Being a Liberal

Here is another example. Megan Fox. Card carrying liberal. Raising her children. Three sons in a gender less home. Sounds like utopia for the liberals. All three kids have decided they are trans and should be women. They were kids. Do you honestly believe she went 0-3. I get it if you are an adult and you don’t feel right in your body, but you as a non liberal either believe this to be true or be cancelled. Period.

Nope. Don't agree that. Not one bit. Not one iota.
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So….simply, do you embrace that?

No- I do not embrace that. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and that God (there is only 1) does not make any mistakes.

I believe that our differences align with the fact that I will vote for you to marry whoever or whatever you want. We live in a free society and are govern by the constitution, which separates church and state.
No- I do not embrace that. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and that God (there is only 1) does not make any mistakes.

I believe that I our differences align with the fact that I will vote for you to marry whoever or whatever you want. We live in a free society and are govern by the constitution, which separates church and state.
Nope. Don't agree that. Not one bit. Not one iota.
I hate to tell you this brother. Today you are considered a conservative with those takes. There are some liberal places in the country that wouldn’t have you. Would spit on you. A lot more of them out there than you think. Some would call you a right wing nut for those takes. There is a Supreme Court justice who would tell you that you are wrong. No such thing as a man and a woman.
No- I do not embrace that. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and that God (there is only 1) does not make any mistakes.

I believe that our differences align with the fact that I will vote for you to marry whoever or whatever you want. We live in a free society and are govern by the constitution, which separates church and state.
Well….if money & security are important to you, you sound like a Trump voter 2 me.
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I hate to tell you this brother. Today you are considered a conservative with those takes. There are some liberal places in the country that wouldn’t have you. Would spit on you. A lot more of them out there than you think.
Well….if money & security is important to you, you sound like a Trump voter 2 me.

No sir. President Trump is a clown. The man is a clown and no real man deals with clowns. Someone who never takes responsibility. Someone who doesn't have the basic leadership quality to praise in public and critique in private. Someone who lies about the most trivial things. Someone who is unprofessional in every manner, that should be, the bare minimal of acting Presidential. No character. Publicly critiques women. Speaks and conducts himself as a High School student. Tweets like a High School student. The Military generals hated him.

Policy is irrelevant with him (for me) because I can't get around that.

What good for man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?
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It is a fact that black men fought in both World War I and World War II.

Are you saying those men were conservatives or that they didn't fight and help win the war?

What you said is sooooooo far beyond "facts" that I should have let it go.... I just can't stand stupidity though.
Is this is a serious post?
Nice video. I had already seen that one. One of my favorites too..

Definitely understand the movement of the voting blocks and how they have changed over the years.

I try not to worry too much about R or D and follow the people.

Example- Gov George Wallace was Democrat. Would you consider him a conservative or a liberal?

homophobic inuendo from a lib, shocking
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No sir. President Trump is a clown. The man is a clown and no real man deals with clowns. Someone who never takes responsibility. Someone who doesn't have the basic leadership quality to praise in public and critique in private. Someone who lies about the most trivial things. Someone who is unprofessional in every manner, that should be, the bare minimal of acting Presidential. No character. Publicly critiques women. Speaks and conducts himself as a High School student. Tweets like a High School student. The Military generals hated him.

Policy is irrelevant with him (for me) because I can't get around that.

What good for man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?
Policy is the only thing you can vote on. They are ALL clowns. The "perfect candidate" is never on the ticket. You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
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No sir. President Trump is a clown. The man is a clown and no real man deals with clowns. Someone who never takes responsibility. Someone who doesn't have the basic leadership quality to praise in public and critique in private. Someone who lies about the most trivial things. Someone who is unprofessional in every manner, that should be, the bare minimal of acting Presidential. No character. Publicly critiques women. Speaks and conducts himself as a High School student. Tweets like a High School student. The Military generals hated him.

Policy is irrelevant with him (for me) because I can't get around that.

