Biden obviously should quit his campaign.

That would be the case if I was judging.

I was not passing judgement , just the facts.

Ok so I am going to make a distinction here, not because I am being particular but because it's the heart of the matter. There is a difference between passing moral judgment (i.e. saying something is right or wrong) and passing final judgment (i.e. being able to decipher someone's eternal destination). The Koine word that Jesus uses there to mean judgment can have flavors of both but the weight of passing final judgment is a thing that humans can never do, and people who love Jesus and celebrate Grace should never take part in it. It's one thing to say if someone's actions are right or wrong (I would say that's something we should be doing), but it's another to given them an eternal destination based on that.

I'm not saying you can't look at someone's life and determine the moral weight of of someone's actions (i.e. "you will know them by their fruits") but to extrapolate that out to a final judgment is presuming to know the mind of God and to be able to calculate the infinity of Grace. Again, I'm not saying you can't try, Jesus is. And this is for people you haven't even been in the same room with.

Have you ever heard hillary udder a positive word about Christ or God?
I have not , but I have heard Trump give credit to God on may occasions.

Does it not offend you that Trump claims that the Bible is his favorite book but isn't able to qualitatively describe one verse from it? Why is he held up as a paragon of morality while he has 5 kids with 3 women from overlapping relationships and a string of shady business deals as long as he has been a public figure? Doesn't this sound like the Pharisees who leveraged religious and moral prestige for political favor?

I will absolutely acknowledge this is a moral judgment based on Trump's actions. But it wouldn't be my place to speak beyond that.
Ok so I am going to make a distinction here, not because I am being particular but because it's the heart of the matter. There is a difference between passing moral judgment (i.e. saying something is right or wrong) and passing final judgment (i.e. being able to decipher someone's eternal destination). The Koine word that Jesus uses there to mean judgment can have flavors of both but the weight of passing final judgment is a thing that humans can never do, and people who love Jesus and celebrate Grace should never take part in it. It's one thing to say if someone's actions are right or wrong (I would say that's something we should be doing), but it's another to given them an eternal destination based on that.

I'm not saying you can't look at someone's life and determine the moral weight of of someone's actions (i.e. "you will know them by their fruits") but to extrapolate that out to a final judgment is presuming to know the mind of God and to be able to calculate the infinity of Grace. Again, I'm not saying you can't try, Jesus is. And this is for people you haven't even been in the same room with.

Does it not offend you that Trump claims that the Bible is his favorite book but isn't able to qualitatively describe one verse from it? Why is he held up as a paragon of morality while he has 5 kids with 3 women from overlapping relationships and a string of shady business deals as long as he has been a public figure? Doesn't this sound like the Pharisees who leveraged religious and moral prestige for political favor?

I will absolutely acknowledge this is a moral judgment based on Trump's actions. But it wouldn't be my place to speak beyond that.

The Bible teaches that we are not the final judge and should not attempt to pass judgment, but, it also teaches that we have to make judgements about people and there actions. Here are a few examples that show that we are to "reprove and rebuke" those that are in error:

Titus 2:15 15These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.

2 Timothy 4:2 2Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction.

1 Timothy 5:20 20But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning.

Titus 1:10-14 10For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. 11They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach-and that for the sake of dishonest gain. 12One of Crete's own prophets has said it: "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons." 13This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith 14and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth.

We won't be the ones passing final judgement, but we should warn, reprove and rebuke those that are in the wrong. IF not, the Bible is a lie. IT's not a lie.

As to Trump saying the Bible is his favorite book, that's laughable. However, YOUR side, the one you have taken by your words of HATE and DISGUST of our president is much more disgusting in their use of the Bible. MOST of them are nothing but ANTI-Christian but will try and use the Bible to promote the welfare state they so desperately want to lord over. They also push the gay agenda, which the Bible condemns, and the killing of innocents with the same PIOUS breath they use to say Jesus was a socialist etc etc. There is nothing more HYPOCTICAL than a dimwit claiming to have Christian values.
We won't be the ones passing final judgement, but we should warn, reprove and rebuke those that are in the wrong.
That was my explicit point in my first post. So we agree.

