Hijacked thread. Enjoy

At this point,I think Trump wins either way.

I'm thrilled if Biden stays in
I'm thrilled if Harris replaces him.

Despite the gaslighting that will take place, she has a record.

Her approval rating in her home state is abysmal. Her name is associated with failure everywhere. Not to mention her struggles to communicate.

Regardless of what the polls say, I'm not concerned about Biden being replaced with Harris.
libs will do just about anything
what a fing joke

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Yes, and those people, which is down to 55% of them, can't force him to run if he doesn't run. So again, where is the illegal interference?

BTW, the only interference that was talked about before (that actually happened) was Russian interference. Trump tried to interfere with the transfer power, not the election.
Do you believe if Biden steps back it will be on his own accord? They really stepped in it when they chose a vp. Will be curious to see if she steps down willingly. They needed Kamala to stop calling Biden a racist. So they promised her the vp spot. Biden hasn’t shown any signs of stepping back. You know why this is an even bigger issue. If he steps back, the gop will come after him to step down his final days as president. It is getting much harder for you to spin that democracy anti Trump bit I know. You even stooped to spinning it in this troll thread. It only matters when it applies to trump and getting him out of office. I like seeing you unintentionally admit the truth. It is a free country. I guess you can use your democratic freedom to choose when our democracy matters to you. 😂
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Do you believe if Biden steps back it will be on his own accord? They really stepped in it when they chose a vp. Will be curious to see if she steps down willingly. They needed Kamala to stop calling Biden a racist. So they promised her the vp spot. Biden hasn’t shown any signs of stepping back. You know why this is an even bigger issue. If he steps back, the gop will come after him to step down his final days as president.
It will be on his own accord. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to. He can do that with half or more of the party not wanting him as nominee, but it is his choice. What do you think? Should people be forced to outwardly support him if they don't?
It's amazing the lengths that are traveled on here to equate things.

The Democrats never accused Trump of interference in the 2020 election. They accused him of interfering in the passage of power from one POTUS to the next after a fair election (saying an election was stolen is not good enough, just like saying someone is a murderer is not good enough). The Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Most of the Republicans who saw the evidence agreed with the FBI's conclusion.

Another thing you do is try to lump Trump collusion with Russian interference and act as if one didn't happen the other also didn't happen. That's just not the case.

If Biden steps down because the party decides his cognitive decline makes him not capable of governing or even winning, that's perfectly acceptable. I guess if he dies tomorrow, you would also think it would be corruption to try and replace him on the ticket as well.

If Trump is such a good candidate, this thing should be over now, no matter what. Why do you care who runs?
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It will be on his own accord. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to. He can do that with half or more of the party not wanting him as nominee, but it is his choice. What do you think? Should people be forced to outwardly support him if they don't?
It's amazing the lengths that are traveled on here to equate things.

The Democrats never accused Trump of interference in the 2020 election. They accused him of interfering in the passage of power from one POTUS to the next after a fair election (saying an election was stolen is not good enough, just like saying someone is a murderer is not good enough). The Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Most of the Republicans who saw the evidence agreed with the FBI's conclusion.

Another thing you do is try to lump Trump collusion with Russian interference and act as if one didn't happen the other also didn't happen. That's just not the case.

If Biden steps down because the party decides his cognitive decline makes him not capable of governing or even winning, that's perfectly acceptable. I guess if he dies tomorrow, you would also think it would be corruption to try and replace him on the ticket as well.

If Trump is such a good candidate, this thing should be over now, no matter what. Why do you care who runs?
I didn’t lump anything in. I didn’t talk about Russia. Or really even Trump. It was more about Biden. And democracy only really matters when it works for you. You are so happy to see him step aside so someone who has a chance to beat Trump can. Nevermind you believed a vege wasn’t a vege, and you voted for one to run the country. Him stepping down will only be a confirmation of this colossal stupidity and blindness due to tds. I am just happy to see your true feeling come thru. You can’t even help but to be hypocritical to your own beliefs when it comes to djt. Kckd. He is so in your head.

