NonDawg COVID-19 Advice From China


All I Want To Do Is Eat
Gold Member
Jul 19, 2001
Coweta Co., GA
OK, I know some of you are going to roast me for this, but I'm sharing what I've just been told and you can do with it what you will. Some of it sounds pretty crazy, I'll admit.

First I'm going to tell you the part that I know for an absolute fact, before I get into the content of what was just relayed to me.

When I was young, one of my best friends was a Chinese kid whose family had immigrated here. Mother, father, 2 sons, all born in China. Father attended what amounts to the military academy over there. He was basically a special forces type bad ass. I went to work for that family's business for about 18 months when I got out of college and was trying to work in the day and go to grad school at night. Company was importing AK-47's, SKS rifles and parts, ammunition and accessories for same. All of this was being imported from communist China. This was in the 1980's when very little was coming from China (not Taiwan) and you had to be CONNECTED to do business there. My friend actually has a picture of his wife's family with Chairman Mao. I'm talking about CONNECTED and this family continues to do business in China to this day although they obviously don't import AK-47's and SKS rifles anymore.

Well the older brother who is maybe 56-57 years old I'm guessing, a GT grad, just called me. He NEVER calls me and I generally only call him when I'm trying to find out whether his younger brother (my college roommate) is in the country or not. He called and asked how I was handling the COVID-19 thing. I figured he was asking how it was affecting my business but he meant in terms of trying to keep from getting the disease. This guy doesn't do social media AT ALL and I have never known him to be any kind of conspiracy theorist at all. OK, everything up to here is absolute fact that I can swear to. The rest is what he just told me. He said that he has been in contact with his best sources (sources I KNOW he has) in China and is being told that the Chinese military is having their troops take 20mg per pound of body weight per day of Vitamin C. He further stated that this is a biological weapon developed by, I think he called it the PLA (army) in China. I know it sounds crazy. He said that this is a long term situation as you do not gain immunity over time. He insisted that there is no immunity from previous exposure/infection. He said that the Chinese military firmly believes that you will not get COVID-19 if you take the 20mg per pound body weight of Vitamin C per day.

Someone on here previously floated the idea of taking very HIGH dosages of Vitamin C as possible protection from this thing. I wish I could remember who and in what thread. Anyway, whatever DawgVenter said that also said to stay near a toilet if you try it. So I asked this guy if there were any side effects like diarrhea and he said that he did not experience it but his wife did. He said it is temporary though and your body will adjust. He said it will similarly take a day or two to begin protecting you. I don't know what to do with this and I don't blame you if you think my friend is off his rocker. But he never calls me. He didn't call me when his father died. And I've never known him to be full of crap and I know he has legit contacts over there. I think I'm going to go buy a bunch and try it. I can't say that it will work, I only know what I've been told by someone who has a lot of contacts over there.

You can check my post history. I don't come on here and spread BS and conspiracy theories (unless you believe that Auburn doesn't cheat and GT doesn't Lie and Cheat). That doesn't mean that what I'm telling you is medically accurate. But I know that the guy who told me has got sources over there that I'll never have. I was in the import business for a long time and we imported a lot of furniture from China (we were a wholesaler/assembler here). We probably sold furniture to your favorite furniture store/chain/department store. But I have no existing contacts over there. But he legit does. So I don't know. Maybe what he is hearing is just hysteria from China, I don't know. But if it turns out that it works, I would feel badly for not sharing it with you.
Listened to Reseacher this morning who said Covid was not man made. He said the pointers on the virus which attach to cells are not the type which are present with manufactured viruses. He was emphatic that it was not man made.
Thanks for the info. My wife, who is a nurse, insists we load up on Vitamin C if we feel a cold is coming on, so I won't question that. It will give you diarrhea at some point though.
Listened to Reseacher this morning who said Covid was not man made. He said the pointers on the virus which attach to cells are not the type which are present with manufactured viruses. He was emphatic that it was not man made.

Hey, that may very well be true. I'm just sharing what I was told by someone who had never BS'd me in the 40 years I've known him. Maybe what he is getting is in error, just hysteria from over there, but I know he didn't make it up unless he has lost all of his senses.
Hey OP, just a confirmation of your credentials, if I may. Under what brand name were the rifles and ammunition sold in the USA?