However, YOUR side, the one you have taken by your words of HATE and DISGUST of our president is much more disgusting in their use of the Bible.
Well my disgust is directed toward the incredible hypocrisy of Trump apologists who are still trying to defend him. And I would say I hate the more evil things that have been done by this administration.

OK, so "not supporting the president's deceitful, illegal, unconstitutional acts" = "ANTI-Christian, hypocritical dimwit" is the most insidious thing I've heard in a long time. That is literally what propaganda sounds like.

You are saying I chose that side because I disagree with the way the president acts. Cool.
That was my explicit point in my first post. So we agree.

Well my disgust is directed toward the incredible hypocrisy of Trump apologists who are still trying to defend him. And I would say I hate the more evil things that have been done by this administration.

OK, so "not supporting the president's deceitful, illegal, unconstitutional acts" = "ANTI-Christian, hypocritical dimwit" is the most insidious thing I've heard in a long time. That is literally what propaganda sounds like.

You are saying I chose that side because I disagree with the way the president acts. Cool.
For 2 people that love Jesus and read the Bible, our definitions of “evil” could not possibly be farther apart. If you want true evil, you need to look at Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, etc. all of which were borne of socialist background and beliefs. Now please tell me how you compare Trumps “evil” to to the fundamental principles of socialism spewed by the alternative vote. I hope you are good w that history because you might want to look at the proverbial lesser of 2 evils. And please don’t even use separating families at the border as your example because 1) that was being done long before Trump and 2) your other evil types would have just thrown in the gas chamber.
That was my explicit point in my first post. So we agree.

Well my disgust is directed toward the incredible hypocrisy of Trump apologists who are still trying to defend him. And I would say I hate the more evil things that have been done by this administration.

OK, so "not supporting the president's deceitful, illegal, unconstitutional acts" = "ANTI-Christian, hypocritical dimwit" is the most insidious thing I've heard in a long time. That is literally what propaganda sounds like.

You are saying I chose that side because I disagree with the way the president acts. Cool.

What illegal unconstitutional acts,,, you throw that out like a true dim that earns a living from propaganda reading on the msm networks at night. Good grief, the true criminals, the ones that have committed real crimes are the ones in the dim party. They just get cover from the media and the pubs have no backbone to go and fight, (OTHER THAN TRUMP) The pubs know they will be savaged by the media and all the mush brains of the world will believe their lie.
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Ok so I am going to make a distinction here, not because I am being particular but because it's the heart of the matter. There is a difference between passing moral judgment (i.e. saying something is right or wrong) and passing final judgment (i.e. being able to decipher someone's eternal destination). The Koine word that Jesus uses there to mean judgment can have flavors of both but the weight of passing final judgment is a thing that humans can never do, and people who love Jesus and celebrate Grace should never take part in it. It's one thing to say if someone's actions are right or wrong (I would say that's something we should be doing), but it's another to given them an eternal destination based on that.

I'm not saying you can't look at someone's life and determine the moral weight of of someone's actions (i.e. "you will know them by their fruits") but to extrapolate that out to a final judgment is presuming to know the mind of God and to be able to calculate the infinity of Grace. Again, I'm not saying you can't try, Jesus is. And this is for people you haven't even been in the same room with.

Does it not offend you that Trump claims that the Bible is his favorite book but isn't able to qualitatively describe one verse from it? Why is he held up as a paragon of morality while he has 5 kids with 3 women from overlapping relationships and a string of shady business deals as long as he has been a public figure? Doesn't this sound like the Pharisees who leveraged religious and moral prestige for political favor?

