Crowdstrike and the election

Dawg 'n IT

War Daddy
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
How many election devices were staged and received the update around the country?

More importantly, it's been telegraphed how to easily crash them going forward without requiring malware.

Pocket this topic until later.

This isn't the 1st time, or 2nd, Crowdstrike has been a hot topic.

How many election devices were staged and received the update around the country?

More importantly, it's been telegraphed how to easily crash them going forward without requiring malware.

Pocket this topic until later.

This isn't the 1st time, or 2nd, Crowdstrike has been a hot topic.

Just came across the following. He's choking on his words because she asked the right question, and he is fully aware of how ludicrous his answer is going to be.

And this is the IT firm in charge of the DNC's IT security. They told the FBI that the DNC data hack back in 2016 was by Russia. FBI never looked at it and just parroted that to the public. Later when testifying before Congress the CrowdStrike CEO admitted they were just speculating.
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As I said back in 2020 and 2021, election security is not a political issue, it's an IT issue.

We're going to get what we deserve in the end.
The IT issues (machines) is a sensitive security issue. But we also have to pull back on the Pandemic's mass mail-in ballots, and mass number of drop boxes, that are not at election/voting locations (a political issue).
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The IT issues (machines) is a sensitive security issue. But we also have to pull back on the Pandemic's mass mail-in ballots, and mass number of drop boxes not at election/voting locations (a political issue).
Covid issues are Covid issues and should be addressed accordingly. Ignoring election laws was certainly bad and those areas still trying to take advantage must be dealt with in some fashion.

That said, anyone who thinks voting machines could only be manipulated in 2020 and not as far back as 2000 or whenever the first computerized election took place is kidding themselves.

Georgia had voting records hacked when Kemp was SoS. Politicians on both sides had concerns for decades prior to 2020.

Our country is incompetent and inept because we don't prioritize dealing with problems as they exist, but rather to the extent our political motivation allows us to think and act.

Things are often labeled as unbelievable because we don't want to believe them, not because they aren't plausible. And what we want to believe is driven by our preferred political outcome.

The mass paper ballots are a red herring. Most people are focused on the idea of illegals voting. Yes, that needs to be lawfully managed, but the real prize is just having numbers of eligible registered voters.

Anyone wanting to cheat doesn't actually need people to go vote whether in person or mail. It doesn't matter what happens on the front-end, computer programs can do whatever the programmer allows which is all about the output.

I still laugh about how GA started using printers to give us QR codes to then take to the scanner ourselves as some secure solution. Our only validation is that the tally goes up when we scan our ballot. Can you read your QR code? Do you see in real-time your vote increase the correct position for each office and/or issue you voted?

Nope. We have more integrity in online polls on social media than our elections.

Traceability is the most important aspect of security and that's being obfuscated at every turn.

As long as there are 150 million registered voters, a bad actor can do whatever they want with 150 million minus x ballots because who can validate each ballot back to the original registered voter? The greater the delta between registered voters and actual votes makes fraud within the computing realm much easier as no one is validating who actually did and didn't vote in any official capacity.

Yes, there are records of who voted in person tracked by the election software as well as which mailed ballots were returned, but when votes are being counted and recounted no one is tying votes back to the individual who actually casted it one for one.

E-commerce platforms can trace millions of transactions daily without a hitch yet we can't (won't) complete a full audit of our voting systems for elections that happen a few times every couple of years.

We're far beyond "trust, but verify". It's now "don't trust and verify".
To be more clear than my last post, the problem in Arizona showed up in the pollbooks, not on the Dominion side. The problem was with the devices (pollbooks) used to check in and verify eligible voters, then print out the appropriate ballot for the voter to fill out. The tabulators were unaffected. They didn't say if the central EMS was affected.

We have a primary for local and state offices on July 30. We are in early voting, with limited locations, right now. Friday, the number of locations was supposed to expand from 14 to 45 voting locations. That didn't happen. There were about 4 locations operating at the start of the day, and they had all of the original 14 up just before noon. Techs had to go to each location and manually reboot each pollbook device and print server.

Electronic pollbooks allow voters to go to any voting location, check in, get their profile status changed to "voted" and get the appropriate ballot for them. To accomplish this, the pollbooks are on a secure VPN so that voter information is updated in real time, and the locations don't have to keep a gazillion preprinted ballots on hand. But, this leads to kicking and screaming on social media each time it comes up that the pollbooks are online. The ballot counting and tallying system, which is the Dominion part, is physically separate.
Looks like a man with two masked kidnappers just off screen & they've just shown him their faces.
I visualized a lawyer rushing towards him with frantically waving arms to shut him up before he admits CrowdStrike's responsibility/liability in front of Microsoft and the world.
Covid issues are Covid issues and should be addressed accordingly. Ignoring election laws was certainly bad and those areas still trying to take advantage must be dealt with in some fashion.

That said, anyone who thinks voting machines could only be manipulated in 2020 and not as far back as 2000 or whenever the first computerized election took place is kidding themselves.
Dems on voting machines…

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How many election devices were staged and received the update around the country?

More importantly, it's been telegraphed how to easily crash them going forward without requiring malware.

Pocket this topic until later.

This isn't the 1st time, or 2nd, Crowdstrike has been a hot topic.

Surprise Surprise Surprise