Final debate prediction....

Trump is doing it because he loves ratings. He will be able to point and say "CNN had their best ratings because of me." Ratings don't equal votes though.

Trump's team is full of yes men who won't push back on him; he makes all the decisions. I think this will be a snooze-fest or bad for trump. I don't see how he comes out looking good here. But I have been wrong before.
What I would like to do afterward is play some clips from 2020. The debate there. Since Will and others are parroting this narrative that both candidates are slipping equally with their faculties. I would be interested to see a comparison between the two after the fact. It would really be fun to compare biden’s to the Paul Ryan debate. I dare you to go play five minutes of a recent speech from Joe, then go back and watch 5 minutes of Joe as vp talking. That won’t happen, but if you still think he is capable I don’t know what to tell you.

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What I would like to do afterward is play some clips from 2020. The debate there. Since Will and others are parroting this narrative that both candidates are slipping equally with their faculties. I would be interested to see a comparison between the two after the fact. It would really be fun to compare biden’s to the Paul Ryan debate. I dare you to go play five minutes of a recent speech from Joe, then go back and watch 5 minutes of Joe as vp talking. That won’t happen, but if you still think he is capable I don’t know what to tell you.

I had planned on doing something similar prior to tonight but lost time this week. Will watch what you posted. Thanks for sharing.

I challenge folks to do the same for trump. Watch his videos from 15-now. He has certainly declined (father time). I think he has an undiagnosed/undisclosed personality disorder that contributes to alot of his issues and becomes more prevalent with age.

But let's be fair here...Biden was in his late 60s when he debated Ryan, right? Are you challenging folks to watch late 60s Biden vs early 80s Biden and come to the conclusion that he hasn't lost many, many steps? I can agree with you that he has without having to watch the videos. I truly think late 60s Biden cleans up trump easily in a debate and likely wins this election by near double digits given the fact that "too old" is one of his main issues with voters.
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thinks the outcome will not matter at all, most all have felt the hurt these past 3 1/2 years and will vote accordingly. nothing like reality and living through it.......figures/facts don't lie.
I think so as well. There may be some undecided independents out there but for the most part, I think this cake is baked unless Biden is dropped. Imo, the difference in the philosophy of how to run the country is too great for people to care about porn stars or profiting from being in office.
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I had planned on doing something similar prior to tonight but lost time this week. Will watch what you posted. Thanks for sharing.

I challenge folks to do the same for trump. Watch his videos from 15-now. He has certainly declined (father time). I think he has an undiagnosed/undisclosed personality disorder that contributes to alot of his issues and becomes more prevalent with age.

But let's be fair here...Biden was in his late 60s when he debated Ryan, right? Are you challenging folks to watch late 60s Biden vs early 80s Biden and come to the conclusion that he hasn't lost many, many steps? I can agree with you that he has without having to watch the videos. I truly think late 60s Biden cleans up trump easily in a debate and likely wins this election by near double digits given the fact that "too old" is one of his main issues with voters.
Well, late 80s Joe Biden mopped the floor with some folks during his debates but was forced out because he got caught in multiple lies and had also plagiarized. It's pretty easy to be a good debater when you just make shat up as you go along but they didn't start ignoring that level of dishonesty until Clinton took office.
Meaning...tonight when Trump says the 2020 election was rigged and stolen, fewer citizens will believe him.
Dementia has a longer career of lies than than man that keeps you up at night. So novel saying pols lie. They all do and always have. And you know I was referring to the media.(I hope).
Take a couple of these before the debate and you'll feel better.

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I'm most curious about @willdup 's long-term & continuous, serious doubt about Trump's actual participation in this debate tomorrow...and his subsequent insinuation that he'll show clear indications of mental incapacity, similar (or worse) to what has been widely covered re: Biden.

Sir, I appreciate your respectful opinion on many matters. But, this now seems more likely to be projection than reality (on both matters).

I guess tomorrow will tell.
Anything short of a Biden TKO won't change the dynamic in this race. As the polls stand now, Trump is set up to absolutely destroy Biden in the general election. The media and democrats who are looking at the polls as an indication that this is a "toss-up" are ignoring the obvious fact that a republican hasn't won the popular vote since 2004, and that was by a razor thin margin.