Good luck with the biden stepping back thing, and getting him on the ballot in every state. I guess when it comes to democracy we can break those rules for the lefties too.

You mentioned how democracy can really work for you here. Just kill ole Biden off. Like you said. If he dies, your version of democracy will be intact.
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I didn’t lump anything in. I didn’t talk about Russia. Or really even Trump. It was more about Biden. And democracy only really matters when it works for you. You are so happy to see him step aside so someone who has a chance to beat Trump can. Nevermind you believed a vege wasn’t a vege, and you voted for one to run the country. Him stepping down will only be a confirmation of this colossal stupidity and blindness due to tds. I am just happy to see your true feeling come thru. You can’t even help but to be hypocritical to your own beliefs when it comes to djt. Kckd. He is so in your head.

Good luck with the biden stepping back thing, and getting him on the ballot in every state. I guess when it comes to democracy we can break those rules for the lefties too.

You mentioned how democracy can really work for you here. Just kill ole Biden off. Like you said. If he dies, your version of democracy will be intact.
I didn't say you talked about Russia. You did like a poster earlier that tried to say the Democrats were hypocrites if Biden steps down due to lack of support.

I was only trying to talk about what a crap post that was earlier and how one thing is not remotely close to the other.

You're a little snarky here. But, I get it.

Biden's not a vege. I'll tell ya, some here need to watch out. The old age is coming and karma is just around the corner. You may find people talk about you the same way. I hope not.

"You, you, you....."

But oh yeah, you're above all that stuff.

If you'll go back and read the initial post, I simply laid out what I thought were the outcomes. If someone disagreed, without getting into name calling, etc. and just talked about the possible outcomes, I responded in kind. For whatever reason, the thought that Biden won't be on the ticket in November rubs many on here the wrong way. What's sad is that the candidate the Repubicans chose is running against a "vege" (your words, not mine) and likely still won't get half the votes.
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I didn't say you talked about Russia. You did like a poster earlier that tried to say the Democrats were hypocrites if Biden steps down due to lack of support.

I was only trying to talk about what a crap post that was earlier and how one thing is not remotely close to the other.

You're a little snarky here. But, I get it.

Biden's not a vege. I'll tell ya, some here need to watch out. The old age is coming and karma is just around the corner. You may find people talk about you the same way. I hope not.

"You, you, you....."

But oh yeah, you're above all that stuff.
Just having a little fun on the fourth. I can’t let you have all the trolling in the thread. That wouldn’t be very democratic.
Just having a little fun on the fourth. I can’t let you have all the trolling in the thread. That wouldn’t be very democratic.
The initial post wasn't a troll. Just looking at data and trying to get a handle on what could happen. Then some of course decided to direct things at me or call one whole party commies and evil. If you'll notice, I don't do that to Republicans or Democrats. I don't like Trump. I wear my TDS badge with pride. I consider it common sense.
The initial post wasn't a troll. Just looking at data and trying to get a handle on what could happen. Then some of course decided to direct things at me or call one whole party commies and evil. If you'll notice, I don't do that to Republicans or Democrats. I don't like Trump. I wear my TDS badge with pride. I consider it common sense.
I just wonder where in the hell that common sense went when determining if you elected a vege or not. Your first deciding point is democracy. Mine is if he is a functioning human. Common sense says that is required to run the country. Joe wouldn’t be cleared to run a food truck. Let’s make him the most powerful man in the world. That should be the first thing you look for.
I just wonder where in the hell that common sense went when determining if you elected a vege or not. Your first deciding point is democracy. Mine is if he is a functioning human. Common sense says that is required to run the country. Joe wouldn’t be cleared to run a food truck. Let’s make him the most powerful man in the world. That should be the first thing you look for.
Biden wasn't like this four years ago. You can go back and look at his debates. I've said back then and now it's dangerous and completely silly to elect either one of them as President at their age. Science tells us that. Are there some that can govern at that age? Probably. But there are probably some that could do a good job at 25 as well and they can't run for POTUS. There's a reason why we have a minimum age limit and we should have a maximum age limit as well.

