Admitting the truth and making excuses anyway

I took ivermectin as well as my wife. She never got Covid. I got it when omicron came out but it was no more than a cold. Gave it to my 80+ year old mom who also never got Covid. The medical community as a whole should be embarrassed about how they were used by the government.
I took ivermectin as well as my wife. She never got Covid. I got it when omicron came out but it was no more than a cold. Gave it to my 80+ year old mom who also never got Covid. The medical community as a whole should be embarrassed about how they were used by the government.
I just called my old DIA partner and he called our buddy Carlos who is a doctor in Mexico. He came up to San Diego and sent us some Ivermectin because that's what everybody prescribed there.
I finally got Omicron this year and knocked it out in 2 days.
I don't know that big pharma had a hand in getting covid started. I think the Chinese just fkt up. But big pharma definitely used their influence on our government and there should be people in jail or on death row for it.
That includes that rat Fauci who absolutely knew what he was doing. He was covering up for big pharma and NIH, which was instrumental in developing the virus ... partially with our money I might add.
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I just called my old DIA partner and he called our buddy Carlos who is a doctor in Mexico. He came up to San Diego and sent us some Ivermectin because that's what everybody prescribed there.
I finally got Omicron this year and knocked it out in 2 days.
It and HCQ are pretty easy to get now. I have laid in a bunch of each. Bunch of lying evil bastards in our government and national healthcare.
It really makes you wonder how the populace will handle another pandemic if it occurs. I would say trust in the government is at an all time low among many individuals. Fool me once.....
Of course there will always be sheep. But some of those sheep may have seen the writing on the wall during covid.
Ivermectin does not prevent or treat Covid-19.

It didn’t when Cuomo hated it, and it doesn’t work when he likes it now.

You cannot devalue his opinion when he disagrees and then value it when he agrees.

Folks - ivermectin does not affect Covid-19.
You are just plain wrong. There is strong evidence that ivermectin has significant effects against a multitude of viruses (as well as parasites). In veterinary medicine there was strong suspicion that it had some positive effects against parvo virus. Is it a panacea - absolutely not! But please don't generalize something with such a broad paintbrush.
If you are interested in the studies, a 5 minute google search will reveal a multitude of pre covid articles and studies looking at these effects. If you can't find them let me know. Maybe my computer is more open minded than yours.

PS - I've read many of your posts and have great respect for your opinion. Please find below links to reputable, medical articles outlining the effects of ivermectin on viruses including SARS COVID 19.

@TivoliDawg it just occurred to me that your post may have been sarcasm. If so, apologies for the rebuttal. My sense of humor doesn't always transcend my keyboard.
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It really makes you wonder how the populace will handle another pandemic if it occurs. I would say trust in the government is at an all time low among many individuals. Fool me once.....
Of course there will always be sheep. But some of those sheep may have seen the writing on the wall during covid.
This board has a couple dozen government toadies who just repeat what they’ve been told by government and government’s media such as WaPo, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc, etc. They are so brainwashed there is no chance of convincing them of anything contrary to government BS. You would think they might look around, focus on the path our government has us on, perhaps try some different media, look 10 years in the future and ask if this is what they want for their progeny, but, no, not a chance. They seem perfectly content with their heads two feet deep in government butt, proud to be parroting the government line on everything as if the government will give them a medal or they will merit a seat at the table once this evil transition is complete.
Trust the same government that

That invaded a foreign country based off false WMD info to set up a democracy hahaha

Probably had folks/hand in murdering JFK

Dropped 2 atomic bombs on civilian cities

Circumvented our laws while presenting false evidence to obtain warrants to spy on a duly elected President

Had direct lines to media companies to censor what they didn’t agree with

Had a President lie under oath about cheating on his wife haha


Blamed Benghazi on a YouTube video hahaha

Shut down a country while taking away civil liberties of its citizens

Trust elected officials that influence policy that fully partake in insider trading in the stock market

Trust them? Nah I’m good hahahaha
Ivermectin does not prevent or treat Covid-19.

