Democrats new way to win every election. Throw your opponent in prison

and do it days before the convention for max damage. Banana republic kind of crap. They would be ashamed if they were such blatant hypocrites. Same evil party that railed about election interference for years. You can’t make this $hit up.
Evil will never rule this country. We have evil trying to take over our country and we have to stop them. Vote for Trump!!!!
He should have went after her ass but he said he was not going to do that. That was the first mistake he made as President he was too good hearted to try to prosecute her.
It's because deep down...he's a 🐣....always has been.
He should have went after her ass but he said he was not going to do that. That was the first mistake he made as President he was too good hearted to try to prosecute her.
He thought he could make concessions & deals with establishment swamp monsters to get things accomplished. They were out for blood the moment he won though
He thought he could make concessions & deals with establishment swamp monsters to get things accomplished. They were out for blood the moment he won though
Trump has shown us nothing more than he is just another swamp creature. You all have been conned.

Scotland yard is now being urged to look into trump after this felony conviction. He's gonna need to keep raising money for legal fees.

Trump has shown us nothing more than he is just another swamp creature. You all have been conned.

Scotland yard is now being urged to look into trump after this felony conviction. He's gonna need to keep raising money for legal fees.

They have more sense than you liberals. Won’t nothing come out of it.
And if it is reversed on appeal, i will accept the result and move on with my life. I won't call the system rigged. I won't call it unconstitutional. I wont air my grievances anywhere.

Until then...
Have you seen the picture of the activists in robes that will be ruling on the appeal? No chance of reversal by the Supreme Court until well after the election. All part of the plan from the Biden White House. Pure election interference. Shameful
Have you seen the picture of the activists in robes that will be ruling on the appeal? No chance of reversal by the Supreme Court until well after the election. All part of the plan from the Biden White House. Pure election interference. Shameful
I think it’s going to backfire on that stupid idiot!
Have you seen the picture of the activists in robes that will be ruling on the appeal? No chance of reversal by the Supreme Court until well after the election. All part of the plan from the Biden White House. Pure election interference. Shameful
Yep, and that’s exactly why they waited 3-1/2 years to attack him with 4 lawsuits now and not 3-1/2 years ago. None of the facts or evidence have changed. If they thought they had the goods on him, why wait? They knew they didn’t and it would never survived an appeal.
These people are pure evil. They learned how to handle a political opponent from one of their favorite leaders, Joseph Stalin. Don’t forget that Obama had a Mao Zedong Christmas ornament on the White House Christmas tree to see what their ultimate goal is.
Those online cheering this verdict are nearly their useful idiots. They know not what they do to our country. They will ground up in the gears of communism as well.

The reason Trump didn’t prosecute Hillary is he knew what it would do to our country and he is one of the few politicians who actually loves his country enough to sacrifice his fame and fortune for his country. History will view him on par with the founding fathers. And then they next group of communists will call him a racist and pull done his statues like the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Yep, and that’s exactly why they waited 3-1/2 years to attack him with 4 lawsuits now and not 3-1/2 years ago. None of the facts or evidence have changed. If they thought they had the goods on him, why wait? They knew they didn’t and it would never survived an appeal.
These people are pure evil. They learned how to handle a political opponent from one of their favorite leaders, Joseph Stalin. Don’t forget that Obama had a Mao Zedong Christmas ornament on the White House Christmas tree to see what their ultimate goal is.
Those online cheering this verdict are nearly their useful idiots. They know not what they do to our country. They will ground up in the gears of communism as well.

The reason Trump didn’t prosecute Hillary is he knew what it would do to our country and he is one of the few politicians who actually loves his country enough to sacrifice his fame and fortune for his country. History will view him on par with the founding fathers. And then they next group of communists will call him a racist and pull done his statues like the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Pretty sure he was immune from prosecution while president hence why it "took so long". I could be wrong there.

Let's not paint trump as some paragon of virtue. He hasn't sacrificed anything. He is more famous now and has more brand value now than before he ran in 2016. "on par with founding fathers"? Come on man. And it's not far off to call him a racist...see the apprentice news that broke this week due to...checks NDA expiring. The man loves NDAs which could lead one to believe he likes hiding things from the general public (I know NDAs are common but one could argue trump commonly uses them to cover up bad stuff about himself).

