Jack Cashill, a WND contributor and author of the new book "
Scarlet Letters: The Ever-increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism Exposed," said the presidency of Barack Obama has resuscitated and breathed new life into Farrakhan's ministry, encouraging him to spew ever-more outrageous racial invective.
"The Obama presidency has given the 82-year-old Farrakhan new life," Cashill told WND. "By racializing just about everything he has touched, Obama has raised black paranoia to new heights, and Farrakhan is exploiting that paranoia with potentially lethal consequences."
Peterson said Farrakhan is a longtime demagogue looking to tap into black angst and spark a "race war."
"Farrakhan claims blacks are suffering under the 'tyranny' of whites, but the only tyranny that's controlling black Americans today is their own anger and hatred toward whites," Peterson said.
Peterson said Farrakhan is deceiving blacks and he's "leading them to the slaughter."
"Farrakhan is a racist. He has referred to whites as blue-eyed devils. He's taking advantage of the anger that exists in the black community for his own personal gain.
"This man is a domestic terrorist and he needs to be arrested immediately for making terrorist threats. This is against the law," he continued. "No white person could incite and encourage violence toward blacks and get away with it. They would be locked up and shunned. What Farrakhan is doing is evil and it’s not good for America. Whites are not causing the suffering and misery that exists in the major urban areas. The breakdown of the black family, dependency on the government, and lack of moral character are the real issues hurting blacks."
Christians applaud Islamic preacher of war
The fact that Farrakhan made his remarks at a black church is even more troubling to Peterson, himself an ordained minister.
"That indicates that these men and women agree with his hate speech. There is no way you can believe in God and applaud and cheer for a demagogue," he said. "There's no way you can be a Christian and listen to someone who encourages you to hate your fellow man. That is not showing love. The people listening to Farrakhan need to repent. These people are encouraging the next generation to hate whites. At this rate, this race issue will never end."
Preaching directly from the Quran before a packed Baptist church, the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told his adoring audience that violent retaliation is the only way for American blacks to “rise up” and overthrow their white oppressors.
Conservative black leaders told WND Wednesday they believe Farrakhan’s statements went beyond the limits of free speech into the realm of criminal incitement, although a noted constitutional attorney cautioned that prosecuting on these terms would be an uphill battle.