What good for man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?
Then it is tds. You aren’t the only one. If she gets in, it will be like a company hiring their worst employee to be the ceo. For four years trump had a steady approval rating till j6. That is just a fact. He is a jackass for sure. He is a blowhard. He ruffles feathers. But he scares the shit out of our enemies, and has shown he can do the job pretty well. Here is the thing about who he made angry. When he was running, he literally said this was what he was going to do. 92 percent of all Kamala’s direct staff either were fired, resigned, quit or ran for the hills. As bad as Trump said he would tip the apple cart, he was at 72 percent. The most surprising number to me was Biden at 78. Some of that came from the sinking ship.
Policy is the only you can vote on. They are ALL clowns. The "perfect candidate" is never on the ticket. You can't the perfect be the enemy of the good.

No sir. It's a difference. I can't remember a single candidate for either side that is as unprofessional as President Trump. This election is ALL about President Trump, just as the last one was.

President Biden promised to put an adult back into the office. That's really all that was need when President Biden won, because of President Trump.

Run anyone, but President Trump and I think the race is over.
How bout you ask your partner in crime to expand on conservatives winning the World Wars.

THAT POST, to me, should have been the one you asked, if it was serious or not.

But, birds of a feather......
Not sure who my PIC is but just to be clear your counterpoint to conservatives i.e. heritage Americans i.e. white dudes winning the world wars is that black soldiers also fought?

Because a quick glance at combat deaths reveals around 1500 black guys died in those combined. Not putting down their sacrifices, not a single American should have died in Europe for either war, but their contribution to war effort is statistically insignificant.
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I just saw this comment yesterday (it is an old one from LawrenceO'Donnell). Thought about everyone here who love to throw out the word "liberal".

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.
Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water act.

What did conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, EVERYONE.

So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.
And gave the right for humans to kill their unborn
And push for the rights of teachers to have private conversations with children without parent notification.
And push for a child’s right to mutilate their body for sexual gratification.
And sell the promise of benevolence for a vote
And promote the goodness of central government power over state sovereignty

Your points of liberalism do not match today’s progressive.

Four of the issues you mentioned involve redistribution of wealth with no end.

Good talking to you Russ.
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Then it is tds. You aren’t the only one. If she gets in, it will be like a company hiring their worst employee to be the ceo. For four years trump had a steady approval rating till j6. That is just a fact. He is a jackass for sure. He is a blowhard. He ruffles feathers. But he scares the shit out of our enemies, and has shown he can do the job pretty well. Here is the thing about who he made angry. When he was running, he literally said this was what he was going to do. 92 percent of all Kamala’s direct staff either were fired, resigned, quit or ran for the hills. As bad as Trump said he would tip the apple cart, he was at 72 percent. The most surprising number to me was Biden at 78. Some of that came from the sinking ship.

If you were an owner of a store and you hired a manager that made you alot of money by getting you organized and showing you a better way of doing things......but he pissed off your loyal customers and they threatened to find another store to shop at.

Once that manager quit or left the company, would you hire that same manager back to piss off your customers some more (because you made money) or find someone else who is not as brash, but have the same managerial mindset?

That is how I feel about President Trump being President again.
If you were an owner of a store and you hired a manager that made you alot of money by getting you organized and showing you a better way of doing things......but he pissed off your loyal customers and they threatened to find another store to shop at.

Once that manager quit or left the company, would you hire that same manager back to piss off your customers some more (because you made money) or find someone else who is not as brash, but have the same managerial mindset?

That is how I feel about President Trump being President again.
You still have a company. You forgot to say he ran the company well. Your profited. I get the analogy.

In this case you have two choices. Unfortunately. This is what is there. One you have never seen do a good job at anything. California is a freaking trainwreck. She came to dc, and earned the worst approval rating for a vp. Beating out the likes of dick Cheney and Dan Quayle. Historically freaking bad. Not just bad. Worst in 100 years bad. I have seen a trump presidency. I have seen a Kamala vp. Most of her party didn’t want to see a Kamala vp again. Pelosi wanted her gone. Now she is running for president and this is a good thing. There is no case anyone can make to say, prove or make an argument that this is a good idea. Hey, we elected a compromised human. So nothing surprises me anymore.

