Ain’t spent too much time on here keeping up lately….


Circle of Honor
May 29, 2001
but how do y’all feel about this unrealized capital gains tax thingy that I understand Kamala wants to do.

Is that a good thang?
Posturing for who?
That’s what I am trying to figure out. Some of her donors had to have her on speed dial after that. She had to slowly explain the stock market to them.

“Unrealized gains are gains that will be realized, but are now unrealized. Your gains can be unburdened from what has been, and for what will be. Just realize this when you are attempting to unrealize your current gains. That will cost you I hope you realize this.” Kamala H.U. Harris
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Horrible but it will never happen. Just posturing. Just like Trump’s wall.
458 miles of posturing

Joe added a 20 mile section of posturing along the Rio Grande in Texas and pledged to add more posturing on the Arizona border, but instead left millions of dollars worth of materials and equipment sitting unattended along the border. The Biden administration ceased to perform basic maintenance and repairs. Contractors offered to store the unused construction materials, Arizona and Texas tried to buy the materials to build more of the wall, but the Biden administration denied all requests. That's some big time posturing at our expense.
I think Republicans sell the middle class that immigrants or minorities are robbing them of opportunities and Democrats sell them that Wall Street fat cats are. Both dishonest theater.
Thinks it’s more than just wall street. 401K’s appreciate, homes appreciate etc. Then you have IRA’s , Roths and the list goes on.

So many questions, what happens when it goes the other way??

Don’t have an issue with immigrants as long as they are legal. Minorities, as long as they are qualified for an opportunity….no issues there either.

But this unrealized tax on capital gains sounds pretty focking scary and on another level to me.
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458 miles of posturing

Joe added a 20 mile section of posturing along the Rio Grande in Texas and pledged to add more posturing on the Arizona border, but instead left millions of dollars worth of materials and equipment sitting unattended along the border. The Biden administration ceased to perform basic maintenance and repairs. Contractors offered to store the unused construction materials, Arizona and Texas tried to buy the materials to build more of the wall, but the Biden administration denied all requests. That's some big time posturing at our expense.
So 1/4 of the border. And he just built a fence, not a wall. It was all such a joke. And somehow you’re still buying it. It was a symbol for grievance and it worked. That’s all this stupid tax “proposal” is. And maybe some radically pared down version will pass. But I won’t ever pretend it wasn’t posturing as you are.
Thinks it’s more than just wall street. 401K’s appreciate, homes appreciate etc. Then you have IRA’s , Roths and the list goes on.

So many questions, what happens when it goes the other way??

Don’t have an issue with immigrants as long as they are legal. Minorities, as long as they are qualified for an opportunity….no issues there either.

But this unrealized tax on capital gains sounds pretty focking scary and on another level to me.
1) I have yet to see anything concrete that she endorses it. It’s been tied to Biden, so I guess it’s possible.

2) it would never pass.

3) even if it did, it doesn’t kick in until you’re worth $100 million, so I’ll go out on a limb and say everybody in the Chat is in the clear.
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but how do y’all feel about this unrealized capital gains tax thingy that I understand Kamala wants to do.

Is that a good thang?
I’ll just offset my unrealized capital gains with unrealized capital losses. Every time I buy a power ball lottery ticket, I fail to win a Brazilian dollars. When I get through recording all my losses, the gubmint will owe me money.

Suck and swallow that Kamalot.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this post should be deemed to be sound tax advice. Consult your tax professional.
So 1/4 of the border. And he just built a fence, not a wall. It was all such a joke. And somehow you’re still buying it. It was a symbol for grievance and it worked. That’s all this stupid tax “proposal” is. And maybe some radically pared down version will pass. But I won’t ever pretend it wasn’t posturing as you are.
Take up the design with the senior border patrol officials that requested it. The wall is designed this way so they can see what's going on without allowing people to squeeze through. The slats are angled to increase visibility further. There's an underground concrete base to deter tunnels. The construction also provides an open strip on either side of the wall. That makes it hard to hide one's approach and allows patrol vehicles to be deployed up and down the wall to increase patrol coverage. Again, at the request of senior border patrol officers. Illegal crossings and especially "got aways" were way down and still declining when Biden stepped in, so the people working the border didn't think of it as posturing at all.