It didn’t when Cuomo hated it, and it doesn’t work when he likes it now.

You cannot devalue his opinion when he disagrees and then value it when he agrees.

Folks - ivermectin does not affect Covid-19.
That's not correct. Ivermectin will knock covid out in a very few days and you feel 100% better in less than 24 hours.
You are just plain wrong. There is strong evidence that ivermectin has significant effects against a multitude of viruses (as well as parasites). In veterinary medicine there was strong suspicion that it had some positive effects against parvo virus. Is it a panacea - absolutely not! But please don't generalize something with such a broad paintbrush.
If you are interested in the studies, a 5 minute google search will reveal a multitude of pre covid articles and studies looking at these effects. If you can't find them let me know. Maybe my computer is more open minded than yours.

PS - I've read many of your posts and have great respect for your opinion. Please find below links to reputable, medical articles outlining the effects of ivermectin on viruses including SARS COVID 19.

I appreciate the time it took you to find and post this. No disrespect intended. But I’ve been in the medical field for 21 years.

An article in a publication is not anywhere near the same thing as a randomized controlled trial and even that is less than an FDA approved indication.

These back and forth posts were hot and heavy in 2020 and 2021 so I have no interest in rehashing them.

Ivermectin doesn’t treat COVID-19. And I don’t care (at all) what Cuomo says.

I didn’t listen to him when he advocated for masks on kids and I don’t listen to him when he touts ivermectin.

He’s a good looking guy who makes outlandish statements and comes from a famous family. I recommend you ask your doctor if ivermectin works.
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I appreciate the time it took you to find and post this. No disrespect intended. But I’ve been in the medical field for 21 years.

An article in a publication is not anywhere near the same thing as a randomized controlled trial and even that is less than an FDA approved indication.

These back and forth posts were hot and heavy in 2020 and 2021 so I have no interest in rehashing them.

Ivermectin doesn’t treat COVID-19. And I don’t care (at all) what Cuomo says.

I didn’t listen to him when he advocated for masks on kids and I don’t listen to him when he touts ivermectin.

He’s a good looking guy who makes outlandish statements and comes from a famous family. I recommend you ask your doctor if ivermectin works.
It worked for me. It worked for a bunch of people I know also. There is no doubt about it. That Cuomo turd is being treated by a doctor with it.
I appreciate the time it took you to find and post this. No disrespect intended. But I’ve been in the medical field for 21 years.

An article in a publication is not anywhere near the same thing as a randomized controlled trial and even that is less than an FDA approved indication.

These back and forth posts were hot and heavy in 2020 and 2021 so I have no interest in rehashing them.

Ivermectin doesn’t treat COVID-19. And I don’t care (at all) what Cuomo says.

I didn’t listen to him when he advocated for masks on kids and I don’t listen to him when he touts ivermectin.

He’s a good looking guy who makes outlandish statements and comes from a famous family. I recommend you ask your doctor if ivermectin works.
I respect and appreciate your professional opinion. I have zero interest in what Cuomo thinks or says. I want to be clear that I am not arguing that ivermectin is a cure for Covid. With that said, it would be foolhardy to ignore the plethora of in vitro studies and mounting anecdotal information. But I think the larger question is why withhold a safe medication that could “potentially” assist in recovery? Many countries outside the US were handing out ivermectin like candy and ended the pandemic with significantly lower mortality levels. There may be zero correlation. But no one can be sure of that.
Best to you and your family and have a good evening.
Go Dawgs.
I respect and appreciate your professional opinion. I have zero interest in what Cuomo thinks or says. I want to be clear that I am not arguing that ivermectin is a cure for Covid. With that said, it would be foolhardy to ignore the plethora of in vitro studies and mounting anecdotal information. But I think the larger question is why withhold a safe medication that could “potentially” assist in recovery? Many countries outside the US were handing out ivermectin like candy and ended the pandemic with significantly lower mortality levels. There may be zero correlation. But no one can be sure of that.
Best to you and your family and have a good evening.
Go Dawgs.
I asked if you read the abstract you posted. It doesn't support what you are saying.