Clinton won the popular vote by 2.5% points. Joe won it by 4%. Yet Trump being up "within the margin of error" in the popular vote polls is a clear indication that this is a toss-up?

Furthermore, the average polling miss on election day between 2016 and 2020 was 5%. In other words, Biden was expected to beat Trump by 9%. He beat him by 4%. And it was still razor thin in swing states. Polls always underestimate Trump.

Add to that the question of the issues. The popular vote tends to favor democrats relative to the electoral college. Why? Because NYC, LA and other huge urban centers always are predominantly democrat. I would guess that the delta between popular vote and swing states will be even larger this election. Why? Because the issues that folks care about in the midwest and sunbelt States are the economy, border, etc.......much more-so than Jan 6, abortion, etc. In other words, the popular vote polling probably over-weights J6, abortion, etc. as a factor relative to the electoral college / swing states.

A Biden TKO makes this a race.

Anything close to a tie, Trump continues on his path for a likely blowout victory.

A Trump TKO eliminates Biden, and given the democrat tendency to do anythiing to win especially against Trump, they will do whatever it takes to replace him. Even if it means offering him a choice to either drop out voluntarily or see dirty laundry aired, which would lead to the same result.
Anything short of a Biden TKO won't change the dynamic in this race. As the polls stand now, Trump is set up to absolutely destroy Biden in the general election. The media and democrats who are looking at the polls as an indication that this is a "toss-up" are ignoring the obvious fact that a republican hasn't won the popular vote since 2004, and that was by a razor thin margin.

Clinton won the popular vote by 2.5% points. Joe won it by 4%. Yet Trump being up "within the margin of error" in the popular vote polls is a clear indication that this is a toss-up?

Furthermore, the average polling miss on election day between 2016 and 2020 was 5%. In other words, Biden was expected to beat Trump by 9%. He beat him by 4%. And it was still razor thin in swing states. Polls always underestimate Trump.

Add to that the question of the issues. The popular vote tends to favor democrats relative to the electoral college. Why? Because NYC, LA and other huge urban centers always are predominantly democrat. I would guess that the delta between popular vote and swing states will be even larger this election. Why? Because the issues that folks care about in the midwest and sunbelt States are the economy, border, etc.......much more-so than Jan 6, abortion, etc. In other words, the popular vote polling probably over-weights J6, abortion, etc. as a factor relative to the electoral college / swing states.

A Biden TKO makes this a race.

Anything close to a tie, Trump continues on his path for a likely blowout victory.

A Trump TKO eliminates Biden, and given the democrat tendency to do anythiing to win especially against Trump, they will do whatever it takes to replace him. Even if it means offering him a choice to either drop out voluntarily or see dirty laundry aired, which would lead to the same result.
FWIW, Nate Silver does not list the race as a "toss up", he's currently saying Trump's odds are 66% to win.

From his website:

"The model gives Trump a 66 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, and Biden a 34 percent chance. There’s also a small chance that no candidate gets an Electoral College majority — either because there’s a 269-269 tie or because RFK wins some electoral votes somewhere — though those cases will probably resolve to Trump because of the likely Republican advantage in congressional delegations in the U.S. House under the 12th Amendment.

There’s also one other important component of the model that I haven’t talked about yet. Specifically, it’s the model’s uncertainty index, our estimate of the overall amount of error in the system, especially how much the polls might drift between now and Election Day.

The model expects that drift to be pretty low. The uncertainty index now accounts for nine variables — up from eight last year — and most of them have relatively low readings:

The polls have been extremely stable so far, which tends to predict future stability.
We’re in a time of very high polarization, which tends to produce more stable races.
Not just one but both candidates were on the ballot last time; repeat candidates tend to produce less volatility in the polls than first-time ones since they are better known by voters. (This is the factor we newly account for this year.)
The economy has been relatively steady, so there isn’t a lot of uncertainty about sudden changes of course.
There’s a relatively high volume of polling — if slightly less than last cycle — so we’re not lacking for information about the state of the race.
As discussed above, there actually isn’t that much of a gap between polls and fundamentals — although there is some.
Finally, there also hasn’t been that much news — news outlets have resorted to running stories about shark attacks — as measured by the number of full-width New York Times headlines.

