Banksters want Hitlery

Jett Rink

National Champion
Sep 7, 2012
The bankers will be backing Clinton with unlimited money. If Trump becomes the nominee, you will see a major effort to put Hillary in the White House. If the bankers do not own the White House, they will be at serious risk between 2017-2020. Right now, they have been hit with big fines for clipping people in just about every market from metals to currencies. There is no possible way Hillary will release the transcripts of those speeches because they would reveal how much she is in their corner. Hillary’s response is simply that she does not believe the people are interested in those transcripts. Like her illegal server, she is the most secretive person in Washington circles in many many years.
The bankers will be backing Clinton with unlimited money. If Trump becomes the nominee, you will see a major effort to put Hillary in the White House. If the bankers do not own the White House, they will be at serious risk between 2017-2020. Right now, they have been hit with big fines for clipping people in just about every market from metals to currencies. There is no possible way Hillary will release the transcripts of those speeches because they would reveal how much she is in their corner. Hillary’s response is simply that she does not believe the people are interested in those transcripts. Like her illegal server, she is the most secretive person in Washington circles in many many years.

She is pathologically paranoid.

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