And I love the revisionist history on trump/Clinton. He clamored on for 4 years to go after her (you are gonna hate these sources but they cite trump and his words from speeches/tweets so the facts remain the same)




So... up until he lost the election, he still wanted to go after Hillary (public statements) but behind closed doors didn't because it would be "terrible"? Trump isn't some 4d chess player...This a a guy who thought DOJ was his own personal law firm.

Fact of the matter is this: trump did something wrong. He got caught. Went to court to defend himself and a guilty verdict was rendered. The system works. People who think he got cheated need to calm down. He lost. It happens. He could've worked out a deal with bragg. He didn't because he's an egomaniac. Could've been slapped with a fine. Dug his heels in and put his fate in the hands of 12 peers. It doesn't matter what we think...those 12 ultimately feel, based on evidence presented to them, that he was super guilty. Now...he gets to appeal and we will see how that plays out. He doesn't get special treatment because he is FPOTUS or the presumptive nominee. He's a private citizen and now, a convicted felon who has his own personal travel ban (irony).
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and do it days before the convention for max damage. Banana republic kind of crap. They would be ashamed if they were such blatant hypocrites. Same evil party that railed about election interference for years. You can’t make this $hit up.
Such BS. Trump is such a piece of sh.t!
Pretty sure he was immune from prosecution while president hence why it "took so long". I could be wrong there.

Let's not paint trump as some paragon of virtue. He hasn't sacrificed anything. He is more famous now and has more brand value now than before he ran in 2016. "on par with founding fathers"? Come on man. And it's not far off to call him a racist...see the apprentice news that broke this week due to...checks NDA expiring. The man loves NDAs which could lead one to believe he likes hiding things from the general public (I know NDAs are common but one could argue trump commonly uses them to cover up bad stuff about himself).

And I love the revisionist history on trump/Clinton. He clamored on for 4 years to go after her (you are gonna hate these sources but they cite trump and his words from speeches/tweets so the facts remain the same)




So... up until he lost the election, he still wanted to go after Hillary (public statements) but behind closed doors didn't because it would be "terrible"? Trump isn't some 4d chess player...This a a guy who thought DOJ was his own personal law firm.

Fact of the matter is this: trump did something wrong. He got caught. Went to court to defend himself and a guilty verdict was rendered. The system works. People who think he got cheated need to calm down. He lost. It happens. He could've worked out a deal with bragg. He didn't because he's an egomaniac. Could've been slapped with a fine. Dug his heels in and put his fate in the hands of 12 peers. It doesn't matter what we think...those 12 ultimately feel, based on evidence presented to them, that he was super guilty. Now...he gets to appeal and we will see how that plays out. He doesn't get special treatment because he is FPOTUS or the presumptive nominee. He's a private citizen and now, a convicted felon who has his own personal travel ban (irony).
Maybe you should repeat math 101. He hasn’t been president for 3-1/2 years. Immunity has nothing to do with it. But now that you mention it, they should have been able to file charges the day he left office. They had 4 years to prepare for this before he left. The reason they waited was purely political timing.
Clinton should have been prosecuted for having classified documents on an insecure server and risking the national security of the entire country. Comparing that to Trump possibly getting some strange from yet another of many ladies is just absurd.

The good news is that you are in the minority. Poll numbers and fundraising dollars show us where the majority of Americans stand.
Maybe you should repeat math 101. He hasn’t been president for 3-1/2 years. Immunity has nothing to do with it. But now that you mention it, they should have been able to file charges the day he left office. They had 4 years to prepare for this before he left. The reason they waited was purely political timing.
Clinton should have been prosecuted for having classified documents on an insecure server and risking the national security of the entire country. Comparing that to Trump possibly getting some strange from yet another of many ladies is just absurd.

The good news is that you are in the minority. Poll numbers and fundraising dollars show us where the majority of Americans stand.
math 101 tells me that 2023-2021 = 2...thats when the indictment came down. DAs don't control judges trial calendars.

Cases take time to build. A change occurred in DAs office.

The only person who has been delaying justice is trump and a trump appointed judge. The docs case should've already gone to trial and has been stalled due to some novel twisting of the immunity statutes (touche on trump trying a novel legal concept different than Bragg and Co.).

Trump had 4 years to prosecute Hillary. He didn't, and it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart.

You may be right about poll numbers but polls are highly inaccurate as we have seen. Snapshots in time. November is a political lifetime away still. And neither candidate is officially their party's nominee.

