Black Confederates...a History lesson ...

Evidence of the uprising?

I already educated you on that. The US Army and US Navy effectively controlled the coastal regions of the south early in the war, and African-Americans gravitated toward following the US military rather than exacting retribution on their former slaveowners. They wanted freedom, education, and opportunity. It is not a coincidence that one of the first African-American educational institutions, Hampton University, is less than two miles from Fort Monroe.
Do you actually think the Civil war was fought to free the slaves? Seriously? In reality it was the second American Revolution.

You have a very weak case, really no case at all.
Do You really think FDR and Churchill only had pure motives ?
That doesn't change the fact Germany was in the wrong, or that Our side was in the right.
The South could not have had a more ignoble cause, nobody other than a dwindling number of Southern Apologist and maybe ISIS think otherwise.
Do you actually think the Civil war was fought to free the slaves? Seriously? In reality it was the second American Revolution.

The US military freed the slaves, protected the freedpeoples' rights during Reconstruction when southerners refused to accept defeat, and returned again in the 1950s and 1960s to uphold Black people's civil rights when southerners refused to accept defeat.

I'm sure confederates thought they were carrying out a second American Revolution---but failed revolutionaries go down in history as traitors.
Nobody has mentioned an uprising but You. What would They have fought with, field tools ?
They did desert in huge numbers though, especially after the Emancipation Proclamation and as Northern Armies neared Their homes. Many joined The Northern Military after reaching freedom.

I drive by historic Fort Monroe, VA every day on my way to work. That is the so-called "Freedom Fort" where thousands of African-Americans besieged the occupying US Army in 1862 to allow them to escape slavery. The Virginia owners of the slaves demanded their return from the Army. The US base commander, General Ben Butler, wanted to emancipate the slaves but President Lincoln did not want to alienate Kentucky or Maryland into joining the confederacy. Butler hit on the idea of classifying the slaves as "contraband" and seizing them under the rules of war. Butler's idea inspired Congress to pass Confiscation Acts allowing the US Army to give Black people freedom.

The large numbers of "contraband" at Fort Monroe inspired Northern missionaries to go south to Virginia to provide relief and education to these newly freed people. The American Missionary Society created a private school just a short distance from Fort Monroe called Hampton Institute. It lives on today as Hampton University.

I might also add that the US government also consigned that arch-traitor Jefferson Davis to imprisonment in Fort Monroe for a brief period after the war.
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See this is where We differ.
Southerners fought extremely well, I'm not arguing might is right.
The NAZIs fought well, so do ISIS fighters. They are on the wrong side of Human decency though. That is what makes Their side wrong and Our side right, not Who fights best.

I have a bias against treason and traitors. I despise Benedict Arnold as much as I do the senior leadership of the confederacy, ESPECIALLY those confederates who attended the United States Military Academy, like Davis and Lee. They had no right to claim greater allegiance to their states. Davis, Lee, and all West Point-educated officers were Regular United States Army officers, not state militia. This is the oath they swore:

"I, _____, appointed a _____ in the Army of the United States, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever, and observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles for the government of the Armies of the United States."

Now do you see any wiggle room in that oath that would allow Lee to claim a greater allegiance to Virginia?
Nobody gives a fock what you like or dislike. And only a punk coward like yourself would attempt to insult millions of Southern people like you keep trying to do - conveniently from behind a keyboard. Would love to actually be face to face with a prick like you and discuss this subject.
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I have a bias against treason and traitors. I despise Benedict Arnold as much as I do the senior leadership of the confederacy, ESPECIALLY those confederates who attended the United States Military Academy, like Davis and Lee. They had no right to claim greater allegiance to their states. Davis, Lee, and all West Point-educated officers were Regular United States Army officers, not state militia. This is the oath they swore:

"I, _____, appointed a _____ in the Army of the United States, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever, and observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles for the government of the Armies of the United States."

Now do you see any wiggle room in that oath that would allow Lee to claim a greater allegiance to Virginia?

I see the right and wrong of it from a different, more universal right vs wrong.
The Confederacy was all about a desire to maintain and expand the institution of slavery, that is all the reason I need to condemn it.

It's not remotely the same as The Revolutionary War, or any other revolution that comes to mind. There was a dark sinister motive that led to Our Civil War. The South could not have fought for a worse, more despicable cause.
I see the right and wrong of it from a different, more universal right vs wrong.
The Confederacy was all about a desire to maintain and expand the institution of slavery, that is all the reason I need to condemn it.