My first thought is which one, even if not as cognitively responsive as he should be, would listen to the advice of those around him. There's a reason why POTUS' put people around them. It's not just to say "Yes" and "You're wonderful, sir".

There was military brass trying to get JFK to do a preemptive strike on the Russians during the Cuban missile crisis. He did not. Trump's military advisers have often tried to talk him out of using force.
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I just wonder where in the hell that common sense went when determining if you elected a vege or not. Your first deciding point is democracy. Mine is if he is a functioning human. Common sense says that is required to run the country. Joe wouldn’t be cleared to run a food truck. Let’s make him the most powerful man in the world. That should be the first thing you look for.
Remember hes too old and frail to be tried in court, according to the doj.
What do you mean refuse to leave? Why would he? He's been chosen by democrats in all 50 states to be the democrat nominee. Nothing has changed since those primary elections. Are you in favor of election interference and losing our democracy?
Talk about danger to democracy !!!! After the lawfare attempting to lock up the Republican nominee, now a coup attempt to take over the democratic nominee. We should just let the liberal elite and MSM select our presidents. Apparently it’s the only way to maintain a true democracy.
The bottom one was put up in Georgia.
Watched a video the other day showing some of Trumps bragging quotes and him saying he has never had to ask for forgiveness. Then showing Bible verses about the antichrist and how God fearing people will be deceived.
It was kinda disturbing to tell you the truth.
Now I am definitely not saying this is true, that's WAY above my pay grade!
I wish I could remember where I saw it. The direct quotes side by side with the specific Bible verses was like watching the Twilight Zone.
Watched a video the other day showing some of Trumps bragging quotes and him saying he has never had to ask for forgiveness. Then showing Bible verses about the antichrist and how God fearing people will be deceived.
It was kinda disturbing to tell you the truth.
Now I am definitely not saying this is true, that's WAY above my pay grade!
I wish I could remember where I saw it. The direct quotes side by side with the specific Bible verses was like watching the Twilight Zone.
Yes. He said that in the run up to the 2016 election. That's with James Dobson and other prominent evangelicals saying he's a young Christian.

I'm like "No, James. That's a bar you have to pass first to be in the club."

Not sure about the antichrist stuff, but he for sure said he doesn't ask for forgiveness.
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Ipsos polling

Pritzker 34%. Trump 40%, 26% other/undecided

Whitmer 36% Trump 41%, 23% other/undecided

Beshear 36% Trump 40%, 24% other/undecided

Harris 42% Trump 43%, 15% other/undecided

M. Obama 50% Trump 39%, 11% other/undecided

Biden 40%. Trump 40%, 20% other/undecided

Trump got 46.2 percent of the popular vote in 2016. Hillary got 48.2%

Trump got 46.8 percent of the popular vote in 2020. Biden got 51.3%.

Both candidates got a higher pct. in 2020 because the Libertarians drew only 1.18% of the vote in 2020 as opposed to the Libertarians getting 3.28% in 2016 and the Green Party getting 1.07%. This is likely due to the unpopularity of Hillary Clinton with independents and Republicans who refused to vote for Trump.

What's shown here is that you can't stand up in Donald Trump's voter outlook house. The floor is very high and stable, but the ceiling is very low and stable as well. Could Kennedy help Trump in swing states to get elected like he was helped in 2016 by the Libertarians? Possibly. But as of July 2nd, Kennedy was only securely on the ballot in five states and just one of those a swing state (Michigan).

What the elections before have shown us is that 53% of voting Americans do not want to vote for Trump. And these new polls don't show us anything that challenges that.

Can Trump win without the popular vote? Yes, he's done it once before, but he is only one of five presidents to do it and none ever served more than one term with the exception of GWB. And GWB won the popular vote in his next election, the only Republican to do so this century.

Trump's win over Clinton was by 77 electoral votes. That's the largest win gap in electoral votes for a non popular vote winner.

Trump will be trying to become only the second president in US history to serve non consecutive terms.

