Don't think Biden lives 2 more years

Probably sooner. He's declining more rapidly seemingly in the last 6 months than ever before. Whatever cocktail of drugs, blood transfusions, etc. he's on, just seems like it's working less n less now
Agree. He’s about had it. What a shame the RATS are subjecting our formerly proud country to this humiliation.
Probably sooner. He's declining more rapidly seemingly in the last 6 months than ever before. Whatever cocktail of drugs, blood transfusions, etc. he's on, just seems like it's working less n less now
Carter has been in hospice for almost 2 years.

And don’t forget, only the good die young.
I think you are right. It doesn't take a Dr to see he is struggling. To his credit, he made it through the press conference without incident. But he often stared at the teleprompter and read word for word. And when it was time to let Zelenzky answer, Biden said, "I'll now turn it over to President....He couldn't finish with the last name.
I think the Dems know Biden won't win reelection so they are going heavy on packing the house & Senate to not only get Trump impeached again but removed from office.... probably within the first year.

Remember, the only reason Trump remained in office after the last impeachment was there was enough Republicans in the Senate who voted to keep him in office.

If Trump wins but the Senate (or you get enough establishment Rinos like Liz Cheney & Romney) & House go blue, Trump is as good as gone as soon as some impeachment charges are (& you know they are coming) trumped up
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Probably sooner. He's declining more rapidly seemingly in the last 6 months than ever before. Whatever cocktail of drugs, blood transfusions, etc. he's on, just seems like it's working less n less now
Serious question. What are your thoughts on Trump’s current mental acuity?
Serious question. What are your thoughts on Trump’s current mental acuity?
He's sharper & wittier than most 40 year olds. He's quicker on his feet than I'll ever be

Sure he has his share of gaffs but who doesn't when you talk as much as he does with cameras in your face

Despite what the media reports, I haven't seen any semblance of mental decline yet. He's old so it could start any day but that dude can still hook n jab with the best of them at a moment's notice.

Many people die before their brain starts to fail. I bet Trump dies before his mental cognition ever becomes glaring apparent to the public
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He's sharper & wittier than most 40 year olds. He's quicker on his feet than I'll ever be

Sure he has his share of gaffs but who doesn't when you talk as much as he does with cameras in your face

Despite what the media reports, I haven't seen any semblance of mental decline yet. He's old so it could start any day but that dude can still hook n jab with the best of them at a moment's notice.

Many people die before their brain starts to fail. I bet Trump dies before his mental cognition ever becomes glaring apparent to the public
If you believe that, I’m guessing your news sources are highly curated.

The debate is going to lay bare exactly where we are are with Biden and Trump. I still believe that Trump is in such bad shape that his team will find a way to get out of the debate, but we will see soon enough.
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Probably sooner. He's declining more rapidly seemingly in the last 6 months than ever before. Whatever cocktail of drugs, blood transfusions, etc. he's on, just seems like it's working less n less now
It certainly doesn't look good, it all is very hard to watch. I genuinely feel bad for the fellow and wish him good him good health and wellbeing.

Nonetheless...healthy or not, don't want him another 4 years, he has done enough of damage.
If you believe that, I’m guessing your news sources are highly curated.

The debate is going to lay bare exactly where we are are with Biden and Trump. I still believe that Trump is in such bad shape that his team will find a way to get out of the debate, but we will see soon enough.
Not sure if serious or not.

Just listen to him talk & joke around without a script or teleprompter. Does he ever shy away from a mic or topic unless he under a gag order?
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If you believe that, I’m guessing your news sources are highly curated.

The debate is going to lay bare exactly where we are are with Biden and Trump. I still believe that Trump is in such bad shape that his team will find a way to get out of the debate, but we will see soon enough.
Oh, here is a strategy that will work. Biden can’t hack it, so let’s start the same rumor with Trump. I’d say what I think of what you’re trying to do, but then I’d get sent to Chile. Right out of the Democrat playbook.
Oh, here is a strategy that will work. Biden can’t hack it, so let’s start the same rumor with Trump. I’d say what I think of what you’re trying to do, but then I’d get sent to Chile. Right out of the Democrat playbook.
We've seen it for a decade now, everything the Dems are guilty of or considering, they first blame conservatives or Trump of

From 2019. Funny how coherently he speaks when it may not be him. The CIA absolutely has mask disguises that fool other spies. Ever notice how many faces of Joe Biden there are?

