Biden pardons Hunter…


Joe lied about this for months and months months

Just another notch in the corrupt belt that holds up the pants of the Biden family

Come get your boy Dems hahahaha

Nobody is above the law……except if it’s your son who you have been letting sell out your political position in the US government so you and your family can take in millions….then your above the law!
If anything, it's more ammunition for future Pub campaigns. They can directly point to the corruption of Democrats for cases such as this.

This is even worse than Comey relinquishing the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server because that was just one swamp creature scratching the other swamp creature's back. This is just straight up nepotism and going back on a promise that President Joe Biden made to the American people. This broken promise is worse than "Read my lips, no new taxes" because GHWBush was trying to compromise and work with the Dems (who turned around and betrayed him over that during the next election). This is plain-as-day help my son avoid criminal prosecution, a privilege none of us would enjoy.
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Not really a surprise, Democrats are notorious liars.
Everything they said Trump was, Biden actually is. Biden is a complete fraud.

Joe lied about this for months and months months

Just another notch in the corrupt belt that holds up the pants of the Biden family

Come get your boy Dems hahahaha

Nobody is above the law……except if it’s your son who you have been letting sell out your political position in the US government so you and your family can take in millions….then your above the law!
Just treat hunter how they did trump. Make up new laws, massage existing laws and weapons the AG positions throw us ass in prison.
The Biden crime family is trying to cover their tracks. There are other family members who still need to worry.
I wonder if he will try to pardon others before he is evicted.
You know pardoned felons just might be named ambassador to a major country. I'm sure Ben Franklin is turning over in his grave.
Hunter was prosecuted by his father’s own DOJ. Nothing political here. Evidence was overwhelming.
The interesting question of whether he will try to pardon other members of the Biden crime family. I wonder if he pardons himself. This could get interesting.
This pardon covers ANY crime committed over the last 10 years which shows he knows there are more. But, then again, Joe was involved in most of those, so it’s really more about covering his own ass.
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Biden should pardon his son and should’ve done it a long time ago. Anyone who has an issue with this needs come off their high horse.
For my attorney friends, can you point to a pardon as a case for precedence? If not precedence (may be the wrong term, but I’m not an attorney), but in some other way saying “how come I am held to this standard but political families are held to a different standard”?
Biden should pardon his son and should’ve done it a long time ago. Anyone who has an issue with this needs come off their high horse.
Not the point. I would pardon my son too. Hypocrisy and bullshit on steroids from him, his allies, and most of all, the the point here. Especially in the wake of all the bullshit cases brought against his political opponent.

Watch this.....this is the point.

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