And speaking of a systematic polling error — the model actually makes pretty conservative assumptions about that. Its estimates of Election Day polling accuracy are calibrated based on elections dating all the way back to 1936, which includes some stinkers such as Dewey (not) defeating Truman. This makes the error it expects about 35 percent higher than if we’d trained it only on more recent polling. So if we’re in some state of secular decline from what I think of as the Golden Age of Polling — polls had a series of really good years from roughly 2004 to 2012 — the model is not only prepared for that but expects that.

People sometimes ask me, if I meet them for a beer or something, what I really think about the election — as though I have some private mental model that’s separate from my statistical model. It’s not an entirely crazy question. Sometimes there are things that I think a model I built is doing wrong but haven’t gotten around to fixing — or there might be an edge case that is just hard to model.


If we reach a point where my mental model and the Silver Bulletin model diverge, I’ll tell you that. But right now they don’t diverge at all. This forecast, with Trump having a 66 percent chance of winning, is literally the forecast that I’m advising people to trust.


There is still time for Biden to turn things around — the debate tomorrow night provides one such opportunity, obviously. Biden could also change his strategy, change his staff, or even pull the emergency lever and decide that stepping back and giving someone else the nomination — either Kamala Harris or someone chosen at the convention — could give Democrats better odds. (Disclaimer: that also might be a terrible idea.)

And he’s really not that far behind. But the race isn’t a toss-up. That's at best a white lie — a convenient fiction that allows everyone to shirk accountability for their forecasts and their decisions."
Well, late 80s Joe Biden mopped the floor with some folks during his debates but was forced out because he got caught in multiple lies and had also plagiarized. It's pretty easy to be a good debater when you just make shat up as you go along but they didn't start ignoring that level of dishonesty until Clinton took office.
Sorry...I was referencing age, not decade. Can see how that could be confusing. My bad.
I had planned on doing something similar prior to tonight but lost time this week. Will watch what you posted. Thanks for sharing.

I challenge folks to do the same for trump. Watch his videos from 15-now. He has certainly declined (father time). I think he has an undiagnosed/undisclosed personality disorder that contributes to alot of his issues and becomes more prevalent with age.

But let's be fair here...Biden was in his late 60s when he debated Ryan, right? Are you challenging folks to watch late 60s Biden vs early 80s Biden and come to the conclusion that he hasn't lost many, many steps? I can agree with you that he has without having to watch the videos. I truly think late 60s Biden cleans up trump easily in a debate and likely wins this election by near double digits given the fact that "too old" is one of his main issues with voters.
If it was just old it he would sound more like Trump is more my point. I agree he was in his late 60’s. This just isn’t about Biden being older. I think it is pretty clear there is more going on than him just aging. Lots of people are still pretending otherwise.
Sorry...I was referencing age, not decade. Can see how that could be confusing. My bad.
Yeah, and I was illustrating how a mentally sharp Biden has always been FOS and would probably have been disqualified in the 60s, 70s and 80s because his debate style wouldn't have been tolerated by the press or the parties. Pols have always been dishonest to some degree but not as stupidly dishonest as Biden without getting a lot of push back.
Yeah, and I was illustrating how a mentally sharp Biden has always been FOS and would probably have been disqualified in the 60s, 70s and 80s because his debate style wouldn't have been tolerated by the press or the parties. Pols have always been dishonest to some degree but not as stupidly dishonest as Biden without getting a lot of push back.
Great point. His debate with Trump turned out to be a Pinocchio fest.
Whole thing is theater and won’t change anything. I think it benefits trump more only because these debates do not change people’s minds or votes, but trump can capitalize by generating more enthusiasm which seems to be his strategy anyway.

It’s obviously going to be an unfair event. It’s CNN for goodness sake. Questions were leaked to Biden weeks ago and they’ve been rehearsing him since. Along with a gallon of adrenaline injection just before so that he can at least remember the “official” answers and not shit his pants Vatican style.

Biden will tell us how good inflation is, how good the job market is and how we are now respected around the world. All of which are complete lies, after all these are democrats we are talking about. There will be no substance or details in his responses, just vague bragging and words of comfort which of course are lies.
Whole thing is theater and won’t change anything. I think it benefits trump more only because these debates do not change people’s minds or votes, but trump can capitalize by generating more enthusiasm which seems to be his strategy anyway.

