Did we get a final tally of how many babies were killed in the Planned Parenthood mobile abortion clinic at the DNC?

Likely they were mostly embryos.

Did you know that well over half of all embryos die without anyone, including a doctor or mother knowing?

Considering the amount of sperm released in the act of sex, the one that helped make us finding it's way to an egg ready to be fertilized, and the 60% to 75% likelihood that the embryo wouldn't survive the first few weeks of pregnancy, all of us won a lottery with insane odds. Science boggles the mind again.

However, an important biological feature of human embryos has been left out of a lot of ethical and even scientific discussion informing reproductive policy – most human embryos die before anyone, including doctors, even know they exist. This embryo loss typically occurs in the first two months after fertilization, before the clump of cells has developed into a fetus with immature forms of the body’s major organs. Total abortion bans that define personhood at conception mean that full legal rights exist for a 5-day-old blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells roughly 0.008 inches (0.2 millimeters) across with a high likelihood of disintegrating within a few days.
Likely they were mostly embryos.

Did you know that well over half of all embryos die without anyone, including a doctor or mother knowing?

Considering the amount of sperm released in the act of sex, the one that helped make us finding it's way to an egg ready to be fertilized, and the 60% to 75% likelihood that the embryo wouldn't survive the first few weeks of pregnancy, all of us won a lottery with insane odds. Science boggles the mind again.

However, an important biological feature of human embryos has been left out of a lot of ethical and even scientific discussion informing reproductive policy – most human embryos die before anyone, including doctors, even know they exist. This embryo loss typically occurs in the first two months after fertilization, before the clump of cells has developed into a fetus with immature forms of the body’s major organs. Total abortion bans that define personhood at conception mean that full legal rights exist for a 5-day-old blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells roughly 0.008 inches (0.2 millimeters) across with a high likelihood of disintegrating within a few days.
So what you're saying is that if an embryo dies before the doctors know about it, it has a zero chance of being aborted?

Can a doctor perform an abortion without the mother knowing about it?

And there's a huge difference between an embryo dying in the womb and being surgically removed from the womb.

That's some great liberal, scientific mush you linked.....but it really doesn't support the stupid assertion that you made. Based on what you posted, are we to conclude that since 100% of people die, we should just go ahead and kill them first?

Embryo, fetus, baby, I know my mind is simplistic but they all have the ability to become a human life. It just blows my mind how we disregard the sanctity of life for inconvenience. I’m not talking about medical necessary abortions, I understand that argument, but taking a potential life because of a mistake or being unplanned is just evil.
Likely they were mostly embryos.

Did you know that well over half of all embryos die without anyone, including a doctor or mother knowing?

Considering the amount of sperm released in the act of sex, the one that helped make us finding it's way to an egg ready to be fertilized, and the 60% to 75% likelihood that the embryo wouldn't survive the first few weeks of pregnancy, all of us won a lottery with insane odds. Science boggles the mind again.

However, an important biological feature of human embryos has been left out of a lot of ethical and even scientific discussion informing reproductive policy – most human embryos die before anyone, including doctors, even know they exist. This embryo loss typically occurs in the first two months after fertilization, before the clump of cells has developed into a fetus with immature forms of the body’s major organs. Total abortion bans that define personhood at conception mean that full legal rights exist for a 5-day-old blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells roughly 0.008 inches (0.2 millimeters) across with a high likelihood of disintegrating within a few days.
Way to go with scientifically missing the f*cking point. Trying to science your way into devaluing human life is to miss the point entirely of what our problem is. Did you know that scientifically humans are 60 percent water? With that in mind, can I drink you like a Vampire? What’s the problem, I’m JUST drinking water! Do you see why we can’t f*cking science our way into being our f*cking values?

The value of human life is something we put intrinsic value in to keep from chaos in our society. Abortions push the line of what we define as a human life. Is it fine since they’re so young that they can’t argue for themselves? Since they can’t vote? If fetuses could vote I guarantee Democrats would become pro life in a nanosecond. Stop pushing the line of morality, just stop it. I can understand the extreme situations where abortions could be considered when the mother’s life is in jeopardy and such cases, but we need to f*cking stop pushing it as some cure all to the point you can get them at the DNC.
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Way to go with scientifically missing the f*cking point. Trying to science your way into devaluing human life is to miss the point entirely of what our problem is. Did you know that scientifically humans are 60 percent water? With that in mind, can I drink you like a Vampire? What’s the problem, I’m JUST drinking water! Do you see why we can’t f*cking science our way into being our f*cking values?

The value of human life is something we put intrinsic value in to keep from chaos in our society. Abortions push the line of what we define as a human life. Is it fine since they’re so young that they can’t argue for themselves? Since they can’t vote? If fetuses could vote I guarantee Democrats would become pro life in a nanosecond. Stop pushing the line of morality, just stop it. I can understand the extreme situations where abortions could be considered when the mother’s life is in jeopardy and such cases, but we need to ****ing stop pushing it as some cure all to the point you can get them at the DNC.
Friend, I didn't bother to read the message. Let's talk respectfully to each other. Have a good day.
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So what you're saying is that if an embryo dies before the doctors know about it, it has a zero chance of being aborted?

Can a doctor perform an abortion without the mother knowing about it?

And there's a huge difference between an embryo dying in the womb and being surgically removed from the womb.

