Biden obviously should quit his campaign.


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
. How dumb is Biden to brag about extorting another country on camera? Dems leahy, Menendez, and Durbin should also resign since they have been exposed trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump by withholding aid. Their letter in links below: Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No mention of any of this in the corrupt MSM?

No corresponding smoking gun evidence against Trump.. So all in all a good day for the Pres and catastrophic for the evil Dems.
. How dumb is Biden to brag about extorting another country on camera? Dems leahy, Menendez, and Durbin should also resign since they have been exposed trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump by withholding aid. Their letter in links below: Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No mention of any of this in the corrupt MSM?

No corresponding smoking gun evidence against Trump.. So all in all a good day for the Pres and catastrophic for the evil Dems.

Dems will always have the complicit media covering for them though.
. How dumb is Biden to brag about extorting another country on camera? Dems leahy, Menendez, and Durbin should also resign since they have been exposed trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump by withholding aid. Their letter in links below: Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No mention of any of this in the corrupt MSM?

No corresponding smoking gun evidence against Trump.. So all in all a good day for the Pres and catastrophic for the evil Dems.
You do realize it wasn't Biden but the U.S. government that wanted the prosecutor removed because of his lack of combating corruption. Other western countries including the International Monetary Fund warned the Ukraine that he need to go. Biden is the one that just made sure it happened.
You do realize it wasn't Biden but the U.S. government that wanted the prosecutor removed because of his lack of combating corruption. Other western countries including the International Monetary Fund warned the Ukraine that he need to go. Biden is the one that just made sure it happened.
That is debatable, but let's cede that point for the moment. Please explain away why Hunter rides with his dad on Air Force 2 on multiple occasions and get's billions of dollars from China govt businesses and Ukraine oligarchs funneled through multiple countries? If these were legit business deals I wonder why they laundered the money? What did these people get for their "investment" in Hunter Biden? What work was done by Hunter to justify him getting paid $50k/month? What would be the response if anything close to this was done by Don Trump Jr? Just curious how you can turn a blind eye to something that stinks to high heaven. I will hang up and listen.
That is debatable, but let's cede that point for the moment. Please explain away why Hunter rides with his dad on Air Force 2 on multiple occasions and get's billions of dollars from China govt businesses and Ukraine oligarchs funneled through multiple countries? If these were legit business deals I wonder why they laundered the money? What did these people get for their "investment" in Hunter Biden? What work was done by Hunter to justify him getting paid $50k/month? What would be the response if anything close to this was done by Don Trump Jr? Just curious how you can turn a blind eye to something that stinks to high heaven. I will hang up and listen.
They are more worried about Trump getting 150.00 pr nite in his hotel rooms...SMDH
That is debatable, but let's cede that point for the moment. Please explain away why Hunter rides with his dad on Air Force 2 on multiple occasions and get's billions of dollars from China govt businesses and Ukraine oligarchs funneled through multiple countries? If these were legit business deals I wonder why they laundered the money? What did these people get for their "investment" in Hunter Biden? What work was done by Hunter to justify him getting paid $50k/month? What would be the response if anything close to this was done by Don Trump Jr? Just curious how you can turn a blind eye to something that stinks to high heaven. I will hang up and listen.
Well first off it's not debatable but fact. This wasn't Biden going Rogue but a move pushed by other world leaders, organizations and western European countries

There HB going to China aboard AF2 does raise questions of conflict of interest. Did the Chinese do business with HB because of his dad? Possibily but is that illegal? Very interesting that 45 makes the claim of nefarioius intent when Ivanka did the exact same thing with the Chinese.

Third not sure how much he makes is illegal. I loath special treatment being shown to the Bidens and Trumps but it's not illegal.
You do realize it wasn't Biden but the U.S. government that wanted the prosecutor removed because of his lack of combating corruption. Other western countries including the International Monetary Fund warned the Ukraine that he need to go. Biden is the one that just made sure it happened.