The 458 miles included all of the bureaucratic delays, design and testing, initial fabrication, clearing space and initial construction. You might not know that construction did not begin until 2019, and included a lot more than just the wall. It would have been completed during a second term. Biden already had the funding and all the ground work already done. He could have finished it if he had any interest at all in border security.

It was never "just" a barrier. It was designed to be a barrier supported with technology and staffing, coordinated with local police. Biden Admin intentionally ****ed all that up. Diverted officers to processing illegals instead of arresting them. Forced many senior officers into early retirement. Cancelled support agreements with local law enforcement and left property owners defenseless. People who live near the border know that their lives are a lot more dangerous than they used to be. Surveillance equipment unused. Abandoned materials in the desert and refused to let states use it. Just vindictive posturing and waste.

I agree with some of your positions, like the unconstitutional unrealized gains tax proposal, but you really should step outside your comfort zone on this topic and have a look around.
Take up the design with the senior border patrol officials that requested it. The wall is designed this way so they can see what's going on without allowing people to squeeze through. The slats are angled to increase visibility further. There's an underground concrete base to deter tunnels. The construction also provides an open strip on either side of the wall. That makes it hard to hide one's approach and allows patrol vehicles to be deployed up and down the wall to increase patrol coverage. Again, at the request of senior border patrol officers. Illegal crossings and especially "got aways" were way down and still declining when Biden stepped in, so the people working the border didn't think of it as posturing at all.

The 458 miles included all of the bureaucratic delays, design and testing, initial fabrication, clearing space and initial construction. You might not know that construction did not begin until 2019, and included a lot more than just the wall. It would have been completed during a second term. Biden already had the funding and all the ground work already done. He could have finished it if he had any interest at all in border security.

It was never "just" a barrier. It was designed to be a barrier supported with technology and staffing, coordinated with local police. Biden Admin intentionally ****ed all that up. Diverted officers to processing illegals instead of arresting them. Forced many senior officers into early retirement. Cancelled support agreements with local law enforcement and left property owners defenseless. People who live near the border know that their lives are a lot more dangerous than they used to be. Surveillance equipment unused. Abandoned materials in the desert and refused to let states use it. Just vindictive posturing and waste.

I agree with some of your positions, like the unconstitutional unrealized gains tax proposal, but you really should step outside your comfort zone on this topic and have a look around.
I appreciate your substantive response. I really do. But you have sort of proven my point unwittingly. When Trump kept talking about his stupid wall many border security experts from all sides insisted that it is not done with a wall but is a mix of technologies from motion detection, drones, as well as various barriers and personnel. My whole point about posturing is its a stupidification of a complex issue in much the same way as deciding to tax unrealized gains is a stupidification of the complex issue that billionaires use a lot of tactics to entirely avoid income taxation.
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I think Republicans sell the middle class that immigrants or minorities are robbing them of opportunities and Democrats sell them that Wall Street fat cats are. Both dishonest theater.
No. You think honestly we are sold that and it is a fear. I agree with the last sentence. Democrats are sold that pubs are all racists, that we hate the poor, and we at some point take any freedoms or money given. And that we only care about helping billionaires for some reason.

Pubs are sold that the democrats are the sole reason for high taxes, they get too much free shit, they are all commies, and they are all immoral.

In reality, 80 percent of the country already has their mind made up on who they will vote for and why. Some of that is what they have always done, some of them just like the person or not, some is from new thinking, and most because of whose policies benefit them the most in their minds.

The other 20 percent decide the election from people who don’t care, independents, young new voters, disgruntled voters who feel like their party has left them or not followed thru, and people that vote because they feel like they are supposed to. These are the sad truths imo.