I will absolutely acknowledge this is a moral judgment based on Trump's actions. But it wouldn't be my place to speak beyond that.
Trump has shown he understands the premise of Christianity, he is pro-life, supports Israel, believes in moral lifestyle. The Dems are pushing same sex marriage, abortion ( even harvesting fetal body parts for profit),
Satanism, Islam, atheism, etc. the Dems are destroying Gods word and calling us hateful for standing up for Gods word. Trump has shown with his actions he is closer to following Gods word than any dem you could hand pick. The politicians are living by the law of the land , not Gods law, so it is not a judgement call, but a factual call on their destination if they continue down the road the are on. It’s very simple , no gray areas to confuse the mind.
Trump has shown he understands the premise of Christianity, he is pro-life, supports Israel, believes in moral lifestyle. The Dems are pushing same sex marriage, abortion ( even harvesting fetal body parts for profit),
Satanism, Islam, atheism, etc. the Dems are destroying Gods word and calling us hateful for standing up for Gods word. Trump has shown with his actions he is closer to following Gods word than any dem you could hand pick. The politicians are living by the law of the land , not Gods law, so it is not a judgement call, but a factual call on their destination if they continue down the road the are on. It’s very simple , no gray areas to confuse the mind.

Stephenrein has decided to look at the Bible through the lens of science vs looking at science through the lens of the Bible and has bought hook line and sinker every lie of the atheistic dimorat party. I do not believe for one minute anyone that promotes every anti Christian, anti Biblical principal of the world ie: dimorats, will be judged well in the end. Rom 1 also talks poorly of those that support and condone the wickedness of men.
Stephenrein has decided to look at the Bible through the lens of science vs looking at science through the lens of the Bible and has bought hook line and sinker every lie of the atheistic dimorat party. I do not believe for one minute anyone that promotes every anti Christian, anti Biblical principal of the world ie: dimorats, will be judged well in the end. Rom 1 also talks poorly of those that support and condone the wickedness of men.
When something is so opposite of the truth it's hard to really defend besides pointing out that it's just false.

Nothing that you said about me there is true.
OH MY, the HUGE MANATEE!!! So the Clinton's and their foundation did nothing, did not receive millions from overseas? Tell me, how much has Trump received? YOU dimwits are the biggest hypocrites in the history or the world. The most self righteous, anti-American, socialist, lovers of lies that ever lived.
Dude calmed down and please stop with the name calling. Last I checked Hillary is not the POTUS. Trump did this, his call, his voice, his posted transcript, his personal attorney his call to action with the Ukrainian President. He’s getting impeached for what he did and bringing up Hillary, Obama ,Busch, or anyone else can’t save him.

Trump has shown he understands the premise of Christianity, believes in moral lifestyle... Trump has shown with his actions he is closer to following Gods word than any dem you could hand pick.

You have got to be joking.

This isn't a one or the other thing. The answer can absolutely be no to both.
Dude calmed down and please stop with the name calling. Last I checked Hillary is not the POTUS. Trump did this, his call, his voice, his posted transcript, his personal attorney his call to action with the Ukrainian President. He’s getting impeached for what he did and bringing up Hillary, Obama ,Busch, or anyone else can’t save him.


Dude, I am calm. The breathless over the hill RUSSIA/ UKRAINE/ or whatever you dimwits throw out as the latest great crime of Trump is the over the top outlandish thing going on here. Ive seen the transcript and I have also seen what killary has done, and I have seen your king odufus bow to world leaders, especially middle eastern leaders. The only crimes committed have been by the dims. The hypocrisy of all you dims is beyond belief. You excuse REAL Crime and cry wolf over made up in the case of Russia and actual nothing in the case of Ukraine. BTW, Mr. see no evil in a dim and make it up for a president that stands up for Americans, what do you think about Bidens dealings with the Ukraine. Go ahead and impeach, it just shows that the only thing you dimwits and your worshipful masters in DC care about is getting Trump. He busted your party, and dims will destroy themselves to try and get him... LOL.. I don't care that your idiotic party is impeaching, he did nothing wrong, the deep state changed the rules to make it where they could even put it out there, and you mindless followers jump into a useless cesspool head first.
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When something is so opposite of the truth it's hard to really defend besides pointing out that it's just false.