Don't buy it. This prosecutor was investigating corruption at the time of his firing. Hunter Biden was named a paid board member of Burisma Holdings in April 2014. The company's founder was a political ally of Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine's Russia-friendly president, who was driven out in February 2014 by mass protests. So the prosecutor was doing his job and in essence, Biden was supporting Russia indirectly.
This sounds like talking points trying to save Biden. Why have not Obama and other governments spoken up? Is it just a coincidence that only a Biden relative was making millions at a Ukraine energy company and only a coincidence that his son made millions at both China and Ukraine.? Joe Biden was the point man in the Obama admin for both China and Ukraine. Coincidence I think not.
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. How dumb is Biden to brag about extorting another country on camera? Dems leahy, Menendez, and Durbin should also resign since they have been exposed trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump by withholding aid. Their letter in links below: Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No mention of any of this in the corrupt MSM?

No corresponding smoking gun evidence against Trump.. So all in all a good day for the Pres and catastrophic for the evil Dems.
You mean this letter that literally has none of what you said above? The letter was about a NYT report Ukraine stopped assisting with the Mueller probe because it was too politically sensitive... of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
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It's been bought up numerous times........This is repeated constantly except by the administration and nearly every show on Foxnews expect for Sheppard Smith and by Chris Wallace.

Politifact is to me as Breitbart is to u as a source.
Durham , the special prosecutor investigating spygate has Ukraine corruption in his crosshairs.That is probably why no one including Obama have come out in support of Biden. So the details will be flushed out. I trust what he determines.
As for Shep, he is personally a nice guy but totally biased against Trump.
Politifact is to me as Breitbart is to u as a source.
Durham , the special prosecutor investigating spygate has Ukraine corruption in his crosshairs.That is probably why no one including Obama have come out in support of Biden. So the details will be flushed out. I trust what he determines.
As for Shep, he is personally a nice guy but totally biased against Trump.
Oh, you mean when Trump says “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.” Yeah, that’s a crime.
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You mean this letter that literally has none of what you said above? The letter was about a NYT report Ukraine stopped assisting with the Mueller probe because it was too politically sensitive... Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf

The letter in question says unnamed sources by the NYT(typical) say the prosecutor in Ukraine is not cooperating with the with Mueller investigation. They basically accuse Trump of impeding an investigation and are basically trying to dig up dirt on Trump. I think we know now based on the Mueller report that this was all a bunch of BS at least as for as Trump interference in Ukraine. This is not the first time they have tried to get dirt from Ukraine. The previous ambassador to Ukraine was a dem activist.
The letter above does mention this could seriously jeopardize military aid to Ukraine in the future.

As for Biden, he stupidly admitted what he did He is guilty period.
Well first off it's not debatable but fact. This wasn't Biden going Rogue but a move pushed by other world leaders, organizations and western European countries

There HB going to China aboard AF2 does raise questions of conflict of interest. Did the Chinese do business with HB because of his dad? Possibily but is that illegal? Very interesting that 45 makes the claim of nefarioius intent when Ivanka did the exact same thing with the Chinese.

Third not sure how much he makes is illegal. I loath special treatment being shown to the Bidens and Trumps but it's not illegal.
I was trying to be generous by saying debatable. The facts that are coming out are showing this was all to cover up for HB. 5 Ukrainian officials have signed affidavits attesting to the fact that the only reason they fired the prosecutor is because he was investigating why Barisma was paying HB and trying to see what work if any he had done for them(which was none of course). HB lawyers showed up at the prosecutors office the day after the guy was fired and another guy was installed on the office.

Ivanka got some trademarks approved in China for her fashion company and all of this was all public knowledge. The Chinese may have thought this would help them but obviously that didn't happen. HB got paid millions for doing NOTHING and the money was laundered through various other countries including Cypress which is where all of the crooks funnel their money. Why would they need to do this? Makes no sense unless they are trying to hide something.
You do realize it wasn't Biden but the U.S. government that wanted the prosecutor removed because of his lack of combating corruption. Other western countries including the International Monetary Fund warned the Ukraine that he need to go. Biden is the one that just made sure it happened.
There’s just one problem with those "deep state talking points".

From The Hill:
"Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative."
. How dumb is Biden to brag about extorting another country on camera? Dems leahy, Menendez, and Durbin should also resign since they have been exposed trying to pressure Ukraine to dig up dirt on Trump by withholding aid. Their letter in links below: Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
No mention of any of this in the corrupt MSM?

