DNC elected Hogg co-chair of DNC

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We just learned that the dem chair does not run things himself,...he has scattered "post-it" notes on his podium that were scribed a few days/weeks ago in his memory from shouting, contentious colleagues from some utopian banquet hall in Albuquerque, or St Paul,.....

It's okay,..we are all trying to build a bridge to retirement,'s just that I don't want to be like Jamie Harrison and build a bridge over water out of dental floss and cheap ass palet wood
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All the intelligent people in the DNC have left. The party has been completely taken over by woke activists living in lala land. Meanwhile, the GOP has positioned itself as the party of common sense. The only move by the DNC is to be the party of lunacy.
The Dems voted unanimously that racism and mysogeny were the reasons Harris lost. Then they voted for two white guys to be DNC Chair and Co-chair (The co-chair being David Hogg). You cannot make this shit up.