Nothing that you said about me there is true.

You have said as much. IN a previous thread about the age of the earth you stated as much.
Dude, I am calm. The breathless over the hill RUSSIA/ UKRAINE/ or whatever you dimwits throw out as the latest great crime of Trump is the over the top outlandish thing going on here. Ive seen the transcript and I have also seen what killary has done, and I have seen your king odufus bow to world leaders, especially middle eastern leaders. The only crimes committed have been by the dims. The hypocrisy of all you dims is beyond belief. You excuse REAL Crime and cry wolf over made up in the case of Russia and actual nothing in the case of Ukraine. BTW, Mr. see no evil in a dim and make it up for a president that stands up for Americans, what do you think about Bidens dealings with the Ukraine. Go ahead and impeach, it just shows that the only thing you dimwits and your worshipful masters in DC care about is getting Trump. He busted your party, and dims will destroy themselves to try and get him... LOL.. I don't care that your idiotic party is impeaching, he did nothing wrong, the deep state changed the rules to make it where they could even put it out there, and you mindless followers jump into a useless cesspool head first.
Deep state, Conspiracy theories, baseless claims. We both love the DAWGS but brother you are not living in the real world. Good luck to you and I mean this.God Bless my brother!!

Take care and GO DAWGS!!
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You have said as much. IN a previous thread about the age of the earth you stated as much.

The "Biblical" age of the earth was posited in the 1600's by a guy who used the same counting system to predict that the end of the would would happen in 2004. He was an archbishop by the name James Ussex.

The young earth in an opinion that has already been proven false by it's own prediction. It's a man's opinion that people try to paste into the Bible. You can add it to the same pile of opinions that people tried to manipulate the Bible to prove, things like "why the earth is the center of the universe" or "why germs aren't real" or "how much wood does it take to make the sun" or "why do we need chattel ownership".

I would confess with the Apostle's Creed. Nothing about age of the earth in there.

Using the age of the earth as a litmus test for spirituality wouldn't stand up to Scripture or ecumenical scrutiny. When it's done to tout the party lines it's disgusting.

Using it to accuse me of the things you accuse me of is disingenuous.
The "Biblical" age of the earth was posited in the 1600's by a guy who used the same counting system to predict that the end of the would would happen in 2004. He was an archbishop by the name James Ussex.

The young earth in an opinion that has already been proven false by it's own prediction. It's a man's opinion that people try to paste into the Bible. You can add it to the same pile of opinions that people tried to manipulate the Bible to prove, things like "why the earth is the center of the universe" or "why germs aren't real" or "how much wood does it take to make the sun" or "why do we need chattel ownership".

I would confess with the Apostle's Creed. Nothing about age of the earth in there.

Using the age of the earth as a litmus test for spirituality wouldn't stand up to Scripture or ecumenical scrutiny. When it's done to tout the party lines it's disgusting.

Using it to accuse me of the things you accuse me of is disingenuous.

So since the guy that you believe came up with the young earth was wrong, about the end of the earth, that means the guys that have made all the wrong predictions about global warming are totally wrong and have false ideas as well, Right??? You just blew your own argument. You believe what you believe based on the science YOU take as gospel truth, and dismiss everyone else. Have at it. We neither will change our minds. I believe you trust in junk science pushed by atheist with a socialist agenda, loading computer models with junk data. IF that is what you want to believe in, who am I to stop you.

Further, I don't get my information from James of Ussex. The first link I gave you, the only one you should read, talks about the reasoning, plus, the fact that we can trace back in history the events of the Bible and get an estimated age are where I am coming from. That guy whose MIT doctorate you poo poo, is a Christian Scientist, with no political agenda.

I have never said there is book chapter and verse for the age of the earth. I do believe in the power of GOD to create the earth in 6 literal days, and everything was mature so that it could provide for all of Adam and Eve's needs. I do not believe that things just started from nothing without the power of GOD.