Last election was won by getting anyone and everyone who can get a ballot to send one in. 5 percent of the voters in the last election, who swayed the election thanks to the new rules, likely have no freaking idea who they voted for.
I appreciate your substantive response. I really do. But you have sort of proven my point unwittingly. When Trump kept talking about his stupid wall many border security experts from all sides insisted that it is not done with a wall but is a mix of technologies from motion detection, drones, as well as various barriers and personnel. My whole point about posturing is its a stupidification of a complex issue in much the same way as deciding to tax unrealized gains is a stupidification of the complex issue that billionaires use a lot of tactics to entirely avoid income taxation.
There's a good reason for talking about it as The Wall. People expect information in sound bytes. The details don't digest as readily and most won't read them anyway. I wish that wasn't true, but it is.

As I said, it was never just the physical barrier. It's the whole package. Donald Trump is very much aware. The experts he engaged to develop an effective plan know it, too.

Trump is very good at effective labeling. It's not simple posturing and it's definitely not mindless. It is packaging a complex issue for mass consumption. Effective policy in a bite size morsel.

You understand that the rich and the corporate will always avoid taxes (not evade, but avoid). That's why tax accountants exist. The trick is to understand how incentives work. The tax code has to be crafted to make them avoid taxes in ways beneficial to society (creating jobs, charitable giving, capital investment, etc.). "Make the rich pay their share" is just naive posturing that politicians know will never happen - even while they're screaming it at us.
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but how do y’all feel about this unrealized capital gains tax thingy that I understand Kamala wants to do.

Is that a good thang?

It's great. They can get my imaginary capital gains tax, from my imaginary checking account.
1) I have yet to see anything concrete that she endorses it. It’s been tied to Biden, so I guess it’s possible.

2) it would never pass.

3) even if it did, it doesn’t kick in until you’re worth $100 million, so I’ll go out on a limb and say everybody in the Chat is in the clear.
That’s the fifth time I have heard the “it won’t pass” defense of Kamala policy. When the best argument for a policy you announce is “don’t worry it won’t pass anyway” from supporters… definition it is either a shitty policy of more likely an admission that it is an attempt to fool voters that are thought of as idiots. Blame the grocery stores is my favorite.
HowThat’s the fifth time I have heard the “it won’t pass” defense of Kamala policy. When the best argument for a policy you announce is “don’t worry it won’t pass anyway” from supporters… definition it is either a shitty policy of more likely an admission that it is an attempt to fool voters that are thought of as idiots. Blame the grocery stores is my favorite.
I’m not necessarily a supporter, I just know how legislation works.

season 7 law GIF
That’s the fifth time I have heard the “it won’t pass” defense of Kamala policy. When the best argument for a policy you announce is “don’t worry it won’t pass anyway” from supporters… definition it is either a shitty policy of more likely an admission that it is an attempt to fool voters that are thought of as idiots. Blame the grocery stores is my favorite.
Yes. This is so true. Trump haters will rationalize anything to not realize he is the better candidate here. They don’t have to support her politics or policies. Because thank goodness they won’t pass. This makes no sense. Because on the other hand they believe everything he proposes will get passed. Why take the chance. If she does pass these measures. It will affect so many people negatively. The only people who will not be hurt are the ones collecting some kind of government check. What in the hell says sign me up for that. I don’t care who the other candidate is.
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Yes. This is so true. Trump haters will rationalize anything to not realize he is the better candidate here. They don’t have to support her politics or policies. Because thank goodness they won’t pass. This makes no sense. Because on the other hand they believe everything he proposes will get passed. Why take the chance. If she does pass these measures. It will affect so many people negatively. The only people who will not be hurt are the ones collecting some kind of government check. What in the hell says sign me up for that. I don’t care who the other candidate is.
We saw Biden get elected specifically because he was seen and sold as moderate and the “Uniter in Chief”. He quickly governed as if he was handed a mandate to make America as divided and liberal as possible. A total 180 from the Biden he was for his career.