The SKS rifles were Chinese military surplus and simply had the import marking of their company on it, not really sold as a brand name. The AK-47's were not military surplus as the military ones are full auto. These were semi-auto and manufactured for sale over here. They were marketed as Poly Tech brand rifles. I don't recall the ammo being marketed with a brand name.

EDIT: @Moose Magnificent Rack did I pass?
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Doesn't it seem a little odd that a person who never contacts you ups and calls to ask how you're handling the virus? Not saying it didn't happen. Not saying the vitamin C thingy isn't gospel as here's an article form 3/2/20 discussing it. I might be wary that's all.

Mash Here:

I found it weird. I've known this guy for 40 years or so (I'm 53). Obviously when I worked for his company (was his father's company at the time) circa 1989-1990, I saw him every day. Now I go years at a time without seeing him. I did stop by his place of business once or twice in 2019 as I was having a heck of a time making contact with his younger brother who was once one of my best friends. The younger brother has had some health issues and spends a lot of time in China and Hong Kong and apparently doesn't receive text messages when he's over there. The last time I saw him (in 2019), the older brother did invite me to come shooting with him at his property where he has a rifle and pistol range set up. I've been meaning to take him up on that but haven't had the time.

Here's the thing, I can't figure out what he has to gain from telling me a lie. He's never been one to waste anyone's time either. Unless he owns stock in a vitamin company, what is his motive for telling me a lie?
The SKS rifles were Chinese military surplus and simply had the import marking of their company on it, not really sold as a brand name. The AK-47's were not military surplus as the military ones are full auto. These were semi-auto and manufactured for sale over here. They were marketed as Poly Tech brand rifles. I don't recall the ammo being marketed with a brand name.

EDIT: @Moose Magnificent Rack did I pass?

Dammit I forgot about Poly Tech, but they are legit. I was thinking of Norinco.

With all due respect, your story sounds very credible to a discerning ungulate like Moose.

But how do I know you aren't the largest shareholder in the biggest Vitamin C producer in the country?

I have known from the beginning that we are dealing with a bioweapon. I also believe I know the political entities involved, as well as their goal. It ain't pretty, and a good portion of the culprits are domestic.
Dammit I forgot about Poly Tech, but they are legit. I was thinking of Norinco.

With all due respect, your story sounds very credible to a discerning ungulate like Moose.

But how do I know you aren't the largest shareholder in the biggest Vitamin C producer in the country?

I have known from the beginning that we are dealing with a bioweapon. I also believe I know the political entities involved, as well as their goal. It ain't pretty, and a good portion of the culprits are domestic.

Yeah, unless he is a major importer of Vitamin C, I can find no motive for him to lie to me about this. I think he mostly deals in high end aftermarket gun sights and match ammo for competitive shooters now.

When I worked for them the importation of AK-47's had already been banned, but they were still free to sell what they had on hand - and they had thousands of them on hand. It was a huge short term financial boon as they went from selling AK's for a few hundred bucks to several times that. Long term, it wasn't so good. Naturally, their opinion was that Norinco was crap. They were still importing SKS rifles plus the parts, accessories and ammunition when I was there. Those SKS rifles came off the ocean container either 10 or 20 per crate, I can't remember. Of course they were thoroughly coated in cosmoline. The cases of 7.62 x 39 ammo (corrosive) came in a wooden crate which held 2 sardine cans of ammo. IIRC the case lots were 1500 and 1440 rounds, making the sardine cans 720 and 750 rounds. We used to ship those sardine cans by UPS, just slap a UPS label and ORMD sticker on 'em and ship 'em right out. They only sold to FFL dealers.

