Being a Liberal

I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
Let me guess and old white man?
You really have to stop the race baiting
It is a fact that black men fought in both World War I and World War II.

Are you saying those men were conservatives or that they didn't fight and help win the war?

What you said is sooooooo far beyond "facts" that I should have let it go.... I just can't stand stupidity though.
Are u saying all black people should be libs?
Wow wtf
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I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr
The TVA and the G.I. Bill are the 2 things that changed the future of my family forever. Pushed through by this g**d*** liberals.
If you like Trump and his policies then by all means support him. That doesn't mean that the other side has to be evil (communist or whatever derogatory term you wan to insert). The US economy or form of government in no way resemble communism. If you want to say that the democratic party has tendencies or some policy alignments with democracies in western Europe (that are more socialistic than the US), then fine. However, calling the democratic party a communist party is just non-sense (and I hope just hyperbole on your end). The economy isn’t doing as well as you think. There isn’t a middle class of people anymore. Everything is way too expensive and business are shutting down like crazy but you say the economy is fine? I beg to differ Sir. God help us All!!!
No sir. President Trump is a clown. The man is a clown and no real man deals with clowns. Someone who never takes responsibility. Someone who doesn't have the basic leadership quality to praise in public and critique in private. Someone who lies about the most trivial things. Someone who is unprofessional in every manner, that should be, the bare minimal of acting Presidential. No character. Publicly critiques women. Speaks and conducts himself as a High School student. Tweets like a High School student. The Military generals hated him.

Policy is irrelevant with him (for me) because I can't get around that.

What good for man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?

Wake up you hard headed idiots…

The TVA and the G.I. Bill are the 2 things that changed the future of my family forever. Pushed through by this g**d*** liberals.
Lol dude seriously… let’s be honest… great things both of those programs no doubt… but the “liberals” or democrats of the 1940’s would have nothing to do with the party’s policies of today… hell Obama wouldn’t have openly said he believed in things that are celebrated these days… there’s a few of you chat Libs that probably are truly conservatives, but you’re so freaking deranged about Trump that you can’t even think straight anymore… I pray for y’all…
The TVA and the G.I. Bill are the 2 things that changed the future of my family forever. Pushed through by this g**d*** liberals.
The G I Bill was considered bi-partisan but was written by Harry Colmery who was president of the RNC signed into law by Roosevelt

TVA was a huge federal jobs program and I think there are just as many people who hate the TVA for taking their land. Also, there was a good bit of graft and corruption but that’s a hallmark of all federal programs.
Do you also like George Bush for the creation of the TSA?
Lol dude seriously… let’s be honest… great things both of those programs no doubt… but the “liberals” or democrats of the 1940’s would have nothing to do with the party’s policies of today… hell Obama wouldn’t have openly said he believed in things that are celebrated these days… there’s a few of you chat Libs that probably are truly conservatives, but you’re so freaking deranged about Trump that you can’t even think straight anymore… I pray for y’all…
I think you are confused about which group is more deranged about Trump. The worse he gets it seems the more support he gets from his little group.
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Lol dude seriously… let’s be honest… great things both of those programs no doubt… but the “liberals” or democrats of the 1940’s would have nothing to do with the party’s policies of today… hell Obama wouldn’t have openly said he believed in things that are celebrated these days… there’s a few of you chat Libs that probably are truly conservatives, but you’re so freaking deranged about Trump that you can’t even think straight anymore… I pray for y’all

Lol dude seriously… let’s be honest… great things both of those programs no doubt… but the “liberals” or democrats of the 1940’s would have nothing to do with the party’s policies of today… hell Obama wouldn’t have openly said he believed in things that are celebrated these days… there’s a few of you chat Libs that probably are truly conservatives, but you’re so freaking deranged about Trump that you can’t even think straight anymore… I pray for y’all…
Of all the takes . . . That is certainly one.

By your logic, the New Deal, THE NEW DEAL, is something Democrats wouldn’t lean into these days? Are you high? Republicans still thump their chests about Abraham Lincoln.

I think if I said the sky was blue, you’d call it TDS. Get a new line man.
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The G I Bill was considered bi-partisan but was written by Harry Colmery who was president of the RNC signed into law by Roosevelt

TVA was a huge federal jobs program and I think there are just as many people who hate the TVA for taking their land. Also, there was a good bit of graft and corruption but that’s a hallmark of all federal programs.
Do you also like George Bush for the creation of the TSA?
I appreciate Bush for creating Homeland Security, yes. TSA is just a small part of that.

The father of the GI Bill was a democratic governor from Illinois. It passed a dem majority House, a dem majority Senate, and was signed by FDR. Naturally you’d call it bi-partisan. Sort of like voting against CHIPS and the infrastructure bill, and then taking credit when some of that sweet cash comes to your district.

