Good points by Eric Erickson today as he filled in for Mark Arum


B2B Caffeinated Nat’l Champion
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2009
To vote for Trump doesn’t mean you love Trump. It doesn’t mean you agree with him as a man.

The vote for Trump is based on the following that directly affects you and your family.

1) No inflation versus 9% inflation
2) Building gas reserves and gas prices $1.50 naturally less than current prices versus selling off gas reserves to try and lower gas prices artificially while in direct conflict with stated agenda.
3) China controlled financially from a global perspective versus China controlling the economy globally.
4) Government intent to control borders versus an uncontrolled influx of unvetted illegal migrants.
5) Respect for those who we make commitments to and protection for US assets versus providing international terrorists billions in military equipment as we abandoned Afghanistan relations
6) A former President who speaks to his opponent personably in regards to differences of beliefs and agenda, letting the differences in the two men be the defining reason for the vote versus a sitting President attacking and insulting half the citizens because they don’t agree with him, hoping to create a political division within the country to build his voting base.
7) Hamas unwilling to attack Israel boldly because of the fear of U.S. response and support for Israel versus an attack and slaughter of Israeli citizens due to perceived US apathy
8) General peace internationally for fear of U.S. reprisal versus Russia flexing war muscles regionally against Ukraine
9) A man who owns companies and employed thousands of people of all colors and sexes, who took the Presidency, not taking a salary and worth less leaving the Presidency than before he served versus a man who has never had a job outside of politics, never employed a single person and increased his net worth 10x since taking the Presidency.

But Trump tweets mean. He takes care of those things that take care of us. And that should be the defining decision.
You forgot he passed a 2 Trillion tax cut that 83% went to the top 1% incomes. He raised the deficit by 7 Trillion and wants more tax cuts. Gas was $1.50 a gallon because with Covid the demand for gas fell. Oh yes, Covid took us to no inflation not Trump.
Do you think a President who loves Orbán, Kim, Xia and Putin instead of our NATO allies is best for the USA?
Do you think birth control should be up to the States? Do you really think Putin isn't going after Poland next ? He mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker.
Inflation is not controlled by the President. Nixon, Ford and Carter wrestled with inflation worse than today's. Home mortgages were 15% in 1982. Today they are 7%.
Do you think Trump was kidding when he said he may need to suspend the Constitution? Will he be Dictator for only a day? Are the traitors who attacked the Capitol police on Jan 6th hostages?
Democracy is more important than all of Erickson's and my points. Recognizing election results is a very important part of defending the Democracy.

You forgot he passed a 2 Trillion tax cut that 83% went to the top 1% incomes. He raised the deficit by 7 Trillion and wants more tax cuts. Gas was $1.50 a gallon because with Covid the demand for gas fell. Oh yes, Covid took us to no inflation not Trump.
Do you think a President who loves Orbán, Kim, Xia and Putin instead of our NATO allies is best for the USA?
Do you think birth control should be up to the States? Do you really think Putin isn't going after Poland next ? He mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker.
Inflation is not controlled by the President. Nixon, Ford and Carter wrestled with inflation worse than today's. Home mortgages were 15% in 1982. Today they are 7%.
Do you think Trump was kidding when he said he may need to suspend the Constitution? Will he be Dictator for only a day? Are the traitors who attacked the Capitol police on Jan 6th hostages?
Democracy is more important than all of Erickson's and my points. Recognizing election results is a very important part of defending the Democracy.

When did you get of the asylum? Man you way out there.
You forgot he passed a 2 Trillion tax cut that 83% went to the top 1% incomes. He raised the deficit by 7 Trillion and wants more tax cuts. Gas was $1.50 a gallon because with Covid the demand for gas fell. Oh yes, Covid took us to no inflation not Trump.
Do you think a President who loves Orbán, Kim, Xia and Putin instead of our NATO allies is best for the USA?
Do you think birth control should be up to the States? Do you really think Putin isn't going after Poland next ? He mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker.
Inflation is not controlled by the President. Nixon, Ford and Carter wrestled with inflation worse than today's. Home mortgages were 15% in 1982. Today they are 7%.
Do you think Trump was kidding when he said he may need to suspend the Constitution? Will he be Dictator for only a day? Are the traitors who attacked the Capitol police on Jan 6th hostages?
Democracy is more important than all of Erickson's and my points. Recognizing election results is a very important part of defending the Democracy.

Glad your America is doing so well.

Democracy is not more important. It is the least.

We are not and have never been, and do not want to be a democracy. In a democracy, with elitist wealthy politicians, the vote is purchased by the politician.

I enjoyed your reply. I laughed. Thanks.
You forgot he passed a 2 Trillion tax cut that 83% went to the top 1% incomes. He raised the deficit by 7 Trillion and wants more tax cuts. Gas was $1.50 a gallon because with Covid the demand for gas fell. Oh yes, Covid took us to no inflation not Trump.
Do you think a President who loves Orbán, Kim, Xia and Putin instead of our NATO allies is best for the USA?
Do you think birth control should be up to the States? Do you really think Putin isn't going after Poland next ? He mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker.
Inflation is not controlled by the President. Nixon, Ford and Carter wrestled with inflation worse than today's. Home mortgages were 15% in 1982. Today they are 7%.
Do you think Trump was kidding when he said he may need to suspend the Constitution? Will he be Dictator for only a day? Are the traitors who attacked the Capitol police on Jan 6th hostages?
Democracy is more important than all of Erickson's and my points. Recognizing election results is a very important part of defending the Democracy.

