opinion, even if you don’t agree with that opinion, it means you are in agreement with their opinion.

Funny thing, the Constitution doesn’t guarantee we will all agree. It only guarantees bee have a right to disagree and live within the laws of the land.

Being a racist isn’t illegal, it’s an opinion. When the gov defines opinion as unlawful, we are no longer free.

Rhetoric fuels racial discord. When we use the gov to silence opinion, the gov owns us.

That is a very socialist thing to do. But of course the government loves to buy the vote from the citizen after teaching the citizen to be reliant.

My opinion you understand.

Nationalism should be applauded, but it is played down by socialist movements AND our government. A neutered citizen that has no pride in country is less likely to fight for its sovereignty and is more easily controlled. We are being told our nations flag is racist, a symbol of white supremacy. How ridiculous is that?

My opinion you understand.
I agree with your opinion.
SO!…..does that only apply to white people, or is it any race that supports their nation and interests that are deemed racists???
Democrat definitions vary depending on what they’re trying to accomplish, who they deem their bogeyman of the moment.

You know, like transphobe, those trying to destroy our democracy, and, of course, white supremacist. And MAGA Republicans.
Being a nationalist and being racist are not inclusive of each other. I know that. will, you know that. Why keep pulling up this revisionist definition pulled from the pages of Nazi Germany.

I can live my country and enjoy the fruits of my country being sovereign and elite, and not be racist. I am anything but a racist.

My whiteness and my flag signify nothing more than I am proud I live in this country where we have the tools to exist together if only agenda based politics and the purchase of the vote would get out of the way.

My opinion, you understand.
Being a nationalist and being racist are not inclusive of each other. I know that. will, you know that. Why keep pulling up this revisionist definition pulled from the pages of Nazi Germany.

I can live my country and enjoy the fruits of my country being sovereign and elite, and not be racist. I am anything but a racist.

My whiteness and my flag signify nothing more than I am proud I live in this country where we have the tools to exist together if only agenda based politics and the purchase of the vote would get out of the way.

My opinion, you understand.
“White nationalist” has been massaged to mean other than a white person who glorifies his/her country. It is now a democrat tool co-opted to spark enough fear in minorities to get them to the polls. The term has taken on the meaning of “white supremacist”, which I suspect are a small and ignorant subset.
SO!…..does that only apply to white people, or is it any race that supports their nation and interests that are deemed racists???
White Nationalists applies to white racists while Black Nationalists applies to black racists.

Now consider white nationalists and black nationalist. Those terms refer to whites who are nationalists and blacks who are nationalists, respectively.

It's phasing and semantics at play by the left and I would encourage people to not play the game.

The capitalized spellings have been associated with hate groups for decades. I'd defend the 2nd set and not take the bait on debating the first set.
Democrat definitions vary depending on what they’re trying to accomplish, who they deem their bogeyman of the moment.

You know, like transphobe, those trying to destroy our democracy, and, of course, white supremacist. And MAGA Republicans.
Thinks @willdup should give back some of that money…….not convincing enough.

“Shorely” someone can represent better….right??
It does mean that. And if you defend a citizens right of opinion, even if you don’t agree with that opinion, it means you are in agreement with their opinion.

Funny thing, the Constitution doesn’t guarantee we will all agree. It only guarantees bee have a right to disagree and live within the laws of the land.

Being a racist isn’t illegal, it’s an opinion. When the gov defines opinion as unlawful, we are no longer free.

Rhetoric fuels racial discord. When we use the gov to silence opinion, the gov owns us.

That is a very socialist thing to do. But of course the government loves to buy the vote from the citizen after teaching the citizen to be reliant.

My opinion you understand.

Nationalism should be applauded, but it is played down by socialist movements AND our government. A neutered citizen that has no pride in country is less likely to fight for its sovereignty and is more easily controlled. We are being told our nations flag is racist, a symbol of white supremacy. How ridiculous is that?

My opinion you understand.
The government isn’t defining anything. There are no unilateral voices coming from socialists or the government. Individuals have opinions. The 1st amendment allows you to say almost anything. However, when your opinion is stupid, people will call you on it. Just like you saying that it’s ok to backhand a women. That’s dumb and you deserve to be called out for it.
How about the fact that I am a white southern, heterosexual, Christian male, that currently hates my nation. It has become a shell of the freedom it used to inspire and now actively fights to suppress the freedom of ALL its citizens. Does that mean I am a neo-nazi or white supremacist from another angle?
If it is defined by the left that thought is inferred by their hatred of all free citizens! No matter how much I try to help others of any race or creed , I am damned by my skin color. Ironic, isn’t it?
He is like me he hates what you libs have done to this country.
Yes, as do I. DOJ is fast becoming the STASI. I guess the libs are too dense to see what’s happening. They seem to think that because they voted for it they will be protected. And they seem to have no idea what happens in socialist economies.
You seriously "hate" your nation currently?

