Being a Liberal

Well, you are almost half right. Black men did contribute and in both of those wars. The problem is that Black people voted mostly Republican until after the war and really didn't switch to being Democrat until LBJ.
As the OP is trying to point out. Party is largely irrelevant. Policies and voting blocks of the two parties have changed greatly over time.
If you were an owner of a store and you hired a manager that made you alot of money by getting you organized and showing you a better way of doing things......but he pissed off your loyal customers and they threatened to find another store to shop at.

Once that manager quit or left the company, would you hire that same manager back to piss off your customers some more (because you made money) or find someone else who is not as brash, but have the same managerial mindset?

That is how I feel about President Trump being President again.
Misapplied logic.

Repubs and Dem’s don’t have the same managerial mindset.

What about Trump pissed you off? You had more money to spend, the world was safer. Explain to me how we are to survive another four years of what we have now.

The country was humming. Why are you an unhappy customer. Honest question.
Being a conservative or liberal is subjective and putting tags on people is part of the issue.

To me, it’s all about right or wrong.
One's determination of right and wrong should be issue specific. There is absolutely no reason why pro-life and pro-big business political views should be aligned other than they currently fall within the current version of the Republican party. Likewise there is no reason why pro-choice folks should have to support trans people playing women's sports. People should be much more issue-focused instead of being loyal to a party. Find the candidate whom you agree with on a majority of issues and vote for them regardless party. If folks did this instead of voting straight party line we would have more diversity in the candidates we have to choose from.
One's determination of right and wrong should be issue specific. There is absolutely no reason why pro-life and pro-big business political views should be aligned other than they currently fall within the current version of the Republican party. Likewise there is no reason why pro-choice folks should have to support trans people playing women's sports. People should be much more issue-focused instead of being loyal to a party. Find the candidate whom you agree with on a majority of issues and vote for them regardless party. If folks did this instead of voting straight party line we would have more diversity in the candidates we have to choose from.
Agree….also, have always voted for the person first (policies/platform). No other way to do it imo.
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Misapplied logic.

Repubs and Dem’s don’t have the same managerial mindset.

What about Trump pissed you off? You had more money to spend, the world was safer. Explain to me how we are to survive another four years of what we have now.

The country was humming. Why are you an unhappy customer. Honest question.
Somebody sure pissed in his cornflakes! Wow.
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I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
Ok you do that. I am not much interested in what the d or r party did 40 -80 years ago. Talk to me about the last 8 yrs? I will hang up and listen!
This is not your father or grandfather’s Democrat liberal party. My late dad was raised in the 1940-1950’s and was a lifelong democrat, the party of the working class at the time. He voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 after realizing that the democrat party had left him and all that he believed in.
Segregation was all he believed in.
Democratic Party was the anti-Abe Lincoln party. JFK changed it to the Civil Rights party.
Somebody sure pissed in his cornflakes! Wow.
For real.

US economy has been growing steadily for the last 10+ years, except for a significant dip during the pandemic and a sharp increase post-pandemic. Stimulus monies and tax breaks helped the economy avoid a larger recession during the pandemic, but it might have been a bit too much. There was pent up demand (for travel, eating out, etc) due to the pandemic and people started spending money like crazy. Legitimate supply shortages caused some prices to hike. People kept spending, so companies kept increasing prices (even once supplies easily met demand). These factors led to inflation that is certainly painful to many. The fed responded by jacking up interest rates to slow economic growth and get a handle on inflation. I think we can legitimately argue policies around the margins, but for the most part I can't see how either party can be blamed or praised for their handling of the economy. The rate of economic growth from 2021 to current is about the same as it was from 2015 to 2019. The US economy is strong, unemployment is low, and (despite being painful) we are in much better shape inflation-wise than most if not all industrialized nations. Plus, DJI is about 14,000 higher (>50%) than it was in 2019.
For real.

US economy has been growing steadily for the last 10+ years, except for a significant dip during the pandemic and a sharp increase post-pandemic. Stimulus monies and tax breaks helped the economy avoid a larger recession during the pandemic, but it might have been a bit too much. There was pent up demand (for travel, eating out, etc) due to the pandemic and people started spending money like crazy. Legitimate supply shortages caused some prices to hike. People kept spending, so companies kept increasing prices (even once supplies easily met demand). These factors led to inflation that is certainly painful to many. The fed responded by jacking up interest rates to slow economic growth and get a handle on inflation. I think we can legitimately argue policies around the margins, but for the most part I can't see how either party can be blamed or praised for their handling of the economy. The rate of economic growth from 2021 to current is about the same as it was from 2015 to 2019. The US economy is strong, unemployment is low, and (despite being painful) we are in much better shape inflation-wise than most if not all industrialized nations. Plus, DJI is about 14,000 higher (>50%) than it was in 2019.

Excellent response. I agree with the assessment of the Inflation situation. It was going to happen regardless of who occupied the White House.

Btw- That "cornflakes" comment was directed at me (I think).
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I didn't say the Democrats nor the Republicans were anything.