Just in case you think all women are single issue voters for abortion.

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You forgot he passed a 2 Trillion tax cut that 83% went to the top 1% incomes. He raised the deficit by 7 Trillion and wants more tax cuts. Gas was $1.50 a gallon because with Covid the demand for gas fell. Oh yes, Covid took us to no inflation not Trump.
Do you think a President who loves Orbán, Kim, Xia and Putin instead of our NATO allies is best for the USA?
Do you think birth control should be up to the States? Do you really think Putin isn't going after Poland next ? He mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker.
Inflation is not controlled by the President. Nixon, Ford and Carter wrestled with inflation worse than today's. Home mortgages were 15% in 1982. Today they are 7%.
Do you think Trump was kidding when he said he may need to suspend the Constitution? Will he be Dictator for only a day? Are the traitors who attacked the Capitol police on Jan 6th hostages?
Democracy is more important than all of Erickson's and my points. Recognizing election results is a very important part of defending the Democracy.

What color is the sky in your world?
Amen, PotimusWillie, we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. The left would love to get rid of the electoral college, but that will only happen if our great nation descends into a civil war. No one with any sense wishes for that to ever happen, however many on the left seem to be pushing that narrative with their rhetoric & unlawful acts!
Amen, PotimusWillie, we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. The left would love to get rid of the electoral college, but that will only happen if our great nation descends into a civil war. No one with any sense wishes for that to ever happen, however many on the left seem to be pushing that narrative with their rhetoric & unlawful acts!
We haven’t been a constitutional republic for 200 years
It's true , we are a constitutional republic, but many on the left don't want to follow the Constitution! Our founding fathers were brilliant men, but even they could never imagine the moral decay in our society today that has led to our current state!
We haven’t been a constitutional republic for 200 years
Thus the problem with the naively ignorant democracy comments.

We were built as a democratic republic, but elite wealthy politicians hate a republic.

Gain the vote by the promise. Provide and create dependence. Divide and defame citizen opposition. Promote democracy with entitlement to keep power through the vote of the dependent.

The wealthy elite don’t care. That is why our country was founded on government owned by the people.

It amazes me how we want to give it up for the sake of gender fluidity, support of Hamas and the right to kill conceived life. Which happen to be bedfellows.
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You forgot he passed a 2 Trillion tax cut that 83% went to the top 1% incomes. He raised the deficit by 7 Trillion and wants more tax cuts. Gas was $1.50 a gallon because with Covid the demand for gas fell. Oh yes, Covid took us to no inflation not Trump.
Do you think a President who loves Orbán, Kim, Xia and Putin instead of our NATO allies is best for the USA?
Do you think birth control should be up to the States? Do you really think Putin isn't going after Poland next ? He mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker.
Inflation is not controlled by the President. Nixon, Ford and Carter wrestled with inflation worse than today's. Home mortgages were 15% in 1982. Today they are 7%.
Do you think Trump was kidding when he said he may need to suspend the Constitution? Will he be Dictator for only a day? Are the traitors who attacked the Capitol police on Jan 6th hostages?
Democracy is more important than all of Erickson's and my points. Recognizing election results is a very important part of defending the Democracy.

Didn’t Trump leave the White House and turn over the keys when he was supposed to?
Glad your America is doing so well.

Democracy is not more important. It is the least.

We are not and have never been, and do not want to be a democracy. In a democracy, with elitist wealthy politicians, the vote is purchased by the politician.

I enjoyed your reply. I laughed. Thanks.
Socialism is what they are speaking of or fachism.
So it’s not true to say America is a constitutional republic.

And we need to examine the shortcomings of the constitution and the political system created by the founders because it led us
So it’s not true to say America is a constitutional republic.

And we need to examine the shortcomings of the constitution and the political system created by the founders because it led us here.
The rich politicians buying votes is what led us here. This can be changed as it should. We need to get back to the people running the country not the so called elite democracy.
So it’s not true to say America is a constitutional republic.

And we need to examine the shortcomings of the constitution and the political system created by the founders because it led us here.
Give me an example of any form of government that can't be corrupted by corrupt people.

I assume you scrap you car when you get a flat tire? Seems drastic but you do you.
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Give me an example of any form of government that can't be corrupted by corrupt people.

I assume you scrap you car when you get a flat tire? Seems drastic but you do you.
You seem to be under the presumption that our car hasn’t already been scrapped. It has been. It was scrapped long before any poster on this board was born.

The right wing tends to make an idol out of the constitution which blinds us to (1) its flaws and (2) the fact we haven’t been governed by it for decades.

As for a system of government that did a far better job or protecting its people, preserving their traditions, and ensuring their freedom see any European monarchy.