My family were a bunch of dirt farmers in NW Alabama. They helped build Wheeler Dam and Browns Ferry and the rest was history. You won’t get any bad words about TVA from me.
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I appreciate Bush for creating Homeland Security, yes. TSA is just a small part of that.

The father of the GI Bill was a democratic governor from Illinois. It passed a dem majority House, a dem majority Senate, and was signed by FDR.
Miss the Senator, but not Alabama.......also love the sliver britches & bones on the helmets. Your handle is sacrilegious.
Miss the Senator, but not Alabama.......also love the sliver britches & bones on the helmets. Your handle is sacrilegious.
It just goes to the fact that they’re no longer silver, they’re gray. You want to make America Great Again? Have Nike bring back the shiny pants.
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Of all the takes . . . That is certainly one.

By your logic, the New Deal, THE NEW DEAL, is something Democrats wouldn’t lean into these days? Are you high? Republicans still thump their chests about Abraham Lincoln.

I think if I said the sky was blue, you’d call it TDS. Get a new line man.
No, not at all what I meant… the older policies/programs you mentioned as helping your family were done before the Dems lost their minds… I mean the lunatic policies of today wouldn’t be spoken out loud even a decade or two ago… but you know that…
No, not at all what I meant… the older policies/programs you mentioned as helping your family were done before the Dems lost their minds… I mean the lunatic policies of today wouldn’t be spoken out loud even a decade or two ago… but you know that…
You do realize that progressive advances such as women’s suffrage and the New Deal were characterized by the right at the time in the exact same way you just characterized todays’s effort, right?
No, not at all what I meant… the older policies/programs you mentioned as helping your family were done before the Dems lost their minds… I mean the lunatic policies of today wouldn’t be spoken out loud even a decade or two ago… but you know that…
Can you give me some specific lunatic policies?
Are u saying all black people should be libs?
Wow wtf

So there are nearly 4 pages of comments in this thread.

YOU choose to respond to two. The two that you respond to, YOU brought up race. If you read the thread, I clearly state the purpose of my example. YOU saw what you saw because YOU was looking for what you wanted to see.

Saying all black people should only be liberal sounds as stupid as saying only conservatives won the World Wars.
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You do realize that progressive advances such as women’s suffrage and the New Deal were characterized by the right at the time in the exact same way you just characterized todays’s effort, right?
“We must fight against socialism!” He exclaimed, while checking to see if his social security check had cleared before going to his Medicare-covered doctor’s appointment. Maybe after that, he’ll reminisce about the massive PPP loan he didn’t have to pay back.
So there are nearly 4 pages of comments in this thread.

YOU choose to respond to two. The two that you respond to, YOU brought up race. If you read the thread, I clearly state the purpose of my example. YOU saw what you saw because YOU was looking for what you wanted to see.

Saying all black people should only be liberal sounds as stupid as saying only conservatives won the World Wars.
He didn’t say that, he asked you……there is a big difference (black/liberal).

Don’t turn this into something that it is not….unless U are just looking to add more pages to the 4 you pointed out.
“We must fight against socialism!” He exclaimed, while checking to see if his social security check had cleared before going to his Medicare-covered doctor’s appointment. Maybe after that, he’ll reminisce about the massive PPP loan he didn’t have to pay back.
Would gladly take mine back what I gave the gov thru the years WITH compounded interest …but think they spent it all.
He didn’t say that, he asked you……there is a big difference (black/liberal).

Don’t turn this into something that it is not….unless U are just looking to add more pages to the 4 you pointed out.
And I answered. Answered with sacaicm, but answered still.
“We must fight against socialism!” He exclaimed, while checking to see if his social security check had cleared before going to his Medicare-covered doctor’s appointment. Maybe after that, he’ll reminisce about the massive PPP loan he didn’t have to pay back.
We are the only industrialized nation without universal healthcare and over 18.3% of our annual GNP goes to healthcare. The highest percentage that any European country pays is Germany at 12.8%. That’s a massive amount of wealth being sucked out of the economy and our system sucks anyway.
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We are the only industrialized nation without universal healthcare and over 18.3% of our annual GNP goes to healthcare. The highest percentage that any European country pays is Germany at 12.8%. That’s a massive amount of wealth being sucked out of the economy and our system sucks anyway.
But somebody still pays, most likely gonna see a much smaller paycheck. Unless I see the math, pretty dang sure it’s just a shell game.
Open boarders, DEI, Green New Deal, the Trans obsession,

Open boarders, DEI, Green New Deal, the Trans obsession, etc…
If the “boarder” was a fraction of the crisis y’all say it is, you pass the immigration bill. I know you’re going to say Ukraine funding, doesn’t go far enough, etc., but it’s more than we have right now. But that’s my TDS talking.

