Bobby Iger asked for the last Groomer fleeing Disney World to


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
bring the rainbow flag.

Quote-- edited
The Dark Herald

Employees, (selected for their loyalty and obedience to Mickey the Great Terrible), are installed in these “cities.” (Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista) And they are the ones who in theory control the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

This was clearly and obviously a legal fiction.

HOWEVER, it was a legal fiction that Disney absolutely and under all circumstances had to observe. The Chinese wall separating the Walt Disney Company from the Reedy Creek Improvement District had to be as big as the Great Wall of China.

And yesterday Bob Iger bulldozed through it.

During the question-and-answer portion of the Disney Annual Investor Meeting, an already flustered Bob Iger answered a question that at first seemed like it was from a friendly or at least neutral quarter.

An Ameriprise Financial Advisor asked, ‘What are you doing to protect stockholder value because of the Reedy Creek problems with the State of Florida?’

Iger went into a long and rambling answer that demolished fifty years of carefully cultivated legal fiction. He briefly and biased covered the history of the Florida Anti-Grooming law and Disney’s hysterical reaction to it. And then said, ‘The governor of Florida got angry and decided to retaliate’, (here is the kill quote) “including the naming of a new board to oversee the property and the business.”

Disney’s Chinese Wall was completely blown up.


It is ended. It is over.

Bob Iger acting in his capacity Chief Executive Officer at an official stockholder function effectively admitted that the Reedy Creek Improvement District was directly connected to the Walt Disney Company. There was no effort at conflation at all. “…oversee the property and business.” He has now stated that the two were inseparable. It was unbelievable.

Legally, Ron DeSantis did not punish the Disney Company at all, not even a little bit. He dissolved a special tax district with absurdly overreaching powers and replaced it with one that had the normal powers you’d expect a Florida special tax district to have. Legally, Disney wasn’t affected at all because the Walt Disney Company had no legal control over Reedy Creek.

Yes. Yes, I know it was an obvious sham but before the law, it was not a sham. However, when the Chief Executive Officer of the Walt Disney Company admits that there was no separation between these two entities, then Disney just lost the tent pole of any legal argument they had.

The silly mess that Disney got up to right before the old district was disbanded probably just took one in the head. The “cities” of Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista can now be dissolved without any difficulty at all. IF that happens, the billions owed in municipal “tax-free” bonds will instantly be dissolved and land on Disney. Oh, and those tax-free bonds would then become taxable debentures.

This could easily be interpreted as a confession of securities fraud, so I honestly don’t have clue what will happen next.
I wish Desantis and his trash constituency would drop dead. He loves special districts if they’re conservative old people in a retirement home.

If the Republican Party doesn’t respect businesses and is making its constituency dumb social warriors who think the world is going to hell and want to turn the whole country into a right wing Christian safe space then it no longer has any purpose.

If he really didn’t want Disney to get special treatment he’d be giving influence to Irange and Apopka counties instead of non local Republican political hacks. The people in Central Florida have no problem with Reedy Creek but that’s not his constituency.
I wish Desantis and his trash constituency would drop dead. He loves special districts if they’re conservative old people in a retirement home.

If the Republican Party doesn’t respect businesses and is making its constituency dumb social warriors who think the world is going to hell and want to turn the whole country into a right wing Christian safe space then it no longer has any purpose.

If he really didn’t want Disney to get special treatment he’d be giving influence to Irange and Apopka counties instead of non local Republican political hacks. The people in Central Florida have no problem with Reedy Creek but that’s not his constituency.
Drop dead? I guess since we’ve crossed that ethical rubicon, I wish Biden, Obama, AOC and Dimon would drop dead. Look at what this ignorant, elitist asshole Dimon believes:

I wish Desantis and his trash constituency would drop dead. He loves special districts if they’re conservative old people in a retirement home.

If the Republican Party doesn’t respect businesses and is making its constituency dumb social warriors who think the world is going to hell and want to turn the whole country into a right wing Christian safe space then it no longer has any purpose.

If he really didn’t want Disney to get special treatment he’d be giving influence to Irange and Apopka counties instead of non local Republican political hacks. The people in Central Florida have no problem with Reedy Creek but that’s not his constituency.
Dems reward their constituencies and punish the rest, so quit your whining. Desantis is just using the Dem playbook/rules hardball politics 24/7/365 and will give no quarter. Very cute that you don’t like it.
Drop dead? I guess since we’ve crossed that ethical rubicon, I wish Biden, Obama, AOC and Dimon would drop dead. Look at what this ignorant, elitist asshole Dimon believes:

Conceivably eminent domain could be appropriate. As always that would need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
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I wish Desantis and his trash constituency would drop dead. He loves special districts if they’re conservative old people in a retirement home.

If the Republican Party doesn’t respect businesses and is making its constituency dumb social warriors who think the world is going to hell and want to turn the whole country into a right wing Christian safe space then it no longer has any purpose.