It's not remotely the same as The Revolutionary War, or any other revolution that comes to mind. There was a dark sinister motive that led to Our Civil War. The South could not have fought for a worse, more despicable cause.

Um, the cause was the same. Rights of the Colonies to operate as free and independent STATES , And the Rights of the STATES to remain FREE and INDEPENDENT States. I don't have to remind you, Abe never freed all slaves. Only those in Southern HELD territory
Nobody gives a fock what you like or dislike. And only a punk coward like yourself would attempt to insult millions of Southern people like you keep trying to do - conveniently from behind a keyboard. Would love to actually be face to face with a prick like you and discuss this subject.
I'd pay his way to see you if I got a front row seat!! :D
Um, the cause was the same. Rights of the Colonies to operate as free and independent STATES , And the Rights of the STATES to remain FREE and INDEPENDENT States.

Ummmm..HELL NO, it wasn't remotely the same.
The South's freedom to enslave was no more a natural right than ISIS's muddled and evil causes.
I have a bias against treason and traitors. I despise Benedict Arnold as much as I do the senior leadership of the confederacy, ESPECIALLY those confederates who attended the United States Military Academy, like Davis and Lee. They had no right to claim greater allegiance to their states. Davis, Lee, and all West Point-educated officers were Regular United States Army officers, not state militia. This is the oath they swore:

"I, _____, appointed a _____ in the Army of the United States, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever, and observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles for the government of the Armies of the United States."

Now do you see any wiggle room in that oath that would allow Lee to claim a greater allegiance to Virginia?

You're really no very familiar with our history and Constitution are you?
Ummmm..HELL NO, it wasn't remotely the same.
The South's freedom to enslave was no more a natural right than ISIS's muddled and evil causes.

Um, you do know the North had slaves right? You do know Abe didn't free them right?
Um, you do know the North had slaves right? You do know Abe didn't free them right?

You're nitpicking, there were a few slaves in a few Northern states by 1860.
There was evil in America in 1941 as well. That doesn't sway the balance of right vs wrong though.The overriding cause of The Southern States was the maintenance and westward expansion of slavery.
That is the only reason it choose war when Lincoln was elected...PERIOD.
You're nitpicking, there were a few slaves in a few Northern states by 1860.
There was evil in America in 1941 as well. That doesn't sway the balance of right vs wrong though.The overriding cause of The Southern States was the maintenance and westward expansion of slavery.
That is the only reason it choose war when Lincoln was elected...PERIOD.

Oh you have a point. They weren't slaves. They were known as "workers" they worked 18 hr days in the factories and lived outside in the ally's.

The war was about economics. As most all wars are.
You're nitpicking, there were a few slaves in a few Northern states by 1860.
There was evil in America in 1941 as well. That doesn't sway the balance of right vs wrong though.The overriding cause of The Southern States was the maintenance and westward expansion of slavery.
That is the only reason it choose war when Lincoln was elected...PERIOD.

Besides being a fatty, you're an idiot and a liar, Dennis. There were tens of thousands of slaves still held in the northern and border states when the south finally quit fighting in 1865. Those slaves, and New Jersey's "apprentices for life", were not actually freed until the 13th Amendment went into effect in 1866. President Lincoln freed zero slaves by proclamation in his lifetime. The areas the Union Army controlled -even in the occupied south- were not allowed to be emancipated by him. And get this, most of the free blacks in the country, according to the 1860 census, chose to live in the south.

Check your sources before spouting your hatred for all things southern.
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Besides being a fatty, you're an idiot and a liar, Dennis. There were tens of thousands of slaves still held in the northern and border states when the south finally quit fighting in 1865. Those slaves, and New Jersey's "apprentices for life", were not actually freed until the 13th Amendment went into effect in 1866. President Lincoln freed zero slaves by proclamation in his lifetime. The areas the Union Army controlled -even in the occupied south- were not allowed to be emancipated by him. And get this, most of the free blacks in the country, according to the 1860 census, chose to live in the south.

Check your sources before spouting your hatred for all things southern.

Heulen's a fat ass? Well that explains the lazy.
Heulen's a fat ass? Well that explains the lazy.

Actually I turn 60 in June.
I had a checkup yesterday and the first thing Dr. Carter asked was ''what's Your secret ?''. He didn't mean He wants to know how He can get His other patients to fatten up. I'm a toned 5'9'' 188lb, My blood pressure is almost always right at 118/80, My pulse rate was 80 yesterday, which is just a tad over My usual 75, I had coffee without breakfast yesterday.

