Chat Democrats help me and Elon out here


The Dawgfather
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Savannah, GA
If you are not all in on election fraud why do you fight election integrity initiatives so fiercely? Why are having a valid ID to vote such a game ender? Why do you want Illegal aliens to vote? You know people that broke to law to get here. Why do want election drop boxes so badly? When we constantly see Democrats stuffing them by the box loads? Hmm

Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
Mass mailing of ballots, not okay. Unsecured drop boxes, not okay. Early voting in secure voting precincts, okay. Machines that don't verify your vote was submitted in the manner you voted, not the biggest problem in the world but can lead to voter mistrust in the count.
If you are not all in on election fraud why do you fight election integrity initiatives so fiercely? Why are having a valid ID to vote such a game ender? Why do you want Illegal aliens to vote? You know people that broke to law to get here. Why do want election drop boxes so badly? When we constantly see Democrats stuffing them by the box loads? Hmm

About 0.01% of blacks in the USA don’t have a state-issued ID. Predominantly in extremely rural Mississippi, etc.

That 0.01% of blacks who don’t have gov’t-issues ID is the basis for the entire Democrat claim that requiring voter ID is racist against blacks and disenfranchised voters.

Also, wink wink, if illegal aliens vote, who would catch it? It’s largely based on the honor system. In GA, at least you have to registered with a DL. In many states, even that is “too racist”.
Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
Student ID is not a gov issued id. How do poll workers know every school's id? You have CC, Vo tech, online schools etc a nightmare.
Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
Oh the pain. I am sorry.
Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
Drivers license takes 3 seconds to flash,.. and drivers license proves state residency, if no check on citizenship for voting takes a 4 hour waiting line, then a voter integrity check would make that same line take 4 hours and 28 minutes. If a person gets deterred to vote by long lines and leaves, then they were an apathetic voter anyways, ...the TSA doesn't remove identity checks at the airport because the long lines disrupt 3 percent of travelers from missing their flight
Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
but a good way to cheat
cool story lol
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About 0.01% of blacks in the USA don’t have a state-issued ID. Predominantly in extremely rural Mississippi, etc.

That 0.01% of blacks who don’t have gov’t-issues ID is the basis for the entire Democrat claim that requiring voter ID is racist against blacks and disenfranchised voters.

Also, wink wink, if illegal aliens vote, who would catch it? It’s largely based on the honor system. In GA, at least you have to registered with a DL. In many states, even that is “too racist”.
Instead of Dems complaining about that, why don't they, spending millions on registration drives, include driving these poor black folks to a gov office to get an ID?

They don't want to, so they can keep this an issue.
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Instead of Dems complaining about that, why don't they, spending millions on registration drives, include driving these poor black folks to a gov office to get an ID?

They don't want to so they can keep this an issue.
Exactly. We know who lives in our country. Lol. You could run a simple query and find every citizen who is not registered with any of the 50 states DMV.

Then go to those people’s homes with a DL already printed and hand it to them. This could be done in two weeks.

But if the Dems do that (and therefore solve the problem), they don’t have any good race baiting rhetoric to throw out there when Republicans try to secure the elections.

The Biden administration is intentionally importing foreign nationals who are illegal aliens. I still do not hear a great explanation for why he is doing that. It’s not like he’s trying to stop it and failing… He’s literally conducting that behavior.
Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
Photo ID either DL or signed Voter’s ID. No exceptions. All else is misinformation aka BS.
Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
The idea is to require proof of citizenship for registration, not on voting day. One should not be able to register without proof of citizenship. The REAL ID Act requires proof of citizenship to obtain a federally accepted driver's license or ID card.

The state of Georgia passed legislation in 2021 that requires faster access to voting locations, with no more than 2000 registered voters per precinct and that if lines exceed one hour they have to open additional voting stations. Hours for early voting and election day were standardized across the state. Access for 2022 was improved over 2020.
@MacGATA I am going to talk about one of my companies, just thought you might want in as well.

I own a staffing company. There is not one person that shows up for work that does not have a valid ID. Either a state issued ID or a DL. Never happens. We are in 42 states so it ranges from rural Alabama to places like downtown Detroit. The entire ID BS is exactly that, BS.

This also includes illegals that try to get jobs through us. They have ID. Its not valid, but damned if they dont have one.
Illegals can get a driver license so it’s not a foolproof method.

As much government as we have in this country, they could mandate a dedicated independent voter legitimacy agency of some sort, to ensure the laws are followed but the dems won’t.

Everybody was ease of voting but in its current status, with lack of oversight, “ease” increases access and probability of cheating, which should take priority. ONCE VOTING HAS BEEN COMPROMISED, THE COUNTRY IS GONE.