DEI is well-intentioned and poorly implemented. This is culture war BS that is not near the issue you make it out to be. I’m more of a big picture guy and prefer to work big to small. Again, TDS.

The GND is a fringe effort that was dead on arrival. I don’t know why y’all are so scared of AOC. You want to talk about some of the fringe ideas on the right? MTG is ready. Someone fetch me a fainting couch, my TDS is acting up.

The trans thing. I knew something re: sexuality/gender was going to be on your list. That’s cute coming from someone that uses a shirtless picture of Brock Bowers as his avatar. What’s that they say about the ones that protest the loudest?

But I am absolutely ravaged by TDS.
I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
How often do we have to remind you lefties that 50’s 60’s 70’s era liberals no longer exist. JFK would be GOP today. Those Libs opposed govt censorship which today’s Libs support. Biden censored social media, Walz favors Govt determining misinformation. Today’s Libs are fine with Govt snooping private emails, mail, etc., they advocate for hate speech, prior generation, they are fine using DOJ to quell dissent, prior generation Libs wouldn’t ever suggest or stand for such. Even Obama favored a closed border, today’s Libs demand open borders. Truth

Don’t confuse Conservatives with Republicans. Your DEMOCRATS opposed Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, it was Republicans who joined with liberals to pass those Bills.

Lawrence O may have once upon a time been liberal he’s morphed into totalitarian.
I appreciate Bush for creating Homeland Security, yes. TSA is just a small part of that.

The father of the GI Bill was a democratic governor from Illinois. It passed a dem majority House, a dem majority Senate, and was signed by FDR. Naturally you’d call it bi-partisan. Sort of like voting against CHIPS and the infrastructure bill, and then taking credit when some of that sweet cash comes to your district.

My family were a bunch of dirt farmers in NW Alabama. They helped build Wheeler Dam and Browns Ferry and the rest was history. You won’t get any bad words about TVA from me.
Harry W. Colmery, a former national commander of the American Legion and former Republican National Chairman, is credited with drawing up the first draft of the GI Bill.
If the “boarder” was a fraction of the crisis y’all say it is, you pass the immigration bill. I know you’re going to say Ukraine funding, doesn’t go far enough, etc., but it’s more than we have right now. But that’s my TDS talking.

DEI is well-intentioned and poorly implemented. This is culture war BS that is not near the issue you make it out to be. I’m more of a big picture guy and prefer to work big to small. Again, TDS.

The GND is a fringe effort that was dead on arrival. I don’t know why y’all are so scared of AOC. You want to talk about some of the fringe ideas on the right? MTG is ready. Someone fetch me a fainting couch, my TDS is acting up.

The trans thing. I knew something re: sexuality/gender was going to be on your list. That’s cute coming from someone that uses a shirtless picture of Brock Bowers as his avatar. What’s that they say about the ones that protest the loudest?

But I am absolutely ravaged by TDS.
The Border bill contained poison pills. Citizenship for illegals, Millions continually allowed in, no deportation among several pills.
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We are the only industrialized nation without universal healthcare and over 18.3% of our annual GNP goes to healthcare. The highest percentage that any European country pays is Germany at 12.8%. That’s a massive amount of wealth being sucked out of the economy and our system sucks anyway.
I am sorry I lied. I said I was not go to respond to your posts for a while. But I must respond to your emotional ridiculous post.
Yes our system is not perfect and has many areas for improvement. If our system sucks then why do people from all over the world come to the US for surgeries and treatment?
You know why?
Also why does our healthcare cost more? Do you expect to pay less for best goods and services in most fields? If so that is a rarity. You typically pay for what you get.
We also are the innovator when it comes to healthcare and have been. That drives up the cost as well.
Have you experienced care in any of these countries that you have mentioned?
I have had family members traveling abroad and living in some of the countries dealing with those systems. Everyone would chose our system in a heartbeat.
I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donne
I am sorry I lied. I said I was not go to respond to your posts for a while. But I must respond to your emotional ridiculous post.
Yes our system is not perfect and has many areas for improvement. If our system sucks then why do people from all over the world come to the US for surgeries and treatment?
You know why?
Also why does our healthcare cost more? Do you expect to pay less for best goods and services in most fields? If so that is a rarity. You typically pay for what you get.
We also are the innovator when it comes to healthcare and have been. That drives up the cost as well.
Have you experienced care in any of these countries that you have mentioned?
I have had family members traveling abroad and living in some of the countries dealing with those systems. Everyone would chose our system in a heartbeat.
There’s nothing emotional about my post, but “sucks” is certainly a broad and ill-defined word, so it’s reasonable to expect further detail.

I agree that those with money, such as your example of those who can afford to fly here and pay a premium for care, can get exceptional care here. That’s true about many services in the US and it’s not a great measure of the overall system quality.