And inflation must be coming down if folks have extra money to donate to a convicted felon to help pay his legal bills. Par for the course for trump to have someone else pay his tab.
Or you could just watch the guy with the loudest farts and wait until he soils his own britches.
Do the crime do the time. The man has gotten away with so many crimes over the years. Everything is just catching up with him. If you are willing to support this immoral criminal then so be it. But it only shows the inner corruptness of the individual.
And if it is reversed on appeal, i will accept the result and move on with my life. I won't call the system rigged. I won't call it unconstitutional. I wont air my grievances anywhere.

Until then...
How can anyone with an inkling of sense, an IQ above 80 deny this was a rigged, political prosecution? Misdemeanors which had been passed on by both the then DA Vance and the FEC as unworthy. Interesting the decision to pursue took place after Trump announced. The statute had expired, #3 at DOJ left (isn’t that interesting) to take the job at Manhattan so he could be lead prosecutor. They chose to manufacture felonies out of expired misdemeanors, Fed election charges. Fed charges pursued by a local DA? Unheard of. Then, instead of a randomly chosen Judge as is always the case, the DA was allowed to CHOOSE the Judge. A Judge who has been a Dem donor, who has been a vocal critic of Trump, whose daughter runs a major Dem fund raising organization which is fund raising for such honorable Dems like Schiff. An organization whose website featured Trump in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. A Judge who has supported an anti Trump organization. A Jury pool which voted 90% for Biden. A Judge who refused to allow Defense witnesses, allowed the porn gal to go into unseemly details, overruled objections from the Defense over her testimony, limited Defense questions to Cohen. Then had the audacity to instruct the Jury in such a way as to assign the decision. He also decided the decisions didn’t have to be unanimous. Amazing that a $130,000 payment carries multiple felonies while deleting 33,000 emails, lying about it isn’t pursuable, paying a law firm $12 Mill for a lie which is then used to launch the Russia collusion is only worthy of an $8,000 FINE no prosecution, failure to pay $2 Mill in taxes (Hunter) is delayed until the statute expired.

Yep, it’s all FAIR AND JUST. No favorites, no two tier justice system.

Again how any person with an ounce of sense could deny favoritism and selective prosecution of political opponents is beyond comprehension. Hate is an emotion which leads to bad choices.
and do it days before the convention for max damage. Banana republic kind of crap. They would be ashamed if they were such blatant hypocrites. Same evil party that railed about election interference for years. You can’t make this $hit up.
Whatever surrounded the case, the evidence was overwhelming. After Pecker and Hicks testified they didn't need Cohen.
Trump broke the law and is a convicted felon. Just because the DA shouldn't taken the case doesn't mean Trump shouldn't be punished.
Do the crime do the time. The man has gotten away with so many crimes over the years. Everything is just catching up with him. If you are willing to support this immoral criminal then so be it. But it only shows the inner corruptness of the individual.
Immoral criminal? You talkin about Joe, right? Took showers with his daughter, hooked up with Jill while she was married to another man, then used his power to ruin that man. Doesn't acknowledge a granddaughter. And on and on, and not to mention millions raked in from influence peddling to foreign nations. Trump is a saint compared to ole Joe.
Do the crime do the time. The man has gotten away with so many crimes over the years. Everything is just catching up with him. If you are willing to support this immoral criminal then so be it. But it only shows the inner corruptness of the individual.
If the guy was 1/4 as dirty as you guys think, the Mueller investigation which had the authority to find any crime would have had him impeached and found prosecutable crimes within a few weeks. Forty FBI agents and a team of hostile lawyers couldn't even pin a fed tax crime against the guy. This "so many crimes" and fascist BS is beyond absurd.
If the guy was 1/4 as dirty as you guys think, the Mueller investigation which had the authority to find any crime would have had him impeached and found prosecutable crimes within a few weeks. Forty FBI agents and a team of hostile lawyers couldn't even pin a fed tax crime against the guy. This "so many crimes" and fascist BS is beyond absurd.
Currently...He's 100% guilty of 34 felonies.

And with 4 cases (3 now active), technically he's 1/4 as dirty as people think he is...
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and do it days before the convention for max damage. Banana republic kind of crap. They would be ashamed if they were such blatant hypocrites. Same evil party that railed about election interference for years. You can’t make this $hit up.
Immoral criminal? You talkin about Joe, right? Took showers with his daughter, hooked up with Jill while she was married to another man, then used his power to ruin that man. Doesn't acknowledge a granddaughter. And on and on, and not to mention millions raked in from influence peddling to foreign nations. Trump is a saint compared to ole Joe.