We need serialized ballots. There is currently no way to audit votes once they have been cast. Many states like SC issue voter registration docs with programs like welfare, which are issued to illegals. This is the perfect entrance for non qualified populations to gain access to our voting system. And once they vote, there is no way to audit which votes are legit, which is why ballot serialization is so paramount.

Also, many don’t realize that illegal
Invaders cannot be prosecuted for voting illegally, if they were not aware it was illegal for them to vote. When the government hands out voter registration docs, they have the perfect excuse of being unaware……..the govt gave them the docs without being asked to.

We need an independent, non partisan voter legitimacy agency, to analyze our current voting system and to identify weaknesses, act to close any avenues for illegitimate voting and to monitor the ongoing voting process across the country.
If you are not all in on election fraud why do you fight election integrity initiatives so fiercely? Why are having a valid ID to vote such a game ender? Why do you want Illegal aliens to vote? You know people that broke to law to get here. Why do want election drop boxes so badly? When we constantly see Democrats stuffing them by the box loads? Hmm

I’ll jump in and say the obvious, they (dems) don’t want voter id, because they want to win at any cost and keep their power and appeasement across the globe.
Illegals can get a driver license so it’s not a foolproof method.

As much government as we have in this country, they could mandate a dedicated independent voter legitimacy agency of some sort, to ensure the laws are followed but the dems won’t.

Everybody was ease of voting but in its current status, with lack of oversight, “ease” increases access and probability of cheating, which should take priority. ONCE VOTING HAS BEEN COMPROMISED, THE COUNTRY IS GONE.

We need serialized ballots. There is currently no way to audit votes once they have been cast. Many states like SC issue voter registration docs with programs like welfare, which are issued to illegals. This is the perfect entrance for non qualified populations to gain access to our voting system. And once they vote, there is no way to audit which votes are legit, which is why ballot serialization is so paramount.

Also, many don’t realize that illegal
Invaders cannot be prosecuted for voting illegally, if they were not aware it was illegal for them to vote. When the government hands out voter registration docs, they have the perfect excuse of being unaware……..the govt gave them the docs without being asked to.

We need an independent, non partisan voter legitimacy agency, to analyze our current voting system and to identify weaknesses, act to close any avenues for illegitimate voting and to monitor the ongoing voting process across the country.
Agree with most of your post. I have a question about serialized ballots. This is mentioned occasionally and I always ask the same question. How do you propose that would work? Are you talking about a system that ties the ballot to the voter, or are you talking about a reference number that only the voter would know, so that their ballot can be verified to be cast as submitted?
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Agree with most of your post. I have a question about serialized ballots. This is mentioned occasionally and I always ask the same question. How do you propose that would work? Are you talking about a system that ties the ballot to the voter, or are you talking about a reference number that only the voter would know, so that their ballot can be verified to be cast as submitted?

I use the term serialized in general. Really just talking about a system which could tie a voter to their ballot after the election in order to verify that the vote was cast by the person assigned to that ballot.

You could have paper ballots which were numbered or assign a number to a voter using an electronic ballot. There are numerous ways to do it.

Serialized ballot simply means a method exists to attach a specific ballot to a specific person. That’s the only way to truly know a vote was legitimate.
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Mass mailing of ballots, not okay. Unsecured drop boxes, not okay. Early voting in secure voting precincts, okay. Machines that don't verify your vote was submitted in the manner you voted, not the biggest problem in the world but can lead to voter mistrust in the count.
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Valid ID ok on voting day. Citizenship proof ok to register. Citizenship proof on voting day not OK. Student ID should be OK on voting day. Proof of residence not OK on voting day (electric bill etc).
I live in s small county. My wife and I were in line four hours to vote early in 2020. Stuff that makes it harder to vote is a bad idea.
This is a joke man. Student ID from Podunk community college is NOT A government issued ID. People have had 4 years to get to a DMV. The same people that raised hell about this also raised hell that food can be served at a voting pole premises. Long lines for free food would add a little congestion to the voting poll also wouldn’t it.

This entire Biden pulling l out is one of the biggest scams in our country history. The left said they will follow a process to find his replacement nomination. The process was called a primary election. It is over. This is the same potato head we’ve had for four years but only in the jaws of defeat do they decide to pull the plug. This will set a dangerous precedent moving forward. -if you are getting destroyed in the polls at end of July, pull the plug and insert someone the party wants. NOT who the people wanted, voted for and donated too. This country is almost too far gone.
This is a joke man. Student ID from Podunk community college is NOT A government issued ID. People have had 4 years to get to a DMV. The same people that raised hell about this also raised hell that food can be served at a voting pole premises. Long lines for free food would add a little congestion to the voting poll also wouldn’t it.

