AP sues for Clinton records...........

I just read that, surprised at AP doing that but it looks like they battled

them for years.
Would like to read these

oops again
This reply hits it perfectly.....................................


27 minutes ago

Good luck with that AP...

Democrat playbook on scandals.

Month 1:
Refuse to answer any questions. Immediately queue up the lap dog media to run interference. Bashing Republicans…

Month 2:
Refuse to answer any questions, change the subject. Turn the gain up on the lap dog media. Bashing Republicans and paying weeks long tributes to dead drug addicted celebrities and keeping America informed on the Kardashians…

Month 3:
Announce that everything has been answered, it's time to "move forward", and state that no further questions on the subject will be answered.

Month 4:
Call it a "phony scandal" and highlight the fact that it never really happened in the first place. It was merely a miscommunication problem.

Month 5:
Accuse Republicans of trying to resurrect a phony scandal, and ask what difference at this point does it make anyway? Place a friendly call to the IRS for "assistance"

Month 6:
Accuse anyone asking the same questions, which have never been answered, about the phony scandal that doesn't matter any way of being a racist. Pick up the phone to the NSA for support in "closing arguments."

Then it will all blow over as if nothing happened...
Huma's personal emails to Hill WOOD be CHAT worthy.......

No doubt Hillary skirted the "rules" but doubtful

the AP can force State Dept. to release "sensitive" emails until all reviewed and cleansed of personal com. Besides, FOI requests are generally not broad and those granted require specific knowledge and participation in an event and even then must fall under the "people's bidness" definition. AP can't merrily go on a Easter Egg hunt.

The courts will all be involved in this before it's over. I hope this ends the Clinton Dynasty but have doubts her support will suffer any meaningful fallout.
Still say I had rather run against her. No blurred lines***


This post was edited on 3/11 12:13 PM by Ty TyDawg
I agree. I think 'Merica has had enough populist Marxism rammed...

down their throats under The Dalibama.

Liz would go over about like George McGovern.
Once the cow decided to use her personal e-mail for...........

government business, her personal stuff becomes fair game. Her personal email server becomes defacto government property, and is now subject to the FOIA.

Get ready, somebody living in his Mom's basement is gonna crack this thing.
the 'Merica we love has had enough populist Marxism rammed

down our throats, but I fear we are now the minority.