Enough about Me though. tell Me more about Your loser ass.
Nobody gives a fock what you like or dislike. And only a punk coward like yourself would attempt to insult millions of Southern people like you keep trying to do - conveniently from behind a keyboard. Would love to actually be face to face with a prick like you and discuss this subject.

I'm on duty at the Joint Forces Staff College at Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads. Come here and I'll give you the same treatment my brother officers gave you low-down traitorous scoundrels 150 years ago.
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I haven't seen an honest ''fact'' from You Neo-Confederates yet.
At best You spew the same revisionist nonsense I've heard my whole life.

Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. Why so "M"-aniacal today, IYHO?

Which ''fact'' that I threaded above would you like to attempt and refute?
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Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. Why so "M"-aniacal today, IYHO?

Which ''fact'' that I threaded above would you like to attempt and refute?

The only thing You've proven is You're an ignorant punk Kid, regardless of Your biological age.
I can see Helen now...shaking a fist at those darn punk kids who just walked on the lawn. LMAO!

Pretty sure the reason Heulen on "M"agggot wheels posts as both men & women is he's so danged corpulent, hasn't seen it's pecker in decades.

LMAO too!
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Uh, you are aware that many Cherokee men owned African-American slaves?
If African-Americans were confederate soldiers, then why did confederate army regulations restrict enlistment to "free white men"?
You made it appear that ONLY white men fought for the South. That's another of your fallacies. Again. You. Are. Wrong.
We had Jewish Generals, Captains Soldiers, Mexican Generals and Latino soldiers, Indians and free men of color from Louisiana. We were a much more motley bunch than the North. Sure you'd LOVE to sell it as a whites only country club of wealthy white planters like you Paint everything else. But Nope. Wrong.
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Yet as always, you make no attempt to dispute what he posted. Just attacks

He can't. "M", socialcircle, yardbird and dozens of his other screen names fought this losing battle against Top Row, Bad Leroy, Tee, me and all of the others posting on the daily WBTS150 info. His record was perfect. 0 wins in the debate.
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He can't. "M", socialcircle, yardbird and dozens of his other screen names fought this losing battle against Top Row, Bad Leroy, Tee, me and all of the others posting on the daily WBTS150 info. His record was perfect. 0 wins in the debate.

You're an odd ignoramus.
If You've ever posted anything to indicate You have a functioning intellect, I've never seen it.
You made it appear that ONLY white men fought for the South. That's another of your fallacies. Again. You. Are. Wrong.
We had Jewish Generals, Captains Soldiers, Mexican Generals and Latino soldiers, Indians and free men of color from Louisiana. We were a much more motley bunch than the North. Sure you'd LOVE to sell it as a whites only country club of wealthy white planters like you Paint everything else. But Nope. Wrong.

Yeah, the pre-war south was a regular melting pot of cultures and opportunities for all peoples.
Yeah, the pre-war south was a regular melting pot of cultures and opportunities for all peoples.

Actually, it was. Judah Benjamin, Rafael Semmes, Santos Benavides, Ambrosio Jose Gonzales, PGT Beauregard, and many, many more.

Go back to sleep, Dennis. You're a loser at this.
Actually, it was. Judah Benjamin, Rafael Semmes, Santos Benavides, Ambrosio Jose Gonzales, PGT Beauregard, and many, many more.

Go back to sleep, Dennis. You're a loser at this.

By ''this'' You must mean absolutely bottom level 7th grade punk humor, I never try it, so I would probably be bad at it. Not as bad as YOU, but bad.
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By ''this'' You must mean absolutely bottom level 7th grade punk humor, I never try it, so I would probably be bad at it. Not as bad as YOU, but bad.

Okay Dennis, Dennis, Dennis. One more chance. You have replied several times, but no answer. Yet.

Which ''fact'' below that I threaded would you like to attempt and refute?

"There were tens of thousands of slaves still held in the northern and border states when the south finally quit fighting in 1865. Those slaves, and New Jersey's "apprentices for life", were not actually freed until the 13th Amendment went into effect in 1866. President Lincoln freed zero slaves by proclamation in his lifetime. The areas the Union Army controlled -even in the occupied south- were not allowed to be emancipated by him. And get this, most of the free blacks in the country, according to the 1860 census, chose to live in the south."

Yeah, the pre-war south was a regular melting pot of cultures and opportunities for all peoples.

Once again, no answer. He offered you facts. You respond with some childish smart ass BS. Do you know one of the largest slave owners in the South was a Black dude