Black Confederates...a History lesson ...

Once again, no answer. He offered you facts. You respond with some childish smart ass BS. Do you know one of the largest slave owners in the South was a Black dude

Again, what ''facts'' ? I have seen zero from that poster. He just makes childish claims that I use multiple handles, I did answer that by the way, though I shouldn't have given it the dignity an answer suggest.
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Again, what ''facts'' ? I have seen zero from that poster. He just makes childish claims that I use multiple handles, I did answer that by the way, though I shouldn't have given it the dignity an answer suggest.

You know, Dennis, you are really, really terrible at this. Since with dozens to hundreds of these screen names you've used, all the practice time spent doing this, and the enormously gluttonous state of your life, have you considered an alternative? Just one simple, positive next step?

Go Kill Yourself.
Nobody gives a fock what you like or dislike. And only a punk coward like yourself would attempt to insult millions of Southern people like you keep trying to do - conveniently from behind a keyboard. Would love to actually be face to face with a prick like you and discuss this subject.
do I sense a BP meetup?
You know, Dennis, you are really, really terrible at this. Since with dozens to hundreds of these screen names you've used, all the practice time spent doing this, and the enormously gluttonous state of your life, have you considered an alternative? Just one simple, positive next step?

Go Kill Yourself.

Most people mature past Your stage somewhere between 6th and 8th grade.
Nobody is playing Your childish game but You.
Um...who said slavery was good, or defended slavery. This is about actual HISTORY, not emotional non factual fantasy drummed up by the left. The facts are MOST slaves worked side by side with their owners and felt a stake in what they did, they eat the same food, took care of eachother. Yes no doubt there were more abuses than could be discussed. But MOST slave holders kept their slaves on the plantation by providing for them.....sort of like modern day democRAT voters...but I digress. Beating or abusing a slave would be akin to a farmer tearing up his John Deere.

And you're numbers are simple BS. Didn't happen. If fact slaves were NOT FREE in Union states. Ole Abe only freed Slaves in the South.

Damn, that was the point of this post. To help educate ppl who have been educated in todays by leftist buffoons

NO, most slaveholders were not loved by their slaves. That's stupid white revisionist bull.

The idea that slaves were not happy being slaves isn't a liberal or conservative issue. Only idiots push the idea that slaves were happy with their lot and supportive of their staying slaves.

Quit it.
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By the way... this is why the GOP struggles getting any traction with black voters.

It's not about conservative fiscal policy. It's certainly not about conservative social policy... many blacks are very socially conservative. It's about idiots in their party trying to "educate" black people about how great the confederacy was, how the slaves all loved their owners and that it was actually the North who was hurting them.

Nobody who isn't a racist or an imbecile buys that. You lose any chance at landing black votes when you accept that as a viable thought among members of your party.

Quit trying to convince blacks that blacks were happy as slaves.
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NO, most slaveholders were not loved by their slaves. That's stupid white revisionist bull.

The idea that slaves were not happy being slaves isn't a liberal or conservative issue. Only idiots push the idea that slaves were happy with their lot and supportive of their staying slaves.

Quit it.

What kind of idiot responds to points not made?
What kind of idiot responds to points not made?

"Black civil rights activists, their white liberal supporters and historically ignorant Americans who attack the Confederate flag have committed a deep, despicable dishonor to our patriotic Southern black ancestors who marched, fought and died not to protect slavery but to protect their homeland from Northern aggression. "

This is the idiotic argument that is trying to tell black people that the confederacy was good for blacks. YOu are saying "SEE... BLACKS WERE SUPPORTING THE CONFEDERACY". You are trying to tell black people that the slaveholders were really appreciated by their slaves... because some even fought for the south. You are defending the institution of owning people.

You frankly are scum.
What kind of idiot responds to points not made?

Just to make sure all understand, Rolo, most of these screen names striking out at you and the other threads on these two factual posts are Dennis the "M"aggot's. He lives for this. You can always spot him here. Same attacks. Same leftist philosophy. Notice he wants to thread what "You are trying to tell black people" and that he will usually end with a personal slight like the "You frankly are scum." If you reply in kind, he will cry to the Mods for a suspension ban.

It is hard to imagine how the dude has a personal life and based on reports of his 450 lb plus frame, probably doesn't. His daughter has been reported by some of the old Chatters who left last year with Tee and Todd as a meth hoho, lot lizard that he has had to bail out numerous times.

