A liberal takes on "safe spaces" and free speech


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Steve Sebelius, political columnist for Las Vegas Review-Journal and host of his own TV show and a noted and admitted liberal says there are no safe spaces in a real life workplace or social setting where a diversity of ideas and views reigns. And students should be prepared to face and deal with ideas other than their own.

Plus liberals should be the people most opposed to squelching free speech in the academy in the name of inclusion and tolerance, for no better reason than free speech is the tool that creted tolerance and social change. And entrenched establishment interests sought to squelch those ideas. Now to find liberals not only silent but actually advocating anti speech is sad says he. Liberals were once the forces agitating for change using free speech and freedom of thought. But now that liberalism is ascendant, they have become the oppressors. The very people the previous generation would have sought to overthrow.

Now they make an obvious attempt to control what people say, think and believe. Consider the ultimate incarnation of safe spaces: the inevitable result of unrestrained intellectual fascism found in radical Islam. It's a sin to insult the prophet, even for those outside the religion where Muhammed is merely a historical figure. And the penalty isn't a trip to the Dean's office but death. The safe space for them is called a Caliphate and stepping out of character and expressing a different view leads to death. Which is the inevitable endpoint of Fascism. An endpoint that must be resisted by everyone who believes in democracy. Liberals must return to these ramparts for there's more at stake than we know.
Steve Sebelius, political columnist for Las Vegas Review-Journal and host of his own TV show and a noted and admitted liberal says there are no safe spaces in a real life workplace or social setting where a diversity of ideas and views reigns. And students should be prepared to face and deal with ideas other than their own.

Plus liberals should be the people most opposed to squelching free speech in the academy in the name of inclusion and tolerance, for no better reason than free speech is the tool that creted tolerance and social change. And entrenched establishment interests sought to squelch those ideas. Now to find liberals not only silent but actually advocating anti speech is sad says he. Liberals were once the forces agitating for change using free speech and freedom of thought. But now that liberalism is ascendant, they have become the oppressors. The very people the previous generation would have sought to overthrow.

Now they make an obvious attempt to control what people say, think and believe. Consider the ultimate incarnation of safe spaces: the inevitable result of unrestrained intellectual fascism found in radical Islam. It's a sin to insult the prophet, even for those outside the religion where Muhammed is merely a historical figure. And the penalty isn't a trip to the Dean's office but death. The safe space for them is called a Caliphate and stepping out of character and expressing a different view leads to death. Which is the inevitable endpoint of Fascism. An endpoint that must be resisted by everyone who believes in democracy. Liberals must return to these ramparts for there's more at stake than we know.
Thank you...