Starting to believe this is fake news. Saw a screenshot of a text on facebook that was worded exactly the same.
Oh gee, Now that is a shock.....

it must be true though, A DVer reported hearing from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another...
Yeah this is fake for sure. Had me going for awhile
This is literally word for word the same post that is being spread around on Facebook right now. People reposting this type of junk is exactly how fake news and hysteria spreads.
Really wish Radi and Dash would start issuing Chilean Tourist Visas for some of this stuff.
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Starting to believe this is fake news. Saw a screenshot of a text on facebook that was worded exactly the same.

It is fake news. It started before trump spoke Friday and even tho it didn’t happen at that time people are still running with it
Hospital here (son still in-patient) just enacted tonight a 1 person per patient policy for duration of stay. If you’re not actively helpful to the patient, you can’t stay. Have to be in patient’s room by 7pm daily. Nurse told me it comes from the chief of infectious diseases, which I’m sure came from state department of health, CDC, etc. To be honest, I’m glad. After going through what he’s been through in ICU (he’s in PCU now) he’s still very very very vulnerable as are other patients here. Staff needs to be protected as much as they can as well.
Praying for your son!

Oconee County Georgia Sheriff's Office
18 mins ·
I feel I need to address the internet rumors of "Stafford Act", "military" or "administration" types enforcing some type of 2 week quarantine across the country.
There is still a Constitution in this country. Since the 1800's Georgia has had laws dealing with quarantines and isolation, particularly in regards to non compliant tuberculosis patients.
We have done it before....taking non compliant tb patients into custody and making them take the medicine they were ignoring.
There are laws in place to protect the rights of those subject to isolation. As long as people remain compliant, that is, they follow instructions should they be quarantined, there is no problem. People forcibly quarantined have rights, including lawyers paid by the state. They are entitled to hearings, lawyers, writs of habeas corpus, etc...
This is America, not Cuba.
Wash your hands.
If you are sick, stay home. If you are sick, get medical attention.
Avoid large crowds, shaking hands and hugging sickly looking people..or your mother in law.
We can do this without fear of military take over. I doubt we have enough soldiers in this country to take over South Georgia, much less Texas.
WE got this.....together.

I hope this is right. I really do.
I’ve had time to contact a couple people I know — the best source told me “I can’t confirm nor deny”. He’s not dramatic and would’ve denied it if he didn’t believe it to be true. I would be prepared if you aren’t already. I’m leaving Kroger right now
Got back from Kroger about an hour ago as well. Mother in law changed her flight home to be tomorrow, better safe than sorry
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Trump just told people to quit hoarding at the stores. He also assured us the food companies and stores would be open. Seems the opposite of the stuff in this thread
Trump just told people to quit hoarding at the stores. He also assured us the food companies and stores would be open. Seems the opposite of the stuff in this thread
There is a difference between hoarding and preparing. He’s talking about the idiots buying 3-5x their supply. I’ve got enough for just me, even gave some stuff to a neighbor earlier since I felt I had too much of one supply. We’re all working together, hopefully.
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Hopefully trucks will keep running..
I am a manager in the grocery biz, it's the warehouses that I worry about being affected. They are the lifeline and packed with workers. I don't believe there is any way they shut down though, how can they without inciting major panic.
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Heads up.
Just received the following from one of my military brothers in DC. Please be advised, within 48-72 hours the president will evoke what is called the Stafford act. Just got off the phone with some of my military friends in DC who got out of a 2 hour briefing. The president will order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation. Make sure you have enough supplies to last 2 weeks. Be vigilant out there.

@Inholland1 wanted me to forward this to everyone.

Someone from the national media should buy a Rivals subscription and scoop their competitors.
Hope Trump suspends bill payments because my company is not going to pay me for 2 weeks if I'm not working. ...
Trump can't tell those companies you owe money to suspend payments. Those companies will have to do that on their own out of the goodness of their hearts...good luck with that
Heads up.
Just received the following from one of my military brothers in DC. Please be advised, within 48-72 hours the president will evoke what is called the Stafford act. Just got off the phone with some of my military friends in DC who got out of a 2 hour briefing. The president will order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation. Make sure you have enough supplies to last 2 weeks. Be vigilant out there.

@Inholland1 wanted me to forward this to everyone.
Can't believe anything people post, even if reportedly coming from "credible" sources.

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