It’s obviously going to be an unfair event. It’s CNN for goodness sake. Questions were leaked to Biden weeks ago and they’ve been rehearsing him since. Along with a gallon of adrenaline injection just before so that he can at least remember the “official” answers and not shit his pants Vatican style.

Biden will tell us how good inflation is, how good the job market is and how we are now respected around the world. All of which are complete lies, after all these are democrats we are talking about. There will be no substance or details in his responses, just vague bragging and words of comfort which of course are lies.
I think for all the talk about style - Biden looking old, Trump looking unhinged versus calm, etc.....the biggest issue in play here is the fact that Biden is the current President at a time when people are not happy. The issues and record matter, and that inherently puts him on his heels. For all the talk of J6 and abortion, it is inflation, the economy, and the border that are the top issues.

This sets the stage for roles to be reversed. In 2020, Trump had to defend the Covid situation, and he got defensive. Biden has a decent debate track record, but his track record in the area of being defensive on his own record, etc. is anything but decent. His worst moments are arguably the angry old man moments when he's responding to someone challenging him. Afghanistan pressers. Being challenged on the economy. And worst of all - the imprompu press conference in the wake of his documents case where he was called out as an elderly man with a poor memory. "I put this country back on its feet!!!!" That will not play.

Could Biden be the one who comes off as unhinged? We will see.
I think for all the talk about style - Biden looking old, Trump looking unhinged versus calm, etc.....the biggest issue in play here is the fact that Biden is the current President at a time when people are not happy. The issues and record matter, and that inherently puts him on his heels. For all the talk of J6 and abortion, it is inflation, the economy, and the border that are the top issues.

This sets the stage for roles to be reversed. In 2020, Trump had to defend the Covid situation, and he got defensive. Biden has a decent debate track record, but his track record in the area of being defensive on his own record, etc. is anything but decent. His worst moments are arguably the angry old man moments when he's responding to someone challenging him. Afghanistan pressers. Being challenged on the economy. And worst of all - the imprompu press conference in the wake of his documents case where he was called out as an elderly man with a poor memory. "I put this country back on its feet!!!!" That will not play.

Could Biden be the one who comes off as unhinged? We will see.
As always, "It's the economy, stupid".
I could end it for Biden tonight easy. Joe if you could talk to Laken riley’s parents or the family of the 12 year old girl raped, killed and videoed during by illegals who came across thanks to your border policy. Do you have any comforting thoughts for these families. The floor is yours. A reminder Joe. Her name is Laken Riley. Not Lincoln Riley.

7.3 million undocumented illegals have come across the border unvaccinated under your watch. What would you say to the 8000 service men and women you fired for not being vaccinated today?

Slojoe. How would you like to address the gold star families after your disastrous handling of the Afghanistan exit. Do you feel any personal responsibility here?

Let’s see if any of those questions are asked. I won’t hold my breath.
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I could end it for Biden tonight easy. Joe if you could talk to Laken riley’s parents or the family of the 12 year old girl raped, killed and videoed during by illegals who came across thanks to your border policy. Do you have any comforting thoughts for these families. The floor is yours. A reminder Joe. Her name is Laken Riley. Not Lincoln Riley.

7.3 million undocumented illegals have come across the border unvaccinated under your watch. What would you say to the 8000 service men and women you fired for not being vaccinated today?

Slojoe. How would you like to address the gold star families after your disastrous handling of the Afghanistan exit. Do you feel any personal responsibility here?

Let’s see if any of those questions are asked.
Trump has an easy pivot if the moderators ask their 20th consecutive question on J6 and abortion:

"Jake / Dana - we have devoted plenty of time to those issues. Can we now talk about the things that most Americans care about?

Groceries are xx% higher than this point in my Presidency
Housing is xx% higher than this point in my Presidency.
The American Dream of homeownership is dead in the water right now.
illegal border crossings are xx% higher than this point in my Presidency"

This is what i'm talking about when I say Joe is coming into this thing on his heels. An inherently difficult task for anyone, much less someone who is 81 years old, rapidly aging, and has a history of coming unglued when challenged.
Trump has an easy pivot if the moderators ask their 20th consecutive question on J6 and abortion:

"Jake / Dana - we have devoted plenty of time to those issues. Can we now talk about the things that most Americans care about?