Interestingly, the only president to do it is Grover Cleveland. He is one of the five presidential candidates who lost an election while carrying the popular vote (Andrew Jackson, Samuel J. Tilden, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton are the others). Cleveland ran three times for POTUS and won the popular vote every time. Trump is still trying for his first.

I see four outcomes here.

1. Biden stays in, has another big gaffe or two and Trump wins easily due to Biden voter depression. Trump wouldn't garner 50% of the popular vote because enough non Trump voters would vote for Kennedy, a Libertarian, etc. to deny Trump a majority.

2. Biden stays in, doesn't have another gaffe and it's a 50/50 toss up.

3. Biden is replaced. The replacement breathes energy into the election. The replacement wins most if not all of the swing states and is president.

4. Biden is replaced. The replacement does not bring energy and it's a 50/50 toss up.

Biden staying in provides the only November where Trump isn't sweating (scenario 1)

Biden being replaced could end up with an embarrassing defeat for Trump. (scenario 3).
Whoever the Dems run will have the same Obama platform / policy’s…doesn’t matter the tool they put in place whether it’s Joe or whoever to toe the line for the same dem policies.
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Whoever the Dems run will have the same Obama platform / policy’s…doesn’t matter the tool they put in place whether it’s Joe or whoever to toe the line for the same dem policies.
That wasn't the point. But okay. You good.
Biden wasn't like this four years ago. You can go back and look at his debates. I've said back then and now it's dangerous and completely silly to elect either one of them as President at their age. Science tells us that. Are there some that can govern at that age? Probably. But there are probably some that could do a good job at 25 as well and they can't run for POTUS. There's a reason why we have a minimum age limit and we should have a maximum age limit as well.

My first thought is which one, even if not as cognitively responsive as he should be, would listen to the advice of those around him. There's a reason why POTUS' put people around them. It's not just to say "Yes" and "You're wonderful, sir".

There was military brass trying to get JFK to do a preemptive strike on the Russians during the Cuban missile crisis. He did not. Trump's military advisers have often tried to talk him out of using force.
People have been saying it about Joe for 4.5 years man. He is compromised. Drugged up debates don’t mean much when he is a gaffe a minute embarrassment everywhere else for four years. He doesn’t take questions kckd. You are still pretending I see. It progressed now to where there is no covering it up. That is the biggest lie told to the American people in the history of our country. Maybe the biggest coverup.
People have been saying it about Joe for 4.5 years man. He is compromised. Drugged up debates don’t mean much when he is a gaffe a minute embarrassment everywhere else for four years. He doesn’t take questions kckd. You are still pretending I see. It progressed now to where there is no covering it up. That is the biggest lie told to the American people in the history of our country. Maybe the biggest coverup.
Y'all all the same on here, dawg.



I think I know why Musk named it "X"


I've said for awhile now he's too old. You guys are something else, man. The eighties and before are gone. We'll never get back to the same place where we all start with the same foundational belief system and then diverge. We're still in the land of
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Watched a video the other day showing some of Trumps bragging quotes and him saying he has never had to ask for forgiveness. Then showing Bible verses about the antichrist and how God fearing people will be deceived.
It was kinda disturbing to tell you the truth.
Now I am definitely not saying this is true, that's WAY above my pay grade!
I wish I could remember where I saw it. The direct quotes side by side with the specific Bible verses was like watching the Twilight Zone.
cheap fake!! did i do it right?
Y'all all the same on here, dawg.