That's some great liberal, scientific mush you linked.....but it really doesn't support the stupid assertion that you made. Based on what you posted, are we to conclude that since 100% of people die, we should just go ahead and kill them first?

If the embryo dies, it has been aborted spontaneously, my friend. It seems many are not familiar with the whole process of birth on here. Have a fine day.

Embryos are not surgically removed from the womb unless there's some kind of problem, friend. I believe you're talking about a fetus.
If the embryo dies, it has been aborted spontaneously, my friend. It seems many are not familiar with the whole process of birth on here. Have a fine day.

Embryos are not surgically removed from the womb unless there's some kind of problem, friend. I believe you're talking about a fetus.
There is a huuuuge difference between an embryo dying naturally and having a little help from a pill or medical procedure.
Heck, if we use the justification to abort that it isn’t life or life hasn’t begun, how long will it be that we decide that old people or people with terminal illnesses are no longer a viable life and should be terminated because they have become an inconvenience? We are headed in that direction as a society and it has to stop.
If the embryo dies, it has been aborted spontaneously, my friend. It seems many are not familiar with the whole process of birth on here. Have a fine day.

Embryos are not surgically removed from the womb unless there's some kind of problem, friend. I believe you're talking about a fetus.
Well, I'm not a biologist. But I do have enough common sense to know the difference between something naturally dying and something being killed. Obviously you don't or you just choose to ignore the fact and look up some shitty science that supports your unsupportable position.
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Well, I'm not a biologist. But I do have enough common sense to know the difference between something naturally dying and something being killed. Obviously you don't or you just choose to ignore the fact and look up some shitty science that supports your unsupportable position.
You seem to be angry friend. Let's put this one aside. Have a good day.
There is a huuuuge difference between an embryo dying naturally and having a little help from a pill or medical procedure.
Heck, if we use the justification to abort that it isn’t life or life hasn’t begun, how long will it be that we decide that old people or people with terminal illnesses are no longer a viable life and should be terminated because they have become an inconvenience? We are headed in that direction as a society and it has to stop.
I'm just saying that it is rare to have a surgery or even a procedure with medical abortions during the embryonic stage. I think you probably are referring to the second trimester abortions which account for less than ten percent of abortions. My apologies if you misunderstood me or I'm misunderstanding you.
I can imagine that hell for a lot of people will be the constant scream of babies that have been aborted. Screams that will last for eternity.
I'm just saying that it is rare to have a surgery or even a procedure with medical abortions during the embryonic stage. I think you probably are referring to the second trimester abortions which account for less than ten percent of abortions. My apologies if you misunderstood me or I'm misunderstanding you.
I didn’t misunderstand , just can’t imagine trying to justify even the 10%.
Personal question, do you have children or siblings? If so, I assume that you love them. Can you imagine not having them in your life because someone decided to abort out of inconvenience? Can you imagine societies loss by not having these aborted children being in our lives?
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I didn’t misunderstand , just can’t imagine trying to justify even the 10%.
Personal question, do you have children or siblings? If so, I assume that you love them. Can you imagine not having them in your life because someone decided to abort out of inconvenience? Can you imagine societies loss by not having these aborted children being in our lives?
Yes, I do. But the reality is we make choices that prevent some child from being a part of our lives all the time. It's a very divisive subject and often times men have a very different perspective on it than women. And what we ask of women is very different than what is asked of men.
Yes, I do. But the reality is we make choices that prevent some child from being a part of our lives all the time. It's a very divisive subject and often times men have a very different perspective on it than women. And what we ask of women is very different than what is asked of men.
That’s kind of like Adam blaming Eve when confronted by God. 🤷‍♂️
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Likely they were mostly embryos.

Did you know that well over half of all embryos die without anyone, including a doctor or mother knowing?

Considering the amount of sperm released in the act of sex, the one that helped make us finding it's way to an egg ready to be fertilized, and the 60% to 75% likelihood that the embryo wouldn't survive the first few weeks of pregnancy, all of us won a lottery with insane odds. Science boggles the mind again.

However, an important biological feature of human embryos has been left out of a lot of ethical and even scientific discussion informing reproductive policy – most human embryos die before anyone, including doctors, even know they exist. This embryo loss typically occurs in the first two months after fertilization, before the clump of cells has developed into a fetus with immature forms of the body’s major organs. Total abortion bans that define personhood at conception mean that full legal rights exist for a 5-day-old blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells roughly 0.008 inches (0.2 millimeters) across with a high likelihood of disintegrating within a few days.
WOW thats the way you look at it? Since half die another way, its just makes it ok that the other half is murdered?
Friend, I didn't bother to read the message. Let's talk respectfully to each other. Have a good day.
Fair enough. As far as I’m aware none of us are in political positions to decide things in this regard or make decisions, so it’s all in the effort of understanding and portraying the nuance issues as they are so that we can come to better understanding of each other. Though some advice friend which you can take or leave, if you wanna discuss the very serious discussion of Abortion, be prepared for push back as this is a matter of life and death for us. Have a wonderful day and Go Dawgs!
In the 1970s, an American consulting firm connected to pharmaceutical companies gained a contract with the Indian govt to sterilize 6 million Indian women against their will,...I don't think their exists a stele or historical marker to celebrate such an event,...because sterilizing human beings against their will is quite shitty and should not be celebrated

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