It only took liberalism 70 years to destroy what a millennium of Christian Kings built.

Trump again praises authoritarian leaders at Bronx rally

(Washington Post) Former president Donald Trump again invoked authoritarian leaders at a rally Thursday, a reminder of a vision he has been outlining for a potential second term. Trump referenced Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban -- authoritarian foreign leaders he has praised numerous times before -- during the campaign stop in the South Bronx.
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So it’s not true to say America is a constitutional republic.

And we need to examine the shortcomings of the constitution and the political system created by the founders because it led us here.
Immoral men led us here, not shortcomings in the constitution.
You seem to be under the presumption that our car hasn’t already been scrapped. It has been. It was scrapped long before any poster on this board was born.

The right wing tends to make an idol out of the constitution which blinds us to (1) its flaws and (2) the fact we haven’t been governed by it for decades.

As for a system of government that did a far better job or protecting its people, preserving their traditions, and ensuring their freedom see any European monarchy.

It only took liberalism 70 years to destroy what a millennium of Christian Kings built.
What are its flaws in your opinion?
You seem to be under the presumption that our car hasn’t already been scrapped. It has been. It was scrapped long before any poster on this board was born.

The right wing tends to make an idol out of the constitution which blinds us to (1) its flaws and (2) the fact we haven’t been governed by it for decades.

As for a system of government that did a far better job or protecting its people, preserving their traditions, and ensuring their freedom see any European monarchy.

It only took liberalism 70 years to destroy what a millennium of Christian Kings built.
Oh my.

Please point out the flaws in our Constitution. I can’t wait.

Trump again praises authoritarian leaders at Bronx rally

(Washington Post) Former president Donald Trump again invoked authoritarian leaders at a rally Thursday, a reminder of a vision he has been outlining for a potential second term. Trump referenced Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban -- authoritarian foreign leaders he has praised numerous times before -- during the campaign stop in the South Bronx.

Trump again praises authoritarian leaders at Bronx rally

(Washington Post) Former president Donald Trump again invoked authoritarian leaders at a rally Thursday, a reminder of a vision he has been outlining for a potential second term. Trump referenced Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban -- authoritarian foreign leaders he has praised numerous times before -- during the campaign stop in the South Bronx.
Man you’re desperate to lie that much.
You forgot he passed a 2 Trillion tax cut that 83% went to the top 1% incomes. He raised the deficit by 7 Trillion and wants more tax cuts. Gas was $1.50 a gallon because with Covid the demand for gas fell. Oh yes, Covid took us to no inflation not Trump.
Do you think a President who loves Orbán, Kim, Xia and Putin instead of our NATO allies is best for the USA?
Do you think birth control should be up to the States? Do you really think Putin isn't going after Poland next ? He mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker.
Inflation is not controlled by the President. Nixon, Ford and Carter wrestled with inflation worse than today's. Home mortgages were 15% in 1982. Today they are 7%.
Do you think Trump was kidding when he said he may need to suspend the Constitution? Will he be Dictator for only a day? Are the traitors who attacked the Capitol police on Jan 6th hostages?
Democracy is more important than all of Erickson's and my points. Recognizing election results is a very important part of defending the Democracy.

The threat to democracy of 1/6 that you constantly cry about was never legitimate.

Every threat presented by the left is legitimate.
To vote for Trump doesn’t mean you love Trump. It doesn’t mean you agree with him as a man.

The vote for Trump is based on the following that directly affects you and your family.

1) No inflation versus 9% inflation
2) Building gas reserves and gas prices $1.50 naturally less than current prices versus selling off gas reserves to try and lower gas prices artificially while in direct conflict with stated agenda.
3) China controlled financially from a global perspective versus China controlling the economy globally.
4) Government intent to control borders versus an uncontrolled influx of unvetted illegal migrants.
5) Respect for those who we make commitments to and protection for US assets versus providing international terrorists billions in military equipment as we abandoned Afghanistan relations
6) A former President who speaks to his opponent personably in regards to differences of beliefs and agenda, letting the differences in the two men be the defining reason for the vote versus a sitting President attacking and insulting half the citizens because they don’t agree with him, hoping to create a political division within the country to build his voting base.
7) Hamas unwilling to attack Israel boldly because of the fear of U.S. response and support for Israel versus an attack and slaughter of Israeli citizens due to perceived US apathy
8) General peace internationally for fear of U.S. reprisal versus Russia flexing war muscles regionally against Ukraine
9) A man who owns companies and employed thousands of people of all colors and sexes, who took the Presidency, not taking a salary and worth less leaving the Presidency than before he served versus a man who has never had a job outside of politics, never employed a single person and increased his net worth 10x since taking the Presidency.

But Trump tweets mean. He takes care of those things that take care of us. And that should be the defining decision.
Marvelous post, my friend! Trump was never mean to American citizens, just the corrupt politicians that were mean to most all American citizens. I never got the hatred for a man that tried to accomplish the impossible feat of fixing our corrupt government.
Show me where I’m wrong. Why do we allow oil and gas companies, foreign owned oil and gas companies, to export our oil and natural gas without compensating us in a meaningful, not token, way?
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