It is sad, really.
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Just to make sure all understand, Rolo, most of these screen names striking out at you and the other threads on these two factual posts are Dennis the "M"aggot's. He lives for this. You can always spot him here. Same attacks. Same leftist philosophy. Notice he wants to thread what "You are trying to tell black people" and that he will usually end with a personal slight like the "You frankly are scum." If you reply in kind, he will cry to the Mods for a suspension ban.

It is hard to imagine how the dude has a personal life and based on reports of his 450 lb plus frame, probably doesn't. His daughter has been reported by some of the old Chatters who left last year with Tee and Todd as a meth hoho, lot lizard that he has had to bail out numerous times.

It is sad, really.

Thankfully fewer and fewer are around Who give Your way of thinking the least bit of consideration.
You are a fading remnant of the losing side of history.
The fact You'll probably leave this Earth having learned nothing of value or grown in the least is Your Cross to bear.
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Just to make sure all understand, Rolo, most of these screen names striking out at you and the other threads on these two factual posts are Dennis the "M"aggot's. He lives for this. You can always spot him here. Same attacks. Same leftist philosophy. Notice he wants to thread what "You are trying to tell black people" and that he will usually end with a personal slight like the "You frankly are scum." If you reply in kind, he will cry to the Mods for a suspension ban.

It is hard to imagine how the dude has a personal life and based on reports of his 450 lb plus frame, probably doesn't. His daughter has been reported by some of the old Chatters who left last year with Tee and Todd as a meth hoho, lot lizard that he has had to bail out numerous times.

It is sad, really.

You and your backward kind are losing the argument so you're engaging in personal attacks in order to distract the rest of us from the truth, which is that the confederates were wrong, they were humiliated by the United States military, and their cause was disgraceful.
Um...who said slavery was good, or defended slavery. This is about actual HISTORY, not emotional non factual fantasy drummed up by the left. The facts are MOST slaves worked side by side with their owners and felt a stake in what they did, they eat the same food, took care of eachother. Yes no doubt there were more abuses than could be discussed. But MOST slave holders kept their slaves on the plantation by providing for them.....sort of like modern day democRAT voters...but I digress. Beating or abusing a slave would be akin to a farmer tearing up his John Deere.

And you're numbers are simple BS. Didn't happen. If fact slaves were NOT FREE in Union states. Ole Abe only freed Slaves in the South.

Damn, that was the point of this post. To help educate ppl who have been educated in todays by leftist buffoons
Hit the nail on the head didnt you. Modern day government keeping them right where they want the blacks and the whites who are using the system. How many kids do I need to buy my beer, cigs, dope and lottery tickets.
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Hit the nail on the head didnt you. Modern day government keeping them right where they want the blacks and the whites who are using the system. How many kids do I need to buy my beer, cigs, dope and lottery tickets.

Another "new" Maggot ID?
Just to make sure all understand, Rolo, most of these screen names striking out at you and the other threads on these two factual posts are Dennis the "M"aggot's. He lives for this. You can always spot him here. Same attacks. Same leftist philosophy. Notice he wants to thread what "You are trying to tell black people" and that he will usually end with a personal slight like the "You frankly are scum." If you reply in kind, he will cry to the Mods for a suspension ban.

It is hard to imagine how the dude has a personal life and based on reports of his 450 lb plus frame, probably doesn't. His daughter has been reported by some of the old Chatters who left last year with Tee and Todd as a meth hoho, lot lizard that he has had to bail out numerous times.

It is sad, really.

If you think so chief.

This isn't exactly a throw-away handle. I've got a 2001 join date and while the post count doesn't show on this board, I've got over 28,000 posts on the national "college football soundoff" board.

I've also got a black son and find rhetoric like Rolo's to be disgusting. I've never contacted the mods in that 15 year window about anything... so feel free to insult away. If you get banned it's not because I said anything.
If you think so chief.

This isn't exactly a throw-away handle. I've got a 2001 join date and while the post count doesn't show on this board, I've got over 28,000 posts on the national "college football soundoff" board.

I've also got a black son and find rhetoric like Rolo's to be disgusting. I've never contacted the mods in that 15 year window about anything... so feel free to insult away. If you get banned it's not because I said anything.

Tough shit. No one has said a single thing racist about blacks. If it upsets you to hear facts that your problem. You are the guy who follows the party of racism of low expectations. You buy into the message that ppl like your son aren't capable without the help of white pandering morons and black race baiters.