I said the man. The man, at his core, is not befitting of the office of the President of the United States.
And you think that the Democrats are the answer? You will vote the communist party in just to spite Trump you are not doing anything but destroying our country just because you don’t like Trump.
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And you think that the Democrats are the answer? You will vote the communist party in just to spite Trump you are not doing anything but destroying our country just because you don’t like Trump.

I could say the very same to you. The fact that you would rather support this man vs. supporting another Republican candidate is equilivalvent of destroying the country as well.
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I could say the very same to you. The fact that you would rather support this man vs. supporting another Republican candidate is equilivalvent of destroying the country.
I will support anyone not named Kamala and Waltz. If a moderate Democrat would run I would consider voting for them. But never a communist.
I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
Republicans answering thia ques
I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
Those commenting on this post still have not answered with specifics like what Liberals did.
"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?
Misapplied logic.

Repubs and Dem’s don’t have the same managerial mindset.

What about Trump pissed you off? You had more money to spend, the world was safer. Explain to me how we are to survive another four years of what we have now.

The country was humming. Why are you an unhappy customer. Honest question.

Surviving another 4 years?

I wish I knew the answer. My heart and the "what would you do" tells me that we have to get back to the Congress being Congress. Meaning, performing and doing their jobs as the Legislative Branch.

I think we have used the Executive Powers of the President too much and it has become a tick for tact measure to use. Get back to the essence of the constitution.

I don't like the man. Period. Unprofessional. A Liar. And not a liar, as in being a politician.... but just a liar.

Just yesterday he states his crowd was bigger than Dr. King's speech. No need to bring that up and even worst, he stood there and told a lie.
And you think that the Democrats are the answer? You will vote the communist party in just to spite Trump you are not doing anything but destroying our country just because you don’t like Trump.
If you like Trump and his policies then by all means support him. That doesn't mean that the other side has to be evil (communist or whatever derogatory term you wan to insert). The US economy or form of government in no way resemble communism. If you want to say that the democratic party has tendencies or some policy alignments with democracies in western Europe (that are more socialistic than the US), then fine. However, calling the democratic party a communist party is just non-sense (and I hope just hyperbole on your end).
If you like Trump and his policies then by all means support him. That doesn't mean that the other side has to be evil (communist or whatever derogatory term you wan to insert). The US economy or form of government in no way resemble communism. If you want to say that the democratic party has tendencies or some policy alignments with democracies in western Europe (that are more socialistic than the US), then fine. However, calling the democratic party a communist party is just non-sense (and I hope just hyperbole on your end).

Thank you sir.

This is really what is I hoped to accomplish when I posted this and engaged in the responding responses. Thank you.
This is not your father or grandfather’s Democrat liberal party. My late dad was raised in the 1940-1950’s and was a lifelong democrat, the party of the working class at the time. He voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 after realizing that the democrat party had left him and all that he believed in.
That is exactly what Zell Miller said during his Key Note speech at the Republican convention. And that speech happened a few years after he was the speaker at the Democrat convention that nominated Bill Clinton. He was a life long democrat. I was personally pretty upset when he was appointed to be the Georgia Senator to finish Paul Coverdell's term when he died in office. Then I was very surprised to learn he only voted with the Democrats 25% of the time. During his speech he said he did not leave the Democrat party, it left him. They had changed virtually all their core beliefs.

But another poster hit the nail on the head. BOTH parties need to start talking to each other. Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neil were able to work together to bring our country back from the pit of the late 1970's. As far as conservative and liberal go, those two were pretty far apart. But they didn't hate each other. They loved the country more and knew, at least in days gone by, the art of politics invoived compromise. Each side giving some to get something they want. Now, neither side will even talk to the other. It is very sad to me.
Well, you are almost half right. Black men did contribute and in both of those wars. The problem is that Black people voted mostly Republican until after the war and really didn't switch to being Democrat until LBJ.
Black people voted mostly Republican because Lincoln freed them.
Policy is the only thing you can vote on. They are ALL clowns. The "perfect candidate" is never on the ticket. You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Trump's policy is to be dictator. He has endorsed Project 2025 (backing off now). His Supreme Court says the President can do anything he wants as long he says it's in his role as President.
Misapplied logic.

Repubs and Dem’s don’t have the same managerial mindset.

What about Trump pissed you off? You had more money to spend, the world was safer. Explain to me how we are to survive another four years of what we have now.