This entire Biden pulling l out is one of the biggest scams in our country history. The left said they will follow a process to find his replacement nomination. The process was called a primary election. It is over. This is the same potato head we’ve had for four years but only in the jaws of defeat do they decide to pull the plug. This will set a dangerous precedent moving forward. -if you are getting destroyed in the polls at end of July, pull the plug and insert someone the party wants. NOT who the people wanted, voted for and donated too. This country is almost too far gone.
But but but he is being strong and patriotic for stepping down. And the Democrats have their constituents believing this.
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But but but he is being strong and patriotic for stepping down. And the Democrats have their constituents believing this.
I don't know that they believe it as much as they just don't care. My theory is Dem voters are either net tax consumers or use business subsidies or the power to lobby for laws and regs that give them an advantage over their competitors. So, if you are a government employee at any level, if your ability to provide the basic necessities of life depends on at least a 50% government subsidy or if you run a business that may not build the best mouse trap but experiences massive success by playing the system, you don't really care about election strategy or patriotic motives. You just care that the next guy up isn't going to rock your boat.
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If you are not all in on election fraud why do you fight election integrity initiatives so fiercely? Why are having a valid ID to vote such a game ender? Why do you want Illegal aliens to vote? You know people that broke to law to get here. Why do want election drop boxes so badly? When we constantly see Democrats stuffing them by the box loads? Hmm

U do know that undocumented have been voting in local votes for a long time......the answer is to get people paper work so they can pay taxes and yes vote be a part of the process like we've always done..........

On the flip side in have to register, have to show ID and also have signature verification and yet still people say 2020 in GA was fraud.

I am against non americans voting but I know plenty of people that are "illegal" and have been here 20 years
U do know that undocumented have been voting in local votes for a long time......the answer is to get people paper work so they can pay taxes and yes vote be a part of the process like we've always done..........

On the flip side in have to register, have to show ID and also have signature verification and yet still people say 2020 in GA was fraud.

I am against non americans voting but I know plenty of people that are "illegal" and have been here 20 years
Hence the Biden border policy. "Here Juan, let me show you how to vote. Punch here". And there are more of them now than ever.
Mass mailing of ballots, not okay. Unsecured drop boxes, not okay. Early voting in secure voting precincts, okay. Machines that don't verify your vote was submitted in the manner you voted, not the biggest problem in the world but can lead to voter mistrust in the count.
Depends on how you conduct early in person voting. Some places handle it just like mail-in ballots. You fill out a ballot and drop it in a box to be tabulated later. Secure voting requires tabulating on site, so you can see for yourself if your ballot is accepted, and take any corrective action yourself, right then, if necessary.
U do know that undocumented have been voting in local votes for a long time......the answer is to get people paper work so they can pay taxes and yes vote be a part of the process like we've always done..........

On the flip side in have to register, have to show ID and also have signature verification and yet still people say 2020 in GA was fraud.

I am against non americans voting but I know plenty of people that are "illegal" and have been here 20 years
If you think Fulton County is on the up and up I got some oceanfront property in Arizona I am dying to sell you.
If you think Fulton County is on the up and up I got some oceanfront property in Arizona I am dying to sell you.
Oh sure so how did they cheat? This wouldve been the biggest story ever and not one person talked about and took the $$$ on the book deal and movie rights? No reporter dug into for awards and movie rights? ridiculous
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Oh sure so how did they cheat? This wouldve been the biggest story ever and not one person talked about and took the $$$ on the book deal and movie rights? No reporter dug into for awards and movie rights? ridiculous
This from the guy that thought Ladd played for the Rams. If you cant get that right, politics may not be your metier.
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  • Haha
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This from the guy that thought Ladd played for the Rams. If you cant get that right, politics may not be your metier.
Depends on how you conduct early in person voting. Some places handle it just like mail-in ballots. You fill out a ballot and drop it in a box to be tabulated later. Secure voting requires tabulating on site, so you can see for yourself if your ballot is accepted, and take any corrective action yourself, right then, if necessary.
Yeah, I'm talking about precincts open, checking IDs and everything being conducted like it's a normal election day. My county has a couple of precincts open daily a couple of weeks before election day and I'm usually in and out within 15 minutes. It's fast, convenient and I don't have to worry about scheduling business trips for myself or my employees around election day, which pretty much screws up the entire work week.
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