Now you’ve got Kamala, who has cut her teeth politically explicitly and unapologetically as super liberal. California brought to the US as a whole. Now she is being sold as a moderate?

Question for democrats: Does anyone honestly think that after winning an election selling moderate ideas, she won’t immediately govern either 1) as she has suggested her whole career, or 2) as she’s told from the power brokers in the dem party?

Voting for Kamala because she will be moderate is the biggest leap of an ask to the American electorate in political history. But hey - she’s stylish. An attractive relatively young minority female. And Beyoncé and TayTay think she’s awesome AF. Maybe that’s enough.
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We saw Biden get elected specifically because he was seen and sold as moderate and the “Uniter in Chief”. He quickly governed as if he was handed a mandate to make America as divided and liberal as possible. A total 180 from the Biden he was for his career.

Now you’ve got Kamala, who has cut her teeth politically explicitly and unapologetically as super liberal. California brought to the US as a whole. Now she is being sold as a moderate?

Question for democrats: Does anyone honestly think that after winning an election selling moderate ideas, she won’t immediately govern either 1) as she has suggested her whole career, or 2) as she’s told from the power brokers in the dem party?

Voting for Kamala because she will be moderate is the biggest leap of an ask to the American electorate in political history. But hey - she’s stylish. An attractive relatively young minority female. And Beyoncé and TayTay think she’s awesome AF. Maybe that’s enough.
I can answer your question. I know a few smart trump haters who sold to me Biden as a middle grounder. Said trust me. It will be fine. He is closer to pub than Democrat. Two years later both texted me a wtf. I was so wrong. She is a 100 times worse. Welcome to California. Can’t say we didn’t warn them. 🤦‍♂️
So 1/4 of the border. And he just built a fence, not a wall. It was all such a joke. And somehow you’re still buying it. It was a symbol for grievance and it worked. That’s all this stupid tax “proposal” is. And maybe some radically pared down version will pass. But I won’t ever pretend it wasn’t posturing as you are.
You know Biden started to continue building that wall. Right? Or should I give the credit to the border czar

They were so much in need he told environmentalist to F off it must be done.
That’s the fifth time I have heard the “it won’t pass” defense of Kamala policy. When the best argument for a policy you announce is “don’t worry it won’t pass anyway” from supporters… definition it is either a shitty policy of more likely an admission that it is an attempt to fool voters that are thought of as idiots. Blame the grocery stores is my favorite.
or, it will pass if she's elected. pretty sure I'm gonna just play it safe and vote on the one who is not coming after me/us financially.
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1) I have yet to see anything concrete that she endorses it. It’s been tied to Biden, so I guess it’s possible.

2) it would never pass.

3) even if it did, it doesn’t kick in until you’re worth $100 million, so I’ll go out on a limb and say everybody in the Chat is in the clear.
Ok. New strategy working towards you brother. Ok. You admit her policies suck. You admit you don’t want them to pass and they would be a trainwreck if so. Then do me a favor. Don’t vote straight ticket. Vote for Kamala but for the love of god vote for the people to stop her crazy ass. Please.
I can answer your question. I know a few smart trump haters who sold to me Biden as a middle grounder. Said trust me. It will be fine. He is closer to pub than Democrat. Two years later both texted me a wtf. I was so wrong. She is a 100 times worse. Welcome to California. Can’t say we didn’t warn them. 🤦‍♂️
"Medicare for All.", unrealized capital gain tax......I mean shat, after they take all of our money/assets...who's gonna take care of us??

Maybe if I am lucky, I can finally get me some reparations.
I think Republicans sell the middle class that immigrants or minorities are robbing them of opportunities and Democrats sell them that Wall Street fat cats are. Both dishonest theater.
One, illegal immigrants are taking jobs from Americans. Republicans like illegal immigration for the cheap labor and Dems like it for the votes. Both party are allowing this and the wall and strict border policies are the answer. That is why both parties do not like Trump. Well, one of the reasons.
Ok. New strategy working towards you brother. Ok. You admit her policies suck. You admit you don’t want them to pass and they would be a trainwreck if so. Then do me a favor. Don’t vote straight ticket. Vote for Kamala but for the love of god vote for the people to stop her crazy ass. Please.
First of all, I never vote straight ticket. Stupid people do that.

