According to NYT, Biden will seal US border . . .


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Nov 4, 2015
Probably until the day after the election. Drain the oil reserves to lower prices, forgive billions in student debt, now this. He’s catching hell in the comments, I’m surprised at the times for publishing them. He’s so transparent he’s a ghost.
Probably until the day after the election. Drain the oil reserves to lower prices, forgive billions in student debt, now this. He’s catching hell in the comments, I’m surprised at the times for publishing them. He’s so transparent he’s a ghost.
He won’t take the steps required to really seal the border and releasing oil from the reserves is a drop in the bucket. This is all window dressing.
Tell me how this is a bad thing and will hurt Biden in November?
To little to late.
So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?
So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?
He is not doing anything to close the border he is doing this just to get votes. He is still letting in over 5000 a day. That is not closing the border. It will not change anything.
As Obama said....we could build a moat along the southern border and some would complain its not full of alligators/sharks...

Some are perpetually unhappy and I bet are fun at parties...
So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?
He has no intention of stopping or slowing the invasion, he just needs something for optics so he can try to get re-elected. He is an hall of fame level liar and his supporters are too dumb or drug addled to realize it.
He telegraphed what he was going to do for a week so the Dems could line up their lawsuits to be announced as soon as he announced it, which they just did. This will be enjoined and nothing will happen before the election but now he will blame republicans and his sycophants will repeat it ad nauseam. If he gets re-elected he will withdraw his order because he never wanted to enforce it anyway.

He doens't care about you or your country, stop lying to yourself.
Obama's nickname was the deporter in chief. He took a very hard stance on illegal immigration. Which I applaud
He understood the free-shit pie and the number of slices. He also knew at some point pie recipients would notice the inverse relationship between the number of illegals and the size of and access to their piece of pie. Those recipients are noticing and switching their votes to another deporter.
So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?
The point is that by doing this it is an effective admission that 1) he has totally eff'd up the border with his initial exec orders and messaging when he became president, 2) his continued narrative that "i don't have the power to do has to be congress" is a total lie, etc, etc.

But not an actual admission. In my mind, even worse. Confirms he never believed any of the BS he was spewing.
As Obama said....we could build a moat along the southern border and some would complain its not full of alligators/sharks...

Some are perpetually unhappy and I bet are fun at parties...
Obama built cages for illegals. Trump was blamed for it by aoc. Then realized it wasn’t him because she is a moron.

I think anything he is doing to fix issues here in this country is a good thing. He may end up president. So if he does this kudos to him.

But let’s not get confused. He is only doing this because it has become one of the big hot button issues of this election. He is only doing this for votes. And he is fixing a problem of his own creation
Tell me how this is a bad thing and will hurt Biden in November?
Kill incentive to produce more oil, then arrificially reduce gas prices by bankrupting the reserves is not a good thing.

Sealing the border until elected alienates the progressive liberal mantra now, then the smoke and mirror slight of hand act of reopening the border after the election potential should give any US citizen pause.

A liar will do public acts and provide monetary incentives to get elected. When it’s to buy the vote, the control is in the hands of a liar, who will use taxpayers money to buy the vote.

The tuition payback goes against any economic model, except to buy support from a voter base. The U.S. taxpayer has to pay that bill. It makes no sense. If you create a system moving forward with tuition limitations, that is one discussion, but this is insane.

Each point is bad except for the “let the rich pay the bills” ignorant populace.

Are you ignorant?
I mean it’s not a bad thing obviously

But I imagine someone or some
Folks basically said hey Joe, this issue is crushing us in the polls, we gotta close up shop as best we can.

The real question is why not do this from the start hahahah
Obama built cages for illegals. Trump was blamed for it by aoc. Then realized it wasn’t him because she is a moron.

I think anything he is doing to fix issues here in this country is a good thing. He may end up president. So if he does this kudos to him.

But let’s not get confused. He is only doing this because it has become one of the big hot button issues of this election. He is only doing this for votes. And he is fixing a problem of his own creation
AOC went to the border for a photo opp in front of the "cages full of children." They couldn't see what they were looking for, but they did find a parking lot with a fence around it. So she got her picture, crying in front of a parking lot.

So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?
did you read the announcement? please explain how he is addressing it? he is STILL, UNDER HIS EO, allowing almost 1,000,000 illegals to waltz on thru every year. so, 1,000,000 is ok with you?

so, no, its completely non-sensical policy as well. and frankly, when the plan still allows for almost 1,000,000 illegal entrants a year, i don't consider it a serious plan. how many of those illegals are you going to take in and house?

How about you instituting a similar "no robbery rule" on your house: "Alright guys, I'm really serious now, if you steal from me more than 14 times in a 7-day period, then I'm gonna have to say, "no more stealing" for the next 7 days..."

please tell me how a rule that allows 35,000 illegals over 7 days, then a pause for a week, is closing the border?
Impossible. I was reliably informed the “stronger border deal in history” was necessary for Biden to close the border.

You’re telling me the executive branch has the power to enforce existing immigration laws??? I can’t believe the media lied to me.
Right?! I mean, who even knew that Title 8 of the US Code even existed? Let alone Section 1182. Well, maybe the dozens of people who have told the Biden folks about it. But it has only been around since 1952.

