border patrol told to stand down


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
white house now telling the border folks to not bother detaining illegals as they come across the border . the reason they gave was " that not many are showing up later for their deportation hearings " . this is dangerous and stupid, they are ignoring the laws on the books and don't care who knows it . this country will be so much better when that bunch in the white house goes back to their jobs with soros groups .
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Its all in the play book. Rules for Radicals. This POS is doing everything he possibly can to destroy the Country.

This is the biggest issue facing the Country. Reagan did amnesty and look at what happened. California isn't even American any longer. Keep letting these third world shitheads in from their third world shitholes.....and we'll be a third world shithole before you know it.

I have no problem with anyone wanting to become an AMERICAN. But to do so, do it legally. Assimilate, learn the language and adapt to the culture.
Its all in the play book. Rules for Radicals. This POS is doing everything he possibly can to destroy the Country.

This is the biggest issue facing the Country. Reagan did amnesty and look at what happened. California isn't even American any longer. Keep letting these third world shitheads in from their third world shitholes.....and we'll be a third world shithole before you know it.

I have no problem with anyone wanting to become an AMERICAN. But to do so, do it legally. Assimilate, learn the language and adapt to the culture.
you are right , so many people don't realize that many of the south american countries are socialist , you can ride through the countryside and see billboards with the president of the respective country giving a nazi type salute and bold letters spelling socialism . that's what they know from birth and guess what , that will be what they expect here , most don't want to assimilate , they will live in areas with their countryman to continue their culture and politics .
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