No corresponding smoking gun evidence against Trump.. So all in all a good day for the Pres and catastrophic for the evil Dems.
UMMM WHAT? I’m sorry I just have to know when did one man become greater than the entire country? I’m truly asking at what point is enough evidence of corruption simply enough. This is not about GOP, DEMS, right left it’s simply one corrupt man. Trump is using the US Govt for his own personal gains. My goodness how much proof is needed by the trump base to say...yea that’s F’d up!?’ If this isn’t it then the trump base is truly OK with criminal wrongdoing and fleecing of our democracy...SMDH that anyone can still find this man credible.
Still waiting on that document dump........ Lol
They will be hard to read with your head buried in the sand. Wake up! I did after voting Dims for most of 50 years. But they no longer represent middle class Americans.

It's no longer red-blue, liberal-conservative, Dims-Repugs, socialists-capitalists.

It has become Globalist or Nationalist. I choose my country as a Nationalist. Who do you pick?
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UMMM WHAT? I’m sorry I just have to know when did one man become greater than the entire country? I’m truly asking at what point is enough evidence of corruption simply enough. This is not about GOP, DEMS, right left it’s simply one corrupt man. Trump is using the US Govt for his own personal gains. My goodness how much proof is needed by the trump base to say...yea that’s F’d up!?’ If this isn’t it then the trump base is truly OK with criminal wrongdoing and fleecing of our democracy...SMDH that anyone can still find this man credible.
Why is what Trump does corrupt, when it has become business as usual for the Dims?
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They will be hard to read with your head buried in the sand. Wake up! I did after voting Dims for most of 50 years. But they no longer represent middle class Americans.

It's no longer red-blue, liberal-conservative, Dims-Repugs, socialists-capitalists.

It has become Globalist or Nationalist. I choose my country as a Nationalist. Who do you pick?
I choose to serve my country as a patriot and not a nationalist. The 20th Century has shown which side is right on that topic
UMMM WHAT? I’m sorry I just have to know when did one man become greater than the entire country? I’m truly asking at what point is enough evidence of corruption simply enough. This is not about GOP, DEMS, right left it’s simply one corrupt man. Trump is using the US Govt for his own personal gains. My goodness how much proof is needed by the trump base to say...yea that’s F’d up!?’ If this isn’t it then the trump base is truly OK with criminal wrongdoing and fleecing of our democracy...SMDH that anyone can still find this man credible.

Instead of condemnation and accusations, why don't u first bring evidence that DT is so corrupt?
Why is what Trump does corrupt, when it has become business as usual for the Dims?
I’m so tired of it being someone else’s fault other this mans. we are all taught as children right from wrong. This is a simple case...what the POTUS did was illegal. Period... it’s nit about any one party it’s simply about this man and his action. Its not Hillary, Obama, Busch, Clinton Busch, Reagan, Carter or any other person. Just trump and just his illegal actions that broke the law.
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I’m so tired of it being someone else’s fault other this mans. we are all taught as children right from wrong. This is a simple case...what the POTUS did was illegal. Period... it’s nit about any one party it’s simply about this man and his action. Its not Hillary, Obama, Busch, Clinton Busch, Reagan, Carter or any other person. Just trump and just his illegal actions that broke the law.
Trump has not broken any laws. The media would have you believe that though.
I’m so tired of it being someone else’s fault other this mans. we are all taught as children right from wrong. This is a simple case...what the POTUS did was illegal. Period... it’s nit about any one party it’s simply about this man and his action. Its not Hillary, Obama, Busch, Clinton Busch, Reagan, Carter or any other person. Just trump and just his illegal actions that broke the law.

Big Red,

Still u bring no facts only accusations. U and Dawgfood should meet and share fantasies about how Trump is the devil
You do realize it wasn't Biden but the U.S. government that wanted the prosecutor removed because of his lack of combating corruption. Other western countries including the International Monetary Fund warned the Ukraine that he need to go. Biden is the one that just made sure it happened.

Just an FYI, but the IMF is NOT a country!
I’m so tired of it being someone else’s fault other this mans. we are all taught as children right from wrong. This is a simple case...what the POTUS did was illegal. Period... it’s nit about any one party it’s simply about this man and his action. Its not Hillary, Obama, Busch, Clinton Busch, Reagan, Carter or any other person. Just trump and just his illegal actions that broke the law.
I am so tired of dims accepting no "rule of law" in this country? Why should shady "maybe illegal" acts only apply to Trump, according to all you dims? You lost in 2016. Get over it. You get another chance in 14 months. Try again.
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Big Red,