Your science would teach that it all started with a bang by accident and it took billions of years to get here. You go ahead and believe that, as for me, I will believe in the GOD of the Bible and his power to create all things.
Again, wrong on basically all counts of what you have assumed about me.

I do believe in the power of GOD to create the earth
Me also.

in 6 literal days,
Why 6 days

and everything was mature so that it could provide for all of Adam and Eve's needs.
So if the world was made with an apparent age it was made that way to serve the first people. So why are they so many other signs that point to an old universe that would have nothing to do with an Adam or Eve? Things like red shift or microwave background radiation or the edge of the visible universe or the uniformity of proton decay all point to a consensus old age of the universe (I chose those because they couldn't be affected by Noah's flood, a common appeal to people who are trying to muddle basic observations with the bias that the earth can only be 6,000 years old). Have you ever stopped to think that maybe fewer scientists would be atheists if the extra-biblical, contrary-to-fact burden of a young earth wasn't laid on so many young people to toe right-wing party lines?

I do not believe that things just started from nothing without the power of GOD.
Yeah me too

That guy whose MIT doctorate you poo poo
I've been entirely clear that I was talking about the methodology of his experiments and not his education so for you to bring that up again is just a lie.

a Christian Scientist, with no political agenda.

This might be the most incorrect thing I've seen you post. And I've seen you post some egregiously wrong stuff.
Again, wrong on basically all counts of what you have assumed about me.

Me also.

Why 6 days

So if the world was made with an apparent age it was made that way to serve the first people. So why are they so many other signs that point to an old universe that would have nothing to do with an Adam or Eve? Things like red shift or microwave background radiation or the edge of the visible universe or the uniformity of proton decay all point to a consensus old age of the universe (I chose those because they couldn't be affected by Noah's flood, a common appeal to people who are trying to muddle basic observations with the bias that the earth can only be 6,000 years old). Have you ever stopped to think that maybe fewer scientists would be atheists if the extra-biblical, contrary-to-fact burden of a young earth wasn't laid on so many young people to toe right-wing party lines?

Yeah me too

I've been entirely clear that I was talking about the methodology of his experiments and not his education so for you to bring that up again is just a lie.

This might be the most incorrect thing I've seen you post. And I've seen you post some egregiously wrong stuff.

6 days? Read Gen 1 for a glimpse into what happened. So, am I to gather by this question you don't believe GOD has the power to speak things into existence in 6 days.. He had to work and struggle for billions of years to get it all together?

LOL at his methodology being a problem for you. You accept the use of junk data into models ran by climate alarmist whose predictions have been WRONG over and over and you turn it into gospel truth in your mind. You have been brainwashed by your "education".. God created the whole of everything. He set everything in order. Just because there is stuff out there that is the same age as the earth or older than the earth, after all we don't know a whole lot about what GOD was doing prior to GEN. There may very well be things GOD created that are WAY WAY older than the earth. Not my issue. Not my problem. I really don't care how old you think the earth is. This whole discussion came about because of your belief that man is going to destroy the earth, which if you believed the Bible you would know to be false. GOD will destroy the earth, by fire this time not flood. Your statements make it clear to me that you place your faith in science and are willing to believe it over the Bible and GOD's power. That's your choice.

I know this, GOD has always been and will always be. Your science can not explain that. Your science can not disprove that.

I don't think the earth is 6000 more like 10,000 to 12,000.

Hmmmm so now you know the guy and know he is not a Christian Scientist with no political agenda,,, gee you are smart.

