“We won the Debate according to every single Poll” …..

2-dawg phan

Diehard supporter
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
… seriously, who’s going to be the one to snatch his ass up, get him in gear and convince him to quit this nonsense and start grilling Harris on their record/policies? Trump is a ship without a rudder right now and it appears he’s too big of a bully (or arrogant asshole) to actually LISTEN to his campaign Staffers and accept some constructive criticism. It goes without saying … but his own ego is ultimately going to be his undoing, if things don’t change in a hurry. Just EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING because if KH actually wins this thing I don’t think most people have Any Idea how bad things are going to get for those of us who actually work our assess off so that our families are secure and prosperous.

There’s no doubt about it … Socialism, this “Equity/Equality” BS and the Redistribution of Wealth movement is coming, if this jackass doesn’t get it together asap.
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I am all in on support for America First and give credit to Trump steering the GOP toward Populism and the middleclass citizens, and away from the GOP/UniParty. That said, in 2028 I look forward to the GOP "retiring DT's jersey" and sending him off to Mar-a-Lago to a retirement of golf and and family, and bring in new blood populists going forward.

Maybe Vance or Hawley 2028

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