Watch this clip. It's crazy that they can make body doubles using these masks
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To be clear, both candidates are too old and it’s a national embarrassment that we can’t do better.

The debate, if it happens, is going to be fascinating, and likely highly alarming.
It's been a national embarrassment that Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, & Joe Biden were the 3 presidential candidates of the past 3 elections including the one upcoming.

You could go to your local school board and find at least one person more fit for the presidency than at least one of those 3

Becoming president of the USA & leader of the free world used to be one of the most prestigious honors anyone could ever hope to fulfill. It's now a complete joke but here we are
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It's been a national embarrassment that Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, & Joe Biden were the 3 presidential candidates of the past 3 elections including the one upcoming.

You could go to your school board and find at least one person more fit & less evil for the presidency than at least one of those 3

Becoming president of the USA & leader of the free world used to be one of the most prestigious honors anyone could ever hope to fulfill. It's now a complete joke but here we are
Don’t care if Trump is Satan himself. If he can give me numbers like he did last time….or even close to them, will vote for him in a NY minute.

He certainly doesn’t embarrass me.
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Don’t care if Trump is Satan himself. If he can give me numbers like he did last time….or even close to them, will vote for him in a NY minute.

He certainly doesn’t embarrass me.
Trump should embarrass you, for multitude of reasons. But maybe you agree that the 300+ people convicted of violent felonies on J6 are actually heroes who should be praised as great patriots and pardoned by Trump.

Just don't try and simultaneously hold that position while also saying you Back the Blue or support the Constitution for that matter.
I think the Dems know Biden won't win reelection so they are going heavy on packing the house & Senate to not only get Trump impeached again but removed from office.... probably within the first year.

Remember, the only reason Trump remained in office after the last impeachment was there was enough Republicans in the Senate who voted to keep him in office.

If Trump wins but the Senate (or you get enough establishment Rinos like Liz Cheney & Romney) & House go blue, Trump is as good as gone as soon as some impeachment charges are (& you know they are coming) trumped up
Although it "only" takes a majority of the House to impeach, It takes a 2/3 majority pf the Senate to remove a president from office (67 votes).

That ain't happening, for either side.
1. I think its reasonable to assume Trump's overall speech and comprehension has decreased some over the last few years.
2. I think its safe to assume MSNBC and some anti Trump networks are looking hard for examples of his decline to try to note similarities to Biden.
3. Trump would be better off sticking to teleprompter and his notes VS going off on tangents where he rants and makes silly comments.
4. The gap between Trump and Biden's decline is still huge, one needs to slow down, use notes more and chose his words more carefully; the other one does not need to do public speaking at all
5. Several democrats, including one I work with have said Trump is looking for every reason NOT to debate Biden. Are you kidding me? Trump might make an idiot of himself in Atlanta in a few weeks by trying to do to much and screaming when its Biden's time to talk but no way he is looking for a way out of this debate. He thinks he going to wins this one 10-0 when he would be better off just winning it 6-4. Don't play for a knockout, just play for a win.
6. If Trump wins the debate by a knockout Biden will not be the nominee
7. If Biden wins in November he will not be the President at the end of 2026
Trump should embarrass you, for multitude of reasons. But maybe you agree that the 300+ people convicted of violent felonies on J6 are actually heroes who should be praised as great patriots and pardoned by Trump.

Just don't try and simultaneously hold that position while also saying you Back the Blue or support the Constitution for that matter.
Hello there Sweetie, first you say you want to ignore me a then you don’t.

Does this now mean you’re not ignoring…..U still mad or were U just temporarily hurt??
1. I think its reasonable to assume Trump's overall speech and comprehension has decreased some over the last few years.
2. I think its safe to assume MSNBC and some anti Trump networks are looking hard for examples of his decline to try to note similarities to Biden.
3. Trump would be better off sticking to teleprompter and his notes VS going off on tangents where he rants and makes silly comments.
4. The gap between Trump and Biden's decline is still huge, one needs to slow down, use notes more and chose his words more carefully; the other one does not need to do public speaking at all
5. Several democrats, including one I work with have said Trump is looking for every reason NOT to debate Biden. Are you kidding me? Trump might make an idiot of himself in Atlanta in a few weeks by trying to do to much and screaming when its Biden's time to talk but no way he is looking for a way out of this debate. He thinks he going to wins this one 10-0 when he would be better off just winning it 6-4. Don't play for a knockout, just play for a win.
6. If Trump wins the debate by a knockout Biden will not be the nominee
7. If Biden wins in November he will not be the President at the end of 2026
I think Trump is in a lose lose with the debate. If he looks better than Biden, he's supposed to. If he bullies Biden, he's once again a bully (but now also a convicted felon) now picking on an a "gentle" old man.