EDIT: The owner at the time (current owner's dad) had a heck of a collection of Broomhandle Mausers and Belgian Browning Hi-Power pistols and he was still bringing those in as well. Usually they were junk, no matching serial numbers, etc. He'd get really excited when he found a good one among the junkers.
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I’m not going to turn a deaf ear to any possibility. But my one question is how would it help China to deal itself a mortal wound financially, as well as the rest of the globe, by unleashing this? I know this assumes that people always act logically and that there are not rogue elements involved. But it doesn’t seem very wise on their end, if they did, in fact, unleash it. I’m not saying it’s out of the question, just seems far fetched.
I’m not going to turn a deaf ear to any possibility. But my one question is how would it help China to deal itself a mortal wound financially, as well as the rest of the globe, by unleashing this? I know this assumes that people always act logically and that there are not rogue elements involved. But it doesn’t seem very wise on their end, if they did, in fact, unleash it. I’m not saying it’s out of the question, just seems far fetched.

I basically wrote everything he said about that. I didn't ask further questions about that because that's just really hard for me to believe and there isn't anything I can do about it. So the interesting part to me was the advice to take huge dosages of Vitamin C, which had already been floated here as a possible help. That's the part of the conversation I focused on. Maybe I should have left the part about it being a biological weapon out completely as that isn't the important part for us regular folks (important to our gov't for sure). So I didn't ask, but I would guess maybe the virus was released accidentally, I don't know. I'm just intrigued by the Vitamin C part of it.
I basically wrote everything he said about that. I didn't ask further questions about that because that's just really hard for me to believe and there isn't anything I can do about it. So the interesting part to me was the advice to take huge dosages of Vitamin C, which had already been floated here as a possible help. That's the part of the conversation I focused on. Maybe I should have left the part about it being a biological weapon out completely as that isn't the important part for us regular folks (important to our gov't for sure). So I didn't ask, but I would guess maybe the virus was released accidentally, I don't know. I'm just intrigued by the Vitamin C part of it.

Fair enough. And I do appreciate you trying to be helpful. I just wish there was an alternative, as I have a messed up GI tract as it is, and the thought of downing tons of vitamin C makes me wince at the consequences.
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Here's the thing, I can't figure out what he has to gain from telling me a lie. He's never been one to waste anyone's time either. Unless he owns stock in a vitamin company, what is his motive for telling me a lie?

I can think of one motive for him to lie to you, and it is very weak. That would entail him operating inside a group of Chinese bigwigs who are trying to bring down the Chicoms and are spreading dissent wherever they can to help the cause. Of course, that theory assumes that he ascribes a great deal of importance to your coming to a dawg board to fire up us rednecks. That theory is very weak. Your story looks legit to me. If you're a prankster, you bagged a Moose.

I believe the release was for dual purposes, one being an internal distraction for Chicoms to round up dissidents. They wouldn't give a crap about other random civilian victims. They may sell us cheap plastic, but that regime has been evil since the beginning. Mao was a pedophile and heroin addict. They don't teach all that stuff to the snowflakes in school.
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OK, I know some of you are going to roast me for this, but I'm sharing what I've just been told and you can do with it what you will. Some of it sounds pretty crazy, I'll admit.

First I'm going to tell you the part that I know for an absolute fact, before I get into the content of what was just relayed to me.

When I was young, one of my best friends was a Chinese kid whose family had immigrated here. Mother, father, 2 sons, all born in China. Father attended what amounts to the military academy over there. He was basically a special forces type bad ass. I went to work for that family's business for about 18 months when I got out of college and was trying to work in the day and go to grad school at night. Company was importing AK-47's, SKS rifles and parts, ammunition and accessories for same. All of this was being imported from communist China. This was in the 1980's when very little was coming from China (not Taiwan) and you had to be CONNECTED to do business there. My friend actually has a picture of his wife's family with Chairman Mao. I'm talking about CONNECTED and this family continues to do business in China to this day although they obviously don't import AK-47's and SKS rifles anymore.

Well the older brother who is maybe 56-57 years old I'm guessing, a GT grad, just called me. He NEVER calls me and I generally only call him when I'm trying to find out whether his younger brother (my college roommate) is in the country or not. He called and asked how I was handling the COVID-19 thing. I figured he was asking how it was affecting my business but he meant in terms of trying to keep from getting the disease. This guy doesn't do social media AT ALL and I have never known him to be any kind of conspiracy theorist at all. OK, everything up to here is absolute fact that I can swear to. The rest is what he just told me. He said that he has been in contact with his best sources (sources I KNOW he has) in China and is being told that the Chinese military is having their troops take 20mg per pound of body weight per day of Vitamin C. He further stated that this is a biological weapon developed by, I think he called it the PLA (army) in China. I know it sounds crazy. He said that this is a long term situation as you do not gain immunity over time. He insisted that there is no immunity from previous exposure/infection. He said that the Chinese military firmly believes that you will not get COVID-19 if you take the 20mg per pound body weight of Vitamin C per day.