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
AOC went to the border for a photo opp in front of the "cages full of children." They couldn't see what they were looking for, but they did find a parking lot with a fence around it. So she got her picture, crying in front of a parking lot.

She's a dumb girl acting as a congresswoman. It's just political theatre to her.

If they were going to make a movie about 2024 congress, AOC would be the more attractive actress they'd have play the congresswoman. Not to be the actual Congresswoman.
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did you read the announcement? please explain how he is addressing it? he is STILL, UNDER HIS EO, allowing almost 1,000,000 illegals to waltz on thru every year. so, 1,000,000 is ok with you?

so, no, its completely non-sensical policy as well. and frankly, when the plan still allows for almost 1,000,000 illegal entrants a year, i don't consider it a serious plan. how many of those illegals are you going to take in and house?

How about you instituting a similar "no robbery rule" on your house: "Alright guys, I'm really serious now, if you steal from me more than 14 times in a 7-day period, then I'm gonna have to say, "no more stealing" for the next 7 days..."

please tell me how a rule that allows 35,000 illegals over 7 days, then a pause for a week, is closing the border?
The border will never be 100% closed. If that's your goal, you will be disappointed. It's not attainable.

I'm not for open borders. Haven't been happy with bidens approach to it. But he is addressing it and now folks are just mad because of the timing...

Is it a step in the right direction? Yes or no?
The border will never be 100% closed. If that's your goal, you will be disappointed. It's not attainable.

I'm not for open borders. Haven't been happy with bidens approach to it. But he is addressing it and now folks are just mad because of the timing...

Is it a step in the right direction? Yes or no?
Stumble, …. Maybe.
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The border will never be 100% closed. If that's your goal, you will be disappointed. It's not attainable.

I'm not for open borders. Haven't been happy with bidens approach to it. But he is addressing it and now folks are just mad because of the timing...

Is it a step in the right direction? Yes or no?
no, its not - because it begins to institutionalize the principle that first X get in free. those number are still actually in violation of actual laws, and this says "thats ok, we are ignoring this".

are you ok with 1,000,000 a year loophole - ignoring all the exclusions from this edict (actual asylum filers, those that used the questionably legal CBP One app, unaccompanied minors, and more) that make the actual number much higher?
AOC went to the border for a photo opp in front of the "cages full of children." They couldn't see what they were looking for, but they did find a parking lot with a fence around it. So she got her picture, crying in front of a parking lot.

I remember the FAKE photos well.
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Impossible. I was reliably informed the “stronger border deal in history” was necessary for Biden to close the border.

You’re telling me the executive branch has the power to enforce existing immigration laws??? I can’t believe the media lied to me.
Evidently the executive branch only has the power to unimmigration laws.
Impossible. I was reliably informed the “stronger border deal in history” was necessary for Biden to close the border.

You’re telling me the executive branch has the power to enforce existing immigration laws??? I can’t believe the media lied to me.
Evidently the executive branch only has the power to un- enforce immigration laws.
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The border will never be 100% closed. If that's your goal, you will be disappointed. It's not attainable.

I'm not for open borders. Haven't been happy with bidens approach to it. But he is addressing it and now folks are just mad because of the timing...

Is it a step in the right direction? Yes or no?
No,...let's not allow the border to be 100 percent open,.....if it's 20 percent open is better for the USA and prospective migrants,....because they will have to depend on the transitory policy changes of government just like it's citizens must as well,...and they can sell their car, house,..and liquidate saving to come to USA under friendly terms, but the politics happen to change and they have to leave,'s a whimsical and fleeting thing in which you hope you make enough money in the USA to pay the cartel to send you back south
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AOC went to the border for a photo opp in front of the "cages full of children." They couldn't see what they were looking for, but they did find a parking lot with a fence around it. So she got her picture, crying in front of a parking lot.

And they say politicians aren’t evil. At least we know she isn’t smart.
So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?


I hope you are trolling jillstone… if not, wake the f up!
The border will never be 100% closed. If that's your goal, you will be disappointed. It's not attainable.

I'm not for open borders. Haven't been happy with bidens approach to it. But he is addressing it and now folks are just mad because of the timing...

Is it a step in the right direction? Yes or no?
Because of the timing, hayul yeah. He's done nothing for over 3 years and millions have entered our country illegally. And even with his bs eo illegals will still flow in at a rediculous rate. The only step in the right direction is Trump 2024.
The border will never be 100% closed. If that's your goal, you will be disappointed. It's not attainable.

I'm not for open borders. Haven't been happy with bidens approach to it. But he is addressing it and now folks are just mad because of the timing...

Is it a step in the right direction? Yes or no?
Damage is done already.....
AOC went to the border for a photo opp in front of the "cages full of children." They couldn't see what they were looking for, but they did find a parking lot with a fence around it. So she got her picture, crying in front of a parking lot.

OH the Horror......Oh the Horror.....
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Probably until the day after the election. Drain the oil reserves to lower prices, forgive billions in student debt, now this. He’s catching hell in the comments, I’m surprised at the times for publishing them. He’s so transparent he’s a ghost.
Exactly. He doesn’t want to get crushed so he is doing this silly thing which he’ll stop after Election Day.

Does anyone really think a Democrat want to stop the bf Lois of illegal aliens? It’s their policital strategy.

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