Democrats are dirty cheats who stole the elections in Georgia

It’s comical, you guys are like mindless drones repeating the same thing to each other over and over and over. An incredible study for psychologist on the brainwashing of America.

Donald Trump comes along and points out that the media has been lying for years; consistently feeding the people propaganda and lies (brainwashing).
Yet, you say the people who realized that something was not quite right with the media/leftist/anti-American/anti-God/anti-family drumbeat are the brainwashed.
I guess we were all "SUDDENLY" brainwashed .. not you sheep who cover your eyes and say, "I see nothing wrong".
Donald Trump comes along and points out that the media has been lying for years; consistently feeding the people propaganda and lies (brainwashing).
Yet, you say the people who realized that something was not quite right with the media/leftist/anti-American/anti-God/anti-family drumbeat are the brainwashed.
I guess we were all "SUDDENLY" brainwashed .. not you sheep who cover your eyes and say, "I see nothing wrong".
Couldn’t be any more obvious than the media’s handling of COVID - prime example
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I'm not the RINO here, prior to 2016 Pubs believed in less government and lower taxes.

To be a Pub today, you must believe in one thing and one thing only, your Savior Donald J Trump.
Read this and tell me what you think their real concern is. Be honest.

President Biden’s Department of Justice has “concerns” about the integrity of the Republican-led election audit in Arizona, it told the president of Arizona’s state Senate.

Biden's DOJ is concerned with Cyber Ninja‘s tactics. The firm has pledged to “identify voter registrations that did not make sense, and then knock on doors to confirm if valid voters actually lived at the stated address.” Pamela S. Karlan, principal deputy assistant attorney general with the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, said this “raises concerns regarding potential intimidation of voters,” which is prohibited by federal statutes.”
Read this and tell me what you think their real concern is. Be honest.

President Biden’s Department of Justice has “concerns” about the integrity of the Republican-led election audit in Arizona, it told the president of Arizona’s state Senate.

Biden's DOJ is concerned with Cyber Ninja‘s tactics. The firm has pledged to “identify voter registrations that did not make sense, and then knock on doors to confirm if valid voters actually lived at the stated address.” Pamela S. Karlan, principal deputy assistant attorney general with the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, said this “raises concerns regarding potential intimidation of voters,” which is prohibited by federal statutes.”
All I know is my door was knocked on all summer and fall last year by Democratic supporters wanting to get absentee ballots for me, asking if I voted, asking who I voted for, and wanting to discuss abortion. I guess I was in a highly contested area because they would come by several days a week on average despite Covid-19 concerns. I actually spoke to a few to politely let them know I don't discuss politics with random people at my door and that I'm keeping my vote private during the election cycle. Still, they kept coming.

We did get pro-life visitors the final Saturday of early voting. Their shirts said they were pro-life so I'm not speculating. I assume they were conservatives, but they didn't have any Trump or MAGA on. I was so fed up I didn't answer, but they were very polite knocking gently on my door.

The following Sunday, I got a calm knock from a couple of Biden supporters, didn't answer and they left for the neighbors. A few hours later while prepping dinner I got loud banging on my door from a different Biden supporter. This was so loud my dogs sprung into action. My wife yelled "no thank you" and the woman then banged even louder yelling back that she wanted to discuss our voting plans. I got mad, left the food, and headed to the front door but by the time I got there she was already heading to the neighbors.

She was the only person I'd consider out of line. I was annoyed by the repeated visits of different people for months, but they were all at least polite in their approach.

Anyway, I said all of this to show why I laugh at characterizing verifying a cast certified vote as being a form of intimidation yet people coming to your home to influence your vote during an election wasn't considered intimidation.
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