I do not believe you, but feel sorry for you if so.

If so, you never loved it in the first place.
What’s to like? We are crushing freedom, letting the crooks succeed in their schemes to fleece the US. Children are being used as sex toys for the Dems and their followers. There is no such a thing as male and female any longer, due to
The perversion of or world by socialist Dems. I do hate all of these citizen suppressing policies and stupid leaders. I mean that from the bottom of my freedom loving heart. God is still in charge and the Dems will find out to late, they were on the wrong side of history.
The government isn’t defining anything. There are no unilateral voices coming from socialists or the government. Individuals have opinions. The 1st amendment allows you to say almost anything. However, when your opinion is stupid, people will call you on it. Just like you saying that it’s ok to backhand a women. That’s dumb and you deserve to be called out for it.
I disagree with your opinion. So our opinions are at odds. That will keep me up tonight worrying.

And I never said it’s OK to backhand a woman. You know that. But it helps paint your narrative.

Stupidity gets you backhanded as a consequence.

But I will go on record that all trans women should be backhanded. That supports my stupidity comment.

Hope that clears the air. Whew.

There, we are BFF again?
What’s to like? We are crushing freedom, letting the crooks succeed in their schemes to fleece the US. Children are being used as sex toys for the Dems and their followers. There is no such a thing as male and female any longer, due to
The perversion of or world by socialist Dems. I do hate all of these citizen suppressing policies and stupid leaders. I mean that from the bottom of my freedom loving heart. God is still in charge and the Dems will find out to late, they were on the wrong side of history.
but everything you cite is exaggerated as propaganda, you realize that right?
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For existing? Why stop there?
They won't. Really repugnant, tbh, even though it's all just hyperbole. People like PW ain't gonna do squat. It will be right-wing advocacy groups via lawsuits that are "lost" as they are barely litigated so that they can be rushed to SCOTUS.
For existing? Why stop there?
Good point.

Only “just existing” isn’t a qualifier.

Promoting it as normal is the qualifier. The consequence of promotion and encouraging dysphoria should include a backhand.

Just wanted to clarify. I didn’t want to come across as being irrational.
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They won't. Really repugnant, tbh, even though it's all just hyperbole. People like PW ain't gonna do squat. It will be right-wing advocacy groups via lawsuits that are "lost" as they are barely litigated so that they can be rushed to SCOTUS.
People with a dysphoria are welcome. And they deserve all the emotional and mental help they can get. We should have compassion for their illness. I have respect for that process.

I do though, have contempt for the promotion of mental illness as a choice and that it is normal. And especially to youth. Those people should be backhanded. More than once.
Being a nationalist and being racist are not inclusive of each other. I know that. will, you know that. Why keep pulling up this revisionist definition pulled from the pages of Nazi Germany.

I can live my country and enjoy the fruits of my country being sovereign and elite, and not be racist. I am anything but a racist.

My whiteness and my flag signify nothing more than I am proud I live in this country where we have the tools to exist together if only agenda based politics and the purchase of the vote would get out of the way.

My opinion, you understand.
Please stop trying to reason with that person. He is all in anti America uber liberal anti Christian anti family, anti God. He believes reporters like Allen Judd and Chip Towers and will still promote their stuff even after it is debunked and proven false.
Please stop trying to reason with that person. He is all in anti America uber liberal anti Christian anti family, anti God. He believes reporters like Allen Judd and Chip Towers and will still promote their stuff even after it is debunked and proven false.
There is literally no poster on this board that adds less value to the discussion. If I gave my 1 year old a login and she could type, she would make more reasoned arguments. Congrats!
There is literally no poster on this board that adds less value to the discussion. If I gave my 1 year old a login and she could type, she would make more reasoned arguments. Congrats!
He advocates for the lives of the unborn babies. I call that extreme value. And your contribution? Just sucking the unborn babies apart, right? Is that additive value to you? Are you one of the liberals who craps all over the religion which brings joy and comfort to so many? If so, is that value to you?
There is literally no poster on this board that adds less value to the discussion. If I gave my 1 year old a login and she could type, she would make more reasoned arguments. Congrats!
Coming from you..... thats a hoot. All you libs do is repeat dnc talking points. No thoughts of your own. No real discernment. Discussion you say, none of you discuss anything. You all just preach whatever lie the media and your leaders tell you. Ha ha ha. You wouldn't know a the truth from a hole in the ground because you are nothing but a well trained political seal.
Democrat definitions vary depending on what they’re trying to accomplish, who they deem their bogeyman of the moment.

You know, like transphobe, those trying to destroy our democracy, and, of course, white supremacist. And MAGA Republicans.
It’s not a Dem definition, it is the term avowed white supremacists used to describe themselves and their movement going back as far as the early 20th century.