Groceries are xx% higher than this point in my Presidency
Housing is xx% higher than this point in my Presidency.
The American Dream of homeownership is dead in the water right now.
illegal border crossings are xx% higher than this point in my Presidency"

This is what i'm talking about when I say Joe is coming into this thing on his heels. An inherently difficult task for anyone, much less someone who is 81 years old, rapidly aging, and has a history of coming unglued when challenged.
Here is the thing about him coming unglued when challenged. It is generally commonplace when he doesn’t suspect it. When any media member questions him. Or townhall person. He gets so bent out of shape. He is unfortunately better when he knows it is coming. We may see one of those moments if tapper decides to be an actual journalist. I think that is doubtful. He is supposed to have Biden’s back. If he strays away from that Biden will come unglued imo.
I think for all the talk about style - Biden looking old, Trump looking unhinged versus calm, etc.....the biggest issue in play here is the fact that Biden is the current President at a time when people are not happy. The issues and record matter, and that inherently puts him on his heels. For all the talk of J6 and abortion, it is inflation, the economy, and the border that are the top issues.

This sets the stage for roles to be reversed. In 2020, Trump had to defend the Covid situation, and he got defensive. Biden has a decent debate track record, but his track record in the area of being defensive on his own record, etc. is anything but decent. His worst moments are arguably the angry old man moments when he's responding to someone challenging him. Afghanistan pressers. Being challenged on the economy. And worst of all - the imprompu press conference in the wake of his documents case where he was called out as an elderly man with a poor memory. "I put this country back on its feet!!!!" That will not play.

Could Biden be the one who comes off as unhinged? We will see.

I agree in that Biden has more potential to become irate and unhinged on issues he perceives as personal given his past. But the debate crew will
Protect him from these situations.

It’s not even a debate, given the moderators. A true debate would have unbiased mods, sponsoring network, etc.

This “debate” is tainted and completely one sided before it even starts. If I were trump, I wouldn’t even answer questions as they are phrased. I would just use my time to say whatever I wanted to about Biden and his own policies. For example, if they asked about Covid, I would respond with what a failure Biden has been on illegal immigration and crime, and so on. Not play their game so to speak.

You can bet every question will favor
Biden and has been leaked to his camp weeks in advance just like they did before.

If you have a D by your name, you’re a liar, a fraud, a cheater. Many reps too but the “D” removes all doubt.
Trump has an easy pivot if the moderators ask their 20th consecutive question on J6 and abortion:

"Jake / Dana - we have devoted plenty of time to those issues. Can we now talk about the things that most Americans care about?

Groceries are xx% higher than this point in my Presidency
Housing is xx% higher than this point in my Presidency.
The American Dream of homeownership is dead in the water right now.
illegal border crossings are xx% higher than this point in my Presidency"

This is what i'm talking about when I say Joe is coming into this thing on his heels. An inherently difficult task for anyone, much less someone who is 81 years old, rapidly aging, and has a history of coming unglued when challenged.

That would be a great response to those type of biased questions which we know are coming. Trump should answer what he wants to, not what they ask. Don’t play their game.

If they turn off his mic, the cheating and favoritism will be on full display.
I agree in that Biden has more potential to become irate and unhinged on issues he perceives as personal given his past. But the debate crew will
Protect him from these situations.

It’s not even a debate, given the moderators. A true debate would have unbiased mods, sponsoring network, etc.

This “debate” is tainted and completely one sided before it even starts. If I were trump, I wouldn’t even answer questions as they are phrased. I would just use my time to say whatever I wanted to about Biden and his own policies. For example, if they asked about Covid, I would respond with what a failure Biden has been on illegal immigration and crime, and so on. Not play their game so to speak.

You can bet every question will favor
Biden and has been leaked to his camp weeks in advance just like they did before.

If you have a D by your name, you’re a liar, a fraud, a cheater. Many reps too but the “D” removes all doubt.
Could be naive, but I think there is enough pressure on them to not appear too biased, that they will play it straighter than you think.
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That would be a great response to those type of biased questions which we know are coming. Trump should answer what he wants to, not what they ask. Don’t play their game.

