
Ty TyDawg

Diehard supporter
Apr 1, 2013
Makes you want to fly Delta only.

Delta Baggage Handlers will give you goose bumps and/or tears!

Recorded at DFW International Airport.

As you watch the video, notice the number of people watching from inside the terminal.

Most people have no idea Delta does this.

This soldier was a K9 soldier with a dog trained to find IED's. Yes, the second small coffin is the soldier's partner.

That's a man and a dog who died for you.

And Hats off to Delta.

DAL done this for decades. Remember off-loading caskets from 747's

during 'Nam & every one had a military escort & flag. Seen as many as a dozen in the bulk cargo bin or on a DC-8. Sometimes the family would be traveling especially if on way to Arlington or another National Cemetary. Humbling to see those caskets with flags on them.

PS - This color guard in the video is allot fancier / formal than back in the day. You can SE the two non-com escorts.... One for the serviceman & one for his combat dog. If it were a officer in that coffin the escort would also be an officer.


This post was edited on 3/10 5:11 PM by RoyDawgMercer
One other thing...kinda wish the dog could have ridden with its handler*


This post was edited on 3/10 1:52 PM by GriffinGaDawg

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