The choices keep getting worse. We all need to look in the damn mirror. This woman literally refused to do the job as border czar. She said it was too hard.

We already had a president who wouldn’t answer for his actions. Do you really want another one.
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No sir. President Trump is a clown. The man is a clown and no real man deals with clowns. Someone who never takes responsibility. Someone who doesn't have the basic leadership quality to praise in public and critique in private. Someone who lies about the most trivial things. Someone who is unprofessional in every manner, that should be, the bare minimal of acting Presidential. No character. Publicly critiques women. Speaks and conducts himself as a High School student. Tweets like a High School student. The Military generals hated him.

Policy is irrelevant with him (for me) because I can't get around that.

What good for man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?
Your life, vote for what makes your life better.

Me, being likable or not is not part of it. His ego also doesn’t bother me, most all successful people have one.

It’s policies and what makes my life better (monetarily & safety). His 4 years in office were plenty good enough 4 me.

Certainly better than these last four…and I certainly don’t see it getting any better on the democratic side with a new person. May even get worse.

My mind could change if she ever speaks about her policies…..but I highly doubt if she ever will, in detail.

If her policies did change, “I wouldn’t be more be more surprised if I woke up and my head was sewn to the carpet”.

Trump looks to be the best choice for me. Given the choices, I can deal with the rest.
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homophobic inuendo from a lib, shocking

What in the God fearing name are you talking/posting about?

Again- Name calling. Trying to isolate one from another vs. engaging in the conversation.

I wish some of you nice people of the right would call out obvious bs from your own a little more.
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No sir. It's a difference. I can't remember a single candidate for either side that is as unprofessional as President Trump. This election is ALL about President Trump, just as the last one was.

President Biden promised to put an adult back into the office. That's really all that was need when President Biden won, because of President Trump.

Run anyone, but President Trump and I think the race is over.
No you won't you're being completely illogical. Biden said he was going to be the adult and look at what we got. You go ahead and vote for the professional politician.
You still have a company. You forgot to say he ran the company well. Your profited. I get the analogy.

In this case you have two choices. Unfortunately. This is what is there. One you have never seen do a good job at anything. California is a freaking trainwreck. She came to dc, and earned the worst approval rating for a vp. Beating out the likes of dick Cheney and Dan Quayle. Historically freaking bad. Not just bad. Worst in 100 years bad. I have seen a trump presidency. I have seen a Kamala vp. Most of her party didn’t want to see a Kamala vp again. Pelosi wanted her gone. Now she is running for president and this is a good thing. There is no case anyone can make to say, prove or make an argument that this is a good idea. Hey, we elected a compromised human. So nothing surprises me anymore.

The choices keep getting worse. We all need to look in the damn mirror. This woman literally refused to do the job as border czar. She said it was too hard.

We already had a president who wouldn’t answer for his actions. Do you really want another one.

Vice President Harris is not my choice to run for the office, but she is the VP and with the campaign laws, I think I understand why she both had to run and why she was chosen.

She has failed at the border and was too late visiting the area during the initial years of the administration.

Even still- Both VP Harris and President Biden have tried to install some decency back into the office. You can dislike her polices, but she has NEVER acted in public the way that President Trump has.

No organization would have its CEO behave the way that President Trump does, yet 1/2 country is voting for him. Be Presidential. Just once!!! Please!!!
Vice President Harris is not my choice to run for the office, but she is the VP and with the campaign laws, I think I understand why she both had to run and why she was chosen.

She has failed at the border and was too late visiting the area during the initial years of the administration.

Even still- Both VP Harris and President Biden have tried to install some decency back into the office. You can dislike her polices, but she has NEVER acted in public the way that President Trump has.

No organization would have its CEO behave the way that President Trump does, yet 1/2 country is voting for him. Be Presidential. Just once!!! Please!!!
Your last paragraph is preaching to the choir brother. For the love of god once be presidential. My biggest issue by far. If he was, this would be a conversation about trump leaving office.
What in the God fearing name are you talking/posting about?