Also, it's not a totally safe medicine. Do you need me to find stuff to post.
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I asked if you read the abstract you posted. It doesn't support what you are saying.

Also, it's not a totally safe medicine. Do you need me to find stuff to post.
LOL and that experimental "vaccine" is???? Hell Aspirin is not a totally safe medicine. None of them are.
I took Ivermectin. Lot's of other people did too and knocked covid right out. It works. Get over it.
Trust the same government that

That invaded a foreign country based off false WMD info to set up a democracy hahaha

Probably had folks/hand in murdering JFK

Dropped 2 atomic bombs on civilian cities

Circumvented our laws while presenting false evidence to obtain warrants to spy on a duly elected President

Had direct lines to media companies to censor what they didn’t agree with

Had a President lie under oath about cheating on his wife haha


Blamed Benghazi on a YouTube video hahaha

Shut down a country while taking away civil liberties of its citizens

Trust elected officials that influence policy that fully partake in insider trading in the stock market

Trust them? Nah I’m good hahahaha
Was Sadaam a murdering dictator? I could have sworn the fool threatened the USA military too many times…he said he had nukes, were we suppose to wait and see? Kinda like Iran, are you 100% they don’t have one nuke or close to having one or we suppose to believe the Iran regime will not strike at some point, whether it’s a nuke or using one of their proxies to hit America terrorist style? Just asking…
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You have to give him credit for admitting he was wrong. There are those on here and in the media that are still so deep in the Covid cult that they can’t see the science. But it’s not really about Ivermectin as much as they can’t admit they were wrong about anything.

It’s narcissism.

Part of what happened is people conflated prescribed ivermectin tablets given to people with veterinary paste. I think people using paste could be dangerous because controlling dosage is probably an issue. But, why did a few people use veterinary ivermectin? Because the media and politicians told doctors to not prescribe it and if they did pharmacists wouldn’t fill the prescription.
What I want to know is why pharmacists have not lost their licenses. Ivermectin is a very safe medicine for almost anyone to take and in other countries it’s even OTC.
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Ivermectin does not prevent or treat Covid-19.

It didn’t when Cuomo hated it, and it doesn’t work when he likes it now.

You cannot devalue his opinion when he disagrees and then value it when he agrees.

Folks - ivermectin does not affect Covid-19.
"Joe, Joe, Mr. Biden, wake up please. You have to go to school."
  • Haha
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You have to give him credit for admitting he was wrong. There are those on here and in the media that are still so deep in the Covid cult that they can’t see the science. But it’s not really about Ivermectin as much as they can’t admit they were wrong about anything.

It’s narcissism.

Part of what happened is people conflated prescribed ivermectin tablets given to people with veterinary paste. I think people using paste could be dangerous because controlling dosage is probably an issue. But, why did a few people use veterinary ivermectin? Because the media and politicians told doctors to not prescribe it and if they did pharmacists wouldn’t fill the prescription.
What I want to know is why pharmacists have not lost their licenses. Ivermectin is a very safe medicine for almost anyone to take and in other countries it’s even OTC.
Exactly, the horse paste campaign was intentional disinformation designed to stop people from taking a relatively safe drug that has some anti viral properties and had some measure of success in some instances. It's similar to knowing vitamin D, fresh air and exercise are good for the immune system and then sending deputies to confront a guy walking alone on a beach. If what you are doing may help and doesn't harm anyone else, stopping a person from engaging in that activity is an attack on liberty. Some might even call it tyranny.
Was Sadaam a murdering dictator? I could have sworn the fool threatened the USA military too many times…he said he had nukes, were we suppose to wait and see? Kinda like Iran, are you 100% they don’t have one nuke or close to having one or we suppose to believe the Iran regime will not strike at some point, whether it’s a nuke or using one of their proxies to hit America terrorist style? Just asking…
Hey man all I know is we invaded a country under the premise that they had WMDs

Last I checked they never found any

I would have been cool with hey we don’t like this dick head dictator in Iraq so we are going to invade his country, kill him and try and set up a democracy

Just sayin