They are purposely setting expectations low for Biden so when he inevitably exceeds the ridiculously low expectations, he can be celebrated for blowing expectations out of the water.

Not to mention he'll get softball questions while Trump will face hostile moderators who are very quick to silence his mic
I think Trump is in a lose lose with the debate. If he looks better than Biden, he's supposed to. If he bullies Biden, he's once again a bully (but now also a convicted felon) now picking on an a "gentle" old man.

They are purposely setting expectations low for Biden so when he inevitably exceeds the ridiculously low expectations, he can be celebrated for blowing expectations out of the water.

Not to mention he'll get softball questions while Trump will face hostile moderators who are very quick to silence his mic
Actually, Trump himself is lowering expectations for the debate.

I think Trump is in a lose lose with the debate. If he looks better than Biden, he's supposed to. If he bullies Biden, he's once again a bully (but now also a convicted felon) now picking on an a "gentle" old man.

They are purposely setting expectations low for Biden so when he inevitably exceeds the ridiculously low expectations, he can be celebrated for blowing expectations out of the water.

Not to mention he'll get softball questions while Trump will face hostile moderators who are very quick to silence his mic
I think your first 2 paragraphs are spot on. I don't think CNN moderators will be like Judge Merchan, they may try to tilt the scale some but don't think they can go crazy will lopsided questions. I just don't see how Biden can perform for 1.5 hours without notes and list of questions beforehand., he is going to have a freeze up moment or babble several times maybe more. Not sure Trump can be discipline for 1.5 hours either, he is sure to rant.
It certainly doesn't look good, it all is very hard to watch. I genuinely feel bad for the fellow and wish him good him good health and wellbeing.

Nonetheless...healthy or not, don't want him another 4 years, he has done enough of

{{{crickets}}} I see.

Guess you’ve gone back to ignore or just doing the “cold shoulder” thingy again. However, I do appreciate the effort and the moral superiority to try and help get some folks on here straight

Nonetheless, Pine posted a video the other day that made me fondly think of you. Can remember you telling me about the good ole days in Atlanta and you inviting some of these folks over for Sunday dinner.

Noticed the bearded dancing gal in the video and thought you would appreciate it. Especially liked the little wave and the kiss on ole Joe’s hand. From his blush, thinks ole Joe enjoyed it...and I say good for him.

Anyway, here it is….hope it brings back some good memories & maybe some warm & fuzzies.

Hope you enjoy it:

BTW, don’t stay mad too long, kinda miss you…..MAGA!
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Not sure if the Secret Service can take a second term.
Hello there Sweetie, first you say you want to ignore me a then you don’t.

Does this now mean you’re not ignoring…..U still mad or were U just temporarily hurt??
No, just wishing you a Happy Flag Day from Trump and one of his J6 heroes.

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No, just wishing you a Happy Flag Day from Trump and one of his J6 heroes.

I hope that POS rots in federal prison solitary. That is no patriot nor should he call himself an American. No lie

I hate what happened on J6. I think it was encouraged by the establishment to make Trump look terrible but I wish it never happened. It was a terrible look and terrible for our country

J6 could not have gone better for the Dems, establishment republicans, and the deep state. It was the gift that keeps on giving
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I hope that POS kills himself in federal prison solitary. No lie

Show some Summer of Love footage all the Dem politicians cheered on.

I hate what happened on J6. I think it was encouraged by the establishment to make Trump look terrible but I wish it never happened. It was a terrible look and terrible for our country

J6 could not have gone better for the Dems, establishment republicans, and the deep state. It was the gift that keeps on giving
Biden condemned the violence, they weren’t carrying Biden flags, they weren’t interfering in a lost election and Biden has not praised them or promised to pardon them.

The one that I hold in complete disdain is doctor (haha) Jill for allowing her husband to be humiliated on the world stage. What a piece of garbage wife.
If only Joe could get the kind of support shown by Melania during the recent fraud/hush money/election inference trial. Her notable absence from even a single day of the trial definitely sent a message to the jury.
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