Second, I’m not sure this policy sucks that bad. $100 million? I wish I had that problem. Everyone just needs to relax and stop acting like it’s the death of the Republic.
I can answer your question. I know a few smart trump haters who sold to me Biden as a middle grounder. Said trust me. It will be fine. He is closer to pub than Democrat. Two years later both texted me a wtf. I was so wrong. She is a 100 times worse. Welcome to California. Can’t say we didn’t warn them. 🤦‍♂️
I wasn't happy Biden won, but the consolation was that I did believe he would be moderate and less divisive. Could not have been more wrong.
First of all, I never vote straight ticket. Stupid people do that.

Second, I’m not sure this policy sucks that bad. $100 million? I wish I had that problem. Everyone just needs to relax and stop acting like it’s the death of the Republic.
If you want to tax actual realized gains at higher rates for folks who cash gains over a gigantic threshhold, fine. But taxing someone's existing wealth at any level every year is effectively stealing. Do you get the money back from the government when your net worth goes down? No effing way.
It doesn’t kick in until you’re worth $100 million, so naturally I’m furious.
Who makes the determination of the value of said assets. That is a big question. She is spewing out crap without thinking them through the same as a lot of politicians. Most are able to articulate it better or at least give some background or thought process to go along with the statements.
Who makes the determination of the value of said assets. That is a big question. She is spewing out crap without thinking them through the same as a lot of politicians. Most are able to articulate it better or at least give some background or thought process to go along with the statements.
Are you even close enough to care?
First of all, I never vote straight ticket. Stupid people do that.

Second, I’m not sure this policy sucks that bad. $100 million? I wish I had that problem. Everyone just needs to relax and stop acting like it’s the death of the Republic.
It isn’t just the unrealized gains man. The capital gains are a trainwreck. The real estate market is hurting and this is what she proposes to help. I would like to see that unrealized gains in writing too. Here is the issue. Biden said no one who made under 400000 would pay more in taxes. I said it then it was a complete lie. What happened with that. I know I certainly paid more under Biden than Trump.

But not to mention. It will never stop there. You give in to it, and before you know it, everyone will be subject to it.
Do you not realize when states struggle and fail we end up paying for it? This is common sense. Do you think we should aid Ukraine?
Yes, we should because it drags Russia down and I'm freaking here for it. As for the first part, I couldn't agree more:

Yes, we should because it drags Russia down and I'm freaking here for it. As for the first part, I couldn't agree more:

Shocking that the largest cities with the largest companies and concentrations of wealth pay more taxes. Using this as an argument is so republican of you. I think to correct this dynamic, the US Military should only provide partial defense to those poor red states. And limit welfare. Those deplorables are poor, but at least they make our food and frame our homes.

On second thought, it makes us feel good as coastal wealthy elites to know that we are subsidizing these subhumans in red States.
Yes, we should because it drags Russia down and I'm freaking here for it. As for the first part, I couldn't agree more:

Yes, we should because it drags Russia down and I'm freaking here for it. As for the first part, I couldn't agree more:

So then each state has an effect on the country and each of us in some way. Yes we should focus on our own, city and state first. But to ignore the dumb stuff other states do is idiotic and short sided.
Shocking that the largest cities with the largest companies and concentrations of wealth pay more taxes. Using this as an argument is so republican of you. I think to correct this dynamic, the US Military should only provide partial defense to those poor red states. And limit welfare. Those deplorables are poor, but at least they make our food and frame our homes.
So your argument is that the largest companies are in democratic areas, so it shouldn't count? See those states in red? They ARE on welfare. 41% of Alabama's revenue comes from the federal government and everyone here is convinced the federal government IS the problem.