Thinking is your friend. You should try it sometime.
Tough shit. No one has said a single thing racist about blacks. If it upsets you to hear facts that your problem. You are the guy who follows the party of racism of low expectations. You buy into the message that ppl like your son aren't capable without the help of white pandering morons and black race baiters.

Thinking is your friend. You should try it sometime.

I don't follow a party at all.

I oppose racist bigots who try to defend the confederacy in any way. Right now... that means I oppose a lot of Republicans. 50 years ago it would have meant I'd be opposing a lot of democrats. I'm not against your party or for the democrat party. I'm against racist bigots like yourself.
I don't follow a party at all.

I oppose racist bigots who try to defend the confederacy in any way. Right now... that means I oppose a lot of Republicans. 50 years ago it would have meant I'd be opposing a lot of democrats. I'm not against your party or for the democrat party. I'm against racist bigots like yourself.

A racist bigot. Wow, you come up with that on your own. Definition of a Racist= Anyone winning an argument with a liberal.

See you are a typical liberal. You're afraid of anything that doesn't fit your world view. So when facts and history are get scared and insecure.

Fact. Blacks served in the Confederate army. Do you deny that?
Fact. There were no black riots or uprisings in the South...Do you deny that?
Fact. Lincoln did't free all slaves. Do you deny that?
Fact. The large majority in the South didn't own slaves?

History is a bitch for those who choose to ignore it.
A racist bigot. Wow, you come up with that on your own. Definition of a Racist= Anyone winning an argument with a liberal.

See you are a typical liberal. You're afraid of anything that doesn't fit your world view. So when facts and history are get scared and insecure.

Fact. Blacks served in the Confederate army. Do you deny that?
Fact. There were no black riots or uprisings in the South...Do you deny that?
Fact. Lincoln did't free all slaves. Do you deny that?
Fact. The large majority in the South didn't own slaves?

History is a bitch for those who choose to ignore it.

1 - No. But they were the minority.

2 - Yes, I do deny that. There were over 100 from the formation of the nation to the emancipation of the slaves. While they didn't rise up during the civil war, they did leave their masters and provide aid to the Union armies in large numbers... which was a much smarter way to oppose slaveholders than try to attack men with guns when they had none.

3 - Yes, I do deny that. He didn't free all slaves with emancipation proclamation. But he did by getting the 13th amendment through congress in 1865 before his death. It didn't take effect until after he was assassinated, but it was his doing.

4 - 1/3rd of Southern white families owned at least one slave. 2/3rds did not. I'll let you decide what constitutes a "large majority". Some states (Mississippi and South Carolina) had more than half of families owning a slave.

But I point you to Alexander Stephens to understand why the South seceded. He was the Vice President of the Confederacy. THis is from the "Cornerstone" Speech...where he talked about what the Confederacy was all about:

"The prevailing ideas entertained by him (Jefferson) and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away... Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races."

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."

THAT is what the Confederacy was about... the CORNERSTONE of the nation as stated by it's Vice President.
1 - No. But they were the minority.

2 - Yes, I do deny that. There were over 100 from the formation of the nation to the emancipation of the slaves. While they didn't rise up during the civil war, they did leave their masters and provide aid to the Union armies in large numbers... which was a much smarter way to oppose slaveholders than try to attack men with guns when they had none.

3 - Yes, I do deny that. He didn't free all slaves with emancipation proclamation. But he did by getting the 13th amendment through congress in 1865 before his death. It didn't take effect until after he was assassinated, but it was his doing.

4 - 1/3rd of Southern white families owned at least one slave. 2/3rds did not. I'll let you decide what constitutes a "large majority". Some states (Mississippi and South Carolina) had more than half of families owning a slave.

But I point you to Alexander Stephens to understand why the South seceded. He was the Vice President of the Confederacy. THis is from the "Cornerstone" Speech...where he talked about what the Confederacy was all about:

"The prevailing ideas entertained by him (Jefferson) and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away... Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races."

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."

THAT is what the Confederacy was about... the CORNERSTONE of the nation as stated by it's Vice President.

Dennis, you're an idiot with every one of your screen names. Lincoln freed not a single, solitary slave in his lifetime. Not one. He had the power to do so, both in the Union States that still had theirs-even as late as April 1865 before his death-and in every area of a Confederate State under Federal control at the time of the Emancipation Proclamation, and after. He chose, CHOSE, to free NONE. NADA. It is a FACT. BTW, more Free Blacks lived in the South before and during the War, than in the North. Go figure.