If they turn off his mic, the cheating and favoritism will be on full display.
and if he does answer they way he wants and not the question asked, he won't gain traction with undecideds. People don't like it when you dodge the question. You may like that approach....but this debate isn't to get your vote.
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Trump continues on his path for a likely blowout victory.
I don't see any scenario where Trump wins a blowout victory. As you note, he's not winning the popular vote.

pace @NateSilver, who I don't have a lot of regard for, here are nice_marmot's predictions:

60% Biden close win (within MOE)
35% Trump close Trump win (within MOE)
5% Biden "blowout" (outside MOE)

No one can make a compelling case of where Trump would be picking up votes. Electorally, Biden only needs PA, WI, MI.
So, yeah, I expect a closer than it should be Biden win, but am not ruling out "drift" as Nate likes to call it.
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and if he does answer they way he wants and not the question asked, he won't gain traction with undecideds. People don't like it when you dodge the question. You may like that approach....but this debate isn't to get your vote.
I agree he should answer the J6 question with agreement that it should never have happened........... and he should answer the abortion question with his official policy on the issue, which is much more center than the left would have you believe........and he should answer the election denial question with facts regarding Clinton's election denial, as well as understandable concerns regarding the mail-in ballots and covid era issues that led to legit speculation. He should not flat out say that he won the election.

What I'm saying is that if they continue on and on about the only issues Biden might have an edge on, he needs to call them out and ask that we discuss issues that are more important to Americans. Because one of the biggest self inflicted wounds the democrats continue to make worse is their insistence that Americans care more about the shit that they want them to rather than the stuff they actually care about.

The public is pleading with our leaders to quit focusing on political gotchas and instead focus on shit that matters to them. This pivot would be very effective in that regard, but very unpopular at cool DC cocktail parties.
I don't see any scenario where Trump wins a blowout victory. As you note, he's not winning the popular vote.

pace @NateSilver, who I don't have a lot of regard for, here are nice_marmot's predictions:

60% Biden close win (within MOE)
35% Trump close Trump win (within MOE)
5% Biden "blowout" (outside MOE)

No one can make a compelling case of where Trump would be picking up votes. Electorally, Biden only needs PA, WI, MI.
So, yeah, I expect a closer than it should be Biden win, but am not ruling out "drift" as Nate likes to call it.
Really? Trump has been consistently leading in every single battleground State, and tied in Virginia and Minnesota. He was 9 pts down going into last election, down in every swing state, and still almost pulled out the swing states. Now that he's up in the average of polls on the popular vote, you see him more likely to lose all those swing states he is leading in? How do you square that with data?

Biden may very well win, but if he does it will mean the race has swung significantly from where it is right now. Right now Trump picks up 300-330 electoral votes.
Americans have become pretty pathetic on this.

We are extraordinarily lucky in this country.

Too bad people want to bitch and moan.
Sure. But that's not new. Not the relevant question. The relevant question is how do Americans feel relative to 4 years ago? The answer, most notably and relevantly reflected in the fact that Americans' hindsight view on Trump's Presidency is up over 20 points, is a resounding "a lot worse." I repeat. 20 points. That's a freakin' killer given the fact that Biden narrowly won in 2020.
and if he does answer they way he wants and not the question asked, he won't gain traction with undecideds. People don't like it when you dodge the question. You may like that approach....but this debate isn't to get your vote.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Biden will avoid every question. He has nothing to run on based on his record. He avoided all questions before and he will again.

Hammer Biden should be trumps
Theme. Biden is so bad just point and highlight his failures and no way trump can’t win with independents.
Could be naive, but I think there is enough pressure on them to not appear too biased, that they will play it straighter than you think.

It’s all just a guess at this point, so who knows. dems and legacy media have become so fraudulent that they don’t even hide it any more. So I don’t predict they will give a damn how unfair they look.

Hope you’re right though.
Right now Trump picks up 300-330 electoral votes.
who is living in fantasy land here?

just to open your eyes a little - Nate Silver's former 538 shows polling in Michigan indicates a dead heat.
same in Wisconsin
same in Pennsylvania (Trump +.8 here, which is as narrow as Biden's lead in the above).