I think I know why Musk named it "X"


I've said for awhile now he's too old. You guys are something else, man. The eighties and before are gone. We'll never get back to the same place where we all start with the same foundational belief system and then diverge. We're still in the land of
Reagan was nowhere near Biden till the very end. And he got shot during his presidency. Biden was gone from the get go. Video everywhere now of his eyes dialated. You only call it alternative facts, because it doesn’t fit your narrative. It was still an argument till this last debate. And it made morons out of all of you. And why now you are good with breaking precedent and replacing him. You cant deflect this one my man. All the mental gymnastics and trolling you have arent enough to cover it.
Reagan was nowhere near Biden till the very end. And he got shot during his presidency. Biden was gone from the get go. Video everywhere now of his eyes dialated. You only call it alternative facts, because it doesn’t fit your narrative. It was still an argument till this last debate. And it made morons out of all of you. And why now you are good with breaking precedent and replacing him. You cant deflect this one my man. All the mental gymnastics and trolling you have arent enough to cover it.
It was just a gif man. "There you go again". I don't know how many times I can say that Biden needs to step down and he's too old to be president. I don't have a narrative here. Once again, you guys would rather argue about 10 percent of something rather than agree on 90 percent when we find that thing we can agree on.

But guess what: When I say he needs to step down you argue that that's wrong too. I mean, is disagreeing just fun? WTH is going on here?

You're like one of those deep water Baptists that believe you haven't really experienced the sacrament unless you went all under.

If you're trolling, good one.
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There is no scenario in which Michelle Obama wins this or any other election for POTUS.

Gud Lawd people.
There is no scenario in which Michelle Obama wins this or any other election for POTUS.

Gud Lawd people.
We gotta deal in reality here. Part of that is understanding the weakness of current candidates.
There is no scenario in which Michelle Obama wins this or any other election for POTUS.

Gud Lawd people.
We gotta deal in reality here. Part of that is understanding the weakness of current candidates.
Good news is she said she isn’t interested. Biden just got caught drooling watching the fireworks. But he did make it clear he isn’t going anywhere. Going to be Biden vs trump unless they find a way to kill Biden off prior to the convention.
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Answers for what. You've already said who you are earlier. If you believe one side is pure evil and Trump is the savior, no real point in talking to you. It's like you're a muslim and I'm trying to convert you to Judaism. You guys are something else.

Answers in the border and the overrun of illegals flowing in the country. Explain it.
The initial post wasn't a troll. Just looking at data and trying to get a handle on what could happen. Then some of course decided to direct things at me or call one whole party commies and evil. If you'll notice, I don't do that to Republicans or Democrats. I don't like Trump. I wear my TDS badge with pride. I consider it common sense.

It illustrated the problem with the progressive dems. They view it as a popularity contest. They view it as getting their way and forcing their depraved ideas on the rest of the country, willing or not, by any means necessary.

They don’t care about policies, consequences, morality or ethics. Just forcing their beliefs onto others. Their entire playbook and ethos could be supplanted in the Marxist manual and you would not be able to differentiate.

Emotions, popularity, control, tyranny, theft.
Never logic, equality, liberty, industry or frugality.
Answers in the border and the overrun of illegals flowing in the country. Explain it.
I have no idea what you're talking about here. We may have to ask you to step down and replace you as a poster on the chat.
It illustrated the problem with the progressive dems. They view it as a popularity contest. They view it as getting their way and forcing their depraved ideas on the rest of the country, willing or not, by any means necessary.

They don’t care about policies, consequences, morality or ethics. Just forcing their beliefs onto others. Their entire playbook and ethos could be supplanted in the Marxist manual and you would not be able to differentiate.

Emotions, popularity, control, tyranny, theft.
Never logic, equality, liberty, industry or frugality.
This had nothing to do with policy. It was to do with outcomes of the election based on what would happen. You guys are angry people and you turn everything into some kind of weird pissing contest.

But regarding your statement here, have you ever heard of The Heritage Foundation, Project 25 and Kevin Roberts.

The HF is a conservative think tank. Project 25 is their 900 page document that they hope will give more power to the US president. Put him in full control to use the DOJ to do his own bidding. It'll restructure the way our government works.

Here's what he said about it.

"We're in the process of a second American Revolution and it will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

We're headed for a dictatorship at some point.