Now, quit crying on here like a fat, schizoid drug addict and kill yourself.
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Dennis, you're an idiot with every one of your screen names. Lincoln freed not a single, solitary slave in his lifetime. Not one. He had the power to do so, both in the Union States that still had theirs-even as late as April 1865 before his death-and in every area of a Confederate State under Federal control at the time of the Emancipation Proclamation, and after. He chose, CHOSE, to free NONE. NADA. It is a FACT. BTW, more Free Blacks lived in the South before and during the War, than in the North. Go figure.

Now, quit crying on here like a fat, schizoid drug addict and kill yourself.

Are you seriously claiming Lincoln didn't get the 13th amendment passed through congress? You know... the amendment that made slavery illegal.

Lincoln freed ALL the slaves with that action. He ENDED the institution itself.

It wasn't what he set out to do when he was elected... but it's what he actually DID.

and as for the "dennis" comment... I've got over 28,000 posts with this handle since 2001 and 27 on this message board. (though in reality I probably had some back in 2001/2002 before I migrated to the national boards) I don't think I am who you seem to think I am.
Dennis, you're an idiot with every one of your screen names. Lincoln freed not a single, solitary slave in his lifetime. Not one. He had the power to do so, both in the Union States that still had theirs-even as late as April 1865 before his death-and in every area of a Confederate State under Federal control at the time of the Emancipation Proclamation, and after. He chose, CHOSE, to free NONE. NADA. It is a FACT. BTW, more Free Blacks lived in the South beflore and during the War, than in the North. Go figure.

Now, quit crying on here like a fat, schizoid drug addict and kill yourself.

First, My take on Your anal insistence on acting as if You're only debating one person is You have a hard time accepting the fact Your backward looking view of life is dying, even at sites like this.

Your childlike attempt at a technical argument is ridiculous to any reader with any sense at all. So Lincoln didn't free any slaves before Your cowardly kindred spirit shot Him in the back of the head ? Of course that isn't true, but it doesn't deserve any more attention, everybody can see it for what it is.

The real telling thing when it comes to what values You have, or lack of values, is how much You defend a completely detestable period in Our southern history. There are many good Germans today, but They aren't defending The NAZIs.

Black Confederates Were More Than Cooks And Servants


13 0 1 1 4

Last July, Anthony Hervey, an outspoken black advocate for the Confederate flag, was killed in a car crash. Arlene Barnum, a surviving passenger in the vehicle, told authorities and the media that they had been forced off the road by a carload of “angry young black men” after Hervey, while wearing his Confederate kepi, stopped at a convenience store en route to his home in Oxford, Mississippi. His death was in no small part caused by the gross level of ignorance, organized deceit and anger about the War of 1861. Much of the ignorance stems from the fact that most Americans believe the war was initiated to free slaves, when in truth, freeing slaves was little more than an afterthought. I want to lay out a few quotations and ask what you make of them.
During the “Civil War,” ex-slave Frederick Douglass observed, “There are at the present moment many colored men in the Confederate army doing duty not only as cooks, servants and laborers, but as real soldiers, having muskets on their shoulders, and bullets in their pockets, ready to shoot down loyal troops, and do all that soldiers may to destroy the Federal Government and build up that of the traitors and rebels” (Douglass’ Monthly, September 1861).
“For more than two years, negroes had been extensively employed in belligerent operations by the Confederacy. They had been embodied and drilled as Rebel soldiers, and had paraded with White troops at a time when this would not have been tolerated in the armies of the Union.” (Horace Greeley, in his book, “The American Conflict”).
“Over 3,000 negroes must be included in this number (of Confederate troops). These were clad in all kinds of uniforms, not only in cast-off or captured United States uniforms, but in coats with Southern buttons, State buttons, etc. These were shabby, but not shabbier or seedier than those worn by white men in rebel ranks. Most of the negroes had arms, rifles, muskets, sabres, bowie-knives, dirks, etc. They were supplied, in many instances, with knapsacks, haversacks, canteens, etc., and were manifestly an integral portion of the Southern Confederacy Army. They were seen riding on horses and mules, driving wagons, riding on caissons, in ambulances, with the staff of Generals, and promiscuously mixed up with all the rebel horde” (report by Dr. Lewis H. Steiner, chief inspector of the U.S. Sanitary Commission).
In April 1861, a Petersburg, Virginia, newspaper proposed “three cheers for the patriotic free Negroes of Lynchburg” after 70 blacks offered “to act in whatever capacity” had been “assigned to them” in defense of Virginia.
Those are but a few examples of the important role that blacks served as soldiers, freemen and slaves on the side of the Confederacy. The flap over the Confederate flag is not quite so simple as the nation’s race “experts” make it. They want us to believe the flag is a symbol of racism. Yes, racists have used the Confederate flag as their symbol, but racists have also marched behind the U.S. flag and have used the Bible. Would anyone suggest banning the U.S. flag from state buildings and references to the Bible?
Black civil rights activists, their white liberal supporters and historically ignorant Americans who attack the Confederate flag have committed a deep, despicable dishonor to our patriotic Southern black ancestors who marched, fought and died not to protect slavery but to protect their homeland from Northern aggression. They don’t deserve the dishonor. Dr. Leonard Haynes, a black professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the history of the South.”