In Georgia, Trump is solidly leading. ~6 points
similar to North Carolina. ~7
Less so in Arizona ~4
Sill less so in Nevada ~3

So, while Trump may very well win, I urge you to set your sights more reasonably and to prepare for the likelihood of a repeat of 2020. The state of polls right now may suggest a narrow Trump win, but the trends suggest the race has already moved to Biden. I expect that to continue. Also, to be clear, if Trump were to sweep the ones he is "solidly leading" he's at 268. Take all of the above and that's 312, so, yeah, I guess that's between 300-330.
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who is living in fantasy land here?

just to open your eyes a little - Nate Silver's former 538 shows polling in Michigan indicates a dead heat.
same in Wisconsin
same in Pennsylvania (Trump +.8 here, which is as narrow as Biden's lead in the above).

In Georgia, Trump is solidly leading. ~6 points
similar to North Carolina. ~7
Less so in Arizona ~4
Sill less so in Nevada ~3

So, while Trump may very well win, I urge you to set your sights more reasonably and to prepare for the likelihood of a repeat of 2020. The state of polls right now may suggest a narrow Trump win, but the trends suggest the race has already moved to Biden. I expect that to continue. Also, to be clear, if Trump were to sweep the ones he is "solidly leading" he's at 268. Take all of the above and that's 312, so, yeah, I guess that's between 300-330.
I’m just looking at the real clear politics average of all polls which have trump up 1.5 points in the popular vote and up in every swing state with some polls having him tied in Minnesota and Virginia - considered blue states.

Taking an average of the state polls he picks up 300+. If fantasy land means taking the data and doing the math, I guess I’m in fantasy land.

Even by your own numbers above he gets 300. The larger point is that he was nowhere close to this lead in either popular votes or swing states in either 2016 or 2020. Have they totally changed the poll methodology to favor trump now? Doubtful. They sure as hell didn’t do that in 2020, where trump outperformed the poll by 5 points.

Since you mention 538…..The founder of 538 used the same logic to come to a similar conclusion.

Polls will need to move for Biden to win. Maybe the will.
I will watch too. It is tiresome to bring up. Not sure why he committed to do this with rules like they are.

Like dirty said, you think Biden would let Trump make the rules for a newsmax held debate. Or let it be moderated by Gutfeld and Jesse waters. I said it was stupid. I believe trump’s team thinks they can get Joe to wig out. I am not sure this helps them as much as they think.
I will watch too. It is tiresome to bring up. Not sure why he committed to do this with rules like they are.

Like dirty said, you think Biden would let Trump make the rules for a newsmax held debate. Or let it be moderated by Gutfeld and Jesse waters. I said it was stupid. I believe trump’s team thinks they can get Joe to wig out. I am not sure this helps them as much as they think.
Hey Brother.....shot 35 - 37 - 35 today. Thats right 27 holes!
Not sure if you are a fan of stack and tilt. I stumbled on Tom Saguto on YouTube.
Contact and consistency is unreal.
If I could have putted well, I could have been really deep. Oh well, it's always fun when you play well.
Take Care
Hey Brother.....shot 35 - 37 - 35 today. Thats right 27 holes!
Not sure if you are a fan of stack and tilt. I stumbled on Tom Saguto on YouTube.
Contact and consistency is unreal.
If I could have putted well, I could have been really deep. Oh well, it's always fun when you play well.
Take Care
I have stayed away from it. But one of my closest friends teaches it and is a big proponent. That is a fantastic round. It works. I have people that swear by it. My old college roommate Richard “dickie” Johnson. Yep that is his name. He was from wales. He won the nationwide tour money list and tour championship using it. Lost it and never made it back. Franklin langham supposedly used it too. He won out there but he had some bad issues with it. Best I hear is to stay connected with a good instructor of it. It is incredibly effective when working. I will dm you the name of my friend still teaching it.

That is awesome Mitchell. Keep it up. Love hearing good golf stories brother.
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So, let's see. We have one moderator that has repeatedly compared Trump to Hitler on air. The other moderator took a statement about Jews voting for Dems hating Israel because Israel would be destroyed and compared Trump to Hitler and somehow decided that was antisemitic trope.

So, if you believe Trump is comparable to Hitler, how in the hell do you treat him impartially. Also, if you are giving opinions of this nature on air, you are a commentator, not a journalist. Additionally, Trump is on a network that knowingly advanced false news stories on a nightly basis for yrs as well as gave 2 know liars with the highest level security clearances a platform to misinform the public about operation crossfire hurricane in a purely partisan manner. It's also the same network that had an employee supply the Clinton campaign with the questions that would be asked in the debate. How could anyone think they may not be planning on conducting an impartial debate?