As far as my egregiously wrong stuff, the feeling is mutual. You are painfully and egregiously wrong on the topic of global warming, about who is guilty of what crimes. You take for gospel the teachings of the wrong folks. You listen to cnn et al and the dim politicians about supposed horrible trump, while they all ignore the more serious crimes of their own party. Lets get one thing straight. I have said this before but maybe not to you. I was not a trump supporter. I did not vote for him in the primary. He was way down my list. I voted for him in the general and will again, not because he is a perfect person, not because he is so presidential, but because he at least stands up for America, he has helped the poor a middle class more than any president since Reagan, and he is at this time prolife. For the life of me, I cannot wrap my mind around how so many of you want to bring up his morals. (which are terrible) but that is NEVER an issue for you if its a dim (slick willy, teddy, jfk, Johnson) its a made up issue, not that his morals are good just that you all apply morality just to him. I personally don't think many in DC have morals to begin with. Our situation is one where we must choose the lesser of evils to put in DC. At this point in history, It will NEVER be a pro gay lifestyle, pro kill babies, anti Christian dimorat.

You are no doubt a very good student, and by that I am saying I am sure you recite on test the very stuff that has been poured into your brain. You consider people like me to be foolish I'm sure. Does not bother me in the least that you do. After all,
1 Corinthians 1:19-21 19For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." 20Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.
1 Corinthians 3:19 19For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness";
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whole discussion came about because of your belief that man is going to destroy the earth, which if you believed the Bible you would know to be false.

This might actually be the rub.

So I dont believe that people can destroy the world. No one you should be listening to does. That's the exaggerated political point (made by both sides occasionally, some leftists says we will destroy the world, right says "left is so dumb thinking we can destroy the world") but what is the real danger is catastrophic damage caused by the unchecked greed and consumption of energy industries. I believe in Genesis 1, so humanity is the God-appointed moral steward of the world. That's one of the theological takeaways from it. Strange that you insist in reading a piece of creation-potery as literal but deny it's theological point (i.e. the whole point it's trying to make.) So by denying the theological importance of Man's care of the world established in Gen1 you are a Bible denier, I get it now it (just taking a single misaligned point and extrapolating it out to an absurd conclusion, I believe you're familiar with that. It doesn't feel good does it?)

Strange that you are insisting the creation-poetry of Gen 1 is literal but say nothing about the other creation poems throughout the OT, or about how there is no way you take the other creation/cosmology poetry as literal.

I assume that you would understand when Isaiah talks about the world having an edge, or the Psalms talking about the sky being a sheet, or the earth being a disc, you understand they are literary divides to communicate a theological point about God? Or when Gen 1 and 2 have different orders of creation they can't both be literally understood. They are all theologically minded poems written through inspiration to communicate the nature of God. Trying to read Genesis 1 literally is not the point.

And I'm not saying the Bible shouldn't be literally understood or that the original Jewish authors of the OT didn't understand history the way we do (quite the opposite actually, the linear understanding of history the OT authors present is foundational to modern humanity, being the first true chronological history from that area of the world, contrary to their cultural counterparts, hundreds of years before Heraclitus the supposed "father of history", we understand history because of the intervention of God in the OT.)

But we should read history as historical and poetry as poetic.
This might actually be the rub.

So I dont believe that people can destroy the world. No one you should be listening to does. That's the exaggerated political point (made by both sides occasionally, some leftists says we will destroy the world, right says "left is so dumb thinking we can destroy the world") but what is the real danger is catastrophic damage caused by the unchecked greed and consumption of energy industries. I believe in Genesis 1, so humanity is the God-appointed moral steward of the world. That's one of the theological takeaways from it. Strange that you insist in reading a piece of creation-potery as literal but deny it's theological point (i.e. the whole point it's trying to make.) So by denying the theological importance of Man's care of the world established in Gen1 you are a Bible denier, I get it now it (just taking a single misaligned point and extrapolating it out to an absurd conclusion, I believe you're familiar with that. It doesn't feel good does it?)

Strange that you are insisting the creation-poetry of Gen 1 is literal but say nothing about the other creation poems throughout the OT, or about how there is no way you take the other creation/cosmology poetry as literal.

