“Results are the key to the survival of organizations.” – Peter Drucker


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
“Results are the key to the survival of organizations.” – Peter Drucker

What would you give to sit down with one of the greatest business minds that ever lived to get advice on your business?

You can. His name is Peter Drucker. Although he passed away in 2005, through his writings, we know the questions he would ask you about your organization.

Those questions are what we have been dissecting over the last few weeks. This week we are answering the question – “What are our results?”

As a refresher, the five questions are:

– What is our mission (or purpose)?

– Who is our customer (core customer)?

– What does the customer value?

– What are our results?

– What is our plan?

Every leader must decide what results define success for their organization. Then they must concentrate their resources to deliver those results.

Progress and achievement should be assessed in qualitative and quantitative terms. These two types of measures are interdependent. Each shines light and better explains the other. If we are missing either qualitative or quantitative data, it can be easy to misinterpret our results.

Leadership must put their resources where they produce results that meet the organization’s definition of success. Abandoning anything is always resisted. Everything that consumes a resource must be judged by the results produced.

Abandoning a process, product or service is difficult for everyone. This is why creating a measurement-focused culture is necessary to make these hard decisions.

Admitting failure is hard. But we all fail. It is part of the human condition. If failure is seen as a bad thing in the organization, it will be hidden and not learned from. We must create cultures that embrace failure because without it we have no innovation and no learning. In a culture that is afraid to fail, no growth occurs. Failure is never permanent. It is an opportunity to learn and change course. Embrace it!

Here are my takeaways from this question – “What are our results?”

To see the picture clearly, results must be measured quantitively and qualitatively.

Measurement is useless without defining success first.

How you succeed matters. If you meet your definition of success but do it in violation of your core values, you have failed.

Wow. I got a lot out of this question and I had to cut short what I wanted to write on core values. If you don’t have the core values of your organization written down so you can measure success through them, you are missing out.

We’ve got some great resources on core values in our resource library. Check them out at

~~~Curt Fowler
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