Now, Trump has agreed to walk into this minefield and I think everyone would agree that Biden wouldn't head over to Newsmax and participate under the same rules with journotators that have repeatedly called him a criminal. I don't think you have to be "MAGA" to admit than CNN is definitely a home field advantage for Dems.
Why not just watch and see. The "everything is rigged" sounds so spoiled brattish it is sad.
Of course, just like anything else, if Trump "wins" it's not rigged.
If Trump does not act like a 5 year old child and throw his daily pity party, he should mop the floor with Biden.
Like yall have said, Biden can't put 2 sentences together, much less debate for an hour and half on live TV.
I think Biden should go to a media choice that Trump picks.
I wouldn't think it would be rigged if he did. I would watch and see.
I have stayed away from it. But one of my closest friends teaches it and is a big proponent. That is a fantastic round. It works. I have people that swear by it. My old college roommate Richard “dickie” Johnson. Yep that is his name. He was from wales. He won the nationwide tour money list and tour championship using it. Lost it and never made it back. Franklin langham supposedly used it too. He won out there but he had some bad issues with it. Best I hear is to stay connected with a good instructor of it. It is incredibly effective when working. I will dm you the name of my friend still teaching it.

That is awesome Mitchell. Keep it up. Love hearing good golf stories brother.
Thanks Brother. I used to know some of Franklin's family.
Have a good one my friend.
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Thanks Brother. I used to know some of Franklin's family.
Have a good one my friend.
I may hit my buddy up and have him teach me about stack and tilt. I have always been curious. Haven’t had the time, but I may have more time soon. Empty nest is coming. Sent you his name in dm. Have a good one Mitchell!
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I agree he should answer the J6 question with agreement that it should never have happened........... and he should answer the abortion question with his official policy on the issue, which is much more center than the left would have you believe........and he should answer the election denial question with facts regarding Clinton's election denial, as well as understandable concerns regarding the mail-in ballots and covid era issues that led to legit speculation. He should not flat out say that he won the election.

What I'm saying is that if they continue on and on about the only issues Biden might have an edge on, he needs to call them out and ask that we discuss issues that are more important to Americans. Because one of the biggest self inflicted wounds the democrats continue to make worse is their insistence that Americans care more about the shit that they want them to rather than the stuff they actually care about.

The public is pleading with our leaders to quit focusing on political gotchas and instead focus on shit that matters to them. This pivot would be very effective in that regard, but very unpopular at cool DC cocktail parties.
Do we think Trump meant to post some of his debate talking points? WTH. Is this real? Looks legit. If it weren't, the answers would be funnier, right?

Makes me feel a little better about my prediction regarding his performance tonight.

Do we think Trump meant to post some of his debate talking points? WTH. Is this real? Looks legit. If it weren't, the answers would be funnier, right?

Makes me feel a little better about my prediction regarding his performance tonight.

Doubt it is real can’t imagine why he would do that. But after reading them are they wrong? Maybe a diversionary tactic ala the blow-up tanks and dummy paratroopers sent away from Normandy
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Whole thing is theater and won’t change anything. I think it benefits trump more only because these debates do not change people’s minds or votes, but trump can capitalize by generating more enthusiasm which seems to be his strategy anyway.

It’s obviously going to be an unfair event. It’s CNN for goodness sake. Questions were leaked to Biden weeks ago and they’ve been rehearsing him since. Along with a gallon of adrenaline injection just before so that he can at least remember the “official” answers and not shit his pants Vatican style.

Biden will tell us how good inflation is, how good the job market is and how we are now respected around the world. All of which are complete lies, after all these are democrats we are talking about. There will be no substance or details in his responses, just vague bragging and words of comfort which of course are lies.
THIS^^^^ times a million. I won't be watching because it is Kabuki theater and a total waste of time.
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Those who claim they won't watch will be the first ones here complaining about:

How unfair the questions were for Trump
Biden being too amped

Like. Clockwork.
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Doubt it is real can’t imagine why he would do that. But after reading them are they wrong? Maybe a diversionary tactic ala the blow-up tanks and dummy paratroopers sent away from Normandy
Maybe he just got confused between the meeting notes and his next tweet. It happens when you get older and start to lose it.
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