I assume that you would understand when Isaiah talks about the world having an edge, or the Psalms talking about the sky being a sheet, or the earth being a disc, you understand they are literary divides to communicate a theological point about God? Or when Gen 1 and 2 have different orders of creation they can't both be literally understood. They are all theologically minded poems written through inspiration to communicate the nature of God. Trying to read Genesis 1 literally is not the point.

And I'm not saying the Bible shouldn't be literally understood or that the original Jewish authors of the OT didn't understand history the way we do (quite the opposite actually, the linear understanding of history the OT authors present is foundational to modern humanity, being the first true chronological history from that area of the world, contrary to their cultural counterparts, hundreds of years before Heraclitus the supposed "father of history", we understand history because of the intervention of God in the OT.)

But we should read history as historical and poetry as poetic.

Yes, I am well aware of the various forms of writings in the Bible. Apocalyptic, History, Poetry. Why in the world do you put Gen 1 in the poetry category? Because it doesn't match your science? Per you, a person would have to be a genius to understand the Bible. Not so, in fact, I believe it can be seen throughout the Bible that the rich and affluent, more highly educated where the ones that struggled most with the acceptance of Jesus and his teachings. (NOT ALL, MOST)..

Gen. is part of the Pentateuch! HISTORY, How sad and yet interesting that you would decide that Gen 1 is just poetry.. Yes I am well aware of mans duty with the earth. I know the story of GOD giving Adam/man control over it. Gen 1:26 And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living animal that moveth upon the earth. I have no idea what you are talking about, when you mention Gen 2. and yes I am very familiar with that as well.. It does not contradict the history of creation, it further expounds upon it. I am really really sad for you. Your Bible has flaws, and fairy tales. Mine fits like a glove does not contradict itself and can be understood by those that don't think science has proven it to be just some poetry,,, oh and by the way,,, I will give you a list of which books are which as far as writing styles go if you would like. You need it if your list says Gen is poetry.

I have never said to go dump radioactive waste in every stream and lake or billow black clouds of smoke out of every building on earth etc. I am an avid outdoorsman and hate liter bugs. However, that does not mean that I think we should turn ourselves back into cavemen. No cars, no industry, etc. Which is exactly what YOUR side wants.

The climate alarmist want to destroy America and our way of life, at least for us "little people".. The elite's will always have their car's, airplanes, riches etc. They just want control over everything. One proof of that is the CRAZY outlandish idea we are all going to drown, burn up, explode in the next 10 yrs,,, OH that was already supposed to have happened per the father of your movement owl gorde. This country has cut mega amounts of pollution yet the dims want us to go stone age, while the rest of the world continues doing whatever. It is about their hate for America and thirst for power. You, are just young, and have been taught to believe all this junk science. YOU still are not bothered by the fact that your side stacks the data???? making your beloved science JUNK.

2 Timothy 3:16 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
Yes, I am well aware of the various forms of writings in the Bible. Apocalyptic, History, Poetry. Why in the world do you put Gen 1 in the poetry category? Because it doesn't match your science? Per you, a person would have to be a genius to understand the Bible. Not so, in fact, I believe it can be seen throughout the Bible that the rich and affluent, more highly educated where the ones that struggled most with the acceptance of Jesus and his teachings. (NOT ALL, MOST)..

Gen. is part of the Pentateuch! HISTORY, How sad and yet interesting that you would decide that Gen 1 is just poetry.. Yes I am well aware of mans duty with the earth. I know the story of GOD giving Adam/man control over it. Gen 1:26 And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living animal that moveth upon the earth. I have no idea what you are talking about, when you mention Gen 2. and yes I am very familiar with that as well.. It does not contradict the history of creation, it further expounds upon it. I am really really sad for you. Your Bible has flaws, and fairy tales. Mine fits like a glove does not contradict itself and can be understood by those that don't think science has proven it to be just some poetry,,, oh and by the way,,, I will give you a list of which books are which as far as writing styles go if you would like. You need it if your list says Gen is poetry.