Good news is she said she isn’t interested. Biden just got caught drooling watching the fireworks. But he did make it clear he isn’t going anywhere. Going to be Biden vs trump unless they find a way to kill Biden off prior to the convention.
I never felt like she would run. By the way, those polls showing that 80 percent do not trust Biden to be able to govern the US also asked about Trump's ability. The answer: 50% said he also doesn't have that ability. Weakness.
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I never felt like she would run. By the way, those polls showing that 80 percent do not trust Biden to be able to govern the US also asked about Trump's ability. The answer: 50% said he also doesn't have that ability. Weakness.
Honestly kckd. He is what we need right now. We need a bunch of difficult decisions made. We need someone who isn’t afraid to be a villian and doesn’t do things according to the polling among their constituents. Do you really want Whitmer or Kamala dealing with Putin or the Middle East. You may have tds, but I do hope you can see how much this country is in trouble. The immigrant issue isn’t going to be fixed by anyone other than him. You can put your head in the sand if you want my friend, but we need someone not afraid to be the bad guy right now. All the democracy worry worked at the midterms. Should have been a landslide but Trump backed candidates didn’t do well. California and New York are never going to vote for a pub. But the percentages there have changed pretty drastically these last two years. There is a reason for it. Not trying to be funny or quick witted here, just being honest. Whomever wins has a shitload of issues to fix. And fix them now. For the left it means admitting they were wrong. I don’t see that happening. Democracy or not, you may want to pay attention to the world trying to tear itself apart. Along with the people in this country. Biden’s last addresss sounded like someone trying to incite a nation. Not unite it.
Honestly kckd. He is what we need right now. We need a bunch of difficult decisions made. We need someone who isn’t afraid to be a villian and doesn’t do things according to the polling among their constituents. Do you really want Whitmer or Kamala dealing with Putin or the Middle East. You may have tds, but I do hope you can see how much this country is in trouble. The immigrant issue isn’t going to be fixed by anyone other than him. You can put your head in the sand if you want my friend, but we need someone not afraid to be the bad guy right now. All the democracy worry worked at the midterms. Should have been a landslide but Trump backed candidates didn’t do well. California and New York are never going to vote for a pub. But the percentages there have changed pretty drastically these last two years. There is a reason for it. Not trying to be funny or quick witted here, just being honest. Whomever wins has a shitload of issues to fix. And fix them now. For the left it means admitting they were wrong. I don’t see that happening. Democracy or not, you may want to pay attention to the world trying to tear itself apart. Along with the people in this country. Biden’s last addresss sounded like someone trying to incite a nation. Not unite it.
I am in Hanoi Vietnam right now. Our cab driver tonight was making fun of Biden. Unprovoked!! I sure don’t bring up politics in other countries, unlike dim politicians that can’t wait to get overseas and attack America and its citizens, many times apologizing for our evil deeds. Dims make me puke. 🤮
Honestly kckd. He is what we need right now. We need a bunch of difficult decisions made. We need someone who isn’t afraid to be a villian and doesn’t do things according to the polling among their constituents. Do you really want Whitmer or Kamala dealing with Putin or the Middle East. You may have tds, but I do hope you can see how much this country is in trouble. The immigrant issue isn’t going to be fixed by anyone other than him. You can put your head in the sand if you want my friend, but we need someone not afraid to be the bad guy right now. All the democracy worry worked at the midterms. Should have been a landslide but Trump backed candidates didn’t do well. California and New York are never going to vote for a pub. But the percentages there have changed pretty drastically these last two years. There is a reason for it. Not trying to be funny or quick witted here, just being honest. Whomever wins has a shitload of issues to fix. And fix them now. For the left it means admitting they were wrong. I don’t see that happening. Democracy or not, you may want to pay attention to the world trying to tear itself apart. Along with the people in this country. Biden’s last addresss sounded like someone trying to incite a nation. Not unite it.
Yes. This is different. This time "it's really life or death, the end of the line". I really had never heard this before or thought of it this way. Thank you.

I am in Hanoi Vietnam right now. Our cab driver tonight was making fun of Biden. Unprovoked!! I sure don’t bring up politics in other countries, unlike dim politicians that can’t wait to get overseas and attack America and its citizens, many times apologizing for our evil deeds. Dims make me puke. 🤮
meh. Eat some noodles.