Almost hope the Dems are successful in Borking Kavanaugh. First

Dirty Hairy Dawg

War Daddy
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
this guy is uniquely qualified and is pretty much a boy scout. All but the looniest of leftist will be turned off if the Dems try to demonize him. Next, he's not the crazed right winger the dems are trying to sell.

So, Kavanaugh is about as good as it gets for the Dems this go around and if they lampoon him, they will likely get a 2nd nominee that is further right and with a larger Pub majority after the midterms. I'd lmao if they borked Kavanaugh and ended up clearing the deck for Any Coney Barrett.
this guy is uniquely qualified and is pretty much a boy scout. All but the looniest of leftist will be turned off if the Dems try to demonize him. Next, he's not the crazed right winger the dems are trying to sell.

So, Kavanaugh is about as good as it gets for the Dems this go around and if they lampoon him, they will likely get a 2nd nominee that is further right and with a larger Pub majority after the midterms. I'd lmao if they borked Kavanaugh and ended up clearing the deck for Any Coney Barrett.

I agree. Kavanaugh is not right wing. But, the 'RATs are trapped. If they torpedo Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett is more right wing. However, the Constitution isn't always conservative. At its' inception, it was considered a radically liberal idea. I have decided on a course that I think is best for our country and for myself.
1) If it's Constitutional and I know it, I'll support it even if you don't like it.
That does not include obvious abuse like Obammycare.
2) No man is perfect but defend this great President who has done more good in 18 months than the previous 4 combined.
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Kavanaugh can’t get Borked without republicans doing it. I don’t expect him to get any Dem votes save for maybe Manchin. I expect all 50 Republicans (I assume McCain is unable to vote) to stick together and vote for the nominee.
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Kavanaugh can’t get Borked without republicans doing it. I don’t expect him to get any Dem votes save for maybe Manchin. I expect all 50 Republicans (I assume McCain is unable to vote) to stick together and vote for the nominee.

McCain would do anything ANYTHING to hurt Trump. He gives not a damn about the country. He only cares about his revenge and being in the spotlight. He may not be a democRAT, but he is definitely a swampRAT.
McCain would do anything ANYTHING to hurt Trump. He gives not a damn about the country. He only cares about his revenge and being in the spotlight. He may not be a democRAT, but he is definitely a swampRAT.
McCain voted for Gorsuch so I suspect he would vote for Kavanaugh if given the chance. But I also concede that McCain’s opinions change with the wind
Kavanaugh can’t get Borked without republicans doing it. I don’t expect him to get any Dem votes save for maybe Manchin. I expect all 50 Republicans (I assume McCain is unable to vote) to stick together and vote for the nominee.
Kavanaugh will get confirmed. He will get all the pub votes minus McCain (who is not voting) and the red state Dems. If the two pub women senators and red state Dems vote in opposition, it’s political suicide for them and it will galvanize conservatives even more in November. If that happens, Pubs will gain seats in house and senate and then Trump can nominate Barrett and carry confirmation easily.

Dems are really between a rock and a hard place. They have no choice but to double down on the opposition platform with Kavanaugh at the risk of losing what constituency they have and getting Barrett when they lose seats in November.
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this guy is uniquely qualified and is pretty much a boy scout. All but the looniest of leftist will be turned off if the Dems try to demonize him. Next, he's not the crazed right winger the dems are trying to sell.

So, Kavanaugh is about as good as it gets for the Dems this go around and if they lampoon him, they will likely get a 2nd nominee that is further right and with a larger Pub majority after the midterms. I'd lmao if they borked Kavanaugh and ended up clearing the deck for Any Coney Barrett.
I disagree. Dems don't care. If they Bork this guy, it'll only embolden them. Most ppl dont pay close enough attention to the tricks and dirty dealing. The avg blue collar guy will become discouraged that Trump couldn't get his guy through and will sit home in Nov.
Kavanaugh will get confirmed. He will get all the pub votes minus McCain (who is not voting) and the red state Dems. If the two pub women senators and red state Dems vote in opposition, it’s political suicide for them and it will galvanize conservatives even more in November. If that happens, Pubs will gain seats in house and senate and then Trump can nominate Barrett and carry confirmation easily.

