NonDawg Fess up, who’s gotten a photo speed citation recently


National Champion
Gold Member
Nov 26, 2023
Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
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Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
This is actually a big issue across the state. Georgia legislature is working on this right now is my understanding. These speed cameras are writing tickets even when the lights aren't flashing and school is empty.
Many, many complaints coming from teachers who leave way after hours and it sends them tickets.

People are furious. I would dispute it and not pay right now.
This is actually a big issue across the state. Georgia legislature is working on this right now is my understanding. These speed cameras are writing tickets even when the lights aren't flashing and school is empty.
Many, many complaints coming from teachers who leave way after hours and it sends them tickets.

People are furious. I would dispute it and not pay right now.
My first one was at 8:25 in front of Jefferson high school. I don’t even know if lights were blinking. School was in. I was furious. I wanted to dispute. I ended up just paying. Would have rather given that $207.80 to a CCC.

And looking back, #2 was during spring break in Athens. I should contest that one for sure.
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This is actually a big issue across the state. Georgia legislature is working on this right now is my understanding. These speed cameras are writing tickets even when the lights aren't flashing and school is empty.
Many, many complaints coming from teachers who leave way after hours and it sends them tickets.

People are furious. I would dispute it and not pay right now.
They issue tickets at all times, not just school hours. It's a civil fine, it doesn't go on your record or insurance. It's a complete shakedown. The camera company gets a large part of the money.
I have gotten about 30-35 of those over the past five years.

Many of them were for cars I own, but was not driving...and for 6-10 mph over the limit on a particular downhill speed trap. And I know that no one is speeding...Everyone in my family drives at or under the speed limit in that area...

Doesn't matter anyway because every single damn one has gone into the trash can.
Washington DC loves them. Every time I drive into DC, I know I will have a ticket mailed to me in a few weeks.
I have gotten about 30-35 of those over the past five years.

Many of them were for cars I own, but was not driving...and for 6-10 mph over the limit on a particular downhill speed trap. And I know that no one is speeding, because...Everyone in my family drives at or under the speed limit in that area...

Doesn't matter anyway because every single damn one has gone into the trash can.

I’m intrigued. Where my attorneys at billing hours reading the vent. Do these have to be paid. I knew it didn’t count against driving record. Figured I had to pay or contest.
Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
State legislators tried to get them banned during this year's session, but it didn't pass.

There are 2 companies who've been caught giving out tickets even when the lights are not flashing. If the time is listed when you got your ticket isn't during the school flashing period, you can fight it and not have to pay.
Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
FYI, WAZE will detect these if you leave it open.
We have a few in cumming so I leave mine active.
State legislators tried to get them banned during this year's session, but it didn't pass.

There are 2 companies who've been caught giving out tickets even when the lights are not flashing. If the time is listed when you got your ticket isn't during the school flashing period, you can fight it and not have to pay.
They got rid of them here (Cary, NC). People were po'd, and they didn't raise the revenue they promised.
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It is a huge scam. I believe it was Dennis Ralston's (former speaker) son who worked for the co. in AZ that does this that got it passed in GA. The Company maintains the camera and they split the ransom with the gov. entity. They send you a junk mail notice and to contest you have to go get a notarized request for a court hearing. If you call their number you get someone who couldn't get a job at Walmart. The one in Canton on Main street is about 300-400 yards from the school, which down a side street and in 28 years here I have yet to see a child walking down the Main Street sidewalk anywhere near the school.
I’m intrigued. Where my attorneys at billing hours reading the vent. Do these have to be paid. I knew it didn’t count against driving record. Figured I had to pay or contest.
It is a major issue here in Chattanooga - the camera I am dealing with has been set on fire twice and blown off the top of the pole with shotguns a couple of times.

I refuse to pay them. If they want the money from me, they are going to have to haul my ass out of my house, take me to jail and and then go through a trial. I will have my attorney fight it all the way through and I will make sure all local media is aware.