Someone on here previously floated the idea of taking very HIGH dosages of Vitamin C as possible protection from this thing. I wish I could remember who and in what thread. Anyway, whatever DawgVenter said that also said to stay near a toilet if you try it. So I asked this guy if there were any side effects like diarrhea and he said that he did not experience it but his wife did. He said it is temporary though and your body will adjust. He said it will similarly take a day or two to begin protecting you. I don't know what to do with this and I don't blame you if you think my friend is off his rocker. But he never calls me. He didn't call me when his father died. And I've never known him to be full of crap and I know he has legit contacts over there. I think I'm going to go buy a bunch and try it. I can't say that it will work, I only know what I've been told by someone who has a lot of contacts over there.

You can check my post history. I don't come on here and spread BS and conspiracy theories (unless you believe that Auburn doesn't cheat and GT doesn't Lie and Cheat). That doesn't mean that what I'm telling you is medically accurate. But I know that the guy who told me has got sources over there that I'll never have. I was in the import business for a long time and we imported a lot of furniture from China (we were a wholesaler/assembler here). We probably sold furniture to your favorite furniture store/chain/department store. But I have no existing contacts over there. But he legit does. So I don't know. Maybe what he is hearing is just hysteria from China, I don't know. But if it turns out that it works, I would feel badly for not sharing it with you.
Great post. Thank you for sharing it.
I can think of one motive for him to lie to you, and it is very weak. That would entail him operating inside a group of Chinese bigwigs who are trying to bring down the Chicoms and are spreading dissent wherever they can to help the cause. Of course, that theory assumes that he ascribes a great deal of importance to your coming to a dawg board to fire up us rednecks. That theory is very weak. It all looks legit to me. If you're a prankster, you bagged a Moose.

Yeah, I don't think he is trying to do that. He's just a naturalized American businessman at this point as far as I know. He did tell me to share the Vitamin C info with my family and friends but otherwise did not tell me to spread the word.
OK, I know some of you are going to roast me for this, but I'm sharing what I've just been told and you can do with it what you will. Some of it sounds pretty crazy, I'll admit.

First I'm going to tell you the part that I know for an absolute fact, before I get into the content of what was just relayed to me.

When I was young, one of my best friends was a Chinese kid whose family had immigrated here. Mother, father, 2 sons, all born in China. Father attended what amounts to the military academy over there. He was basically a special forces type bad ass. I went to work for that family's business for about 18 months when I got out of college and was trying to work in the day and go to grad school at night. Company was importing AK-47's, SKS rifles and parts, ammunition and accessories for same. All of this was being imported from communist China. This was in the 1980's when very little was coming from China (not Taiwan) and you had to be CONNECTED to do business there. My friend actually has a picture of his wife's family with Chairman Mao. I'm talking about CONNECTED and this family continues to do business in China to this day although they obviously don't import AK-47's and SKS rifles anymore.

Well the older brother who is maybe 56-57 years old I'm guessing, a GT grad, just called me. He NEVER calls me and I generally only call him when I'm trying to find out whether his younger brother (my college roommate) is in the country or not. He called and asked how I was handling the COVID-19 thing. I figured he was asking how it was affecting my business but he meant in terms of trying to keep from getting the disease. This guy doesn't do social media AT ALL and I have never known him to be any kind of conspiracy theorist at all. OK, everything up to here is absolute fact that I can swear to. The rest is what he just told me. He said that he has been in contact with his best sources (sources I KNOW he has) in China and is being told that the Chinese military is having their troops take 20mg per pound of body weight per day of Vitamin C. He further stated that this is a biological weapon developed by, I think he called it the PLA (army) in China. I know it sounds crazy. He said that this is a long term situation as you do not gain immunity over time. He insisted that there is no immunity from previous exposure/infection. He said that the Chinese military firmly believes that you will not get COVID-19 if you take the 20mg per pound body weight of Vitamin C per day.