Dems are really between a rock and a hard place. They have no choice but to double down on the opposition platform with Kavanaugh at the risk of losing what constituency they have and getting Barrett when they lose seats in November.
I disagree. Dems don't care. If they Bork this guy, it'll only embolden them. Most ppl dont pay close enough attention to the tricks and dirty dealing. The avg blue collar guy will become discouraged that Trump couldn't get his guy through and will sit home in Nov.
This is an interesting debate and I really don’t know. If Kavanaugh isn’t confirmed I expect that energizes Dems more but I can also see where it would piss off republican voters.

Having said that, the fact is that Dem voters just don’t show up in off years anyway.

Of course, I think it’s all academic anyway
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This is an interesting debate and I really don’t know. If Kavanaugh isn’t confirmed I expect that energizes Dems more but I can also see where it would piss off republican voters.

Having said that, the fact is that Dem voters just don’t show up in off years anyway.

Of course, I think it’s all academic anyway

It'd be a small victory for the dems, but will seal their fate in the war. If that happens, you better believe Trump will hold their feet to the fire at every speaking chance he has encouraging his base to get out and vote to get these obstructionists out of office.
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It'd be a small victory for the dems, but will seal their fate in the war. If that happens, you better believe Trump will hold their feet to the fire at every speaking chance he has encouraging his base to get out and vote to get these obstructionists out of office.
I mean, I’m pretty sure he’s going to do that anyway :)
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Kavanaugh can’t get Borked without republicans doing it. I don’t expect him to get any Dem votes save for maybe Manchin. I expect all 50 Republicans (I assume McCain is unable to vote) to stick together and vote for the nominee.

A Republican can join the Dems to Bork Kavanaugh. If all Dems hold, which I don't think will happen and one Pub slips and McCain can't vote, he's pretty much Borked. I don't think it happens but if it does happen, I think the results would be worse for the Dems. The Dems will look way out of the mainstream to the independents if the demonize a boy scout and the next nominee will likely be more to the right.
Do you want Roe overturned? 64% of Americans do not want Roe overturned.
Kavanaugh is the 7th Catholic on the court. Two Jews and 7 Catholics are not reflective of the USA.

Oh yea, I am a pro-choice Catholic.
Do you want Roe overturned? 64% of Americans do not want Roe overturned.
Kavanaugh is the 7th Catholic on the court. Two Jews and 7 Catholics are not reflective of the USA.

Oh yea, I am a pro-choice Catholic.

Answer my question first. Are you one of the 36% who want Roe overturned?
No. However, I’d like to see more instruction to girls and women about the impact it can have on the rest of their lives. Same for husbands and boyfriends. Atheists do not matter, because life is not significant to them. Until they’re on their deathbed, that is. I wish they’d rethink it. It’s free.
Answer my question first. Are you one of the 36% who want Roe overturned?

SCOTUS is not were you go to get what you want and SCOTUS should not be ruling based on the political whims of the day. So it's completely irrelevant what percentage of people want RvW overturned. Imo, RvW was a terrible decision because it bypassed the political process to discover a perverted view of a right to privacy.

So, yes, even though I don't think RvW will be overturned and I do support the right to terminate a pregnancy before viability, I would support RvW being overturned and states being able to regulate the procedure.
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Do you want Roe overturned? 64% of Americans do not want Roe overturned.
Kavanaugh is the 7th Catholic on the court. Two Jews and 7 Catholics are not reflective of the USA.

Oh yea, I am a pro-choice Catholic.

Wonder what percentage would like to see late term “partial birth” abortions limited to some degree? But even Dems prefer using the laughable term “women’s health” as some type of code for not even having to use the A word. Funny that the same liberals who support no-holds-barred abortions think it’s okay to tell a woman she can’t have a 32 ounce soft drink. LOL.....I guess that shows a real concern for “women’s health” and the fact they don’t mind restrictive laws that fit their own agenda.
Do you want Roe overturned? 64% of Americans do not want Roe overturned.
Kavanaugh is the 7th Catholic on the court. Two Jews and 7 Catholics are not reflective of the USA.

Oh yea, I am a pro-choice Catholic.
5 Catholics, one Episcopalian, 3 Jews actually
SCOTUS is not were you go to get what you want and SCOTUS should not be ruling based on the political whims of the day. So it's completely irrelevant what percentage of people what RvW overturned. Imo, RvW was a terrible decision because it bypassed the political process to discover a perverted view of a right to privacy.

