According to NYT, Biden will seal US border . . .

Exactly. He doesn’t want to get crushed so he is doing this silly thing which he’ll stop after Election Day.

Does anyone really think a Democrat want to stop the bf Lois of illegal aliens? It’s their policital strategy.
Its been their strategy since Kennedy made the decision to start letting more people from central and south america in. Democrats could educate themselves on those policies if they chose to.
Probably until the day after the election. Drain the oil reserves to lower prices, forgive billions in student debt, now this. He’s catching hell in the comments, I’m surprised at the times for publishing them. He’s so transparent he’s a ghost.
But he can’t. Remember his hands are tied unless Congress passes legislation
He won’t take the steps required to really seal the border and releasing oil from the reserves is a drop in the bucket. This is all window dressing.
Probably until the day after the election. Drain the oil reserves to lower prices, forgive billions in student debt, now this. He’s catching hell in the comments, I’m surprised at the times for publishing them. He’s so transparent he’s a ghost.
Worst president ever, and the policy’s he’s pushing for the dem party and himself are hurting America. If the dem party wins the next election(s) it will fall even more. Biden goes out today and shows the country what an idiot and liar he is with his stupid remarks regarding the border…truly sickening.
Tell me how this is a bad thing and will hurt Biden in November?
Because once again it makes him look like a liar and weak.

Hes told us for 3.5 years that he couldnt do anything , that he needed Congressional approval etc.

Now thats hes getting killed in the polls, hes suddenly found the magic powers to close the border. His goose is cooked , the only way he wins is if they cheat again, which is a definite possibility.
California Dems have not made a positive comment yet on the EO. That should tell us all its decent policy.
I don't understand you. What's the positive here? The first act of at least 2,500 illegals per day (under the new EO that Biden said for over 3 years he didn't have the authority) is breaking our law. How can that possibly be good for us? If they truly are asylum seekers (and less than 10% really are), why can't they go through the normal process? Why break the law?

Why do you support the over 90% who don't qualify? What's in it for you?
So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?

Because after the election it will immediately change again. I’m not sure what about this is difficult to see
So it's not a bad thing based on policy it's a bad thing based on timing? All I have heard is the above (too little too late or it's all politics).

Everything...all the political. But if he is addressing the ONE THING that has been pissing people off...why is it bad for biden or bad for America?
It’s not bad for Biden, it’s simply disengenouous. It’s bad for America because we shouldn’t be flooding our country with the foreign nationals who are illegal and violate our own immigration system.
Because once again it makes him look like a liar and weak.

Hes told us for 3.5 years that he couldnt do anything , that he needed Congressional approval etc.

Now thats hes getting killed in the polls, hes suddenly found the magic powers to close the border. His goose is cooked , the only way he wins is if they cheat again, which is a definite possibility.
Exactly. Had he done this half measure and admitted his reversal of 60 trump border related exec orders was disastrous, his rhetoric and lies about having no power to do anything been total bullshit the last 3 years. And apologized……then I could get on the “step in the right direction” train.

Instead he’s blaming republicans and Trump for the border and attempting to take credit for being a border hawk. Insulting.

There has never been a world leader so for sale to the highest bidder if it benefits him politically. Stands for absolutely nothing.
Tell me how this is a bad thing and will hurt Biden in November?
because people that can see know Biden is an idiot…he’s (with the help of his handlers) the buffoon that created this disaster at the border. He and the Dems got exactly what they intended to happen with the border crisis. Now that he’s losing support he and his deranged handlers are back peddling and trying to act as they are now going to stop the catastrophe they have created.

Biden has lied since the border stupidity began under his watch. Finally the American citizens are taking notice of the crime and $billions of wasted tax $ his out of control madness has caused…hopefully it’s not too late and more people wise up and help get him removed from ofc. He’s had the power to stop his idiotic border ways since he’ started the mess. Now the dem party is scrambling and now want him to do something about it at least until the election is over. The guy is the worse president ever.