Democrats new way to win every election. Throw your opponent in prison

The truth is we have two sides that have gone bonkers.

The left with its denial of biology in terms of sex and it's unwillingness to speak out against (and in some cases support) terrorist groups.

The right with its conspiracy theories from stolen elections to vaxophobia. And its sudden love of Russia and its very Cold War influenced dictator at the moment.

At least of late, haven't heard as much from the "woke" crowd. There's been some voices on the left who have spoken out and tried to bring some sanity back.

But the right? The right's loudest voices are still stuck in Fox Mulder territory.

And the cancel culture? Is anyone as canceled as a Republican who dares speak out against Dear Leader right now? I mean we've seen a woman with deep ties in the conservative party that voted with Dear Leader 90 percent of the time while he was in office and she was kicked to the curb like a derelict trying to shop at Sak's Fifth Avenue. Same goes for a man who had served as VP for four years who ultimately would not break the law for Dear Leader.

But not canceled? Lady who believes Jews are using lasers to start forest fires in the US and continually gets into cat fights in congress. She speaks the truth.

But I get the need to label everyone that's not voting Trump as the villain in your cartoon world. Batman needs his Joker. Spiderman needs his Dr. Doom. And the rest of us live in the real world and sigh.
Let’s try it again:

You seem to enjoy playing the role of villain with your trolling on the chat.

In some kind of failed attempt to play the middle, you seem to be exaggerating your critiques of the right while downplaying the impact of the left.

For example, there was no legit coup attempt, but there damn sure is a lot of dangerous trash coming illegally across the border, which will lead to more preventable murders.

The timeline of Russian aggression somehow coincides when the left has been in power.

Only one side has gone full kangaroo court by attacking political rivals, which is a much bigger threat than you consider.

Only one side has gone soft on dangerous crimes, which threatens everyone.

Only one side wants to castrate kids, which is as evil as it gets.

Only one side encourages men to play girl sports, yet they claim to be feminists.

Only one side is fine with racism against whites, and they want to teach that to everyone, which is a threat to a majority of the nation.

Most of the right wing conspiracies aren’t mainstream and put into policy like the lunacies of the left have been.
Legitimate Coups require military power, and the military is firmly in the hands of the left these days. Now THAT should scare the crap out of any reasonable person.
Legitimate Coups require military power, and the military is firmly in the hands of the left these days. Now THAT should scare the crap out of any reasonable person.
This definition of self coup is what was unfolding prior to Jan 6:

“A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from Spanishautogolpe) or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means. The leader may dissolve or render powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assume extraordinary powers not granted under normal circumstances. Other measures may include annulling the nation's constitution, suspending civil courts, and having the head of government assume dictatorial powers.”

Sounds pretty darn close to me…
I am just going to focus on the Russian thing because it is baffling.

The biggest threat to the US is China. Now we know the pedo joe and his son hunter as well as their sleazy uncle are all compromised by China. Thus, we know why Chinese spy balloons are allowed to fly over the US.

The thing is the left has been trying to start a war with Russia since Obama was in office. We are actually the aggressor in this whole thing if you pay attention to what is going on. Hunter Biden was in Ukraine lining his pockets somehow with no real contribution other than influence peddling. However, we do us the Ukraine the same way Iran uses terror cells and Hezzbelah.

With the way the left-wing men have sexualized kids and are trying to chop of their Gentelia to be a woman, inflation going through the rough and terrorist groups coming over the borders the left needs a distraction from the destruction.

The only problem is the military men and women are more aware of this than anybody and not interested in a fake war. Also the Chinese are the real threat and have been for 20 years at least since before Clinton started giving them weapons.

I think that is why so many on the right are like why we are trying to start a war with Russia. It isn't pro russian, it is anti fabricated war.
Zelenskyy is Obama’s puppet. My guess is laundering money - Dark Money back to the DNC. Trump tried to investigate influence by withholding aid to Ukraine - Dem’s impeached him. Hmmm - even more fishy a few yrs later. Dem’s want a 1 party gvt - rewrite constitution & change the US Gvt - Big GVT to rule!
Zelenskyy is Obama’s puppet. My guess is laundering money - Dark Money back to the DNC. Trump tried to investigate influence by withholding aid to Ukraine - Dem’s impeached him. Hmmm - even more fishy a few yrs later. Dem’s want a 1 party gvt - rewrite constitution & change the US Gvt - Big GVT to rule!
Let's just make it up. That works best.

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You, you, you what the hell are you talking about. He said one side. He never said you.
He did. He said "You seem to enjoy playing villain" before he tried to make any kind of actual point.
Zelenskyy is Obama’s puppet. My guess is laundering money - Dark Money back to the DNC. Trump tried to investigate influence by withholding aid to Ukraine - Dem’s impeached him. Hmmm - even more fishy a few yrs later. Dem’s want a 1 party gvt - rewrite constitution & change the US Gvt - Big GVT to rule!
We know Biden is likely Obamas puppet and he even hinted about running things from a basement. That was the rumor about Ukraine for awhile . It has been a corrupted place: Biden’s son was there getting paid for what again? Ukraine was never this place of unabashed freedom it is portrayed to be now by liberal media. One thing that’s unfortunate of man liberal chat members is they apparently can’t remember history. They seem to only remember the current DNC talking points.
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Legitimate Coups require military power, and the military is firmly in the hands of the left these days. Now THAT should scare the crap out of any reasonable person.
Well you knew when trannies started getting high ranking Military positions the left had actually committed a coup.
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This definition of self coup is what was unfolding prior to Jan 6:

“A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from Spanishautogolpe) or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means. The leader may dissolve or render powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assume extraordinary powers not granted under normal circumstances. Other measures may include annulling the nation's constitution, suspending civil courts, and having the head of government assume dictatorial powers.”