Again- Name calling. Trying to isolate one from another vs. engaging in the conversation.

I wish some of you nice people of the right would call out obvious bs from your own a little more.
“Decency”… mean like this?

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Your life, vote for what makes your life better.

Me, being likable or not is not part of it. His ego also doesn’t bother me, most all successful people have one.

It’s policies and what makes my life better (monetarily & safety). His 4 years in office were plenty good enough 4 me.

Certainly better than these last four…and I certainly don’t see it getting any better on the democratic side with a new person. May even get worse.

My mind could change if she ever speaks about her policies…..but I highly doubt if she ever will, in detail.

If her policies did change, “I wouldn’t be more be more surprised if I woke up and my head was sewn to the carpet”.

Trump looks to be the best choice for me. Given the choices, I can deal with the rest.

She is gonna have to get in front of the cameras at some point and she is gonna have to deliver. The more she is silent, the more people will gravitate towards this topic and then it's going to feel like a Game 7 in the World Series vs. A regular season game (had she just stepped in front of the media sooner)... in my opinion.
I don't agree with the lifestyle- but they broke no rules and the President/VP didn't embarrass them. More power to them.
Cool….on the bright side for “them”….they can shake their tits on the White House lawn, “more power to them” indeed.

You also have your Dem in office.

The downside is, with another 4 years with a Dem in office, inflation will still outpace wages and we all will not be as safe as we once were….all while some are enjoying more dances like that.
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No sir. President Trump is a clown. The man is a clown and no real man deals with clowns. Someone who never takes responsibility. Someone who doesn't have the basic leadership quality to praise in public and critique in private. Someone who lies about the most trivial things. Someone who is unprofessional in every manner, that should be, the bare minimal of acting Presidential. No character. Publicly critiques women. Speaks and conducts himself as a High School student. Tweets like a High School student. The Military generals hated him.

Policy is irrelevant with him (for me) because I can't get around that.

What good for man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?
And you think the Democrats are the party of the righteous?
Not sure who my PIC is but just to be clear your counterpoint to conservatives i.e. heritage Americans i.e. white dudes winning the world wars is that black soldiers also fought?

Because a quick glance at combat deaths reveals around 1500 black guys died in those combined. Not putting down their sacrifices, not a single American should have died in Europe for either war, but their contribution to war effort is statistically insignificant.
And I might add most of our commanding generals were conservative.
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It is a fact that black men fought in both World War I and World War II.

Are you saying those men were conservatives or that they didn't fight and help win the war?

What you said is sooooooo far beyond "facts" that I should have let it go.... I just can't stand stupidity though.
Go look in the mirror!
I would say those who are more aligned with the status quo vs. embracing change or something different.
This is where most of these disagreements stem from. I would say that definition is off base and limited. The Democratic Party and the Republican parties were very similar on most positions( I would say 80%) though the 1960s to the 1990’s.
Today’s liberal would not be anywhere close to either party’s stances then. The difference is that both parties believed in principles and truths that framed their beliefs. Today the left has bought into the belief that the truth is what ever you want it to be or what feels good. Sadly a good portion on the right is drifting that way as well.
I think a conservative position is based on principles and truths and feelings and desires do not override those principles and truths. Thus conserving the principles and truths which are vital to our future.
Sorry that is quick and I did not have to expand on it.
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No sir. President Trump is a clown. The man is a clown and no real man deals with clowns. Someone who never takes responsibility. Someone who doesn't have the basic leadership quality to praise in public and critique in private. Someone who lies about the most trivial things. Someone who is unprofessional in every manner, that should be, the bare minimal of acting Presidential. No character. Publicly critiques women. Speaks and conducts himself as a High School student. Tweets like a High School student. The Military generals hated him.

Policy is irrelevant with him (for me) because I can't get around that.

What good for man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?
How does Kamala or Biden differ in general?