So, yes, even though I don't think RvW will be overturned and I do support the right to terminate a pregnancy before viability, I would support RvW being overturned and states being able to regulate the procedure.

Gotta remember that gay marriage didn’t even pass on the ballot in California. The Dems and the left have used the courts for years to get their agenda considered law, even though it was never passed by any elected body or by the voters. That’s why they fear losing control of the courts. It’s gotten them just about everything they’ve wanted while bypassing the normal procedures for passing laws. Did I mention the courts (all courts) have been given too much power in the process?
Do you want Roe overturned? 64% of Americans do not want Roe overturned.
Kavanaugh is the 7th Catholic on the court. Two Jews and 7 Catholics are not reflective of the USA.

Oh yea, I am a pro-choice Catholic.
RvW will not be overturned and even if it were, it becomes a state issue. Kavanaugh’s record clearly shows he upholds precedent. Stop listening to the Dems fear mongering
SCOTUS is not were you go to get what you want and SCOTUS should not be ruling based on the political whims of the day. So it's completely irrelevant what percentage of people what RvW overturned. Imo, RvW was a terrible decision because it bypassed the political process to discover a perverted view of a right to privacy.

So, yes, even though I don't think RvW will be overturned and I do support the right to terminate a pregnancy before viability, I would support RvW being overturned and states being able to regulate the procedure.

You people that use that term "viability" act like a baby can take care of itself once it is born. The baby will die if not taken care of by someone. NO baby will live after birth if left to fend for itself.

The fact that anyone agrees with murder an innocent human baby is disgusting and just shows you have far down the crapper we have gone.

If you believe in God and creation then you cannot reasonably believe that God did not know what he was doing when he set up the reproductive process. That "mass" of cell's is a human being in its earliest form,,, as I have said before, I am NO where near the same human being I was when I was 1 day old, or 18, or 30 etc.

You folks need to rethink your selfish, I can do what I want, ideas. I say if you believe a baby can be murdered then anyone that is unable to fend for themselves should be fair game. Kill anyone that doesn't take care of themselves, get them off the govt dole.
I disagree. Dems don't care. If they Bork this guy, it'll only embolden them. Most ppl dont pay close enough attention to the tricks and dirty dealing. The avg blue collar guy will become discouraged that Trump couldn't get his guy through and will sit home in Nov.
No , they wont. I would say a large number of folks voted for Trump based solely off the fact of Supreme Court appointments
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Do you want Roe overturned? 64% of Americans do not want Roe overturned.
Kavanaugh is the 7th Catholic on the court. Two Jews and 7 Catholics are not reflective of the USA.

Oh yea, I am a pro-choice Catholic.

Row vs Wade had no business at SCOTUS.. The federal government overreached its's authority by saying that the rights of the mother supersede the rights of the child.
Adjudication regarding taking life has a long precedent. It is decided at the state level. If a state decides to have legal abortions available, so be it.
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You people that use that term "viability" act like a baby can take care of itself once it is born. The baby will die if not taken care of by someone. NO baby will live after birth if left to fend for itself.

The fact that anyone agrees with murder an innocent human baby is disgusting and just shows you have far down the crapper we have gone.

If you believe in God and creation then you cannot reasonably believe that God did not know what he was doing when he set up the reproductive process. That "mass" of cell's is a human being in its earliest form,,, as I have said before, I am NO where near the same human being I was when I was 1 day old, or 18, or 30 etc.

You folks need to rethink your selfish, I can do what I want, ideas. I say if you believe a baby can be murdered then anyone that is unable to fend for themselves should be fair game. Kill anyone that doesn't take care of themselves, get them off the govt dole.

And It's folks like you that are ensuring that beating hearts will continue being stopped. Even though my personal beliefs are somewhat aligned with you, I realize that I do not live in a theocratic state and many of the hearts and minds that must be changed dismiss the will of God argument out of hand.

So, you keep preaching that a sperm soaked egg is the same as a 4 month fetus and I'm sure your pastor will be pleased. However, if you want abortions to be strictly regulated, the numbers to drop and you dont want your tax dollars used to provide abortions, you may want to engage in a more pragmatic debate.