- See more at:
First, My take on Your anal insistence on acting as if You're only debating one person is You have a hard time accepting the fact Your backward looking view of life is dying, even at sites like this.

Your childlike attempt at a technical argument is ridiculous to any reader with any sense at all. So Lincoln didn't free any slaves before Your cowardly kindred spirit shot Him in the back of the head ? Of course that isn't true, but it doesn't deserve any more attention, everybody can see it for what it is.

The real telling thing when it comes to what values You have, or lack of values, is how much You defend a completely detestable period in Our southern history. There are many good Germans today, but They aren't defending The NAZIs.

Technical argument? WTF does that irk you so? Can do untechnical as well. But I still win the point regardless. Not a single slave freed by the Emancipation Proclamation in his lifetime. How about this one based on your "cowardly kindred spirit shot Him in the back of the head" comment? Lincoln and Stanton authored a plot to assassinate and kidnap Jeff Davis and his cabinet in Richmond. The Dahlgren Affair. JW Booth took this idea and later turned it around on the Union government. Difference was, his worked.
Technical argument? WTF does that irk you so? Can do untechnical as well. But I still win the point regardless. Not a single slave freed by the Emancipation Proclamation in his lifetime. How about this one based on your "cowardly kindred spirit shot Him in the back of the head" comment? Lincoln and Stanton authored a plot to assassinate and kidnap Jeff Davis and his cabinet in Richmond. The Dahlgren Affair. JW Booth took this idea and later turned it around on the Union government. Difference was, his worked.

I don't think You've won anything or convinced a single person of anything. Your ''reasoning'' is so stupid on it's face it's beyond laughable.
I see You finally got a few pity likes.
I don't think You've won anything or convinced a single person of anything. Your ''reasoning'' is so stupid on it's face it's beyond laughable.
I see You finally got a few pity likes.

The Dahlgren Affair. Did you read about it? Or just figure I won that point too. Union boys got their asses whupped right well, huh?

Pity likes? Dunno. Don't care. But Dennis "M" should have twice as many. Did your other screen names forget to all "like" you?

The Dahlgren Affair. Did you read about it? Or just figure I won that point too. Union boys got their asses whupped right well, huh?

Pity likes? Dunno. Don't care. But Dennis "M" should have twice as many. Did your other screen names forget to all "like" you?


You poor angry loser. Still clinging to a 151 year old corpse of a bad cause as if it will redeem You in some way. My advice, let it go and try to learn something in this life.
You poor angry loser. Still clinging to a 151 year old corpse of a bad cause as if it will redeem You in some way. My advice, let it go and try to learn something in this life.

Best cause. The Constitution. Those outnumbered, out-equipped and underfed ragtag buncha Southern "losers" almost saved it for us as it was written. Quickly, Dennis "M"aggot. Hit the like button from your other ID's for your last thread. Then scarf down 2 boxes of BonBons and kill yourself.

Thanks in advance.
Best cause. The Constitution. Those outnumbered, out-equipped and underfed ragtag buncha Southern "losers" almost saved it for us as it was written. Quickly, Dennis "M"aggot. Hit the like button from your other ID's for your last thread. Then scarf down 2 boxes of BonBons and kill yourself.

Thanks in advance.

You're a ridiculous loser.
You're a ridiculous loser.

The real loser here is the fat-ass who has been haunting this site for years with hundreds of different screen names, climbing up daily from 400 to over 450 pounds of gross fat while flaming every non-leftist post and thread here. Think that's why your daughter is a lot lizard?

Kill yourself.
The real loser here is the fat-ass who has been haunting this site for years with hundreds of different screen names, climbing up daily from 400 to over 450 pounds of gross fat while flaming every non-leftist post and thread here. Think that's why your daughter is a lot lizard?

Kill yourself.

Sad, sad little loser You are.
Now I'm bored with You.