I have never said to go dump radioactive waste in every stream and lake or billow black clouds of smoke out of every building on earth etc. I am an avid outdoorsman and hate liter bugs. However, that does not mean that I think we should turn ourselves back into cavemen. No cars, no industry, etc. Which is exactly what YOUR side wants.

The climate alarmist want to destroy America and our way of life, at least for us "little people".. The elite's will always have their car's, airplanes, riches etc. They just want control over everything. One proof of that is the CRAZY outlandish idea we are all going to drown, burn up, explode in the next 10 yrs,,, OH that was already supposed to have happened per the father of your movement owl gorde. This country has cut mega amounts of pollution yet the dims want us to go stone age, while the rest of the world continues doing whatever. It is about their hate for America and thirst for power. You, are just young, and have been taught to believe all this junk science. YOU still are not bothered by the fact that your side stacks the data???? making your beloved science JUNK.

2 Timothy 3:16 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

I know a lady, she is a family friend, that is a HUGE Alabama fan. She will absolutely dominate anyone in a debate about college football, especially Alabama football. It doesn't matter that she doesn't know who Mark Ingram is, or Derek Henry or Julio Jones. If you were to ask her who was Tua's backup that came into the SEC championship game last year, her reply would be "who's Tua?".

None of that matters because she knows what she is talking about and she will tell you.

And if you disagree with her then you are just a homer for another team and you just listen to what the the national media pours into ignorant people's ears.

It doesn't matter that even the most surface level fan knows significantly more than her, it doesn't matter that sometimes the numbers literally disprove her point, she's right.

I've learned not to talk about college football with her.
I know a lady, she is a family friend, that is a HUGE Alabama fan. She will absolutely dominate anyone in a debate about college football, especially Alabama football. It doesn't matter that she doesn't know who Mark Ingram is, or Derek Henry or Julio Jones. If you were to ask her who was Tua's backup that came into the SEC championship game last year, her reply would be "who's Tua?".

None of that matters because she knows what she is talking about and she will tell you.

And if you disagree with her then you are just a homer for another team and you just listen to what the the national media pours into ignorant people's ears.

It doesn't matter that even the most surface level fan knows significantly more than her, it doesn't matter that sometimes the numbers literally disprove her point, she's right.

I've learned not to talk about college football with her.
You're friends with Phyllis from Mulga?
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You're friends with Phyllis from Mulga?
Basically. I haven't talked to her in years though, so I am speculating that she doesn't know who Tua is.

But she never knew the name of the QB when she wanted to show off how much more she knew about football than me.

She didn't know who Mark Ingram when he won the Heisman, but she was still confident she knew more than me. It was amazing.
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I know a lady, she is a family friend, that is a HUGE Alabama fan. She will absolutely dominate anyone in a debate about college football, especially Alabama football. It doesn't matter that she doesn't know who Mark Ingram is, or Derek Henry or Julio Jones. If you were to ask her who was Tua's backup that came into the SEC championship game last year, her reply would be "who's Tua?".

None of that matters because she knows what she is talking about and she will tell you.

And if you disagree with her then you are just a homer for another team and you just listen to what the the national media pours into ignorant people's ears.

It doesn't matter that even the most surface level fan knows significantly more than her, it doesn't matter that sometimes the numbers literally disprove her point, she's right.

I've learned not to talk about college football with her.

Ahhh,,, back to tell us how much smarter you are than me/us. You are an arrogant self centered know it all, and when you don't have a leg to stand on in a discussion you resort to just saying you are dumb and I am smart and I am not going to talk to you.. That's good and fine. You are a hopeless cause. You serve the science god, that one that is more powerful than the ONE TRUE GOD. You use scripture out of context and when called on it have nothing to say. I feel sorry for you. The creation story is not poetry. Go somewhere else to try and impress people. You only impress idiots that are dim voters. They are the most gullible peeps on earth.

Now rather than just telling me how smart you are. Just go away. I don't buy your spill...

BTW they are expecting record setting snow out west. Your global warming crap is being shown to be crap again.