Hard to trust a religion that does not police itself,

Lewis & Herschel

Diehard supporter
Oct 9, 2005
Biggest problem here is they do nothing. Christians take care of their own that go off the reservation. All Muslims are to blame for this mess as they do nothing to stop the radical element. Be as simple an implementation as reporting to the police, fbi, interpol etc...

My roommate at UGA taught in a police academy in the middle east and he said even there they had to station an m60 on the roof for when one would inevitably would go off the reservation on them.

They just won't police themselves because their doctrine makes it possible to.. .
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Their precedence in that regard is not particularly sterling. Pretty much a hide and watch crowd. Like rotten management of rotten children. "Let them run around destroying property until they get tired, then we can all take ANOTHER nap." Add to that example, the FACT that they cannot maintain any form of order without brutal, secular dictators (royal or not) or brutal, theocratic leaders.
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That's basically my problem. There's over a billion Muslims in the world. On one of the lefty outlets, like CNN, they'll usually make an effort to report that some small Muslim group in London or somewhere else condemns a terrorist act. But, that's it. You never see a huge outcry and you never see any major effort by the so-called moderate Muslims to thwart the perversion of their religion. Instead, we often see Palestinians or Iranians dancing in the streets. Or, we hear Palestinians or Iranians screaming death to America and a threat to wipe Israel off the map.

And, if we ever comment on this observation, we are accused of being racists by Muslim leaders or their allies, the American MSM.