Someone on here previously floated the idea of taking very HIGH dosages of Vitamin C as possible protection from this thing. I wish I could remember who and in what thread. Anyway, whatever DawgVenter said that also said to stay near a toilet if you try it. So I asked this guy if there were any side effects like diarrhea and he said that he did not experience it but his wife did. He said it is temporary though and your body will adjust. He said it will similarly take a day or two to begin protecting you. I don't know what to do with this and I don't blame you if you think my friend is off his rocker. But he never calls me. He didn't call me when his father died. And I've never known him to be full of crap and I know he has legit contacts over there. I think I'm going to go buy a bunch and try it. I can't say that it will work, I only know what I've been told by someone who has a lot of contacts over there.

You can check my post history. I don't come on here and spread BS and conspiracy theories (unless you believe that Auburn doesn't cheat and GT doesn't Lie and Cheat). That doesn't mean that what I'm telling you is medically accurate. But I know that the guy who told me has got sources over there that I'll never have. I was in the import business for a long time and we imported a lot of furniture from China (we were a wholesaler/assembler here). We probably sold furniture to your favorite furniture store/chain/department store. But I have no existing contacts over there. But he legit does. So I don't know. Maybe what he is hearing is just hysteria from China, I don't know. But if it turns out that it works, I would feel badly for not sharing it with you.
I just heard this morning that NY hospitals were treating with large doses of Vit C.
Thanks for the info. My wife, who is a nurse, insists we load up on Vitamin C if we feel a cold is coming on, so I won't question that. It will give you diarrhea at some point though.

Yep, been C bombing for yrs. When news of this broke, my wife and granddaughter both said it looks like we are going to be C bombing.
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I've noticed your Avatar Moose is touching his face. Isn't that against the rules in the current environment?

Moose no government lackey! If feds issue order "don't dance nekkid in cactus patch", Moose strip down and go looking for cactus.

Also shook hands with painter that came to bid on painting the new shed that replaced the one I burned down last spring. Moose daredevil!
The circumstances surrounding the timing of this outbreak make it difficult to believe it isn't a weapon. Chinese New Year is when that country has the most movement internally, which is when it seemed to start spreading. Wuhan is a major transportation hub, with a high number of younger university students who are asymptomatic carriers. Then you consider the initial doctor who tried to warn the population about it reportedly died from the virus at 30 years old. It has been my theory all along.
Yeah, I don't think he is trying to do that. He's just a naturalized American businessman at this point as far as I know. He did tell me to share the Vitamin C info with my family and friends but otherwise did not tell me to spread the word.

Huntin, should I assume the daily dosage should be divided up? It appears that Vitamin C in the bloodstream would kill the virus if your info is correct. Since Vitamin C is water soluble, it seems that a single megadose would be less potent say, 18 hours after ingesting.
Huntin, should I assume the daily dosage should be divided up? It appears that Vitamin C in the bloodstream would kill the virus if your info is correct. Since Vitamin C is water soluble, it seems that a single megadose would be less potent say, 18 hours after ingesting.

I'm sorry, he didn't get into any kind of specifics about that, just mg per day. I didn't even think of your question, but it makes sense to my untrained (medically) mind. I know it is water soluble so we can't hurt ourselves. I also texted a friend of mine who is a MD in Charleston...a guy I grew up with who is also friends with this same family. I texted my friend the MD and relayed what the older brother said. I asked if it was safe other than possible diarrhea and he said "Sure and worth a try."
OK, I know some of you are going to roast me for this, but I'm sharing what I've just been told and you can do with it what you will. Some of it sounds pretty crazy, I'll admit.

First I'm going to tell you the part that I know for an absolute fact, before I get into the content of what was just relayed to me.