For exceptional care, people also fly to Switzerland, Tokyo, Singapore and other places beyond the US.

The quality of an overall healthcare system should be rated by a number of factors. Accessibility, including access to preventative care, cost, health outcomes and difficulty of usage. You also need to look at the average experience and cost, not premium experience and cost. By those measures, our system sucks and depending on what rankings you care to look at, we consistently rank at or near the bottom of industrialized nations.

With spend 50% or higher per capita than those same countries for healthcare.

Outcomes? Compare longevity, cancer rates, infant mortality. Compared to other wealthy nations, our rankings are horrible.

I’ve worked for two large international companies and so spend a lot of time with both European and Asian co-workers. Not one of those that I have had the conversation with, which is a significant number, would even consider for a second swapping healthcare systems. In fact, they all, without exception, cannot imagine how we ended up with such a mess.

I am sorry I lied. I said I was not go to respond to your posts for a while. But I must respond to your emotional ridiculous post.
Yes our system is not perfect and has many areas for improvement. If our system sucks then why do people from all over the world come to the US for surgeries and treatment?
You know why?
Also why does our healthcare cost more? Do you expect to pay less for best goods and services in most fields? If so that is a rarity. You typically pay for what you get.
We also are the innovator when it comes to healthcare and have been. That drives up the cost as well.
Have you experienced care in any of these countries that you have mentioned?
I have had family members traveling abroad and living in some of the countries dealing with those systems. Everyone would chose our system in a heartbeat.
What has happened to private insurance all of a sudden. I have been retired for over twenty years but I had good insurance at my work place. Why is the deductible so high all of a sudden.
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There’s nothing emotional about my post, but “sucks” is certainly a broad and ill-defined word, so it’s reasonable to expect further detail.

I agree that those with money, such as your example of those who can afford to fly here and pay a premium for care, can get exceptional care here. That’s true about many services in the US and it’s not a great measure of the overall system quality.

For exceptional care, people also fly to Switzerland, Tokyo, Singapore and other places beyond the US.

The quality of an overall healthcare system should be rated by a number of factors. Accessibility, including access to preventative care, cost, health outcomes and difficulty of usage. You also need to look at the average experience and cost, not premium experience and cost. By those measures, our system sucks and depending on what rankings you care to look at, we consistently rank at or near the bottom of industrialized nations.

With spend 50% or higher per capita than those same countries for healthcare.

Outcomes? Compare longevity, cancer rates, infant mortality. Compared to other wealthy nations, our rankings are horrible.

I’ve worked for two large international companies and so spend a lot of time with both European and Asian co-workers. Not one of those that I have had the conversation with, which is a significant number, would even consider for a second swapping healthcare systems. In fact, they all, without exception, cannot imagine how we ended up with such a mess.

Advances in drugs and medical technology are possible because of the potential profit in the US market. Other countries have government price controls so companies are not allowed to change over a certain amount. If the US had the same price controls there would be none of the profit incentive for medical companies to fund the advances and progress would be curtailed significantly.
These other countries leech off of the US market for cheap products.
Medical prices could be much lower but that would involve tort reform. Excessive liability insurance costs on doctors and drug companies is also unique to the US. If we had a loser pays legal system then all of the frivolous lawsuits could be greatly reduced. But, when you have a bunch of lawyers making these laws they will always block that reform.
In the other countries where the government runs healthcare they are for the most part protected from liability. So they can limit expenses. The problem is also, where there really is medical malpractice you have limited recourse compared to the US.

I have friends in Canada and Europe as well. All but one of them hate their medical system. The one in UK is younger and knows nothing about the medical industry beyond the cheap costs he sees when he rarely uses it.
There’s nothing emotional about my post, but “sucks” is certainly a broad and ill-defined word, so it’s reasonable to expect further detail.

I agree that those with money, such as your example of those who can afford to fly here and pay a premium for care, can get exceptional care here. That’s true about many services in the US and it’s not a great measure of the overall system quality.

For exceptional care, people also fly to Switzerland, Tokyo, Singapore and other places beyond the US.

The quality of an overall healthcare system should be rated by a number of factors. Accessibility, including access to preventative care, cost, health outcomes and difficulty of usage. You also need to look at the average experience and cost, not premium experience and cost. By those measures, our system sucks and depending on what rankings you care to look at, we consistently rank at or near the bottom of industrialized nations.

With spend 50% or higher per capita than those same countries for healthcare.

Outcomes? Compare longevity, cancer rates, infant mortality. Compared to other wealthy nations, our rankings are horrible.

I’ve worked for two large international companies and so spend a lot of time with both European and Asian co-workers. Not one of those that I have had the conversation with, which is a significant number, would even consider for a second swapping healthcare systems. In fact, they all, without exception, cannot imagine how we ended up with such a mess.

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