Sounds pretty darn close to me…
An extremely unrealistic "self-coup" that had zero chance of success. Military power is required to pull a legit coup off.

"I'm a Proud Boy and I'm waiting for the word from the BIG MAN to go into battle. Standing by."
You don’t have much to be proud about. Oh wait , it is pride month , you have that.

"I'm a Proud Boy and I'm waiting for the word from the BIG MAN to go into battle. Standing by."
This one fails due to the lack of realism as No proud boy calls trump the lesser of 2 evils.

OTOH, you have said you don’t care about policy, and consistently bash trump for 1/6, so that shoe fits.
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This one fails due to the lack of realism as No proud boy calls trump the lesser of 2 evils.

OTOH, you have said you don’t care about policy, and consistently bash trump for 1/6, so that shoe fits.
It's cover.
An extremely unrealistic "self-coup" that had zero chance of success. Military power is required to pull a legit coup off.
The chance of success is irrelevant. It's the attempt. And now that he's tried it once and failed, one could argue that he could succeed next time. No thanks.
uhhm. you don't understand. And making gay jokes as put downs today is kind of like making racist jokes as put down in the eighties. It's going out of style. But 1966? I get it, dog.
Pride is one of the deadly sins and yes celebrating that is quite funny to me. I will never understand how the left can celebrate the evil things they do with such a level of smugness. I make no apologies for my disdain in the lifestyle.
That's great. I'm sorry that they went into your home and copulated in front of you. The bottom line though is you don't get what's going with the dude who said something false about me and so I did the same to him. But he's a Trump supporter, so I guess he's allowed and I shouldn't do it. Good day!!!
If you had done that at my home , There would be no need to post that message. Enough with your leftist drivel and distraction of the real facts at hand. You either want to protect the US and Freedom or, you are with those that want to limit freedom, PERIOD! The left has shown their bloodlust for attaining power and money at any cost. They do not even try to hide their evil intentions any longer. I guess not all citizens can handle Freedom, with the great chance to succeed, comes a chance to fail. Some want the safety net of big brother to rule them and provide for them.
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, and may posterity forget you were once our countryman." -Thomas Jefferson
Truly wish I was making this 💩 up. Be printing cash & publishing best sellers 😂. 🙏 it’s all wrong
Has it occurred to you that if you are a convicted felon, you shouldn't have secret service protection and it's as simple as that? Just like if you lie in court you can no longer practice law or if you are convicted of a felony you can't have a gun.

What's wrong with the U of Hawaii? Can't we all just get along? Or are you missing the Civil Rights marches and Vietnam protests and need some more conflict in your life?
Those rainbow warriors are not confused on their sexual orientation or their gender.
Got no problem with normal men.
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I was speaking of the soy boys and carpet munchers. The football team includes neither! Sorry if the truth hurts you
Sorry, man. I had no idea about what's going on. We're all just posting here with no clue who we're talking to or how their lives are going. We all have our struggles. I apologize. I will take my other posts down. Prayers for you and I hope you have some good days to come.
Sorry, man. I had no idea about what's going on. We're all just posting here with no clue who we're talking to or how their lives are going. We all have our struggles. I apologize. I will take my other posts down. Prayers for you and I hope you have some good days to come.
Don’t stress it brother, I do not mean to cause you any stress. Seriously, I’m sorry if I upset you. No need to take down any of your post. I’m ok, just worried about the health of our nation. I sincerely hope you have a great weekend.
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Don’t stress it brother, I do not mean to cause you any stress. Seriously, I’m sorry if I upset you. No need to take down any of your post. I’m ok, just worried about the health of our nation. I sincerely hope you have a great weekend.
NO stress for me friend. Prayers for you. Didn't know.
The chance of success is irrelevant. It's the attempt. And now that he's tried it once and failed, one could argue that he could succeed next time. No thanks.
The chance is very relevant because it shows how “real” it was. The lefts exaggerated response to that moment in time is evidence of pure desperation, but they are counting on the public being dumb enough to buy your story.

We know the left’s negatives are legitimate threats though. The white liberal would rather virtue signal and tear it all down than admit how insane all of their trash is.
Has it occurred to you that if you are a convicted felon, you shouldn't have secret service protection and it's as simple as that? Just like if you lie in court you can no longer practice law or if you are convicted of a felony you can't have a gun.

The chance is very relevant because it shows how “real” it was. The lefts exaggerated response to that moment in time is evidence of pure desperation, but they are counting on the public being dumb enough to buy your story.

We know the left’s negatives are legitimate threats though. The white liberal would rather virtue signal and tear it all down than admit how insane all of their trash is.
Excellent points. Spot on!