The country was humming. Why are you an unhappy customer. Honest question.
What about Trump pissed you off? Did you forget how he botched COVID? "We'll all be back in church for Easter" to start it off.
Have you heard Bob Woodruff's interview with Trump about Covid?
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What about Trump pissed you off? Did you forget how he botched COVID? "We'll all be back in church for Easter" to start it off.
Have you heard Bob Woodruff's interview with Trump about Covid?
More people died under Biden’s watch. And he had a vaccine. In all honesty. This is quite frankly the dumbest thing to try to blame on anyone. He didn’t botch it. No one knew what in the hell it would do. Doctors had no clue. Almost died from it. I asked the docs. This was actually 1-05-2021. They said no one has a clue how to treat this. It is just throwing shit up against the wall and seeing what sticks. I don’t blame either of them really. But passing the blame here is just not fair to either guy.
If you like Trump and his policies then by all means support him. That doesn't mean that the other side has to be evil (communist or whatever derogatory term you wan to insert). The US economy or form of government in no way resemble communism. If you want to say that the democratic party has tendencies or some policy alignments with democracies in western Europe (that are more socialistic than the US), then fine. However, calling the democratic party a communist party is just non-sense (and I hope just hyperbole on your end).
Both Kamala and Walt have said they prefer a communist type of government.
Trump's policy is to be dictator. He has endorsed Project 2025 (backing off now). His Supreme Court says the President can do anything he wants as long he says it's in his role as President.
Wow. Nice view. He never endorsed and that is not what the Supreme Court said. It must be an action that a president would actually need to perform in his duties. He alone can not determine that and if he does and it is deemed to not be within the role of the president he can and will be prosecuted.
Biden has been more of a dictator than Trump.
Exactly. He never answered any questions for his actions. Now we have another Democrat who can’t answer questions. This is the basics for your president. People don’t even give a shit. Neither Joe nor Kamala can answer questions from the media. It is like we are in the twilight coverup zone. Literal insanity. Outside of breathing. This is like the next step up for the presidents responsibilities.
Wow. Nice view. He never endorsed and that is not what the Supreme Court said. It must be an action that a president would actually need to perform in his duties. He alone can not determine that and if he does and it is deemed to not be within the role of the president he can and will be prosecuted.
Lying is so much easier for them. They would just rather lie.
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I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
Big difference between today's liberals and those from the early to mid 1900's, Just sayin.
Not sure who my PIC is but just to be clear your counterpoint to conservatives i.e. heritage Americans i.e. white dudes winning the world wars is that black soldiers also fought?

Because a quick glance at combat deaths reveals around 1500 black guys died in those combined. Not putting down their sacrifices, not a single American should have died in Europe for either war, but their contribution to war effort is statistically insignificant.

No sir- I'm not disputing the numbers.

Your comment said the conservatives won the World Wars and I was simply stating with the example the black soldiers, that your statement was inaccurate. I could have used the progressive soldiers from that era as well.

Guess my point was, it was definitely more than just conservatives. The vast majority conservatives?.....absolutely!! But they didn't win anything alone. No matter what the total cost was of those who helped.
I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
Actually, religion had more to do with those points then anything thing else.
No sir- I'm not disputing the numbers.

Your comment said the conservatives won the World Wars and I was simply stating with the example the black soldiers, that your statement was inaccurate. I could have used the progressive soldiers from that era as well.

Guess my point was, it was definitely more than just conservatives. The vast majority conservatives?.....absolutely!! But they didn't win anything alone. No matter what the total cost was of those who helped.
I eagerly await examples of what you consider progressive soldiers who helped us win either war.
I eagerly await examples of what you consider progressive soldiers who helped us win either war.

Iol... I honestly don't know if that term is accurate or not. I'm making an ASSumption that since the more "liberal" side, politically,
were called Progessive during that era.... so I assumed those soldiers were "progressive [liberal leaning) soldiers who died along those conservative soldiers.
Iol... I honestly don't know if that term is accurate or not. I'm making an ASSumption that since the more "liberal" side, politically,
were called Progessive during that era.... so I assumed those soldiers were "progressive [liberal leaning) soldiers who died along those conservative soldiers.
Quick question that may clarify the entire dispute here.

Do you consider either John Locke or Edmund Burke to be progressive?

Meaning if you read any of their writing out loud to an audience in 2024 would you consider it to be considered a conservative or progressive message.
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What about Trump pissed you off? Did you forget how he botched COVID? "We'll all be back in church for Easter" to start it off.
Have you heard Bob Woodruff's interview with Trump about Covid?
There are many that botched a virus we had no clue about. Blame China and Fauci, but any sitting president at the time would have to take arrows.

I am sorry, but my goodness, Covid is not why you hate Trump.
"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?
  1. Chose to open the border up to dangerous illegals, which kills innocent Americans.
  2. Chose to take confused kids away from loving parents who dont want to see their kid suffer through the pains of gender transitions.
  3. Chose to have a terrible evacuation from Afghanistan.
  4. Chose to be soft on crime, no cash bail outs.
  5. Chose to allow men into women sports and restrooms.
  6. Chose to embrace anti-white racism.
Surviving another 4 years?

I wish I knew the answer. My heart and the "what would you do" tells me that we have to get back to the Congress being Congress. Meaning, performing and doing their jobs as the Legislative Branch.

I think we have used the Executive Powers of the President too much and it has become a tick for tact measure to use. Get back to the essence of the constitution.

I don't like the man. Period. Unprofessional. A Liar. And not a liar, as in being a politician.... but just a liar.

Just yesterday he states his crowd was bigger than Dr. King's speech. No need to bring that up and even worst, he stood there and told a lie.
You are talking about Biden, right?