The reason they chose to use that phrase is for the exact reason you and others are unwittingly citing as a defense in this thread. “I’m white, I’m a nationalist, no shame in either of those”, and there isn’t. The white supremacists then used these two true definitions to create a new definition to help legitimize the idea that if you are white and believe in America that it was entirely acceptable to extend that to the belief that whites are the superior race. It was calculated specifically to help legitimize the movement.

There’s a reason that Hitler often cited US laws and race relations in the early years of his movement. The efforts to explain and justify the institutionalized racism in the US were a great inspiration to the Nazis and were seen as a model to follow by Goebbels and others. It’s not by chance that the first foreign book published in Germany after the Nazis came to power was written by an American.

Our history of whitewashing and justifying white supremacy is very well established. You don’t have to go very far back in time to find textbooks that reference the kindly and paternalistic relationship between slave owner and slave. Organizations like the Daughters of the Confederacy worked diligently to reframe race relations in a way to eliminate the shame of white supremacy and those efforts were incredibly successful. It was a full century after the Civil War until we meaningfully and legally addressed much of the institutionalized racism present in our legal system.

So you can pretend none of that happened and claim ignorance to the usage of the term “white nationalist”, by white supremacists, for over a century, but it won’t change the actual definition.
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It’s not a Dem definition, it is the term avowed white supremacists used to describe themselves and their movement going back as far as the early 20th century.

The reason they chose to use that phrase is for the exact reason you and others are unwittingly citing as a defense in this thread. “I’m white, I’m a nationalist, no shame in either of those”, and there isn’t. The white supremacists then used these two true definitions to create a new definition to help legitimize the idea that if you are white and believe in America that it was entirely acceptable to extend that to the belief that whites are the superior race. It was calculated specifically to help legitimize the movement.

There’s a reason that Hitler often cited US laws and race relations in the early years of his movement. The efforts to explain and justify the institutionalized racism in the US were a great inspiration to the Nazis and were seen as a model to follow by Goebbels and others. It’s not by chance that the first foreign book published in Germany after the Nazis came to power was written by an American.

Our history of whitewashing and justifying white supremacy is very well established. You don’t have to go very far back in time to find textbooks that reference the kindly and paternalistic relationship between slave owner and slave. Organizations like the Daughters of the Confederacy worked diligently to reframe race relations in a way to eliminate the shame of white supremacy and those efforts were incredibly successful. It was a full century after the Civil War until we meaningfully and legally addressed much of the institutionalized racism present in our legal system.

So you can pretend none of that happened and claim ignorance to the usage of the term “white nationalist”, by white supremacists, for over a century, but it won’t change the actual definition.
Thank you for the great information, that once again the left uses to marginalize all whites who do not vote dem. Do you really think those of us here that love our nation ( what the vision our founding fathers had anyway) are neo nazis or skinheads? What percent of the population can be truly called that? My guess is there are more transgender folks than there are white supremacist. I do not think my skin color makes me better than any other person. We are all Gods children no matter what religion we claim or what party we proclaim to belong to. I do not consider myself a republican ( I am a Conservative Christian, that fears for my country and my fellow brothers and sisters). It’s nice that I can be shoved in a box with others that do not agree with the white supremacy cause, but hey I’m white so have at it. The conservatives are trying to bring all up to better standard of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The constitution says just that and it does not say we that it will free us from being offended. The left has to take their offended minds and hearts and hurt their opposition with tags, overbearing laws and government. Who appears to be the fascist in this situation?
Thank you for the great information, that once again the left uses to marginalize all whites who do not vote dem. Do you really think those of us here that love our nation ( what the vision our founding fathers had anyway) are neo nazis or skinheads? What percent of the population can be truly called that? My guess is there are more transgender folks than there are white supremacist. I do not think my skin color makes me better than any other person. We are all Gods children no matter what religion we claim or what party we proclaim to belong to. I do not consider myself a republican ( I am a Conservative Christian, that fears for my country and my fellow brothers and sisters). It’s nice that I can be shoved in a box with others that do not agree with the white supremacy cause, but hey I’m white so have at it. The conservatives are trying to bring all up to better standard of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The constitution says just that and it does not say we that it will free us from being offended. The left has to take their offended minds and hearts and hurt their opposition with tags, overbearing laws and government. Who appears to be the fascist in this situation?
Well said.
Coming from you..... thats a hoot. All you libs do is repeat dnc talking points. No thoughts of your own. No real discernment. Discussion you say, none of you discuss anything. You all just preach whatever lie the media and your leaders tell you. Ha ha ha. You wouldn't know a the truth from a hole in the ground because you are nothing but a well trained political worldseal.
Taking up useful oxygen in this world. They are all useless.
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What’s to like? We are crushing freedom, letting the crooks succeed in their schemes to fleece the US. Children are being used as sex toys for the Dems and their followers. There is no such a thing as male and female any longer, due to
The perversion of or world by socialist Dems. I do hate all of these citizen suppressing policies and stupid leaders. I mean that from the bottom of my freedom loving heart. God is still in charge and the Dems will find out to late, they were on the wrong side of history.