Still u bring no facts only accusations. U and Dawgfood should meet and share fantasies about how Trump is the devil
Hey brother the facts are literally posted daily. for me to have to bring them is denial on your part that they exist. I’ll say this. We are all Americans, we all love our country and we should all remember that Democrats, Republicans and every other political ideology have died for our country, are veterans and currently serve to protect our freedoms. Trump, by his own admission broke the law. There’s a transcript, a Whistleblower and his personal attorney all verifying the account of his phone call. If you believe Trump has done no wrong, then that’s your belief and I’m good with it.i think he will be impeached and IMO rightfully so. Let’s allow the process to unfold and see where the evidence takes us.
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Hey brother the facts are literally posted daily. for me to have to bring them is denial on your part that they exist. I’ll say this. We are all Americans, we all love our country and we should all remember that Democrats, Republicans and every other political ideology have died for our country, are veterans and currently serve to protect our freedoms. Trump, by his own admission broke the law. There’s a transcript, a Whistleblower and his personal attorney all verifying the account of his phone call. If you believe Trump has done no wrong, then that’s your belief and I’m good with it.i think he will be impeached and IMO rightfully so. Let’s allow the process to unfold and see where the evidence takes us.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But the facts of the MSM are one sided and don't mention Biden's corrupt activity in Ukraine and also China. They also don't mention the inconvenient truth that 3 US senators wrote a letter asking Ukraine to dig up more dirt on DT. They also don't mention the DNC was working with Ukraine officials to dig up dirt on DT in 2016/17..

Also there is a treaty between Ukraine and USA that was signed in 1999 for the 2 countries to cooperate on corruption matters. International cooperation on criminal matters is a COMMON provision in treaties. But, you don't have to be an idiot to know that a president can ask a foreign government to investigate a US citizen for an alleged crime. Enforcing US law is enough of a reason to do so. And if it makes a current US president look good for enforcing law, then so be it - we have chosen as a society to have criminal laws and accountability for basic conduct.

However, we will never agree so lets change the subject and root for the dawgs which we can both agree on.

  • OP401Leader
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But the facts of the MSM are one sided and don't mention Biden's corrupt activity in Ukraine and also China. They also don't mention the inconvenient truth that 3 US senators wrote a letter asking Ukraine to dig up more dirt on DT. They also don't mention the DNC was working with Ukraine officials to dig up dirt on DT in 2016/17..

Also there is a treaty between Ukraine and USA that was signed in 1999 for the 2 countries to cooperate on corruption matters. International cooperation on criminal matters is a COMMON provision in treaties. But, you don't have to be an idiot to know that a president can ask a foreign government to investigate a US citizen for an alleged crime. Enforcing US law is enough of a reason to do so. And if it makes a current US president look good for enforcing law, then so be it - we have chosen as a society to have criminal laws and accountability for basic conduct.

However, we will never agree so lets change the subject and root for the dawgs which we can both agree on.

  • OP401Leader
GO DAWGS!! so we are clear no hard feelings my brother!
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UMMM WHAT? I’m sorry I just have to know when did one man become greater than the entire country? I’m truly asking at what point is enough evidence of corruption simply enough. This is not about GOP, DEMS, right left it’s simply one corrupt man. Trump is using the US Govt for his own personal gains. My goodness how much proof is needed by the trump base to say...yea that’s F’d up!?’ If this isn’t it then the trump base is truly OK with criminal wrongdoing and fleecing of our democracy...SMDH that anyone can still find this man credible.

OH MY, the HUGE MANATEE!!! So the Clinton's and their foundation did nothing, did not receive millions from overseas? Tell me, how much has Trump received? YOU dimwits are the biggest hypocrites in the history or the world. The most self righteous, anti-American, socialist, lovers of lies that ever lived.
Matthew 7:1-2?
That would be the case if I was judging. We know for a fact the politicians are in this game for the power and the money they get out of it.
They are constantly going against God's word, and even mock him and Christians weekly if not daily.
I was not passing judgement , just the facts.
I will also be judged by God when my time comes, and that is all on me to worry about.
Try this verse in context, I think of this daily.
Ephesians 6:12
Have you ever heard hillary udder a positive word about Christ or God?
I have not , but I have heard Trump give credit to God on may occasions.
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No I didn’t, but obviously you missed that I only made reference to your error in identifying the IMF as a country.
What in the hell did Identify the IMF as a country? Please Sir enlighten me.

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