Classless Vol fans and their lack of repentance..


Jedi Master
Gold Member
Aug 9, 2005
is amazing. Not all are trashy and classless, but this post shows that too many are.


VolFreakJosh: "Ole Miss has done nothing but faked injuries and taunt our players the whole game. It’s justified."

Berry4Heisman14: "I threw a beer. **** them the refs especially" "Has everything to do with this result they stole a TD from us on that fumble I threw a beer at them too" "Them faking injuries made it worse"

UTK: "Shut the hell up. Refs can't keep being allowed to dictate games." "Some y'all pansies taking up for these refs is sickening. No respect for any single one of you." "It's called piling up. Too many unexcusable calls by the refs. Fans exploded. Don't blame them. Pay tons of money, not to get screwed out" "Finding out who the real ones are tonight boys" "Why is it embarrassing to stick up for your team?" "Recruits are gonna see the fanbase having the teams back and love it"

bluevols27: "We got screwed by the officials in this game. Plain and simple"

orangejuiced: "Refs caused this...… I lost my golf ball by the way."

Frank Duncan: "I'd say it's overdue.. refs come in here and do whatever the hell they want and say F the vols and the fans.. people are past tired of it. I can see why they'd do it.. you have to make a stand somewhere.. no matter how bad it looks. Otherwise same old sht every game."

Fightmaker: "This is not even close to the worst thing we have done. This won’t be mentioned again by Tuesday on even Twitter." "Don’t hurt yourself with the over anxious virtue signaling."

TNman1: "The refs give every appearance of being owned by Vegas, check the point spread. Horrific BS call on forth down. The fans at the stadium were correct in their response. Also, LK can E.A.D.!!! Heupel is a better coach, he proved that tonight." "My only question is why was Lane only hit with one golf ball when 100K fans were there?"

CaVol: "I know the fans will get crushed over the late game actions, but I don't blame them a bit. Lane Kiffin ruined this program and rubbed this fanbase's face in it for over a decade. ESPN and the rest of college football thinks its hilarious and turn him into the perfect heel. Well, this is what you get, a reaction. Couple that with several really game changing ******** calls by the officiating crew, and you get what happened. So you know what? Stop the pearl clutching over the fans and understand this fanbase is done being the butt of Kiffin's twitter account."

Volsincebirth: "Meh Kiffin deserves it. I'm proud of our boys. They are in year two and we were a touchdown away from beating them 7 games in. A few years from now and this game won't even be in question."

LadyInOrange (mod/staff member): "We live in world that thrives on drama. It will be old news in two weeks." "Who cares about the rest of the country? I sure don't. Still beats being a Bama or Florida fan."

RTvfl89: "Lane Kiffin ruined this program. He deserved a lot worse than a golf ball."

207 others: "threw a beer VFL" "Only regret is not throwing more"

ShadeCBE: "Had to get on my old account just to say how proud I am that everyone finally quit putting up with the refs. Only wish they had made the game unfinishable. Hope it happens every single time." "Lump me in with all those awful trashy fans. Can't wait to cheer on more things that make you shameful!"

CNCVol88: “The media will laugh at us?? they already do. **** them. Good job people showing the refs and the SEC we are fed up." "More should have hit kiffin and the refs"

VaVolfan6: "Great game! Fanbase is passionate and I like it! All you politically correct people who want to cheer with class can suck it. Our team was getting hosed. We had 7 points taken away from us. Ole Miss was allowed to fake injuries all game. We couldn't buy a hold. And after 5 hours we got screwed on the spot. I'm glad our fans have their player's back."

CincyVol: "This has been brewing for years, too bad Lane didn’t require stitches." "’s Thunderdome. If you don’t understand why this frustration was unleashed then you haven’t been paying attention. It’s been brewing since the Gaffney no catch. I love our passionate, fanatical fan base, you not so much." "it’s time for the regular fans to take control back from the check writers, as we’ve seen enough over the past 15 years"

Vols919: "Boo ****ing hoo. The world has made fun of Tennessee for more than a decade but suddenly TONIGHT is the night they'll be mocked for? Be careful up on that high horse."

PlanetVol: "Yeah and you're smug ass promoting against our passion isn't going to help a damn thing. You should just go home and pat yourself on the back for being so pious and piss off"

ChrisMC1000: "First and I agree **** everyone else who said what happened was classless! Great look for the recruits that should tell them that our fan base is very passionate and we are tired of losing and tired of BS refs throwing BS flags."

Longshank: "I have no problem with fans throwing crap like bottles and cans on THE FIELD in disgust. Even if it hits someone, its nothing."

tnmarktx: "Do you condone the fan action during the coaching search? You are over reacting about what happened at the game. This did zero to hurt the program and actually may help in recruiting. It shows that after 2 decades of irrelevancy the fanbase still cares about this program. You pearl clutching fans are just as bad as the idiots throwing stuff on the field. This is no big deal."

Carl Pickens: "As far as I’m concerned, the golf ball needed to have been thrown about 2ft higher. How’d you like to be the guy that pegged Kiffin with it?" "Kiffin and all of his injury faking BS was the gas that fed the fire"

AussieVol: "I have to agree. 12 years of absolute misery caused by Kiffin. In fact since I became a die hard fan of the Vols. Personally I think it helps refs realise they can't do that to the Vols again. I'm glad it happened. Don't care the outcome. Just wished the Vols had rather won and stormed the field!!!!"

Cobbweb0710: "What a bunch of sissy’s to stop the game over this! I saw this one other time, while attending a soccer game in Greece. 2 local clubs that are hated rivals, were playing in the Olympic stadium in Athens, when a bad call was made, fans started pelting the field with water bottles! They were exploding all over the field like bombs. No one batted an eye."
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