This is a hill I will die on. Screw miscalibrated, robocop government money grabs...They have enough of my damn money as it is...
They claim that if you don't pay that you will not be able to renew your tag for that car the next year.
Pretty sure they outlawed those in Texas because they were total crap. I think it should be against the law. I don’t want to live in any more of a surveillance state than we already do.
It is a major issue here in Chattanooga - the camera I am dealing with has been set on fire twice and blown off the top of the pole with shotguns a couple of times.

I refuse to pay them. If they want the money from me, they are going to have to haul my ass out of my house, take me to jail and and then go through a trial. I will have my attorney fight it all the way through and I will make sure all local media is aware.

This is a hill I will die on. Screw miscalibrated, robocop government money grabs...They have enough of my damn money as it is...
Brainerd @ Moore?
I run Waze, an Escort Redline 360, and Escort Live daily. It’s saved me so many times.
I got lit up in Canton on Marietta Hwy at Cherokee HS speed camera on a Saturday not too long ago. A Saturday.
I hate those things.
Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
Got one in the mail today as a matter of fact
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They write tickets when flashing and any time during the day that the radar gun shows you going 10 miles over the speed limit. As others have noted whether that 10 mph over is accurate is highly disputed.
Hixson Pike going into town at the bottom of the S-Curves.

That said, my lawyer has advised me to make it clear that this is all meaningless, fictitious message board jokes and none of this ever happened.
ugh. The ones that they move around town up there are awful. Near McCallie and the tunnels were in sneaky spots.
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I live up Rabun County and have gotten four in Tallulah Falls. Heading south it’s climbing a hill and not thinking of backing off the pedal at the crest where the camera is.
I got that one too. Total BS. Everyone knows that is a huge speed trap and I always drive like a grandma from the bridge to the top of the hill. I have no idea exactly where they popped me but I know it’s complete bullshit.
Don't go down Buford Dam Rd (the one that goes over the dam). They have a photo citation scam going on there where it gives you a speeding ticket even if it's not during school hours. You have to go 30 mph regardless.

I used to always take that road as an alternate way to get over to the Market Place Blvd area off of 400 but I avoid it now. Not getting another surprise ticket. Total BS.
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This is actually a big issue across the state. Georgia legislature is working on this right now is my understanding. These speed cameras are writing tickets even when the lights aren't flashing and school is empty.
Many, many complaints coming from teachers who leave way after hours and it sends them tickets.

People are furious. I would dispute it and not pay right now.
People need to find and beat the shit out of David Ralsons fat fvcking son. He’s the lobbyist that got this shoved through late on sine die
Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
How is it legal? Ticketing a car owner vs the driver? The driver is responsible not the car owner.
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I have gotten about 30-35 of those over the past five years.

Many of them were for cars I own, but was not driving...and for 6-10 mph over the limit on a particular downhill speed trap. And I know that no one is speeding...Everyone in my family drives at or under the speed limit in that area...

Doesn't matter anyway because every single damn one has gone into the trash can.
I’ve had that many too. And I poke around town. Ignored tickets so far and nothing has happened. Just renewed tag. Thought I might have an issue. But didn’t.
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I'm in North Alabama and our Police Department and City Court are avidly AGAINST these. They are legally dubious and they do not want to waste the court's time on cases that are liable to be thrown out.
They don’t even go to court
Because I’ve gotten 2 now within 2 weeks of each other. One in Jefferson and another in Athens. School zones going 45 in 35. Both within 5 minutes of the lights stopping flashing. $100 x 2 plus $3.90 processing fee. What sucks is I don’t even speed. I drive like a grandpa most of the time. So be aware. Ticket goes to the registered owner. Money making machine I bet. For those that have gotten one, I feel our pain. For those that haven’t, you’ve been warned.
81 in a 70 in Louisiana. And a ticket for not being hands free in Greensboro Ga. ($423) in the red.