When I was young, one of my best friends was a Chinese kid whose family had immigrated here. Mother, father, 2 sons, all born in China. Father attended what amounts to the military academy over there. He was basically a special forces type bad ass. I went to work for that family's business for about 18 months when I got out of college and was trying to work in the day and go to grad school at night. Company was importing AK-47's, SKS rifles and parts, ammunition and accessories for same. All of this was being imported from communist China. This was in the 1980's when very little was coming from China (not Taiwan) and you had to be CONNECTED to do business there. My friend actually has a picture of his wife's family with Chairman Mao. I'm talking about CONNECTED and this family continues to do business in China to this day although they obviously don't import AK-47's and SKS rifles anymore.

Well the older brother who is maybe 56-57 years old I'm guessing, a GT grad, just called me. He NEVER calls me and I generally only call him when I'm trying to find out whether his younger brother (my college roommate) is in the country or not. He called and asked how I was handling the COVID-19 thing. I figured he was asking how it was affecting my business but he meant in terms of trying to keep from getting the disease. This guy doesn't do social media AT ALL and I have never known him to be any kind of conspiracy theorist at all. OK, everything up to here is absolute fact that I can swear to. The rest is what he just told me. He said that he has been in contact with his best sources (sources I KNOW he has) in China and is being told that the Chinese military is having their troops take 20mg per pound of body weight per day of Vitamin C. He further stated that this is a biological weapon developed by, I think he called it the PLA (army) in China. I know it sounds crazy. He said that this is a long term situation as you do not gain immunity over time. He insisted that there is no immunity from previous exposure/infection. He said that the Chinese military firmly believes that you will not get COVID-19 if you take the 20mg per pound body weight of Vitamin C per day.

Someone on here previously floated the idea of taking very HIGH dosages of Vitamin C as possible protection from this thing. I wish I could remember who and in what thread. Anyway, whatever DawgVenter said that also said to stay near a toilet if you try it. So I asked this guy if there were any side effects like diarrhea and he said that he did not experience it but his wife did. He said it is temporary though and your body will adjust. He said it will similarly take a day or two to begin protecting you. I don't know what to do with this and I don't blame you if you think my friend is off his rocker. But he never calls me. He didn't call me when his father died. And I've never known him to be full of crap and I know he has legit contacts over there. I think I'm going to go buy a bunch and try it. I can't say that it will work, I only know what I've been told by someone who has a lot of contacts over there.

You can check my post history. I don't come on here and spread BS and conspiracy theories (unless you believe that Auburn doesn't cheat and GT doesn't Lie and Cheat). That doesn't mean that what I'm telling you is medically accurate. But I know that the guy who told me has got sources over there that I'll never have. I was in the import business for a long time and we imported a lot of furniture from China (we were a wholesaler/assembler here). We probably sold furniture to your favorite furniture store/chain/department store. But I have no existing contacts over there. But he legit does. So I don't know. Maybe what he is hearing is just hysteria from China, I don't know. But if it turns out that it works, I would feel badly for not sharing it with you.
Medical Director of the Manhattan Project told me, personally, that mass quantities of Vitamin C can help your body ward off all kinds of bacterial and viral attacks. Unthinkable in Western medicine. He also said to gargle with lemon juice at the first sign of a sore throat to change the pH in your throat. This also keeps you from getting sick.
I have found his advice to be a miracle cure for the past 4+ decades since then. It works.
I’m not going to turn a deaf ear to any possibility. But my one question is how would it help China to deal itself a mortal wound financially, as well as the rest of the globe, by unleashing this? I know this assumes that people always act logically and that there are not rogue elements involved. But it doesn’t seem very wise on their end, if they did, in fact, unleash it. I’m not saying it’s out of the question, just seems far fetched.

They’re a communist country. Their population doesn’t matter, they don’t vote, they are expendable.

A global catastrophe, particularly one that weakens America in an election year coupled with media propaganda takes the one movement that has a chance to slow their world domination down & install a leader in the US that is happy to continue selling us out.

Or it came from a bat in a wet market

Either way this sucks
They’re a communist country. Their population doesn’t matter, they don’t vote, they are expendable.

A global catastrophe, particularly one that weakens America in an election year coupled with media propaganda takes the one movement that has a chance to slow their world domination down & install a leader in the US that is happy to continue selling us out.

Or it came from a bat in a wet market

Either way this sucks