A look around the landscape u won’t see otherwise

Hardly anybody is actually for Biden. And that's why he's going to lose. You think there's a bunch of independents, or even liberals, who look at Biden and get excited and go, "Yes, that's my guy, he's the man to lead this country forward!" Nonexistent.

His support is completely a media driven creation. He has no direction. He flip flops against his own record has attempted to take on part of Trumps own platform. He waffles without direction. The man is physically & mentally a shell of himself.

He takes scripted questions with scripted answers . Speaks in platitudes with zero specifics, his handlers cut access off to him at 8 & 9 am on a regular basis.

Is running an entire campaign based on media lies and fear mongering.

A mask in an attempt to put a moderate cover over the leftist movement.
His support is completely a media driven creation. He has no direction. He flip flops against his own record has attempted to take on part of Trumps own platform. He waffles without direction. The man is physically & mentally a shell of himself.

He takes scripted questions with scripted answers . Speaks in platitudes with zero specifics, his handlers cut access off to him at 8 & 9 am on a regular basis.

Is running an entire campaign based on media lies and fear mongering.

A mask in an attempt to put a moderate cover over the leftist movement.

Creepy Uncle only needs to have a pulse on election day to be guaranteed 48% of the vote, and that is before cheating.