If he really didn’t want Disney to get special treatment he’d be giving influence to Irange and Apopka counties instead of non local Republican political hacks. The people in Central Florida have no problem with Reedy Creek but that’s not his constituency.
Name checks out.
Condemnation is available only for public purposes. You can’t condemn for political purposes, and you sure as hell can’t take private property for unproven theory.
That would be a public purpose and it has strong evidence. People who actually have credentials and study it overwhelmingly agree. Now I never think taking property should be taken lightly but in some me circumstances it might make sense.
That would be a public purpose and it has strong evidence. People who actually have credentials and study it overwhelmingly agree. Now I never think taking property should be taken lightly but in some me circumstances it might make sense.
What public purpose? Who ends up with the land?
That would be a public purpose and it has strong evidence. People who actually have credentials and study it overwhelmingly agree. Now I never think taking property should be taken lightly but in some me circumstances it might make sense.
As long as we start with private planes and then homes that consume more than 30x as much energy as average. That's the greatest bang for the buck.
As long as we start with private planes and then homes that consume more than 30x as much energy as average. That's the greatest bang for the buck.
I definitely agree that needs to be addressed. Energy consumption with some is needs to be restrained. I’m guessing these kinds of seizures would be for particularly sensitive areas and not the norm.
I definitely agree that needs to be addressed. Energy consumption with some is needs to be restrained. I’m guessing these kinds of seizures would be for particularly sensitive areas and not the norm.
The way things work with our government, if history is any indication, is that it starts with particularly sensitive areas before it spreads to everyone the government can control, while completely overlooking "preferred offenders."

I have a two pronged response to this type of suggestion that government seizure of personal property should be considered.

Point 1: Lead by example. Let those who are going to promote it, be the first to do it or STFU.

Point 2: This is why I need to hang on to my guns and get more ammo.
Conceivably eminent domain could be appropriate. As always that would need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
“Greater Good” is and has been the most effective marketing message of “The State” for generations. Feeling good about feel good commentary followed/supported much less frequently by functional & sustainable solution has been the real “opiate of the masses.”

When we vote in self interested groups that approach 90% for or against typically one or two issues or worse, choose personality or tone over substance & message, we behave as children desperate for a benevolent emperor or super/superior hero, who always has our 6.

Sounds a lot like religion, doesn’t it? Religious teachings & Government edicts are not the problem on any front. We are. We make choices, big & small that affect our path every day. Personal accountability is where we all could use more adult/mature influence in our assessments & choices.

However, it's safer and much more fun to make excuses for ourselves as we blame everyone else at almost every point. We seriously suck at choosing leadership, because we do not hold them “personally accountable” for their actions & inaction. We embarrassingly/pitifully settle for a nicely phrased and even toned storyline. If this bedtime story/lullaby also has a sing song cadence, we rigidly lock step to the wall (any wall) and back like automatons. Who needs to fear A.I.?

We aren’t addicted to drugs/meds & comic book heroes nearly as much we are to daily/hourly doses of wishing, hoping, dreaming & sleeping through opportunities, options and choices. All the BS in DC (all banners, all of it) is on us. We can change it all for a literal greater good if only we care enough to do so.

THEY work for us! THEY are public servants. We control THEIR purse strings if only we would regularly exercise OUR rights. Term limits couod be 8 years tops for every elected official. Endless campaigning could be reduced to 90 days IF we demanded it. Hello?
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Drop dead? I guess since we’ve crossed that ethical rubicon, I wish Biden, Obama, AOC and Dimon would drop dead. Look at what this ignorant, elitist asshole Dimon believes:

I don’t wish those communists to drop dead. That’s too good for child mutilators. I wish them a long, slow tortuous death, where angels visit and torment them in their death bed because of all the death and destruction they have caused to humanity. Then let their hero, Satan, have his way with them.
I wish Desantis and his trash constituency would drop dead. He loves special districts if they’re conservative old people in a retirement home.

If the Republican Party doesn’t respect businesses and is making its constituency dumb social warriors who think the world is going to hell and want to turn the whole country into a right wing Christian safe space then it no longer has any purpose.

If he really didn’t want Disney to get special treatment he’d be giving influence to Irange and Apopka counties instead of non local Republican political hacks. The people in Central Florida have no problem with Reedy Creek but that’s not his constituency.

You seem upset
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I wish Desantis and his trash constituency would drop dead. He loves special districts if they’re conservative old people in a retirement home.

If the Republican Party doesn’t respect businesses and is making its constituency dumb social warriors who think the world is going to hell and want to turn the whole country into a right wing Christian safe space then it no longer has any purpose.

If he really didn’t want Disney to get special treatment he’d be giving influence to Irange and Apopka counties instead of non local Republican political hacks. The people in Central Florida have no problem with Reedy Creek but that’s not his constituency.
Why the anger? Men are demonstrating their superiority in women’s sports these days. Gay men can take maternity leave. People with no ability can hold cabinet positions and even be Vice President. Trillions being spent to fight inflation. Shouldn’t you be happy and enjoying the Biden years? So I can’t believe you wish us ill here in Florida. Lol……..DeSantis was one of the few governors who actually respected businesses enough that he didn’t force them to be closed and go bankrupt like so many of your beloved Democratic governors did during the Covid outbreak. Sorry you also also have such an issue with Christians, but I’d suggest you’d be in a much “safer space” surrounded by them rather than your Democrat brethren. But as a former Georgia resident and now Florida resident for the past 25+ years I’m thrilled to know you wouldn’t consider moving here. Please keep it that way. I’ll enjoy keeping an extra $20,000+ in my pocket each year due to no state taxes and the knowledge that my governor is going to do things to help businesses, not use a virus as an excuse to abuse their power like Whitmire in Michigan among other Democrat hypocrites caught sneaking into Florida to vacation while keeping their own states shut down.